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Sorry for being retarded, but I can't seem to find the download. New to the site, so I might have missed something.


EDIT: Having looked at the bottom of the page, I think that's the download for the files? It looked like an ad >.>

Edited by Reviire
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At the bottom of the original post, you will see this,




Click on it and it will take you to the download page which is a mirror of the topic page.  Look near the top right for the large, green, DOWNLOAD button,




Click on it and a pop-up will appear with the list of files to download, this is the forum downloader.  It's best if you download files individually.

Additionally, if a file can be obtained from another site (nexus or file-hosting) then the link will be in the first page.  If you do not see a link then you need to download that file from the forum downloader.

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Thanks, I feel kinda stupid. Although it seems to be working!

Two more questions before I start playing, are there any armor mods compatible with your Elin races? Is there any way to get your Elin to look like the Tera ones, i'm only using the Elin 2 mod, right now.

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Elin 2 uses a variant of UNP.

Right now, Elin 1 has the Tera body which is more to the shape of the Tera Online Elins, but very limited armors for that body.  Those armors are included with FoxMerged 2

I have plans on creating a new Tera body or modifying the current one (whichever shows promising results) and start converting armors/clothes.

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i was wondering if someone could modify the bayonetta glasses to fit the face, there too high even if i put the eyes high up 



I can do better.  I'll go ahead and update the skeletons to xpmse 2.42 with some additional ECE sliders that will adjust the hairs, ears, helms/hoods, circlets, and eyewear.  This will allow you to reposition and scale the eyeglasses to better fit her.

Of course, a minor edit needs to be done to the glasses so that it will be affected by the sliders, but that means it can't be used by non-Elin races.  That can be fixed also if there is a need for it.


how comes the elin eglish voice still has japanese in it..... ?will we ever get back the old elin english voice with actual english?


I don't recall any fully English voice mods I uploaded for the Elins.  All that were available have been in Japanese.  The current one is more complete in many aspects so I went ahead and added English shouts to it.



Oh.. wel i was referring to the voice that the 1st version elin race used. That was way back though. probably 2013..(seems like its not on site again) they used to have an English voice version which was probably taken from the english tera game. On another note, is it possible to change the elins voice? ive tried other mods from nexus but i guess they only work with "human races" or so they say.


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Id love to work with something to make some mods for this race, specifically clothing and accessories. However i havent a clue with 3d software, but i am an artist. Id love to see if someone would work with me, iv already drawn some really rough stuff based on various stuff. I'll do better sketches and do them into vectors if needed. 

if anyone needs to see some of my work go to my da site to decide if you want to work with me http://maroy.deviantart.com and no this is no a shameless plug. I have alot of time on my hands and i need something to do to keep me from getting bored to death

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Just the textures (.dds, .tga) which can be created/edited with photoshop/gimp/paint.net that handles DDS files.


The Elin hair textures are the ones found in TEXTURES > ACTORS > TERA ELIN > HAIR > ELINRACETAINT.  These are the original TGA files.


If you change your mind and can't help then no problem.



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Just the textures (.dds, .tga) which can be created/edited with photoshop/gimp/paint.net that handles DDS files.


The Elin hair textures are the ones found in TEXTURES > ACTORS > TERA ELIN > HAIR > ELINRACETAINT.  These are the original TGA files.


If you change your mind and can't help then no problem.

Ill get give a shot! (Rolls up sleeves) besides i have some concepts fr some really cute hair from wreck it ralph that weren't used in the actual film like venelophes malicious hair and outfit 

also those screenshots will be up soon..the files kinda big for ill have to use mega to upload them. If you want me to test other outfits just ask

also here's the quick rough sketch i did up for that wreck it ralph, its very rough and i used a base just to get the outfit right for the female body..well almost lol, i also have some other stuff



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  • 2 weeks later...

There will be a slight delay with the skeleton update.  With the help of RSV, I would like to replace the current Elin idle with a new one featuring the Elin dance.


Like this.




If it will take longer than expected or more problematic than what it's worth then I just proceed with the skeletons and just release that.

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There will be a slight delay with the skeleton update.  With the help of RSV, I would like to replace the current Elin idle with a new one featuring the Elin dance.


Like this.





If it will take longer than expected or more problematic than what it's worth then I just proceed with the skeletons and just release that.


No worries, take your time adding/editing what you feel like (:

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Preview - Elin Dance Idle






So far so good.  I need to see if it works well with the base idle animation (side swaying anim) and then try to add the voice file and face expression.



I'll try to get the skeletons done asap, along with the new animation if possible.  I have to get back to the Elin 1 updates.

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