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Yeah, my automatic casting of finishnow in my arousal script is pretty tight, no multiples possible. There is a chance though that the other place I cast it, when people press the 'pullout' key, is less safe in that regard, so I'll tighten that up. I'm curious if T actually used it though.


No not intentionally.  I didn't press the pullout key, but I did have pullout chance set to a percentage.  I also use FinishNow in one of my scripts, but it should only fire in a very specific instance.  I'll double check jic.

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Pullout chance doesn't actually stop sex, it's the chance that at the moment of orgasm, the actor pulls out, spreading spunk all over the body rather than coming inside. The pullout key forces that too, sometimes, and should always stop sex. A bit confusing, I admit.


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I'll add those tokens to the list for sure. Getting more than one rapist involved may be tricky though so that will require more investigation and testing. Really it should just be "isrape" boolean but something or other is using that raper var.. and I can't remember what offhand. Grep, here I come!

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Update: 0.86


needs NG 2.8.90b1+, see the NG Beta thread


added compatibility with some of amra's non-replacer anims (thighplay, titjobs etc), revised my spray distributions to follow suit,

adapted to the renumbering of mavia's anims

completed extra ar_nulling

changed nx, nvse & ng version checks

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The pre-85 problem where sperm tracking didn't update nx vars due to me shuffling things around a little freely was resolved in 0.85. This could have led to no data being read by Pregnancy. If problems still persist, I need logs to sort them out.

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Just a quick question, Aenain01, (hope I'm spelling that right) and 7KeysCurtain are having the 0 variables problem, I had it a while back with Spunk 0.85 but I haven't been playing New Vegas that much recently, I'm wondering was this issue resolved in the latest version of Spunk? 


Since updating to 0.86 (and starting a fresh new game just to be sure) I have not experienced this issue or the one I described anymore.

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The pre-85 problem where sperm tracking didn't update nx vars due to me shuffling things around a little freely was resolved in 0.85. This could have led to no data being read by Pregnancy. If problems still persist, I need logs to sort them out.

Ok, I haven't got a chance to try out 0.86, but I will, thanks for the quick response, I appreciate it.

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I have a problem: No matter what I do I can't get the HUD mods to work for this. I have OHUD and the mod that comes with it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas why this could be?  I'm currently using the most up-to-date versions of spunk and NVSE and NX.

My character was fully able to get pregnant and spunk shows up after sex but I can't get lust tracking to work.

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On occasion the "lust" hud readout can be squashed when people move the other oHUD readouts around on the screen, see if you can't restore it the same way.

I tried moving about all the UI elements and still can't see lust anywhere. I'm fairly certain it's just not appearing.

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Hm. Which version of oHUD? I know Gopher updated recently to be compliant with an MO/UIO setup but haven't had a chance to see if he changed anything in the script that the patch overwrites.


I'll probably write my own HUD later on, eliminate the dependency that way. Could take a while though.

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Going back to an older version fixed it. But now I have another problem. (I'm really bad at this modding stuff. Sorry!)

It displays "LUST:" alongside the other primary needs... But the problem now is that it isn't actually giving any number/% for that lust. Did I install spunk incorrectly? Or could this be part of the rape trauma? I'll try a clean save just to make sure this isn't just part of my save.

EDIT: Fresh save fixed the problem. Damn. I really hope I don't have to do a fresh save to fix it. ;-; I rather liked my other character.

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Just a quick question, Aenain01, (hope I'm spelling that right) and 7KeysCurtain are having the 0 variables problem, I had it a while back with Spunk 0.85 but I haven't been playing New Vegas that much recently, I'm wondering was this issue resolved in the latest version of Spunk? 


Spunk doesn't really "do" anything for me still.


Lust tracking on oHUD works fine for me, and it causes no instability, but otherwise, no effects are visible, and no semen tracked for me with that box checked in the MCM.


Included a debug log if you have any ideas (i do run a few things in my load order, maybe something incompatible?).


The log is from a fresh start earlier, spent a few minutes running around Goodsprings to make sure any scripts have had time to run.


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Good point. 


Hadn't thought of that. Had it turned down for multiple testing... Simple problems are always the easiest... and ones that make you feel most foolish.


About LUst, no issue, i'd just added a note there that i had no issue with it and my oHUD, as others seemed to have encountered.


Edit: Did abit of testing there incase it's of note for future, any act less than 30 seconds in duration or so won't leave any spunk. 


So, seems to work fine for me after all, appreciate it.

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