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[Requesting]Script FINDERS! EnhancedCam/Immsv1stprsnView


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As we all know Enhanced Camera already exist so Immersive First Person View("Link") is now Obsolete.


Or is it?

IFPV has a unique feature which enables animations on interactions, like drinking/picking up items/looting/containers/and so on. Kinda like "Animations" mod from skyrim.



When IFPV is running you get double of your self, uhmm wait tripple because you are using EC by logicdragon.


I have tried removing the firstperson script from IMFPV but the result the body 1st person is fixed, but the animations dont play. My guess is that the script that enables animations is tied to the start detect quest/script of IMFPV.


What is needed?

To make IFPV run without its first person features, just the animation feature.




EDIT : Found something that might help, the animations are handled by the script LSkeyactivate, but if you remove LSfirstperson, LSkeyactivate doesn't start. 



Kinda like this one for example : 


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So there's probably an extra part of the script, that makes a duplicate? The trick for solving mine(I had a giant script 700+ lines and a 350 line script) was finding out the parts that were required for the functionality I didn't want. All I wanted was the working NewHudS command that adds an image on the Hud. The script had a bunch of stuff that does locational damage like Fallout and adds Drain/Fortify Attribute/Health Ability Spells. It used obse arrays to give the player a specific set of these. I started by deleting every "AddSpellNS" or "RemoveSpellNS" in the script. It turned out the Arrays were solely used for these Ability spells(100-200 of them I think, maybe more). 

Then the 700+ line script was like 200 lines, I did just a bit of guess and check. Try to find and delete an If-Endif that seemed unnecessary and then save, start up the game to see if the Hud image still appeared. I kept a backup that was one step behind, and reverted back if the Hud image didn't appear. Then I changed the image path on the NewHuDS command to my image. Then I did guess and check to change the X and Y screen positions until it went to where I wanted it to. Then it worked how I wanted it, so I copied what was left into mine. I also found out that most likely due to a Bethesda Bug, we have to use 2 quest scripts for this. Variables used for this command must be set in the other script, and linked to the main script with the hud command.

 After I changed to link to my files all that was left was these.
Quest Script

scn zzzOneHeartOnlyMode


float fQuestDelayTime

short x
short y
float scale
short opacity
short menuX
short menuY
float menuScale
short menuOpacity
short showMode
long HUDlayer
short menuAlign
long pTempString
long pHUDHeart

short hudGameX

short hudGameY
float hudGameScale
short hudGameOpacity
short hudMenuX
short hudMenuY
float hudMenuScale
short hudMenuOpacity


begin gamemode
if fQuestDelayTime != 1
    let fQuestDelayTime := 1
Let x := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudGameX
Let y := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudGameY
Let scale := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudGameScale
Let opacity := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudGameOpacity
Let menuX := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudMenuX
Let menuY := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudMenuY
Let menuScale := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudMenuScale
Let menuOpacity := zzzHeartSystemTheSecondQuest.hudMenuOpacity


If pTempString == 0
    Let pTempString := CreateString -1 "pluggy" 0 1


If pHUDHeart == 0
    SetString pTempString "Textures\Menus\OneHeartOnlyRiskyMode.png"
    ;Let pHUDHeart := NewHudS pTempString -1 showMode x y HUDlayer menuScale menuOpacity menuAlign 1 0 -1
Let pHUDHeart := NewHudS pTempString 1 11 x y
    HudS_SclX pHUDHeart scale
HudS_SclY pHUDHeart scale
;set tmp to (HudSInfo pHUDHeart 4)
    ;PrintToConsole tmp


Second Necessary script:

 SCN zzzOneHeartOnlyModeTheSecond
short hudGameX

short hudGameY
float hudGameScale
short hudGameOpacity
short hudMenuX
short hudMenuY
float hudMenuScale
short hudMenuOpacity


begin Gamemode

; For whatever reason, NewHudS command requires the variables to be in another quest script

Let hudGameX := 100
Let hudGameY := 680
Let hudGameScale := 0.25
Let hudGameOpacity := 100
Let hudMenuX := 560
Let hudMenuY := 350
Let hudMenuScale := 0.25

Let hudMenuOpacity := 100

Maybe the process would be somewhat similar for you? I just deleted all of AddSpell, Remove Spell, Track Limb Damage stuff. I isolated the NewHudS commands and dependencies of the command. 

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Well, I've just had a quick lookup. Hope this helps.


My understanding is that your pc is duplicated using the CreateFullActorCopy function in the LS1stPersonScript, and it is stored in the LS1stPerson as varname "Double" and used during the rest of the game.


So, deleting one script only asks for trouble. You might want to try redirecting all the previous function calls to the duped pc (mostly pickIdle) to your real pc, and refactoring the other parts so they won't be jacked up with each other, but not deleting a whole script.

That does not necessarily mean you have to study everything of this plugin.. but I'd not hold my breath.

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Well, I've just had a quick lookup. Hope this helps.


My understanding is that your pc is duplicated using the CreateFullActorCopy function in the LS1stPersonScript, and it is stored in the LS1stPerson as varname "Double" and used during the rest of the game.


So, deleting one script only asks for trouble. You might want to try redirecting all the previous function calls to the duped pc (mostly pickIdle) to your real pc, and refactoring the other parts so they won't be jacked up with each other, but not deleting a whole script.

That does not necessarily mean you have to study everything of this plugin.. but I'd not hold my breath.

I wish i knew how that works, but my scripting is really really limited lol.

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