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Big Time! :D

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I made the big time with my little Dawnguard Sentries mod.  I'm featured on the Nexus "hot files" section.  *happy dance*


If MXR puts me on Skyrim Mods Weekly, I'll know I really arrived, lol.


Thanks you two.  :)   I know the post was a little bit self agrandizing, but after the last few years holding a lot of setbacks in real life, the 10 seconds of fame I'll get from the Hot Files list is a nice lil ego boost. :D



While I'm at it, equal credit for the mod making it there goes to Aqqh and CPU.  Without their help teaching me scripting, the mod would probably not be there on the list.  :)


OK, one more THANKS posted here to everybody that has posted a grats or may come along after this and do so.


I'm thrilled the mod is doing so well and couldn't help but get excited enough to post here about it.



Steam:              8112 Subscriptions

Nexus:              3436 Unique DLs - in 5 days :D

Lover's Lab:     283 DLs



That's enough bragging though. :)   *IF* anybody comes along after this, I'm saying thanks now because coming back over and over to say thanks gives the appearance of being egocentric and trying to keep the thread alive.  I'm happy and wanted to share my success with folks, but I'm not an egomaniac. :)

Guest Comrade DR. MAHUJ DIK

Congratulations, keep the great work, maybe this is just the begining of your ascension to a famous modder.



This is really a fun mod, good job there. Are You going to keep working on it or do You have new mod ideas ?


I'm going to keep working on it.  Right now I'm bug chasing for a few folks on the Nexus.  It finally dawned on me tonight that they just may not be using SKSE 1.7.2 and SkyUI 4.1, lol.


But I've got plans for a second shift, and both rotating duties, Open Cities compatibility (Arthmoor got back to me finally on that issue and I think I can beat it now), a quest to get the sentries assigned to the cities instead of them just always being there, and maybe even a standalone follower.


I've even toyed around with the idea of trying to fix it so that if the Harkon faction won the Dawnguard DLC, that there'd be the option to replace the Sentries with vampires who now control the towns.  Getting the regular guards to ignore them would be a trick though and I've got ALOT of work before I get to that possibility.


I've also got offers from a few people to do voice acting for the Sentries so players can actually hear their guard dialogue.  That opens up the possibility of short dialogues regarding back stories on at least some Sentries.   people seem particularly fascinated by the two Argonians; Dances With Mudcrabs and Stabs At Bats.  :D


So yeah...  I'll be working on this and having no life for some time to come, lol




Managed to last a week on the Hot Fiies list too.   Nothing like being bumped by a retexture of horn candles to increase one's humility, lol.


Hahah yeah that's hot files VIP lounge for You, still better than HD Cabbage retexture ;)

Anyway those plans sound very cool and ambitious and I'm keeping fingers crossed for You. 

I suggest coming back to life when it gets warmer thou ^^


Hahah yeah that's hot files VIP lounge for You, still better than HD Cabbage retexture ;)

Anyway those plans sound very cool and ambitious and I'm keeping fingers crossed for You. 

I suggest coming back to life when it gets warmer thou ^^


For those that have never been there, the Mod Authors Forums that open up to Nexus members after a mod hit's 1000 DLs...  You're not missing much.


I was excited at first and thought I'd be more likely to get (hopefully intelligent) answers on some of my modding questions.  I got completely ignored.  If you're not in with the cool crowd, they don't acknowledge your existence.  Worse than being back in junior high school, lol.


I've gotten better quality and more frequent help here than I have at the Nexus, on Steam or at the Bethesda forums.   Arthmoor has been a big help on a couple of issues though. :)


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