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dawn of the rise of the tribes of the orcs



(dat sound more.... good... to me)



but if you want stay with your title, no problem. that was just my own opinion, probably everybody else gonna love your title XD

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You still planning on making Ria a lover in Aela's quest right? Not adding her then, she's living there as well. The only Lovers I haven't invited are Gerdur, Ildi, Pantea, Sapphire, Ingun, Endaarie, Elisif and Sybille, everyone else lives there (never romanced any mens). My harem's getting kinda laggy. Still planning on adding Ingjard, Borgarkh and Frea, and Serana of course, and probably Brelyna as well. Off to find Sorine for the Dawnguard now.


I don't know, I'm conflicted.  I have a lot of stories I'd like to do, but Skyrim is getting long in the tooth and I don't want to spend my free time pushing content for a game nobody is playing.  I figure I've got until Fallout 4 is released and that will suck all the oxygen out of the room.


I had prepared to do a longer quest with Aela, Ria and Angi in Falkreath that would tie into the Werewolf quest and Hircene.  If I do anything I'll just cut it way down to Ria and Angi alone and do a different story.


I do want to do a longer quest series with the Mages College titled "The Sex Magic" involving multiple characters.


And I wanted to do "Dawn of the Rise of the Planet of the Orcs" with all the strongholds.


And I still would like a follow-up just with Serana and the Dibellan Arts.


I'll probably pick one or two and that'll be it.



the Longevity of Fallout 4 will likely rely heavily on if there is a creation kit kind of deal with it and if that kit is, how shall we say, better than ck? if not, it will have great enthusiasin in the short term, but future prospects are likely to be limited. from what i undestand, fallout 4 is/will use a heavily modified version of the frostbite engine, so porting from skyrims ck may not be so easy as to simply remake from scratch.


So for the time being anyway, i think skyrims not dead yet.


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 from what i undestand, fallout 4 is/will use a heavily modified version of the frostbite engine, so porting from skyrims ck may not be so easy as to simply remake from scratch.



Creation Engine... not frostbite. It's the same engine as Skyrim, just heavily souped up


Bethesda can't afford NOT to release a better creation kit, the whole appeal of Bethesda games like fallout and elder scrolls is their high mod-ability. If they don't cater to the modding community they'll lose A LOT of revenue from the game.


Skyrim's Modding community won't die out with the release of Fallout 4, look at Morrowind's, Oblivion's, Fallout 3 & New Vegas modding communities. They're still going strong even years later when sequels came out. It'll probably take even more years for them to die out.

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I don't know, I'm conflicted.  I have a lot of stories I'd like to do, but Skyrim is getting long in the tooth and I don't want to spend my free time pushing content for a game nobody is playing.  I figure I've got until Fallout 4 is released and that will suck all the oxygen out of the room.




Wat. Lots of people still play skyrim! Skyrim nexus is busy as ever. Fallout 4 won't kill skyrim- Fallout 3 didn't kill oblivion. While they have similarities, each game appeals to different people. I think Skyrim modding has some years in it yet.

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Well, French is the Language of Love.  Nobody would disagree with that.


Give me a title for Orcs that want to shag and I might go with it.


Rise of the Orc's. A Green Back Publication. (pun intended in more than one way.). personaly i think titles should be short and descriptive yet at the same time leav something to the imagination, i.e. are the Orc's rising to take a more dominant place in Tamriel, or is it something of theirs that they raise?

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the Longevity of Fallout 4 will likely rely heavily on if there is a creation kit kind of deal with it and if that kit is, how shall we say, better than ck? if not, it will have great enthusiasin in the short term, but future prospects are likely to be limited. from what i undestand, fallout 4 is/will use a heavily modified version of the frostbite engine, so porting from skyrims ck may not be so easy as to simply remake from scratch.


So for the time being anyway, i think skyrims not dead yet.




Creation Engine... not frostbite. It's the same engine as Skyrim, just heavily souped up


Bethesda can't afford NOT to release a better creation kit, the whole appeal of Bethesda games like fallout and elder scrolls is their high mod-ability. If they don't cater to the modding community they'll lose A LOT of revenue from the game.


Skyrim's Modding community won't die out with the release of Fallout 4, look at Morrowind's, Oblivion's, Fallout 3 & New Vegas modding communities. They're still going strong even years later when sequels came out. It'll probably take even more years for them to die out.



lots of peoples always love Oblivion, i agree on them as some point oblivion was better than skyrim. same for fallout NV, as for fallout 3 we can say it is almost dead at the moment W7 as come out and literally kill it by put hard pain to make it work (so for make a modded version work... its not better)


the skyrim life depend of the modders (i want to say, sadly most of modder go in wrong way. such as create more and more 4K mods that only a few peoples can use)

imo i give again 3-4 years to skyrim, before he was "abandonned" by the greatest modder for another great game (like Fo4 or TESVI) but still always some players and modders make the game survive with good community


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SKyrim still has a tleast three years of lifespan left in it. A minimum of one and a half, because that's as long as it'll take for any sort of Sexlab to come out for Fallout 4 (the creation kit isn't releasing until way after christmas to keep the boobies and sex mods from interfering with Bethesda's christmas sales by getting it banned from WalMart, which actually happened to several other games due to mods). That's also as long as it'll take for serious mods in general to start coming out other than texture replacers and nude mods and the occasional new armor and gun. And there's a ot of people on both LL and Nexus that doesn't buy a game until they know good mods are available to it.


And even then there's the whole swords vs guns, mutants vs dragons things, it's two different games. People who like fantasy (or just people who feel a hankering towards fantasy after shooting apart ghoul head 1000) will still be playing Skyrim until TESVI comes out, and that's at LEAST three years off, considering the entire team that would have worked on it is just now finishing on Fallout 4, and will probably be making 2-4 big DLCs and updated content as well. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see TESVI until 2020. And until that comes out - and further, until that's MODDABLE - then Skyrim is safe on it's throne.

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lots of peoples always love Oblivion, i agree on them as some point oblivion was better than skyrim. same for fallout NV, as for fallout 3 we can say it is almost dead at the moment W7 as come out and literally kill it by put hard pain to make it work (so for make a modded version work... its not better)




And soon-ish there will be Windows 10, I think?  It is possible Skyrim (and it's Mods) will be in-compatible.


That aside, though, I was under the impression the next Elder Scrolls would be out much sooner than 2020.  I'm probably wrong but I thought I read some rumor somewhere we might be seeing it next year.

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Absolutely no chance in hell we'll be seeing TESVI so soon. Reason is simple, Bethesda is usign the same team to build both TES and Fallout, and from a buisness standpoint it's moronic as it would potentially kill off support for Fallout 4 much sooner. They know from Skyrim's lifespan just how profitable it'll be to just string us along. They'll release 2-5 mods for Fallout 4, each which will partially be to put more options and resources in the hands of modders (plus mods using those resources instead of making their own means more people buy those DLCs). And then the whole team will move over to TESVI, and you can expect the same time to pass between Fallout 4's release and TESVI's relase as it was for Fallout 3 (not New Vegas, different team) and Skyrim, and SKyrim and Fallout 4, so we're looking at 3 or 4 years or thereabout, so 2017-2020.

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It's funny, everyone keeps saying how Bethesda would want nothing more than to see Lover's Lab just vanish, but that's absolutely bullshit. Sexlab has probably sold more copies of SKyrim than any mod on the Nexus, and there's a good chance Bethesda is aware of it. Hell we could have Bethesda employees playing Amorous Adventures and lurking in these threads easily.

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I don't know, I'm conflicted.  I have a lot of stories I'd like to do, but Skyrim is getting long in the tooth and I don't want to spend my free time pushing content for a game nobody is playing.  I figure I've got until Fallout 4 is released and that will suck all the oxygen out of the room.


I had prepared to do a longer quest with Aela, Ria and Angi in Falkreath that would tie into the Werewolf quest and Hircene.  If I do anything I'll just cut it way down to Ria and Angi alone and do a different story.


I do want to do a longer quest series with the Mages College titled "The Sex Magic" involving multiple characters.


And I wanted to do "Dawn of the Rise of the Planet of the Orcs" with all the strongholds.


And I still would like a follow-up just with Serana and the Dibellan Arts.


I'll probably pick one or two and that'll be it.



My vote would be

And I wanted to do "Dawn of the Rise of the Planet of the Orcs" with all the strongholds.

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It's funny, everyone keeps saying how Bethesda would want nothing more than to see Lover's Lab just vanish, but that's absolutely bullshit. Sexlab has probably sold more copies of SKyrim than any mod on the Nexus, and there's a good chance Bethesda is aware of it. Hell we could have Bethesda employees playing Amorous Adventures and lurking in these threads easily.


They just can't officially or unofficially acknowledge LoversLab because of the potential backlash and/or loss in sales as a company from the "certain content on the site".


They're probably well-aware of lots of mods here on LoversLab.

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Appreciate if can answer this: my Lydia was stucked as steward, after doing some maintainance, she reseted to before lover state, and cannot restart her lover quest. Please help.

Probably what you want to do is just directly add her to the Amorous Adventures Lovers Faction at the console.


Actually, you can do this for any NPC, but only a few will respond with voiced replies, the rest would be silent.


Anyways, here's how:



You just need to get them into the Amorous Adventures Lovers Faction if you just want them to have Lovers Options from this mod. Just that faction. The Mod has several factions. Only that one or you'll mess something up.


Use the console:


help faction


Then scroll up using the "page up" key and find:


Amorous Adventures Lover Faction (AmorAdvLoverFaction) in the list. It will be like xx011AEC


target an NPC by opening the console and clicking on them so they become the target. Then add them to the faction. Use the ID that was shown to you earlier. Example:


addfac xx011AEC 1


Now they have Lovers Options.



Hope that helps!

Wow, thank a bunch! Never thought there will be an answer so fast. With or without sexlab, your is still amazing, salute sir!!

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This is great, Annekke refuses to give me her vanilla quest. Read the readme. No wiki is offering a solution. I figured it was a conflict with another "kill the Bandit" quest, but it isn't. I even went to a very early save and it was no use. She refuses to talk to me beyond the stuff provided by AA. Does anyone know of any way to force her vanilla quest as having been completed?

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This is great, Annekke refuses to give me her vanilla quest. Read the readme. No wiki is offering a solution. I figured it was a conflict with another "kill the Bandit" quest, but it isn't. I even went to a very early save and it was no use. She refuses to talk to me beyond the stuff provided by AA. Does anyone know of any way to force her vanilla quest as having been completed?


If you've looked at wikis then you may have already seen and tried this, but it seems there's a slim chance that Brunwulf Free-Winter is the culprit. Unlike the other two NPCs that offer the same quest (Ahtar and Fanari Strong-Voice from Dragonborn) Brunwulf's quest uses the same group of possible locations as Annekke's. This can apparently sometimes lead to Annekke's quest not triggering even if you haven't accepted Brunwulf's - provided you encountered Brunwulf before Annekke in your game.


The proposed solution is to go and speak to Brunwulf, activate and finish his quest, wait for 30 in-game days and then speak to Annekke again.


No idea if it works but might be worth trying?



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Steam as of right now, has almost 29k in game players for Skyrim, while the Witcher 3 only has 10k.  So, there are a lot of people who still play it.  The Jenassa quest is awesome, btw.


I have the witcher 3 too, i played it twice and was dissapointed, don't get me wrong, its a great game, but its no substitute for the kind of game skyrim is. Sure you can continue to play when the main quests are complete, but you lose all your player characters friends and just plod about doing ssdd, i was also dissapointed that i couldn't even make the player character sit on a seat in a bar unless it was a cut scene. Consequently even though i have all the dlc, i haven't bothered to play any of it.


That being my reason for ditching it and going back to skyrim.

Insidentaly, so far as the Orc's go, i think the orc wife quest gives a good opening oppertunity there, it already has (limited as they may be) relationship lines. ( would even be happy to disable one of my own mods to play that one haha.).

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Steam as of right now, has almost 29k in game players for Skyrim, while the Witcher 3 only has 10k.  So, there are a lot of people who still play it.  The Jenassa quest is awesome, btw.


I have the witcher 3 too, i played it twice and was dissapointed, don't get me wrong, its a great game, but its no substitute for the kind of game skyrim is. Sure you can continue to play when the main quests are complete, but you lose all your player characters friends and just plod about doing ssdd, i was also dissapointed that i couldn't even make the player character sit on a seat in a bar unless it was a cut scene. Consequently even though i have all the dlc, i haven't bothered to play any of it.


That being my reason for ditching it and going back to skyrim.

Insidentaly, so far as the Orc's go, i think the orc wife quest gives a good opening oppertunity there, it already has (limited as they may be) relationship lines. ( would even be happy to disable one of my own mods to play that one haha.).



keep in mind that the witcher 3 need an god damn heavy computer to run and play, most of peoples cant even make the witcher 3 work on their pc. its not possible to compare bothn as players number due to that.


its like compared players number between the sims and dragon age inquisition ^^

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Steam as of right now, has almost 29k in game players for Skyrim, while the Witcher 3 only has 10k.  So, there are a lot of people who still play it.  The Jenassa quest is awesome, btw.


I have the witcher 3 too, i played it twice and was dissapointed, don't get me wrong, its a great game, but its no substitute for the kind of game skyrim is. Sure you can continue to play when the main quests are complete, but you lose all your player characters friends and just plod about doing ssdd, i was also dissapointed that i couldn't even make the player character sit on a seat in a bar unless it was a cut scene. Consequently even though i have all the dlc, i haven't bothered to play any of it.


That being my reason for ditching it and going back to skyrim.

Insidentaly, so far as the Orc's go, i think the orc wife quest gives a good opening oppertunity there, it already has (limited as they may be) relationship lines. ( would even be happy to disable one of my own mods to play that one haha.).



keep in mind that the witcher 3 need an god damn heavy computer to run and play, most of peoples cant even make the witcher 3 work on their pc. its not possible to compare bothn as players number due to that.


its like compared players number between the sims and dragon age inquisition ^^



Oh i agree on a hardware demand point of view that it is not comparible, those are just my reasons :D

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