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Adding new clothes / armor to the wornDuringSex/Rape Lists

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For some tests, I try to add new armors / clothes (Like the Merc Charmer Outfit) to the SexoutSLClothTypeWornDuringRapeOptional and SexoutSLClothAppearExposedCrotch list, so that it will not be unequipped. This works partially at the moment:


Using SexAssault, the creature acts the right way using smartRape (The script seems to start), but the animations do not start. Both characters just stand still forever.


I also use the option Drop equipment = false in SexAssault.


At this moment, I do not know if this is a problem with SexAssault or if I just missed something to identify these clothes as wearable during sex?

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I'm not sure about SexoutSLClothTypeWornDuringRapeOptional but the regular wear during sex lists are sexout's own SexoutNGSafeClothesF & SexoutNGSafeClothesM.

SexoutSLClothAppearExposedCrotch, like all SCR lists with "appear" in it, has to do with how you look - eg for mods like checkmeout to take that into account for comments etc.

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Thanks, I got it by adding them to the SexoutNGSafeClothesF & SexoutNGSafeClothesM lists, but there is still a problem:


It works fine with humans (Clothes stay equipped), but not with creatures. At least not if the option "Drop equipment" from SexAssault is off. If it's on, it works for creatures, too.

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Judging by the debug messages, Sex Assault does its part. It checks that it should not remove the clothes. The script runs till the sex animations are triggered, then the characters do nothing and the controls for the player are disabled. At this point, there already have been sexout debug messages in the console. But only if the player character wears clothes and the engaging character is a creature.


After some debugging, this is what I found out so far:


In SexoutNGEffectBaseScriptF:


    elseif 12 == nSetupStage
      ; Wait on player undress

      DebugPrint "A 1"
      if (0 == playerREF.NX_GetEVFl "Sexout:Start::Undressed")

        DebugPrint "A 2"
        set nSetupStage to 13


It is stuck in endless loop showing "A 1" "A 2" "A 1" and so on ... If I change this "return" to "set nSetupStage to 13", the animations work (Just the Undressing is of skipped). But at this moment, I don't really know how this 0 == playerREF.NX_GetEVFl "Sexout:Start::Undressed" part is working ... I'll continue my investigation.

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