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When can we expect an update?  The included JContainers is seriously out of date and conflicts with Apropos.

as i know, 0.67 API is still backward compatible with RP version, so it should be ok override old plugin with new (but not vice versa)

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When can we expect an update?  The included JContainers is seriously out of date and conflicts with Apropos.


I'm with RDK. Therefore I didn't install upgrade. I also use some other mod that depend on Jcontainrs and I don't want my game go "downhill". Will wait when Korial gets better and will have a time for upgrade.


Hang on Korial, wish you quick recovery. (And it is not because I want t play your mod only, but because you're my virtual friend too.)

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Just wanted to say that the changes fixed my problems, so a huge thanks for that (and again for the mod), and also my sympathies for the flu thing. Being sick is never fun, but it always seems even worse in summer.
However, now that the horse part of the stable quest has been fixed I've, um, found another snag. With the Jarl, after I get my first "reward", the RPT dialogue option still says "Hail my Jarl. Here I am like you requested" instead of progressing to "My Jarl?". Unlike last time, however, I found a semi-rpt-related (maybe) papyrus error:

[06/22/2014 - 08:42:39PM] ERROR: Cannot cast from None to sslbaseanimation[]
[sexLabQuestAnimations (0F0639DF)].sslanimationslots.GetList() - "sslAnimationSlots.psc" Line 186
[sexLabQuestAnimations (0F0639DF)].sslanimationslots.GetByTags() - "sslAnimationSlots.psc" Line 33
[sexLabQuestFramework (0F000D62)].sexlabframework.GetAnimationsByTags() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 331
[mf_Prostitute_Handler (85000D62)].mf_handler.PerformSex() - "mf_handler.psc" Line 628
[mf_Prostitute_StableBang (8504A143)].mf_prostitute_StableBangQuest.fuckJarl() - "mf_prostitute_StableBangQuest.psc" Line 176
.mf_StableBang_JarlFuck0.Fragment_0() - "mf_StableBang_JarlFuck0.psc" Line 9

I'm too much of a noob to know if that's a SL or an RPT thing, but it refers to the specific script connected with the dialogue topic in question, so here it is. Anyway, this was with the latest version (loose files), without the customized dialogue esp. Anyone else get this?

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Hi everyone. My english is not very good so i'm sorry if something is not quite right with my riding. I think i find the source of the problem with the military camp quest and any other quest that may stuck and get broken when you are trying to start them. The problem is in the NPC prostitutes work schedule setting in the MCM menu of the mod. I found out that at night every quest works and start normally. So i made little experiment whit my save at noon. The quest didn't work and it broke every time when i try to start it (military camp quest). So i reloaded my save and waited till night 8:00 pm. Then i tried to start the quest again and it worked no problems at all. So the source of the problem is that the mod itself is preventing prostitute workers to spawn at day time. This mechanism breaking the quests that is dependent on spawning prostitute workers. Solution on this is simple. Just disable NPC schedule for the prostitutes so they don't have work time. Then save your game and reload it. This will fix the military camp quest.

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Hi everyone. My english is not very good so i'm sorry if something is not quite right with my riding. I think i find the source of the problem with the military camp quest and any other quest that may stuck and get broken when you are trying to start them. The problem is in the NPC prostitutes work schedule setting in the MCM menu of the mod. I found out that at night every quest works and start normally. So i made little experiment whit my save at noon. The quest didn't work and it broke every time when i try to start it (military camp quest). So i reloaded my save and waited till night 8:00 pm. Then i tried to start the quest again and it worked no problems at all. So the source of the problem is that the mod itself is preventing prostitute workers to spawn at day time. This mechanism breaking the quests that is dependent on spawning prostitute workers. Solution on this is simple. Just disable NPC schedule for the prostitutes so they don't have work time. Then save your game and reload it. This will fix the military camp quest.


Nice catch.

This is the kind of posts that helps the modder fix bugs (and save time for better things)


Everybody should, whenever they have a problem, try to be as informative as possible (and maybe experiment a little, like Creeper did)..writing "this is broken" is rarely useful and I keep seeing this kind of posts.

Also try to use a clean save to test things (and Mod Organizer, trow away NMM or others), or the risk of reporting unrelated bugs will be pretty high. (Not to mention I don't see this kind of mods very useful in a full playthrough but more like a "side story"..but that's just me)...for those that don't know, a clean save is a save with the least amount of mods possible (so the basics..graphic, sound, patches, important mods) and (preferably) at the start of a game (let's say when you arrive at Riverwood).

For those that can't pinpoint the source of a bug try enabling the papyrus log (see the first instructions here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/703954-are-you-having-constant-exterior-ctds-ive-finally-found-your-solution/ ) or using tes5edit (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?) to check on things.


That's what I think anyway, feel free to ignore me (if I was a modder, I'd place this in bold in my fist page lol)

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Still have the same problem with the new version, can't access quest under mcm and can't get more work. Any suggestions?


same problem here... both with the latest and immediately preceeding version...

i love the mod and it's annoying having it installed and not being able to use it... :(


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Still have the same problem with the new version, can't access quest under mcm and can't get more work. Any suggestions?


same problem here... both with the latest and immediately preceeding version...

i love the mod and it's annoying having it installed and not being able to use it... :(




This bug happens when you try to start a quest from the inkeeper and the quest does not start. You are obligated to pay attention if the quests are starting (the onscreen text and the sound) or not. If the quest does not start then the mod get stuck and it can't be fixed unless clean uninstall of the whole mod or load a save before your mod get stuck (before taking the last quest). This happens to me every time when i tried to start the military camp quest at day time. Then i figured it out and fixed it:


" Hi everyone. My english is not very good so i'm sorry if something is not quite right with my riding. I think i find the source of the problem with the military camp quest and any other quest that may stuck and get broken when you are trying to start them. The problem is in the NPC prostitutes work schedule setting in the MCM menu of the mod. I found out that at night every quest works and start normally. So i made little experiment whit my save at noon. The quest didn't work and it broke every time when i try to start it (military camp quest). So i reloaded my save and waited till night 8:00 pm. Then i tried to start the quest again and it worked no problems at all. So the source of the problem is that the mod itself is preventing prostitute workers to spawn at day time. This mechanism breaking the quests that is dependent on spawning prostitute workers. Solution on this is simple. Just disable NPC schedule for the prostitutes so they don't have work time. Then save your game and reload it. This will fix the military camp quest. "


Now i don't have this "stuck quest menu" problem and everything is working great.

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Well there is at least one other way the military camp quest fails to start ... that's when the inn doesn't have a "wench" at all, such as the Bee & Barb. But yes, otherwise I agree, if a quest isnt properly starting, reload immediatly.

Resetting quests via MCM seems to work when they fail at a later point though. I had Home Deliveries where the named NPCs showed no sign of "being in on it" for example, so I hit the reset button.

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Well there is at least one other way the military camp quest fails to start ... that's when the inn doesn't have a "wench" at all, such as the Bee & Barb. But yes, otherwise I agree, if a quest isnt properly starting, reload immediatly.

Resetting quests via MCM seems to work when they fail at a later point though. I had Home Deliveries where the named NPCs showed no sign of "being in on it" for example, so I hit the reset button.

No you are wrong about the wenches in the inns. All my testings are made in inns with no wenches. Every time the mod spawns its own wench for the purpose of the quest itself. The problem is that the NPC reserved for the roll of the wench is not a wench if its a day time, when wenches are not on shift. My guess is that probably script checking the conditions and then mark selected few NPCs to play a wenches. Then the other script from some of the quests like "the military camp" is checking for those "wench marked" NPCs and when can not find any it get stuck.

Don't quote me on that im just guessing no how things work :)

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First of all, great mod, you brought some very interesting situation and the prostitution system is perfect.  I really love your mod :).


I came upon a little problem.  All the quest so far work fine except in two separate situation.  One (of no consequence since the quest evolve) is at the military camp.  The girls who come with me start chopping wood instead of boosting the troops moral.  Someone would argue that she help the military effort, but I doubt that what the bar tender had in mind :lol:.


The other problem actually crash the game.  I check for the error in the previous post but none of the situation apply to me and the built on my pc is new (two weeks old).  I have a MS C++ runtime error, R6025 Pure virtual function.  I meet this situation in the quest the natural.  First time was Kraldar's house (Winterhold).  That place is buggy has all hunter's quest given by the companion in that house break.  But the second one was a built in place by the game.  I meet the companion to be their snack and it always fail to complete and crash the game.  Only way to get out of it is Ctrl+Alt+Del. I'm not sure if it is the quest itself or the location where the action is happening.  Hope this will help.


On all account, great mod.  Keep up the good work.  Kudos  ;)

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I never used the Tweaked version, but there are things I like and don't like.

First, it seems there may be some bugs. The mod doesn't detect devious devices, so there's times where the messages are saying things that aren't happening. (Such as ass hurting when the scene was oral) I expect that is because the messages are based off whatever the choice was in dialogue.


Second, when I began the first prostitution job my first client talked with me about sex, and then paid me without even having sex. The second client did sex twice so I guess it evened out lol.

From doing some reading, it would seem this mod is considerably out of date.. so should I just go back to the regular version? I never really had these issues before?

I do like the outfit thing. That was one nice change, along with seeking out patrons rather than waiting for them.

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Still have the same problem with the new version, can't access quest under mcm and can't get more work. Any suggestions?


same problem here... both with the latest and immediately preceeding version...

i love the mod and it's annoying having it installed and not being able to use it... :(




This bug happens when you try to start a quest from the inkeeper and the quest does not start. You are obligated to pay attention if the quests are starting (the onscreen text and the sound) or not. If the quest does not start then the mod get stuck and it can't be fixed unless clean uninstall of the whole mod or load a save before your mod get stuck (before taking the last quest). This happens to me every time when i tried to start the military camp quest at day time. Then i figured it out and fixed it:


" Hi everyone. My english is not very good so i'm sorry if something is not quite right with my riding. I think i find the source of the problem with the military camp quest and any other quest that may stuck and get broken when you are trying to start them. The problem is in the NPC prostitutes work schedule setting in the MCM menu of the mod. I found out that at night every quest works and start normally. So i made little experiment whit my save at noon. The quest didn't work and it broke every time when i try to start it (military camp quest). So i reloaded my save and waited till night 8:00 pm. Then i tried to start the quest again and it worked no problems at all. So the source of the problem is that the mod itself is preventing prostitute workers to spawn at day time. This mechanism breaking the quests that is dependent on spawning prostitute workers. Solution on this is simple. Just disable NPC schedule for the prostitutes so they don't have work time. Then save your game and reload it. This will fix the military camp quest. "


Now i don't have this "stuck quest menu" problem and everything is working great.



thanks for answering.

unfortunately i can't try it right now since i don't have a "before problem" saved game because since then i already played several tens of hours....

so i'll pay attention to the time of the day i work, the next time i start a new game. :) i'm afraid that for the current game my prostitute career is finished ;)



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Found a new bug while fooling around, I was at an orc camp (near Windhelm) on a diplomatic mission (I love politic in this game :lol:).  I agree to go to the Orc, I get ported in front of the chief and then he tell me he got first deep on all female. Right then the message "return to the inn" pops up.  Two Orc agro and the chief has if way with me.  Then I received the quest completion "receive the chief seed" but it is not updated in the quest journal and nothing else.  I go see all the male nothing happen.  Note:  I always have to use the kill cmd on both Orc who attack me or I will not see the end.


Beside that the mod work well, keep up the good work, it is really fun.  ;)

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Hello, you might have mcm in the possibility of having only one sex scene with customers at the time the minimum and 2.
This neither had already written some time ago but perhaps it was not clear why English is not my language.
What happens is that at the end of the sex scene you turn to ask for the money but at the same time you start the second sex scene, result in the end my player gets stuck and can not move anymore.

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I'm still having trouble with the Military Camp quest.  I took note of creeper's find and his fix, but the end result was still a coworker that lazed about.  I even retried it, bringing her there around schedule hours, and this time I got a "A wench is on the job" message in the corner... only for the coworker to march straight to the nearest unoccupied bedroll and go to sleep.


I also attempted the giant camp quest.  There, I suffered from a couple of crashes, half of which were C++ runtime errors.  Still completable due to reloading saves, but once I got to the end, if I let the farmhand have sex with my character, after two sex animations, my controls would lock up and I would be unable to continue until I shut down the game--using the enableplayercontrols command in the console did nothing.

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I just got the military quest and ran into the same problems people have been reporting above: Quest not starting and MCM instability.

To fix it, I, as others suggested, reloaded to a save prior to accepting the military camp quest. Repeatedly trying to start the quest did nothing to help.


I then took another Home Delivery quest that the innkeeper (silver-blood inn in Markarth) was offering to see if it was the whole mod in general. But I completed the Home Delivery quest without a hitch. So I returned, and this time I went into the MCM menu prior to accepting the quest and Re-registered all the quests. I believe the option is call 'look for more quests' or something to that effect. I then asked for the Military Quest, successfully received it, my co-worker joined me, and we successfully fucked the whole military camp.


So, the problem is either that the mod confuses itself if offering 2 special requests at once, or you have to re-register the mod's quests for some of them.

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Hello, you might have mcm in the possibility of having only one sex scene with customers at the time the minimum and 2.

This neither had already written some time ago but perhaps it was not clear why English is not my language.

What happens is that at the end of the sex scene you turn to ask for the money but at the same time you start the second sex scene, result in the end my player gets stuck and can not move anymore.


I'm having this exact problem too. I notice it happens most frequently with mercenaries and hirelings. Complete lockup after the second go. 

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I have a few questions and I tried to read as much of this thread as I could, but with 106 pages I really only skimmed much of it, so if my questions have been answered already I am truely sorry!


Will this make mod NPCs who fit the prostitue criteria (wearing taven clothes and inside an inn) behave as prostitues automatically, or does it only make vanilla NPCs prostitutes?


If this mod does work on NPCs added by other mods, is there any chance of having an MCM option to allow male NPC prostitutes? My poor Dovahkiin needs some variety in her life :D


In any case, thank you for the rather epic mod

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I seem to have encountered a bug, but I'm not sure. Certain clients seem to get in an endless loop of sex scenes. I get a couple seconds after the sex scene and then another one starts up with the same client. I've got to about 4 in a row when I just exited skyrim.

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