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[WIP] Skykids - Child races & other technical goodies - No more armor patcher! New CotS R2 Race!(6/22/15)

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If you have creation kit, you can fix the texture mismatch fairly easily.


Load the 3 plugins along with the alt-male plugin, select all of the boys and hit command-shift-F4.


It will re-export the facegen and they will look fine in the game again.

Don't do that. The facegen exports for all the SK NPCs have been created externally with race menu, and have extra customization which will be lost as a result of carrying out this procedure. tl;dr: Everything will look like shit.. well, more like shit than it already does.


For SkyKids this will work (probably), but as a general rule this will ONLY work when ONLY vanilla facegen assets are used on a race. Any race that uses custom face assets or .tri files this method will probably break. Just wanted to put that out there...

I've not actually ever encountered this, not saying you're wrong, but I've personally exported from the CK(albeit a long time ago) while using custom tri assets and head meshes without incident. Maybe only certain custom assets cause the problem?


I tested this more extensively. There may be an issue with "SK Alt Male Body.esp" and "SK Playable Kids Alt Male Body.esp". When I use "SK Playable Kids.esp"  (default male body, playable) the face / body textures match. When I use either "SK Alt Male Body.esp" or "SK Playable Kids Alt Male Body.esp", the face tint changes. I've attached screenshots and load orders so you can see what's present. I only had one of these plugins enabled at a time.

I'll have to look into this, there may be an actual problem...


Huh? There IS no "default male body .esp" - the only reason the alt male body needs an .esp at all is because it uses CBBE UVW texture mapping - what are you talking about...?

No, it uses UNP UV, not CBBE(as opposed to the default bodies adult male UV). It requires a plugin in order to manipulate several different records involving the races and armors, the body itself doesn't really enter into it...
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Okay, so I've been using Skykids for a while now.  I absolutely love it and appreciate all of the work that has gone into it, and just wanted to mention a couple of things.


First of all, if you are having trouble with textures, replacing the skykids textures with female adult ones works perfectly if you use the alternate male body.  I suggest using the skykids normal and specular maps, though, or there will be strange shadows under the kids' little nonexistent breasts.  I personally use the young textures with pores from the mature skin mod on nexus, and it really makes the kids look like they belong in the same world as the adults, with the females using the mature option from the same mature skin mod and males using skysight skins.  


Secondly, I've tried to download the new version that comes with the SKSE plugin to replace the armor patcher, but I get an error like the download page doesn't exist.  I'm using the SKSE dll from nexus, so it doesn't really matter too much to me, but I wanted to let you know.

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Hey, I did a fresh install of this mod in vanilla Skyrim and it worked fine, however when trying to add in RCOT's custom armor pack it crashes.


I read through the thread and it said SKSE should handle it, I was wondering if I was doing something wrong? I'm running the latest version of SKSE.

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Hey, I did a fresh install of this mod in vanilla Skyrim and it worked fine, however when trying to add in RCOT's custom armor pack it crashes.


I read through the thread and it said SKSE should handle it, I was wondering if I was doing something wrong? I'm running the latest version of SKSE.

You only need the Textures from Friendchildren and the Armor Pack. You very likely installed the ESP files, too.

The ESP files are only needed if you use the RCotS Child replacer mod. I suspect that is the reason why you crash.

Also, I suggest you inform yourself about how to set up 'Mod Organizer', since it very much sounds like you have no clue about the basics of modding Skyrim yet.

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Hey, I did a fresh install of this mod in vanilla Skyrim and it worked fine, however when trying to add in RCOT's custom armor pack it crashes.


I read through the thread and it said SKSE should handle it, I was wondering if I was doing something wrong? I'm running the latest version of SKSE.

You only need the Textures from Friendchildren and the Armor Pack. You very likely installed the ESP files, too.

The ESP files are only needed if you use the RCotS Child replacer mod. I suspect that is the reason why you crash.

Also, I suggest you inform yourself about how to set up 'Mod Organizer', since it very much sounds like you have no clue about the basics of modding Skyrim yet.



Yeah I'm fairly new to modding the game, still learning the basics.


Generally I don't have any problems with modding, I'll just run into the occasional hiccup here and there that's usually my fault.


Thanks for the info, I'll take a look into all that.

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I've got this problem with female orc children. Tried finding more information on it but meh. Could your lend me some help guys?


Black skin means that Skyrim has run out of vRAM to display textures. Either uninstall some HD textures, or if you are using an ENB (and I don't think you are), make sure you have the correct amount of memory for your machine entered into "enblocal.ini". Or you could lower the quality of the graphics for Skyrim.

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Does anyone know how to get this working with the Requiem overhaul?


You can use patch I made for myself, its for latest beta, it includes the COTS R2 race so you will need its .esm active. Works just fine on req 1.9, all I did was add the required keywords and stats, simply copied values from main requiem mod, so nord child will have same stats as adult one, if you dont like this you'll have to change it in CK/xEdit yourself.

requiem skykids.esp

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thanks for your continued work on this great mod.

The new SKSE armor swapper seems like a very good idea, unfortunately it seems as if in my current setup the armors get not scaled.

It looks like they always stay at around a weight of 100 whereas the body, hands, feet and head that is, grow and shrink.


Does anyone else notice such a problem?

Or maybe someone knows whats conflicting?



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thanks for your continued work on this great mod.

The new SKSE armor swapper seems like a very good idea, unfortunately it seems as if in my current setup the armors get not scaled.

It looks like they always stay at around a weight of 100 whereas the body, hands, feet and head that is, grow and shrink.


Does anyone else notice such a problem?

Or maybe someone knows whats conflicting?


The armors don't support bodyslide (and I'm pretty sure neither does SkyKids at the moment).


Try this: open the console, and type "player.setnpcweight 0".

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The armors don't support bodyslide (and I'm pretty sure neither does SkyKids at the moment).


Try this: open the console, and type "player.setnpcweight 0".

There is in fact weight slider support on the female bodies(but not the male ones) though the sliders effect is not super visible. It is limited to the 'naked' body(I say that in quotes because there is obviously underwear on the body) when you have no armor equipped, or the prisoner outfit you start the game in. None of the other converted armors have weight slider support though, unfortunately. Due to the fact that both ends of the weight spectrum use the 0 weight hands, feet, and neck, it shouldn't matter where you have your characters weight set as far as seams are concerned, even if you're using a piece of equipment that doesn't have weight slider support. Also of note, the SKSE patcher alters armor paths for regular adult gear so that it uses the 0 weight option for both 0 and 100 weight on the SK races, so you don't wind up with gaps on the hands/feet/neck(though the neck may be bugged due to a slight oversight, I'll have to look into that).



thanks for your continued work on this great mod.

The new SKSE armor swapper seems like a very good idea, unfortunately it seems as if in my current setup the armors get not scaled.

It looks like they always stay at around a weight of 100 whereas the body, hands, feet and head that is, grow and shrink.


Does anyone else notice such a problem?

Or maybe someone knows whats conflicting?

Can you post a screenshot to show the issue you are experiencing?
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Thanks for the replie.

Here are some screenshots to show what i meant.







Dont worry to much about it, as you said and as you can see in the pictures, there are no huge gaps.

I just noticed this problem and thought it was new. If i remember correctly i never noticed something like this with the old armor swapper.



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Thanks for the replie.

Here are some screenshots to show what i meant.







Dont worry to much about it, as you said and as you can see in the pictures, there are no huge gaps.

I just noticed this problem and thought it was new. If i remember correctly i never noticed something like this with the old armor swapper.

That looks like it might just be a bug with the converted armor mesh itself, I will have to look into that. Do any other armors have this issue? Do you have the issue on the player character as well, or just NPCs? Do you have the issue while the PC/NPCs are undressed as well?
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Thanks for the replie.

Here are some screenshots to show what i meant.







Dont worry to much about it, as you said and as you can see in the pictures, there are no huge gaps.

I just noticed this problem and thought it was new. If i remember correctly i never noticed something like this with the old armor swapper.

That looks like it might just be a bug with the converted armor mesh itself, I will have to look into that. Do any other armors have this issue? Do you have the issue on the player character as well, or just NPCs? Do you have the issue while the PC/NPCs are undressed as well?



i just did a reinstall of Skykids and made a new character. It seems like all the armors and clothing on both NPCs and PC work now. Undressed bodies work fine too. It looks like the weight scaling however, if done via console like ulithium_dragon suggested, seems to still cause only the bodyparts to alter not the armor or cloth. 

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It looks like the weight scaling however, if done via console like ulithium_dragon suggested, seems to still cause only the bodyparts to alter not the armor or cloth.

Already explained this, 99% of the converted armor for girls and 100% of the converted armor for boys do not have weight slider support. Changing the weight will produce no visible effect unless you are undressed or wearing the prisoner rags as a girl.

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I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but how hard would it be to make the weight sliders work and convert armors using BodySlide?  Both the alternate male and the default(and only) female bodies are based on CBBE, now, right?  I'm going to do some testing to see if I can do it.  If I can get it to work, can I have permission to make conversions and either publish them or give them to somebody else to publish?

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I downloaded This Mod with Hentai Pregnacy And No problems until I Tried to give some armor to the children

The armor is equiped but the kids stay on underwear and head accessories change the hair or they go bald.


It says it runs now by SKSE The armor Patch , but this mods is the only 1 I cant seem to work with SKSE


I also have immersive armors, but never had problems with it until now

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I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but how hard would it be to make the weight sliders work and convert armors using BodySlide?  Both the alternate male and the default(and only) female bodies are based on CBBE, now, right?  I'm going to do some testing to see if I can do it.  If I can get it to work, can I have permission to make conversions and either publish them or give them to somebody else to publish?

They're not CBBE, they've never been CBBE, and I have no intentions of changing them to CBBE either. Try using outfit studio if you want to make easy armor conversions. I've never used it personally, but it comes highly recommended.


I downloaded This Mod with Hentai Pregnacy And No problems until I Tried to give some armor to the children

The armor is equiped but the kids stay on underwear and head accessories change the hair or they go bald.


It says it runs now by SKSE The armor Patch , but this mods is the only 1 I cant seem to work with SKSE


I also have immersive armors, but never had problems with it until now

Which version of Skykids are you running? Post your full load order as well.
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I downloaded This Mod with Hentai Pregnacy And No problems until I Tried to give some armor to the children

The armor is equiped but the kids stay on underwear and head accessories change the hair or they go bald.


It says it runs now by SKSE The armor Patch , but this mods is the only 1 I cant seem to work with SKSE


I also have immersive armors, but never had problems with it until now


I think this is more of an issue with Hentai Pregnancy - I don't recall it ever having full support for child race addons. Beeing Female only has a plugin for RCotS as well.


I would guess that there would need to be some kind of "SkyKids-Hentai Pregnancy" compatibility plugin - do you have something like that...?

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I think this is more of an issue with Hentai Pregnancy - I don't recall it ever having full support for child race addons. Beeing Female only has a plugin for RCotS as well.


I would guess that there would need to be some kind of "SkyKids-Hentai Pregnancy" compatibility plugin - do you have something like that...?


And It Is True I use Children+Soulgems (skykids version) to allow compability Between those 2 mods





Which version of Skykids are you running? Post your full load order as well.


Here is My Load List:


Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
SK Drow Child Race.esm
SK Monli Race.esm
Six Beautiful Followers Standalone.esp
Soulmaster Unlimited.esp
Lightning race.esp
Lightning follower.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - WoodElf.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - RedGuard.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - ORC.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - Nord.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - Khajiit.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - Imperial.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - HighElf.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - DarkElf.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - Breton.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - Argonian.esp
PC Exclusive Animation Path - 0 - Main.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Populated Cities 2.esp
EpicElves by zzjay.esp
SexLab Romance.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
Succubui Enemies +.esp
Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp
Claim Skyrim Interiors.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
3 day respawn 1.1.esp
SIM- NPC Additions.esp
SIM - NPCAdditionsHOSTILE.esp
SK Vanilla Child Replacer DB.esp
SK Vanilla Child Replacer HF.esp
SK Vanilla Child Replacer.esp
SIM - Treasure Anywhere.esp
follower voices revert.esp
SK Drow Taldyn.esp
SK Playable Kids Alt Male Body.esp
GCE Follower All In One.esp
I have lots Of NPCs mods But doubt tht affects Skykids, and its version is the most recent i just unistalled and downloaded the last 1 a couple days....
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I think this is more of an issue with Hentai Pregnancy - I don't recall it ever having full support for child race addons. Beeing Female only has a plugin for RCotS as well.


I would guess that there would need to be some kind of "SkyKids-Hentai Pregnancy" compatibility plugin - do you have something like that...?

And It Is True I use Children+Soulgems (skykids version) to allow compability Between those 2 mods


Can you upload a copy of this compatibility patch, or link to where it may be obtained? I'm 99% sure that's whats causing the issue... It likely wasn't updated for the new skykids.
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