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[Discontinued] Paradise Halls - SexLab Extension v0.1g (15/05/06) (RC 0.6 fixed 16/03/18)


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New thread can be found here:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/61324-pahe-lives-on-501-beta-parts-1-and-2/


Please see spoiler below for info from old version


Paradise Halls SLExtension

Previous thread (which I kind of hijacked)

I started this mod as a personal project, since I do like Paradise Halls (and its Fallout-counterpart) but was unimpressed by the possibilities to actually use the slaves for anything but eye candy.
I never intended to release this to the public, but since Asrienda created a thread requesting something similar to what I had in mind, I decided to share what I had.
The amount of interest in this still surprises me and if I'm not careful the pressure to please and release will burn me out. So I will not say when something new is done (or on very short notice). I try to release bugfixes in a timely manner, while releasing new features when they are available.
At this time it's only me developing this, so please consider this when an update takes some time to appear :)

If you are interested in this mod and are capable of modding/willing to learn, please check the Help needed section for ways to support this mod. Thank you.


  • Sex training
  • Punish slave with sex
  • 50 slaves instead of 15
  • Easier enslavement (see changelog "Initial Release")
  • MCM


(Done, Testing, In Progress)


Milestone 0.2:

  • Controllable behaviour
  • Training by follower
  • Expand slave personalities

Version 0.1h:

  • Simple jail expansion for HF Falkreath
  • Location-based behaviour
  • Special roles for slaves
  • Proper dialogue for new options (currently only placeholders) *
  • Rewrite Reboot functionality
  • MCM Update
  • Bugfixes


  • Posing ability
  • More poses (will, at some point, require zaz animations)
  • Replace perk-based enslavement mechanic
  • Dialogue based enslavement *
  • Slaves can work *
  • More voices, not just eventoned *
  • Whatever I fancy
  • Whatever people suggest (and can be done) or provide the code for as long as it fits into my general idea of what this should be (No, I can't explain that yet, I'll decide on a case to case basis)

*) See "Help needed" spoiler


  • Skyrim
  • Sexlab
  • SkyUI
  • Paradise Halls 0.7.3 (you don't need the scriptpatch, that's already included in my file)

Requirement for "Advanced Follower Tweaks":

  • Load AFT before Extension to prevent your slaves getting stuck in a trespassing situation.

Requirement for "Death Alternative: Your money or your life":

  • Load DAYmoyl before Paradise Halls and its related mods to prevent weird issues.



Help needed:


If you are interested and/or able to help me, send me a PM or comment in this thread. These are the things on my agenda I (will) need help with:

  • Dialoguewriting
  • CKing (making more dialogue (sound and lip) shared)
  • Mapmaking (mines for slaves to work in)
  • Coding (dynamic placement of static objects)



  • Ep1cL3w7z for getting me set up and helping with my first steps in the CK and Papyrus
  • dkatryl for letting me use the stagger-animation-setup from SLSubmit and providing the code so I could teach myself some stuff
  • Asrienda for getting me to release this
  • Slammer64 for legal support
  • aqqh and CliftonJD for being my technical support team
  • DigitalSocrates and ExaltedMidget for dialogue
  • Skyrimfloo for providing the code for a better clone process
  • Goubo for helping me with the restraint mechanic and letting me use Defeat code
  • Zaz/Xaz for their awesome animations and assets
  • mitchalek (Nexus) for the whistle sounds
  • jerrydrake for the Sexlab Framework Beta fix
  • Everyone who finds and reports bugs so they can be fixed

All my code is released under wtfpl. Code from other creators (Paradise Halls, SLSubmit, Defeat) remains under their licensing



  • I don't know what I'm doing! HALP MEEEEE!



  1. Download 0.1g & 0.1g_hotfix
  2. Install 0.1g, then 0.1g_hotfix
  3. Play



  • But I want the awesome stuff everyone in the thread talks about!



  1. Download 0.1g and the latest RC
  2. Install 0.1g, then the RC
  3. Play



  • Something that is listed as working doesn't work:



  • MCM
  • Click "Status"
  • Wait for reboot to finish



  • The slave-limit display is capped at 15 slaves:



  • Make sure you load Extension after PAH (including the 2 PAH-addons contained in the Nexus-DL).
  • Reboot the mod
  • It could also be an incorrect display, so try to get more than 15 slaves



  • Sex dialogue doesn't do anything:



  • You are using the testversion.
  • Don't use the testversion.



  • None of the above helped:



  • Install Let's Tie You Up
  • Bind every slave you have into position
  • Save your game
  • Remove everything PAH-related
  • Load game, wait 5 minutes, save game
  • Clean save with Papyrus Data Transfer
  • Load cleaned game, wait 5 minutes, save it
  • Enable all PAH stuff again
  • Enslave your slaves again


ChangeLog: (16/03/09)

0.1h RC For testing purposes only! Requires HF & ZazAnimationPack! Run FNIS after installation!

  • RC 0.6



  • Stuff
  • Fixes
  • Tweaks



  • RC 0.5



  • Added hotkey option to mark NPCs you want to enslave
  • Transfer Sexlab stats to captures
  • Added slave count toggle
  • Added ZazSimpleCuffs as restraints
  • Added slider for after rape animation duration
  • Enabled iron wrist & ankle restraints as persistent restraints
  • Initiating dialogue with a drawn weapon will force animation to aggressive
  • Tweaked MCM
  • Codefixes



  • RC 0.4



  • Added rename process to MCM
  • Added slaves getting fight training when fighting for PC
  • Added MCM toggle to automatically rename generic NPCs requires JContainers
  • Added 2 more dialogue options for consensual sex
  • Added toggle to always use aggressive animations
  • Added an empty page to MCM to indicate proper menu in case of multiple MCMs
  • Added support for Defeat, so bound slaves can't escape
  • Existing generic NPCs will get a proper suggestion when renaming requires JContainers
  • New craftable objects:
    • 1 brown iron ankle cuff + 1 brown iron wrist cuff make a brown iron cuff (forge)
    • 1 brown iron ankle/wrist cuff + 2 iron ingots make a brown iron cuff (forge)
    • 4 iron ingots make a brown iron cuff (forge)
    • 1 leather ankle cuff + 1 leather wrist cuff make a leather cuff (tanning rack)
    • 1 leather ankle/wrist cuff + 2 leather strips make a leather cuff (tanning rack)
    • 4 Leather strips make a leather cuff (tanning rack)
    • 4 Linen wraps make a rope cuff (tanning rack)
  • With one of these items in the inventory, you can restrain your slave after telling them to wait
    • Does NOT prevent them from fleeing, only slows them down.
  • Reworked "Wait" mechanic (Slaves will stay in place, Sandbox kicks in after random time)
  • Added whistle. (alternates between stop and follow, ~30m radius, only applies to combat slaves)
  • Added hotkey option for whistle
  • Tweaked level up mechanic for combat slaves
  • Tweaked MCM
  • Codefixes



  • RC 0.3



  • Verbose DebugToggle in MCM
  • Trespassing Hotfix
  • Removed slaves from WorldInteractions
  • Slaves fighting for PC gain more health/magicka depending on Fight training
  • Worn collars are returned to PC when slave is released/sold
  • New backpack behaviour ("Carry this for me")
    • Make sure to remove all items from the previous "Carry this for me" before applying this version!
  • Fixed an issue with female/female sex
  • Fixed returning collar to player on slave release/sale
  • Tweaked reboot process
  • Tweaked clone process
  • Tweaked enslavement process
  • Bugfixes



  • RC 0.2



  • Changed RebootScript to actually shut down PAH quests
  • Reordered function calls for cloning
  • Replaced dialogue placeholders
  • Slave stats in MCM
  • Codefixes




0.1g hotfix


  • Fixed blocking trespassing dialogue
  • Added global script for other mods to use PAH functionality




  • Release Dialogue
  • Bugfixes




  • Finished Backend for punishment by sex
  • Merged Extension and Voices
  • More responses in consensual oral topic
  • Reworked conditions for consensual sex
  • Enabled whipping as punishment for declining sex
  • Enabled slave favour dialogue ("I want you to do something")
  • Added MCM


Initial Release


  • Enabled multiple voicetypes where possible (shared dialogues)
  • Reworked capture to be easier (BleedOutState, Health < 50%, Fleeing)
  • Enabled sex with slaves
  • Enabled sex training for slaves
  • Increased number of possible slaves to 50



Please report any mod behaviour you consider weird, out of place or wrong.

(When reporting an issue, ALWAYS name your version and attach a log file)










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Poll spoiler:



Idea for generic NPCs (Bandits, Soldiers, Guards, everyone who does not have a name):

  • Generate a list with all possible names in the TES universe (for example Nord: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Nord_Names)
  • If an NPC without a name is enslaved, check race & gender, pick a random name and use Jaxonz Renamer process (or something similar, I'll have to find out how to actually do it) to rename the fresh slave



Current ideas, not yet planned for implementation:

  • Introduce a submissionvalue to the slavecollars (+10, maybe +15)
  • Change leash system to be fixed to player (unless cast on a surface), increase cost of producing leash-collars
  • Serfdom system, getting certain NPCs as questrewards (not as slaves, but as servants)
  • Removing the "show stats" spell and EITHER
    • replacing it with a dialogue option OR
    • replacing it with a dialogue option, while computing all different stats to a single overall value
  • Sexual torture by forcing arousal while preventing/punishing orgasm
  • Escape mechanism
  • Sell certain slaves (Imperial, Stormcloak, Bandits) to guards (similar to Submit, maybe even create a bridge)
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Hmm, interesting. The Original paradise falls does not work for me anymore for some reason. people never go into bleedout and just die, making it impossible for me to enslave them. 

Maybe I'll have more luck with this one. 


Yes, you will.

I significantly lowered the barrier for enslavement and will implement a different mechanic in the future.

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All my code is released under wtfpl. Code from other creators (Paradise Halls, SLSubmit) remains under their licensing


Umm your code is pretty much owned by Bethesda unless you sue them.


First, a EULA is not a legally binding document. Bethesda could lay claims on my firstborn and it would be as valid as a claim on the code I write.

Second, maybe read the license, then you'd know why I put that there

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Great, thanks blabla11, I'll give your new version as spin right now. And I think you'll find, if you talk to a copyright attorney nooblet123, that Bethesda's contract is pretty much unenforceable, so it doesn't hurt to put a disclaimer as blabla11 has done.


I don't need a lawyer to read case law.



All my code is released under wtfpl. Code from other creators (Paradise Halls, SLSubmit) remains under their licensing


Umm your code is pretty much owned by Bethesda unless you sue them.


First, a EULA is not a legally binding document. Bethesda could lay claims on my firstborn and it would be as valid as a claim on the code I write.

Second, maybe read the license, then you'd know why I put that there

If your logic is correct why do you bother with a license if you say it's unenforceable?

Second, maybe read the CK license?



Also if you'd have the same judge that ruled Wickard vs Filburn you'd never see your firstborn again. j/k

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Great, thanks blabla11, I'll give your new version as spin right now. And I think you'll find, if you talk to a copyright attorney nooblet123, that Bethesda's contract is pretty much unenforceable, so it doesn't hurt to put a disclaimer as blabla11 has done.

I don't need a lawyer to read case law.

All my code is released under wtfpl. Code from other creators (Paradise Halls, SLSubmit) remains under their licensing

Umm your code is pretty much owned by Bethesda unless you sue them.

First, a EULA is not a legally binding document. Bethesda could lay claims on my firstborn and it would be as valid as a claim on the code I write.

Second, maybe read the license, then you'd know why I put that there

If your logic is correct why do you bother with a license if you say it's unenforceable?

Second, maybe read the CK license?

So, I guess you are from the US... now I honestly do not care for US law, since I neither live there nor am I a citizen.


That being said, I'm glad I live in a country where the law still has some resemblance to common sense and my work is my work (unless I release it as public domain or under a similar license), no matter what some EULA says. As cases have shown, in this country a EULA is not a legally binding document. Should I decide to create a completely new game using the CK (and Bethesdas Engine) they can sue me for not buying a license to do that. On the other hand I can sue them should they decide to sell my work as theirs.

Again, I encourage you to read the license I released this under to the public. This whole discussion would have never started if you had taken even two minutes to check if your ludicrously insular statement made any kind of sense

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Great, thanks blabla11, I'll give your new version as spin right now. And I think you'll find, if you talk to a copyright attorney nooblet123, that Bethesda's contract is pretty much unenforceable, so it doesn't hurt to put a disclaimer as blabla11 has done.

I don't need a lawyer to read case law.

All my code is released under wtfpl. Code from other creators (Paradise Halls, SLSubmit) remains under their licensing

Umm your code is pretty much owned by Bethesda unless you sue them.

First, a EULA is not a legally binding document. Bethesda could lay claims on my firstborn and it would be as valid as a claim on the code I write.

Second, maybe read the license, then you'd know why I put that there

If your logic is correct why do you bother with a license if you say it's unenforceable?

Second, maybe read the CK license?



So, I guess you are from the US... now I honestly do not care for US law, since I neither live there nor am I a citizen.


That being said, I'm glad I live in a country where the law still has some resemblance to common sense and my work is my work (unless I release it as public domain or under a similar license), no matter what some EULA says. As cases have shown, in this country a EULA is not a legally binding document. Should I decide to create a completely new game using the CK (and Bethesdas Engine) they can sue me for not buying a license to do that. On the other hand I can sue them should they decide to sell my work as theirs.

Again, I encourage you to read the license I released this under to the public. This whole discussion would have never started if you had taken even two minutes to check if your ludicrously insular statement made any kind of sense



What!?! you're not really trying to put over that antiquated idea that US law doesn't apply everywhere !?! What are empires for these days?


/jk. Also US citizen fwiw.

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What!?! you're not really trying to put over that antiquated idea that US law doesn't apply everywhere !?! What are empires for these days?


/jk. Also US citizen fwiw.


As an atheistic, pro-choice, don't-care-about-gay-marriage, anti-surveilance, pro-science, pro-nature global warming believer I sure hope so! Else I'd have been put to death a couple of times already...


Also you guys decided to leave the one true empire, so those times are over for good ;)

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Ok, enough of the bullshit, let's get back to taking and breaking slaves.


Aaaaaaw, but we had so much fun :-/


Anyway, seems like I really, really broke the current posing-frame (can't even get a simple one to work anymore), so I moved it to MS0.2


As usual, bugfixes are priority, so please report any weird behaviour. In the meantime I'll start with the follower-involvement

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 Was wondering if could add punish slave for having an orgasm...must ask Master Dovarkin permission too. Set Arousal high and if they orgasm without permission then punishment:)


wow... I have no idea if that's possible or in my abilities... but it certainly is a good idea!


BUT (and there's always a but, sometimes it's a but, but this time a BUT) in my head it would only make sense once I have the dynamic placement of static objects (help still needed) working...


So I'll put it on the maybe-list, but don't hold your breath just yet ;)

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PaH has been a main staple of my mod list for a very long time (since like version .5ish) and an update of this nature is exactly what it needed.  Thanks for doing this.  I have been waiting for layam to update beyond .73 for a very long time.  I am playing it now and will let you know if I see anything odd.  So far, everything looks great and it has breathed new life into the mod.  For the record, I did not start a new game, and I had six previously captured and trained slaves.  I use TFD Prostitution after I train submission and respect to make three of them pros (usually npcs from immersive wenches).  They needed sex and pose training, so I am seeing how that works on the old slaves before I trying it out on anyone new.


Thanks again,


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Hmm, interesting. The Original paradise falls does not work for me anymore for some reason. people never go into bleedout and just die, making it impossible for me to enslave them. 

Maybe I'll have more luck with this one. 

i have that same issue with paradise halls, seems to get worse as you level, possible connection to the level or the npc to be enslaved, but i even found another bug on my last playthru that enslaved npc's weren't taken control of by the mod, like it resurected them and made them non-hostile with a slave cursor, but slave inventory didn't work and they stayed put



Current ideas, not yet planned for implementation:

  • Lower the submission-level at which slaves can run away (currently 60) to 40, simultanously making submission harder to train. Introduce a submissionvalue to the slavecollars (+10, maybe +15)
  • Change leash system to be fixed to player (unless cast on a surface), increase cost of producing leash-collars
  • Serfdom system, getting certain NPCs as questrewards (not as slaves, but as servants)
  • Removing the "show stats" spell and EITHER
  • replacing it with a dialogue option OR
  • replacing it with a dialogue option, while computing all different stats to a single overall value
  • sexual torture by forcing arousal while preventing/punishing orgasm


Also noticed in your set of changes you'd like to implement a plan to change voices - was wondering if you could do as many authors and set this to return the voices back to that of the original npc's being enslaved (some stayed the same, but most npc's change their voices after enslavement) and if its possible to improve compatibility with devious devices: currently the ph slaves don't give devious messages for devices equipped so there's no way to tell if the devices work or not (my thoughts were always no messages, it must not work on the npc)

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Ok blabla11, got some results from my testing, this is with PAH 0.73 and your extensions:


1. [09/19/2014 - 08:08:49PM] Error: Cannot unequip a None item

[ (FF000DD7)].Actor.UnequipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias slave013 on quest PAH (0E01FAEF)].PAHActorAlias.OnItemAdded() - "pahactoralias.psc" Line 589
2. [09/19/2014 - 08:14:03PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp128"
[alias slave013 on quest PAH (0E01FAEF)].PAHSlave.StartPunishment() - "pahslave.psc" Line 575
[alias slave013 on quest PAH (0E01FAEF)].PAHSlave.HandlePunishmentOnHit() - "pahslave.psc" Line 566
[alias slave013 on quest PAH (0E01FAEF)].PAHSlave.OnHit() - "pahslave.psc" Line 189
3.[09/19/2014 - 08:21:46PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[PAHPersonalityEvenToned (0E02C44D)].PAHPunishmentRapeScript.punish() - "PAHPunishmentRapeScript.psc" Line 47
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