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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Hey. Just had a question about the personality types. In the online manual it lists them as:

  • Simple profile
  • Comfortable
  • Horny
  • Sadistic
  • Gambler
  • Caring
  • Perfectionist

Now, those are pretty different from what I've observed while using the mod. The only one that the manual and game seem to have in common is Horny. For instance, on my last save, the owner was most recently:

  • Horny - Vicious
  • Hungry - Greedy
  • Angry - Suspicious

Is the FAQ outdated, or something? Did Sadistic become Vicious? Gambler maybe became Greedy? I don't think I've ever seen the others pop up.

And the dashes... what are they for? In the above example, am I looking at six different statuses, or only 3? Is Horny - Vicious, for instance, one status, or two? Is he Horny AND vicious, or... viciously horny? The dashes kinda make me think that each line is related. Hungry - Greedy actually makes sense (guy's REALLY fuckin' hungry) and it's what led me to believe that they were connected. Angry - Suspicious leads me to believe he's angry because her's suspicious, or something. I feel like this could all be laid out a bit better, or just explained in the FAQ. If you could explain how this all works to me, I'd be happy to write up something a little more detailed for you to copy & paste into the FAQ. (If you'd like.)

You'll have to excuse me if it sounds like I'm attacking you--absolutely unintended. I love this mod, and everyone who's contributed anything to it. This is just one thing that's been confusing the hell out of me.

Oh, and out of curiosity, what's the status on the whole master as follower thing? Because that sounds pretty bitchin'. From the manual it looks like it's just a gleam in someone's eye, but the manual may also be wildly out of date. I can't really tell.

Anyway, sorry for the long post!

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Well i could test SD on various scenarios just for the normal enslavement routine and found a list of bug.


Could provide Papyrus if you tell me in wich moment to gather them, because its something that is Always present or hard to reproduce due to random chances involved.


Tests on a new game:

1) submissive level locked into 0 (its clearly not a dirty record... the strange thing is it worked fine in previous version (3 updates ago).


2) armbinder gets removed and stolen by surrender/submit events while not enslaved if unequipped (also messes a lot while enslaved).. i would bet it was fixed some version ago, maybe something went missing.


3) whip now kills... i could suspect is something related to the latest prison overhaul update to whipping that added damage.


4) when a threesome is triggered while bound as usual only 2 actor will join while the third will masturbate


5) when sex/punishment is triggered in sanguine realm happens that armbinder won't be reequipped (see 2).


6) being enslaved while wearing sanguine restraints may end up in permanent stat reduction.


7) some (few) zaz animation punishments missing (maybe some IDs changed in last update to zaz animations)


On an old game:

1) Cleaning saves and reinstalling SD (all SD mods) removes SD+ from Death alternative and can't be readded in any way (possibly DA problem?) DA stop seeing the mod even if you force a manual check.




For me the real issue is the locked slave level :( i can t seem to fix it in any way...if is something aknowledged i will just wait, if you need some logs in some circunstances i will gladly provide them.



P.S. @kalaxus the mainfile is 6.00 then updates are in form of Patches...as the 6.02 was released, 6.01 was removed from download.

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hi skyrimll

a little question: I want to create a bodyslide version of spriggan armor.. where is it in the mod?




..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\..








maybe not interesting, but still ask   :P

I would like to know the correct path where to place .nif files builded in bodyslide for the spriggan armor.

inside the sanguinesDebauchery.bsa file I found many paths..


in ..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\





and in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\_cbbe\








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I would just like to add a few suggestions/ideas that I think would be nice to have in the mod:

(Don't know if this is something that is already planned or anything).


1: Rescued by adventurers or military.

I think it would be nice to have a slight hope of being rescued. Also, I find it strange that neither the stormcloaks or imperials seem to be interested in taking out bandit camps. 

In addition, its also a bit weird that the dragonborn is the ONLY roaming adventurer who seems to be doing anything about bandits. 

So I think it would be cool if, while you were enslaved by bandits or something similar (forsworn/mages), there would be chance of an assault on the place you are being held.

Some nuances would have to be implemented too though, I guess. Such as: If you are enslaved by thalmor, only stormcloaks will bother trying to rescue you. 

And if you are enslaved by falmer, only adventurers can save you. 

Some adventurers would release you immediately, while others would enslave you themselves, to use as a pack mule and fucktoy, or maybe to be sold to some shady merchant. I.e Belethor :D


2: Left in the wilds.

If you are constantly whining to your master or bothering him, there could be a chance that he would simply lock you up somewhere in the wilderness. Being chained to a post or something. People and creatures who pass by would then be able to use you at will, release you, laugh at you, enslave you, or simply walk by. Creatures might be inclined to simply eat you. 

In the newest version of DA:YMOYL, there is a system for escaping while bound (if you are captured by the thalmor, you can try to break free from the chains.) 

So that gives you a chance to break free.



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hi skyrimll

a little question: I want to create a bodyslide version of spriggan armor.. where is it in the mod?




..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\..








maybe not interesting, but still ask   :P

I would like to know the correct path where to place .nif files builded in bodyslide for the spriggan armor.

inside the sanguinesDebauchery.bsa file I found many paths..


in ..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\





and in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\_cbbe\










I know, it's another mess I need to clean up.


For now, put them here:


in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\


The UNP/CBBE thing is not working anything since I moved to Devious Devices.

The other folders are remnants from the old SD.

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I would just like to add a few suggestions/ideas that I think would be nice to have in the mod:

(Don't know if this is something that is already planned or anything).


1: Rescued by adventurers or military.

I think it would be nice to have a slight hope of being rescued. Also, I find it strange that neither the stormcloaks or imperials seem to be interested in taking out bandit camps. 

In addition, its also a bit weird that the dragonborn is the ONLY roaming adventurer who seems to be doing anything about bandits. 

So I think it would be cool if, while you were enslaved by bandits or something similar (forsworn/mages), there would be chance of an assault on the place you are being held.

Some nuances would have to be implemented too though, I guess. Such as: If you are enslaved by thalmor, only stormcloaks will bother trying to rescue you. 

And if you are enslaved by falmer, only adventurers can save you. 

Some adventurers would release you immediately, while others would enslave you themselves, to use as a pack mule and fucktoy, or maybe to be sold to some shady merchant. I.e Belethor :D


That is planned.... not so much as a proper rescue (as it would get complicated between different factions) but adventurers, soldiers or even other bandits would storm the place and find you there. 


2: Left in the wilds.

If you are constantly whining to your master or bothering him, there could be a chance that he would simply lock you up somewhere in the wilderness. Being chained to a post or something. People and creatures who pass by would then be able to use you at will, release you, laugh at you, enslave you, or simply walk by. Creatures might be inclined to simply eat you. 

In the newest version of DA:YMOYL, there is a system for escaping while bound (if you are captured by the thalmor, you can try to break free from the chains.) 

So that gives you a chance to break free.


The choking collar is already centered around an object reference. By default, it is the master but it could be used also to chain you to a location.


I still need to add and test the code to drop a marker to attach the slave to.


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I would just like to add a few suggestions/ideas that I think would be nice to have in the mod:

(Don't know if this is something that is already planned or anything).


1: Rescued by adventurers or military.

I think it would be nice to have a slight hope of being rescued. Also, I find it strange that neither the stormcloaks or imperials seem to be interested in taking out bandit camps. 

In addition, its also a bit weird that the dragonborn is the ONLY roaming adventurer who seems to be doing anything about bandits. 

So I think it would be cool if, while you were enslaved by bandits or something similar (forsworn/mages), there would be chance of an assault on the place you are being held.

Some nuances would have to be implemented too though, I guess. Such as: If you are enslaved by thalmor, only stormcloaks will bother trying to rescue you. 

And if you are enslaved by falmer, only adventurers can save you. 

Some adventurers would release you immediately, while others would enslave you themselves, to use as a pack mule and fucktoy, or maybe to be sold to some shady merchant. I.e Belethor :D


That is planned.... not so much as a proper rescue (as it would get complicated between different factions) but adventurers, soldiers or even other bandits would storm the place and find you there. 


2: Left in the wilds.

If you are constantly whining to your master or bothering him, there could be a chance that he would simply lock you up somewhere in the wilderness. Being chained to a post or something. People and creatures who pass by would then be able to use you at will, release you, laugh at you, enslave you, or simply walk by. Creatures might be inclined to simply eat you. 

In the newest version of DA:YMOYL, there is a system for escaping while bound (if you are captured by the thalmor, you can try to break free from the chains.) 

So that gives you a chance to break free.


The choking collar is already centered around an object reference. By default, it is the master but it could be used also to chain you to a location.


I still need to add and test the code to drop a marker to attach the slave to.



An owner could also ensure the PC gets enslaved again by chaining him/her to something alongside a road. Given that event NPCs are spawned in a cell as the PC happens to be there, there would be plenty of interest in passersby to claim ownership of the PC.


Being chained in the wilderness could be used as a night falls, and a roaming band of falmers finds the PC, and drags him/her to their underground "city." That would be nightmarish. In fact, the same mechanic that is used to spawn event NPCs can be used to spawn falmers for this purpose. Maybe a calculated chance divided among such things as animals attacking, roaming falmers, or even roaming humanoids can be developed for this; roaming humanoids in the wilderness are already present in the game anyway.


As for the "rescue," if being enslaved by another criminal group can be called a rescue, (lol) I have been looking forward to this for some time, and I'm looking forward to having a character be passed around.


One more thing, before I post this: you have said that followers are difficult to handle in terms of making them stay with a separate slave owner than the PC (i know you said it a long time ago), but this may be an idea; if it is possible to take the mechanic that makes the PC able to be followed by NPCs, maybe it is possible to take that same mechanic, and apply it to an NPC slave owner. The follower would then be assigned to follower that NPC until the owner is either killed, or the PC maybe buys said follower (maybe some good chances for RP here).


Thanks for the good work.

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For a good approximation of a 'rescue', use Dangerous Night.


That will give you a chance of being attacked at night by some stranger who, if he/she kills your owner, will enslave you in return.


You can also use the surrender key and regularly 'Pray to the gods'.


One of the effects is to trigger one of DA's Radiant stories, which can bring adventurers, bandits or even Farkas right next to you.

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Is there a way to find which grove i should go to when all i get is go to the "Spriggan Grove in [...]"?

Should be a quest marker (you might have to open the quests and mark that quest to be tracked). If you don't see it and you have Dragonborn, look to Solstheim.

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The quest is tracked, no questmarker neither in Solstheim. I also checked a few locations that have been in earlier playthroughs, but none of them seemed to be where i needed to go.


While doing so, i noticed something weird. In some locations the spriggans would attack me on sight, where in others they were friendly. no clue what is causing that.


something else that's a bit weird. shouldn't all my gear be removed by the spriggan host?

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Guest jeroen10j

I have a question. How do i activate the mod? The guide says that i need to do it in the Mod config menu's but i dont see an install button. Bug or am i just stupid and missing it? In the status tab there is no install there is just one main quest unmarked and some secondairy quests where gold for the wicked and conveted are marked but the rest isn't. I cant edit them or anything. Please help me.

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I would just like to add a few suggestions/ideas that I think would be nice to have in the mod:

(Don't know if this is something that is already planned or anything).


1: Rescued by adventurers or military.

I think it would be nice to have a slight hope of being rescued. Also, I find it strange that neither the stormcloaks or imperials seem to be interested in taking out bandit camps. 

In addition, its also a bit weird that the dragonborn is the ONLY roaming adventurer who seems to be doing anything about bandits. 

So I think it would be cool if, while you were enslaved by bandits or something similar (forsworn/mages), there would be chance of an assault on the place you are being held.

Some nuances would have to be implemented too though, I guess. Such as: If you are enslaved by thalmor, only stormcloaks will bother trying to rescue you. 

And if you are enslaved by falmer, only adventurers can save you. 

Some adventurers would release you immediately, while others would enslave you themselves, to use as a pack mule and fucktoy, or maybe to be sold to some shady merchant. I.e Belethor :D


That is planned.... not so much as a proper rescue (as it would get complicated between different factions) but adventurers, soldiers or even other bandits would storm the place and find you there. 


2: Left in the wilds.

If you are constantly whining to your master or bothering him, there could be a chance that he would simply lock you up somewhere in the wilderness. Being chained to a post or something. People and creatures who pass by would then be able to use you at will, release you, laugh at you, enslave you, or simply walk by. Creatures might be inclined to simply eat you. 

In the newest version of DA:YMOYL, there is a system for escaping while bound (if you are captured by the thalmor, you can try to break free from the chains.) 

So that gives you a chance to break free.


The choking collar is already centered around an object reference. By default, it is the master but it could be used also to chain you to a location.


I still need to add and test the code to drop a marker to attach the slave to.



I see. Anyway, thanks for all the great work :D 

I'm always looking forward to the next update :D

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First of all, thanks for this EXCELENT mod :D is my favorite on skyrim, but, i have a question, my master's trust is always -10... And i always bring to him/her a lot of gold and food, how can i fix this? Or i need to start a new game after this update to work? Thanks and sorry my bad english.

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Seem to be having an odd issue where sleeping during the first enslavement is constantly sending me to the dreamworld. I tried sleeping on a bedroll twice, and the dialogue that results in sleeping on the floor, and all three sent me to dreamworld upon waking, with the two bedroll ones also bringing the master along, who started to attack everything. And the MCM menu is set to start Dreamworld vists after the first escape, but without needing to do 'A Night to Remember' first. Toggling the 'Night to Remember' option back on seems to resolve it though.

Still really enjoying this mod, though a better way to give the owner gold would be nice, as sometimes there's few items to give the owner around, if any. Have to end up consoling items in, just to be able to keep paying them, which is rather silly.


EDIT: This also seems to have just a tiiiiiny little issue with Hearthfires DLC. When the owner went through my inventory, he took 129 sawn logs. No idea how that even happened. Also noticed trust was frozen at -10, but slavery level kept going up no matter what I do. Just the act of asking "Why me?" seems to add another point to it.

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I ran into a bug when trying to remove the Chaurus worm (parasite) it throws out Dexterity 10 and isnt removable even using removeitem command doesn't work.


Finally found a fix to remove it, forgot to do player.removeitem and the two ids had to both be put in for it to be dropped would still stay in inventory.


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Could you do something with thugs? They seem to be too agressive. I don't think someone, even with weapons, would start fighting someone on the streets of the city. Agree with me, well planned ambush would be much more realistic than what it is now. And what the hell is with guards? Are they not supposed to track this kind of stuff?

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Being shaved also looks like it just tries to use the standard female bald head, but that doesn't work with non-female, non-humanish PCs. You end up with a "ghost" cap. Its also very possible to get whipped to death. It seems cages work for "residents" of that zone, but I had problems with the owner using the bed in the cage... Kinda defeats the purpose.

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hi skyrimll

a little question: I want to create a bodyslide version of spriggan armor.. where is it in the mod?




..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\..








maybe not interesting, but still ask   :P

I would like to know the correct path where to place .nif files builded in bodyslide for the spriggan armor.

inside the sanguinesDebauchery.bsa file I found many paths..


in ..\meshes\sprigganhost\character assets\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\





in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\





and in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\_cbbe\











I know, it's another mess I need to clean up.


For now, put them here:


in ..\meshes\_sd_\sprigganarmor\female\


The UNP/CBBE thing is not working anything since I moved to Devious Devices.

The other folders are remnants from the old SD.



I make a test.




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I started Skyrim a fresh, removed all mods and focussing on SD and other supporting mods, along with some beautification and follower mods mainly as you may see in load order. All works good so far, however, Hired thugs are giving me CTD, just before the PC is going onto Blackout.


The Papyrus has the below line repeated over and over again:


[02/01/2015 - 08:48:18PM] ERROR: Failed to setup moving reference because it has no parent cell or no 3D

[ (FF000E7F)].ObjectReference.TranslateTo() - "<native>" Line ?
[_SD_snp (51004E0D)]._sdqs_snp.OnUpdate() - "_SDQS_snp.psc" Line ?
Any help?
Thank you.



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