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Are there any features regarding making victims your servants or slaves? As a male incubus, can you make female NPCs obey you after a certain amount of sex/rape?


Right now entangle (making actor your thrall) gives you new dialogue option to have sex. There are other planned features but they are to be implemented.



Awesome. Looking forward to your mod then.

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Are there any features regarding making victims your servants or slaves? As a male incubus, can you make female NPCs obey you after a certain amount of sex/rape?


Right now entangle (making actor your thrall) gives you new dialogue option to have sex. There are other planned features but they are to be implemented.



Awesome. Looking forward to your mod then.



There might be some need to adjust somethings for Incubi. For example right now, player is more or less treated as bi. Nails will be added on male characters, which should be fine since these are kind of talons not 'girlish' nails. But well sure that some will find it distruptive to get notifications from Fiendish pheromones from the same sex. The pheromones will work for every actor but the descriptions and when it will cause other effects will be restricted to sexlab/sla setting most likely.



sexlab/sla setting, not opposite sex

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Quick question: will it be possible to be a vampire-succubus hybrid?  Or is that not possible?


At the time being you can be fiend and vampire the same time. I am bit so and so about it.. I would like to support vampire and werewolf for the Daedric Favor but being one of those at once makes it messy. For example vampire quest changes your eyes, so does LOAF. So those scripts end up fighting which ever eyes are displayed. Also lore wise. LOAF will introduce Fiends yes also sexual succubi/incubus but it also introduces more vulgar side of being demon. You are also given bonuses from immoral actions now just sex. Also the scripts will turn your appearance that don't match well with vampire.


All in all LOAF will probably not cure vampirism but I cannot quarantine that Fiend <> Vampire scripts to work well together.

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Speaking of vampire logic. LOAF will contain 2 frameworks, Fiend framework and Daedric Favor framework. In which Deadric Favor rewards fiend for making favorable actions such as Namira eating corpses. I was thinking to add vampire perk that would allow you to feed on blood of mortals. I will probably end up adding that but it might work bit different to regular vampirism. Or it could lead you to become some kind of hybrid.


I will try to keep every functionality that would overlap with existing skyrim though and I am not sure how well you are able to extract information from the existing vampirequest script..

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I never was into the cannibal thingy to well  but R.A. Salvatore wrote a few books about a Demon Hybrid that was the child of a High Priestess... It loved eating hearts... though he would also bite you and rip out your throat :) tossing out ideas ... Awesome work so far, can hardly wait to download it... switched all my UNP stuff for 7base TBBP just today... so i'm ready now! :P

Speaking of vampire logic. LOAF will contain 2 frameworks, Fiend framework and Daedric Favor framework. In which Deadric Favor rewards fiend for making favorable actions such as Namira eating corpses. I was thinking to add vampire perk that would allow you to feed on blood of mortals. I will probably end up adding that but it might work bit different to regular vampirism. Or it could lead you to become some kind of hybrid.


I will try to keep every functionality that would overlap with existing skyrim though and I am not sure how well you are able to extract information from the existing vampirequest script..


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I never was into the cannibal thingy to well  but R.A. Salvatore wrote a few books about a Demon Hybrid that was the child of a High Priestess... It loved eating hearts... though he would also bite you and rip out your throat :) tossing out ideas ... Awesome work so far, can hardly wait to download it... switched all my UNP stuff for 7base TBBP just today... so i'm ready now! :P


I am trying to avoid to add any body mod specific items. Newmiller has really cool armor for succubi but bit afraid to add it, he gave his permission but I am afraid of causing body fit glitches.. But well perhaps in future I can add body mod option and use the body mod version switch is suited to your body. But well for now I can only suggest you download it. I also would like to keep LOAF as lore friendly as possible which would mean that the high heels of the succubus armor would not fit into the mod :/


Lore friendliness might lead into that instead of succubus/incubus or fiend this demonic being might be referred as Dremora. 


I changed from UNP/UNPB -> sevenbase recently too.. Sevenbase just appeals more to me. In sense it also fits better to the fiend image that LOAF is tries to bring since sevenbase supports more athletic/vulgar looks. 


Speaking of hearts one thing that still need to be added is bonus of consumptions of human organs from the inventory. Since you can have human flesh and human hearts in your inventory.





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I think you mentioned that once before (the hearts and flesh thing), I only mentioned them books because he is such a wonderful writer, though that demon didn't eat the hearts for sustenance, more for the sheer joy and terror of doing it and seeing the persons reaction while they lay dying!!!  haha, definitely demonic in my book :)  As for the clothing, I would let everyone chose their own just for the simple fact we have way to many body mods that people still prefer to play  (their even making a BBW body now), with that said, variety being the spice of life that it is, it would only make sense to keep those doors open. As for heels... yeah, keep your mod lore friendly, people will bring their own items to their own game if giving the opportunity to do so, as for me... My Dark Elf killed the Emperor in a pair of muffled skyheels... and my Glamazon slays Dragons in her DF T19s wielding a two handed sword (just found them in the 7base body last night), that's just me, not everyone plays in heels.  Keep up the good work man.

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I think keeping a lore-friendly base is definitely the way to go.  You can then add on optional packs for those who want them, or others can add what they like, such as newmiller's nice outfit, or heels, or whatever. :)


A little OT though, I'm curious as to how difficult you found it switching body mods.  I've been using UNPB, but I keep seeing nice stuff for 7B... but I'm hesitant at switching, given all the stuff that would need to be rejiggered/readjusted/reinstalled.  It's definitely frustrating seeing stuff that you'd really want, but that isn't available for other bodymods.

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Aliris... not trying to get of topic here but... its all UNP so everything is pretty much still compatible, all in all I just uninstalled UNP and installed 7b TBBP, I had to fix a neck seem with my Coverwoman and of course deactivate all the armor and clothing mods I had, ran a FNIS and continued my games... no crashes... no lags no nothing bad  :) my biggest problem is finding outfits for the TBBP but if u use Bombshell or Cleavage, you wont have that problem... 2 hours, tops :P ... I know your frustration, yesterday and today, I found two awesome armor mods for my UNP skinny body, if I would have seen them before hand, I would not have switched and switching back would be more work for me... but I trully am thinking about it !!!

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Back to the topic as well - I could definitely see some powers and/or buffs involving the consumption of human hearts, human flesh, or daedric hearts for that matter.  Another thought would be the ability to use black soul gems (or the Black Star for that matter) to absorb stored souls for some sort of powers... maybe you'd have the ability to actively do so from a fresh victim, too, but it would be nice to have the chance to save it up in some situations.

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Back to the topic as well - I could definitely see some powers and/or buffs involving the consumption of human hearts, human flesh, or daedric hearts for that matter.  Another thought would be the ability to use black soul gems (or the Black Star for that matter) to absorb stored souls for some sort of powers... maybe you'd have the ability to actively do so from a fresh victim, too, but it would be nice to have the chance to save it up in some situations.


its curious idea about using black soul gems.. Like it but it somehow still seems wrong to me. How I see it is more that you would get bonus for trapping humanoid souls thought. I am not sure how the soul gems work in skyrim but in theory it could be that as a fiend you would get better black soul gems.Or tormenting those souls within the gems. For example making soulgem staves that used the staves soul gem as the soul gem effect.


Have to give it more thought but black soul gems could have function in LOAF.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

I believe it's safe to say that this mod would best be considered 'dead'.


Sorry for everyone that have been expecting for LOAF to come, there has been lot of things happening and I spend quite time away from skyrim modding.


Progress update:

  • looked more into skyrim version control and couldn't get perforce to work
  • wrote simple python toolset that helps merging between skyrim and version control
  • did some bug fixes to fiend script
  • started to look into how skyui widgets work to draw a fiend hunger meter


LOAF is worked on. I cannot say when the first release will be but I want to be sure that the hunger mechanism works perfectly and that character scores don't get broken. There is lot not visible work to be done. Will post more new soon. Now I have date with the bed :D


*hugs you all*

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I believe it's safe to say that this mod would best be considered 'dead'.


Sorry for everyone that have been expecting for LOAF to come, there has been lot of things happening and I spend quite time away from skyrim modding.


Progress update:

  • looked more into skyrim version control and couldn't get perforce to work
  • wrote simple python toolset that helps merging between skyrim and version control
  • did some bug fixes to fiend script
  • started to look into how skyui widgets work to draw a fiend hunger meter


LOAF is worked on. I cannot say when the first release will be but I want to be sure that the hunger mechanism works perfectly and that character scores don't get broken. There is lot not visible work to be done. Will post more new soon. Now I have date with the bed :D


*hugs you all*


This sounds like an awesome mod

I have been using the player succubus quest ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/667-psq-playersuccubusquest-for-sexlab/ )

From a basic read, it does much of what you are planning.  Have you considered contacting ojanen and pooling ideas or getting a technical heads up (i know that he has a functioning hunger meter, for example).

I do love the long term ideas on this mod, so I hope you can get it up and happening.

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This sounds like an awesome mod

I have been using the player succubus quest ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/667-psq-playersuccubusquest-for-sexlab/ )

From a basic read, it does much of what you are planning. Have you considered contacting ojanen and pooling ideas or getting a technical heads up (i know that he has a functioning hunger meter, for example).

I do love the long term ideas on this mod, so I hope you can get it up and happening.

I have looked into somethings in PSQ mod and ojanen has made absolute wonderful work with it. However even there are similarities. Loaf aims for little bit different things. I have limited time for modding and modding takes time so loaf will happen just cant say exact date.

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