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Is He Making A Pass At Me?


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@ H34d5h07...so much of my response so off topic, I thought I had better spoiler the lot of it... ^_^




Haha, I thought I crossed the line with going off topic. I have much to learn it seems :lol:

I will look into the article. Sure looks intreresting.


Replicators, I know of em. Seem them in Stargate: Alantis :lol:

But he does have a point. Me, and a Broccoli, are made up by the same thing. Atoms.

And if you think about it, everything that we know (and still don't know), comes exactly from ONE place in the beginning.

Or at least the beginning we know.


Gosh, the Universe is such an marvelous place. Totally mindblowing.


Anyway, we surely are way OT now ;)





lol... :lol: ...I think everything's gone way off topic now....Bears, Replicators, Cats with impressive fantasies... :P


The 'Replicator'...think more so along the lines of Cornucopia Technology...yes, I had to look that word up... :P ...first heard the term and it's reference to production in the Mass Effect game.... :P ...all Amino Acids, Proteins, Molecular Assembly, blah, blah, blah... :wacko: ...my brain melted and is leaking out through my ears after googling it... :blink:


The Broccoli...he and I are at great odds, not for the first time... :P ...I see great difference between something synthetically created and something organically created, is an age old argument over Syn. vs Org.Vitamins/Minerals also....Yes, all is made of atoms, but Syn. I am convinced can never provide the exact same formula, structure, balance, etc..as Org. can...and it is that formula/structure/balance that is so imperatively important to the make up of the final outcome, thus why synthetic will always remain inferior to organic foods/vitamins/minerals...it can't replicate exactly as nature designed. As for the 'One' yes... ^_^ ....take into consideration though, thousands/millions of years of Evolution has given nature plenty of time to nut out the formula's/structures/balances that work best for survival of a species...though that all depends on what we each believe in... ^_^


Yup, the Universe is mind blowing.... ^_^ ...I love Stephen Hawking's directions he goes in, in regards to his Black Hole theories, etc...all mind twisting and gets the rusty cogs working hard to try and keep up.... ^_^


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I like bears. They're rather tasty. :o


While I actually HAVE eaten bear before, and it's not altogether bad, I don't make a habit of it and don't hunt them myself. But I do get them in my yard and on my porch on a regular basis. The little ones are adorable and entertaining. The big ones can even make a manly man like myself a bit nervouse. :D


Oh hell no... :blink: ...I can't cope with the thought of finding them on my porch or in my yard... :blink: ....would be terrified of one realizing windows are break-able and making a grand entrance.... :blink:


I wouldn't mind trying Bear, etc... Have had Kangaroo, Emu, Emu Egg, etc...



I tried 'roo once, and there's an emu farm only about 10 miles from here (16 kilometers for you foreigners! :D) so I have eaten plenty of emu and eggs. Alligator, snapping turtle and rattlesnake are probably the oddest animals I've eaten.....and none of those were bad either.


The bears we have here are "black bears" and they're basically harmless. If you get hurt by one it's either by accident or you got between a mother and her cubs. They may be pretty big, but they're highly intelligent and harmless for the most part. Black bears are more scared of people than people are of them in most cases. Just a loud holler at them will send them grunting and running for their lives.


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I like bears. They're rather tasty. :o


While I actually HAVE eaten bear before, and it's not altogether bad, I don't make a habit of it and don't hunt them myself. But I do get them in my yard and on my porch on a regular basis. The little ones are adorable and entertaining. The big ones can even make a manly man like myself a bit nervouse. :D


Oh hell no... :blink: ...I can't cope with the thought of finding them on my porch or in my yard... :blink: ....would be terrified of one realizing windows are break-able and making a grand entrance.... :blink:


I wouldn't mind trying Bear, etc... Have had Kangaroo, Emu, Emu Egg, etc...




I tried 'roo once, and there's an emu farm only about 10 miles from here (16 kilometers for you foreigners! :D) so I have eaten plenty of emu and eggs. Alligator, snapping turtle and rattlesnake are probably the oddest animals I've eaten.....and none of those were bad either.


The bears we have here are "black bears" and they're basically harmless. If you get hurt by one it's either by accident or you got between a mother and her cubs. They may be pretty big, but they're highly intelligent and harmless for the most part. Black bears are more scared of people than people are of them in most cases. Just a loud holler at them will send them grunting and running for their lives.




Ah-ha someone who can finally speak english...you know you kilometers... :P ...The most unusual I was offered, I turned down, was Witchetty Grub Stew, I took one look and couldn't do it... :blink:


Apparently you don't even need to hollar when it comes to Black Bear, just have a Cat... ^_^ ...:



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  • 5 months later...

Update... I went to Canada and this is what happened (thought maybe some people would be curious about this outcome)...:


I arrived in Vancouver on the 22nd May after spending 14 hours in the air. I was flagged by Customs due to the fact that I planned on spending 6 months with friends there, despite all evidence to the contrary (was being very well funded...$500 per week going into my account), Customs decided I was there looking for work and denied me entry, though off the record the Supervisor did choose to admit to me after a time she eventually realized I was speaking the truth and not there to work, but chose not to reverse her original decision. After a few hours arguing with Customs, I then spent 10 hours, after being patted down and all my personal items removed, in Lock Up (solitary confinement) and then packed off back to Australia on the next available flight (another 14 hours).

They allowed me to phone E...twice...with the promise that I would soon after be allowed to contact my family to let them know what had happened, before locking me up...if I had known at the time how deceitful Customs were I would have asked E then to alert my family to my situation. As it was, I was not allowed to contact my family until moments before I was flown back out of Canada. The Customs Officer once she understood I had no intention of working decided that what I was to do with T was considered work, though unpaid...though was another moment of deceit from her, as it turns out what I wanted to do was considered 'voluntary' and is actually allowed and not considered work...this information coming straight from the Canadian Embassy.

To top it off, once I arrived back in Australia, the Airport Sniffer Dogs took a real shining to my Ugg Boots and so I was pulled aside by Australian Customs, we eventually worked it out that it was my Cats odor (having rolled in my Boots, etc...they loved them) that attracted the Sniffer Dogs. I told Australian Customs what happened, their as angry as hell over what happened to me in Canada, as is Australian Immigration , though unfortunately it is not an issue they can officially champion or override.

A family member with the last minute information about me was able to contact my father who had driven to Sydney, where I flew out from to see me off...my father had some Brake trouble with his Caravan (Trailer) that day which had delayed his return trip home and so was only a few hundred kilometers out of Sydney, thus he was able to turn around and beat me back to Sydney. I was not expecting to find anyone waiting for me in Sydney (due to the short notice) and had left Australian Customs with advice from them as to how to get a domestic flight home quick from Sydney to Home, was all they could do for me. So, was a hell of a shock to find my dad standing outside the Airport, almost ran into him, he had to hail me, I was in a daze....he was in tears and almost as distressed as I. Family member had asked dad to take me to his (my dads) property in Queensland for a while (trying to give me a break)...I got back home a few days ago.


As for what became of T and E...T has gone down a rabbit hole and won't come back out for a long time, am hoping to god he doesn't end up killing himself, has taken off and gone on a drinking rampage and no one can stop him...considering he was recently diagnosed with Liver Cancer also, is not looking good. As for E, Vancouver experience got him standing up, dusting himself off and fronting up...yes, his very keen on me and very open and clear about it now. He is stressing about T, but is little he can do (we are thinking as the Homes are chasing T, maybe let them take him for the year and use them as a Rehab, then get him out...don't know what else to do)...E then looking at coming to Australia, get to know each other and wait as many months as he can of my year long ban from Canada out with me.

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Sorry it didn't work out in an unexpected curveball, seems silly they are worried about Australians taking their jobs.

It amazes me in this day and age of technology that people have to actually waste thousands of dollars and nearly a day to fly to another country to find out if they are allowed in on a Visa, surely there must be a way to check this through the other countries Embassy website before leaving Australia.

I would have thought there would be an option to change the trip to a 2 week holiday at least.

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Yes, $2000 for return Airfare, a lot of money gone...As for the Visa, as both Australia and Canada are Commonwealth Countries a Visa is not required for up to 6 months, is why I had chosen a 6 month stay. I did while in Customs in Vancouver attempt to barter a shorter stay, but the idea was rejected. Canadian Embassy Websites gave no warning's, I had scoured sites looking for any potential problems before I bought a Ticket.


Something that worked both for and against me in Customs (though by this time they had already decided not to let me in), I have all my Tickets (Certificates) in 'Carer' work (including In-Home Care) and had taken them with me for T's Doctor (off the record proof I am capable of looking after T)...Well Customs found the Tickets and questioned them, I told them why I had them with me and they bought up that Canada is in fact desperate for In-Home Carers, not so subtly hinted if I had originally applied for employment as an In-Home Carer I would have been welcomed with open arms (a hint for after my year long ban, for me to get back in... though couldn't for T, he and his family can't afford In-Home Care, it's expensive)...A contradiction, happy to have let me in if I had come with a Work Visa to "work" in In-Home Care, but not happy to let me come in as a friend to help a friend because I am capable. By that stage I was pretty devastated, told them I have not been in the field for a few years and no intent to return to it and tore my own Tickets up, telling them if I can't help my friend, why would I come back to work for those who don't need me...there's enough happy to be paid In-Home Carers, but only one person (me) willing to help T.


The real kicker is their choice not to follow up my funder...my having a signed letter from him stating he would be funding me $500 per week, his last Tax Receipt ($150,000 gross per year...an obvious no problem on him being able to afford to fund) and his Business Card to contact him and confirm if need be....Customs said they would contact him, but was another deception, they did not....That's when it became very silly,  my not paying for accommodation (Hotels, etc...) leaves $500 per week a very sweet and over abundant amount, why in the hell would I need to work with that going into my account every week?! And a reasonable amount free for Canada cash going into Canada over a 6 month period.


What did cut my throat was their initial contact with E...they woke him up at 7am, he was sleepy and confused by their questioning, he thought they were demanding that I have paid employment, so he told them he would speak to his Band (Reservation)  and request that they compensate me for looking after T... :blink: ...and so, Customs chose to take that as proof of work, they phoned him twice more themselves, but the initial statement taken from him was the one taken as fact. The Supervisor Customs Officer was Native herself, though maybe she didn't know a Band isn't just going to say, "Oh yes, of course"...She is the one who eventually off the record admitted she finally knew I was telling the truth and wasn't there to work, just to help a friend, she thought it was wonderful that I wanted to deposit the Canadian Dollars I was carrying on my person ($1600) into E's account...very generous and giving of you she says, I wanted to thump her in the nose for that... :( ...no, I didn't... :P


...My apologies... :( ...now I am just venting... :(

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Do yourself a favour and stay away. The fact that you are considering travelling across the globe, to a country you don't know and to future that by all accounts looks bleak really doesn't shine a good light on you. Are you that desperate yourself for attention? You don't have your own family to take care of? What are you running from that you are so easily persuaded to leave your home country? This doesn't sound right. You are asking for trouble and it looks as if you have found it. You can't cure the world or run off to foreign lands and solve people's problems. It sounds as if you have a few of your own to work on. Stay at home. Take care of yourself, your parents, siblings and your friends. Gallivanting half way around the world into god knows where is a terrible idea. Your heart is in a good place but you brain is not working. You will likely follow your heart and make the biggest mistake of your life, draining yourself emotionally and walking away broken with no money. Good luck with that.

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It was about attention? That's not an issue I have, prefer very little in life personally, attention is an uncomfortable annoyance at best...I am not out to impress people, what kind of light it shines on me I do not particularity care, am too old for those games and their a load of BS anyway, people looking to justify or validate themselves through others...it doesn't work that way, it's our own integrity and the kind of person we each see when we look in the mirror that counts. My heart is set on doing something that I feel really matters and 'yes' that is being able to really give some help where it's needed, the skill base I have and what I am passionate about (not just Carer Work) are of no use to me or anyone where I live, my days spent aimlessly in front of a Computer Screen playing games...I had a Doctor (a Naturopath and the best Doctor I have had), he did as I am attempting to do, is why he is no longer here, he wanted to be where it really mattered, helping the people he felt he could most benefit (his now on an Aboriginal Mission in the far north of Australia, in the middle of nowhere...I am not him, do not have his level of training and miss him...but do understand and support his action and he is happy).


You and I have different priorities, the people around me here do not need what I have to offer...being 'broken' is not being able to really give what I have, that's what 'broken' is and money does not give peace and knowing I have done the best I can and look myself in the eye. Have lived in both extreme poverty and in wealth and I can assure you the only difference it really makes is what food goes on the table and the level of stress about paying Bills and keeping a roof over the head...there's much more to life than that...Is easy to make money or find what is needed to live, is not so easy to live a life that feels right.


If my brain is not working, then so be it...my passion/need is in really making a difference for someone who really needs it, if that is brainless, then I am one very dumb f*ck, but it's a price I am prepared to pay. Have said my piece, we each have our own priorities in life....Peace out.

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Lady, your response says it all. You sound as if yo u are not mentally sound. Mid life crises?


As a Canadian here and as a woman I am telling you that Indian reserves are very dangerous. Crime is rampant, drug and alcohol abuse is everywhere, overall living conditions are very poor. The leaders are corrupt and gangs control everything. Are you aware of how many women go missing in these places every year in Canada. You better smarten up Mary Poppins. These places are not safe. An Australian woman living on an Indian Reserve??? Your fucking crazy! The Indian women will beat you up and the men will rape you. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just google missing women on Canadian Indian reserves and read for yourself. There are no police there. Do not think that they are like your own Aboriginal population in Australia. That would be a big mistake.


There is a BIG difference in what your friend is doing and what you are talking about. He is working in an organized Mission. You are heading by yourself to an Indian Reserve. Sorry , it is not the same. You are fooling yourself.


Hey, if you want to take my comments as if they are meant to insult you, so be it. They are said in the attempt to wake you the fuck up because you haven't thought this through. Further more it also sounds as if both of these guys think you are coming for each of them.


And don't take my words out of context and don't tell me what my priorities are. You don't know me to say anything about my priorities Miss I am better than you because I want to save the world... fuck you! Save your insults for someone else. If you go online and ask for people's opinion don't get upset when you get them.



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I insulted you? Huh?... :huh:


Aboriginal Missions are not Missions as you know them, it's just a lay over title from the past as we don't have Reservations, but is in lifestyle and standard of living very much the same, extreme substance abuse, out of control violence, etc...many of the people living in clustered families in tin sheds. As for your advise, E has already made me very acutely aware of such problems and he had been far from complacent about addressing my safety while there...but the details I do not feel I need to expand upon....and do not wish to argue further with you.

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