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SHY Uploader (Shadow Hide You)


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nice find.

I'm super paranoid about that mega browser extension, I'll wait for those braver than I to return and tell tales of their bounty.


Why? It's like any other download site I haven't seen anything wrong with mega. The files are pretty big so be prepared for a longer download if you have a older computer.


I have always used chrome as it works better on chrome not sure on the extension but it could be because of whatever browser they are using needs it to work with mega.


Mega has been and is kind of "Chrome only" service, sucks on my Firefox and IE. When Mega errors out they'll say your browser is "oudated" no matter when you have updated it, as long as you are using any brower other than Chrome. But anyways... I never adored Chrome too much because of its excessive resource hogging.

After all you can download things at 2~3 mb/s from them with Firefox. (as long as you have their extension)


It is because mega uses the cloud drive or whatever it is and it works better on chrome. Under menu on the mega page there is a tab called Apps. Click it and you can download the mega extension for firefox there is also one there for chrome as well there isn't one for internet EEK though.


Yes, thanks for this and DLed the MODs file. Not into all those images but others here may find them useful or want them.


I ran Avast! on it and it complains about ups04935.zip having two dds files being a decompression bomb? May be just a false positive. I think I may have that specific file already archived elsewhere, so I can just delete that one.


I unzipped ups04935.zip and had no problem it has a few ImaItems meshes and textures in it and a menu folder that holds another texture. 


I have found 3 files in the mod that are junk so far as they are password protected and without the password the zip is worthless and one zip file that is corrupted.


I kind of recognized it as IMA stuff, as I have numerous multiple versions of it.


And yeah, that was a problem with some SHY files I DLed in the past too; requires a password or is corrupted.


Outstanding work, Iz! Thank you very much.


It's been three years now that SHY went down. Back when it was active I didn't realize what a valuable source of exotic mods the site actually was. Once it was gone I was angry at myself to have missed the opportunity to get hold of these resources. That's why I'm very happy they now are available again.


Will take a while to look through more than one GB worth of mods. Now that's what I call a treasure trove.


Just use Jdownloader for the mega link.


And yeah most of the mods are definitely junk and I deleted some/most of the viruses or shady translatin .exe's but there may be some in there still. I think some of the actual mods I may have moved to other folders too, I might just upload my entire clothes/armor/weapons folder since it has a lot of exotic stuff as well that may or may not be available on the various JPN blogs. I already uploaded my animations folder on a previous occasion.


Just use Jdownloader for the mega link.


And yeah most of the mods are definitely junk and I deleted some/most of the viruses or shady translatin .exe's but there may be some in there still. I think some of the actual mods I may have moved to other folders too, I might just upload my entire clothes/armor/weapons folder since it has a lot of exotic stuff as well that may or may not be available on the various JPN blogs. I already uploaded my animations folder on a previous occasion.

I missed your post, and I created another giving link to SHY mods.I'm sorry.

Thanks for the huge collection


So far I have found ups33790 Estrus_wip.wmv ups07797 RenVBDEyes ups10260 Happy Valentine ups22114.zip BMP files are password protected and ups04328.zip is a corrupted file.


I know I am asking a lot of folks but has anyone made a list of what is in that Mod folder? As I would hate to download it and then find the whole thing either unusable or just not something I would want. And I guessing the readme files may be unusable just from what I have seen in the past so no way of knowing really till its in your system which is a daunting idea


There is 1 gig+ of mods in that zip it would take a long time to make a list and that list would be super long. Took a day or so just to open each one rename it if I wanted it delete it if it was nothing I needed. The rar has many outdated lovers mods some armors and outfits many save files most of those I threw away unless they had pictures so I could see what they looked like many repeat/updates for mods lots of odds and ends and whatever else. I still haven't gone through the 100+ smaller rar's yet.


Best thing to do is download it unzip it into a new folder make a keep folder and maybe a WTF is it folder and another folder just to drag so many at a time into it for unzipping to see what is in it. 


Most of the mods are junk, only things I can recall were some Touhou mods, a FF11 armor set(I re-uploaded this on my blog I believe), some vehicle mods(boat,carts), some magic mods, and the occasional save file. It's been a long time since I looked through them though and I know I too have renamed some of the ones I wanted to keep.


Yes, the majority of the mod archives contain various character saves and OFF face data, outdated and nowadays obsolete Lovers plugins, all sorts of weird proof-of-concept movie clips and images, Japanese patches for many high-profile mods; and a large number of other things not that useful to most of us.


But among all that stuff there are also a few gems: The Final Fantasy conversion archive you mentioned was the very first file I have opened. I immediately fell in love with the included rogue/huntress outfit. This one will look awesome with slightly improved textures. I also found:


- a pretty head mesh compatible with vanilla and Ren-based face textures. Its ears are an integral part of this head.

- speaking of ears, there is a pair of sorta lop-ears shaped totally different from any other ears available (use renamed copies of any other ears' EGM and EGT files for them!)

- some nice single poses and animations, even some I didn't know before


There are also a few stray weapon, armor and clothing resources.

VanillaBeans' 'Alondite' weapons, a Manga conversion of Tona's 'Airy Lily', the 'SD Weapons' pack are examples, just to name a few.


Poontank, someone from 4chan years ago re-textured that green hunter FF11 rip, I can upload it if you want. Can't find it on my blog.


EDIT: here it is Final Fantaxy XI models with re-textured hunter. Looks great even in Skyrim though I don't have a link for that port.


This is awesome! I was planning to make a new texture for it from scratch, but if one of higher quality already exists I'll be using that one instead.

Thanks a lot! I - and many others as well I hope - do appreciate your donations to the community very much.


Oh, yes - this is exactly what I had in mind! A much more detailed set of textures. Can't get any better than that.


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