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I encountered a slight problem regarding the voice file for the dance animation; it's contains background sounds.  Not a concern when outdoors, but out of place when indoors.


Anyone know how to clean a sound file?  More specifically, remove the 'outdoor' background sound and leave only the Elin voice.


If anyone can do this or enlighten me on how to do it myself, contact me.  If not then I'll just leave out the voice during the dance animation.


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Alright, I'm uploading the new Elin Idle Animation for all to test.  The animations are limited to the base animation (side-to-side swaying) and the new Elin dance.  The base animation might look different and that is because it is a variant of that animation.

Let me know if you like the variant or the original and the most liked version will be included with the update (or I'll just include both).



  • latest FNIS.
  • run FNIS Generator for Users.

This will overwrite the original Tera Elin 2 Idle files.



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It appears I included an XML file with the Behavior files.  I don't think this would cause any problems, but remove it anyway.

Go to MESHES > ACTORS > CHARACTER > BEHAVIORS and delete '0_master.xml'.


When running FNIS Generator, select 'Gender Specific Animations' and 'Skeleton Arm Fix' from the Available Patches at the bottom of the FNIS window.


The only error you should get is for 'idlebehavior.hkx' which FNIS does not recognize, but has no adverse effects when generating the behavior files.



If you used the original Tera Elin 2 idle animations without problems then I have no idea why the dance version will cause problems as I only replaced the animation files (CustomIdle_01_Base and CustomIdle_01_Action01 thru CustomIdle_01_Action05).

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Now it worked, with a little warning, but that should be no harm: 


Do you think you can make her stop the dancing animation right after one loop ends? As it is right now, she'll put her hands back to the hip and then end it. (Like she'll start it again but it stops)
Elin Dance Test:





It's for the Elin 2 only atm, Psycho should update the Elin 1 as well when he's available to.

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The way the animations work, the base anim plays then randomly the other anims (custom01_action##) initiates.  Even though the animations are set up to 'play anim > end > play next anim' the sequence is random so you will experience this where it looks like the dance will loop a second time, but transition to the base anim.


I can try removing the additional custom action anim files so that when the dance stops it will guarantee to transition to the base anim, but because of the randomness this could mean longer periods of nothing but the base anim playing.


Don't remove Custom01_Action02 - Custom01_Action05 files because the behavior files need to be edited also or else you will get moments when the animation transitions will become 'jerky'.


About the warning FNIS gave you, that refers to the 'idlebehavior.hkx' that the idle animation uses.  Nothing to worry about.




In due time the dance idle will be added to Elin 1.


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Hey Pyscho

I found someone to record the Elin dance sound with no background annoying





There is still the sound of her feet touching the ground but that's the best you'll get i think >: (you can't mute that in-game or it'll mute her voice too)



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