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what did i break?


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See, this is what happens when a bad community makes even great modders pack up and leave. We have Halo, that Italian trio, Aceeq and now... our German friend Ewi.


For now, you may have to wait until he sets up his personal site, or use someone elses' .ini preset.



BTW, that Reddit community sounds like shit as if they're paragons of virtue (my ass). I don't need to say anything else why (it's been said and done, as seen on the link to that locked thread). And the site where he purportedly got his textures? It looks more like a third-rate, fly-by-night operation.


Yeah, his departure probably has to do with this:


To be honest I'd rather he did release his stuff elsewhere, maybe in a more focused and less 'bitty' format than the drip feeds he tended to do on Nexus.  I got kind of tired of seeing a candle texture or whatever making the hotfiles every day. 


I do like his work though, hope he sets up somewhere soon. 


Yeah, his departure probably has to do with this:


To be honest I'd rather he did release his stuff elsewhere, maybe in a more focused and less 'bitty' format than the drip feeds he tended to do on Nexus.  I got kind of tired of seeing a candle texture or whatever making the hotfiles every day. 


I do like his work though, hope he sets up somewhere soon. 


I'm probably going to sound like a right prick but here goes.


The whole 'drip feeding' thing was indeed annoying as hell. Not a day went by where there weren't hot file slots taken up by mods that retexture a single piece of ore or something whilst mods like Yui's characters were pushed out within a few hours.

It's like the statue spam we had a few months ago. I'd rather they release a collection instead of milking the hotfiles spotlight just because they learned how to apply a photoshop filter on a mushroom.


In any case, his .INI files were very useful for those having beast machines, and I managed to keep some of his best mods, including the Minimal ENB preset.


There are some modders who could be bored as hell that they decided to high-def almost everything.



I looked closely at the usage policy of the texture site in question; it was rather confusing in that for even for mere redistribution of the finished product you really have to pay up for their whole package, and the textures themselves were for personal use, which means you cannot use any of those textures from that site in a mod.


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