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[mod] Phaze's Futanari Mod

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If it's just UI conflict then it should work still, you'll just miss out on certain interactions that needed the specific UI files; mechanically things should still work. That said a compatch to graft the two UI elements together would probably be needed for the best experience

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As i was playing i managed to get my Blood Legacy to Architected Ancestry, which gives a choice of a physical congenital trait to be more common in the bloodline. I was thinking could it be possible that Futanari (which is physical congenital trait) be added to the selection ?. So it would be possible to have more Futas being born, even from non futa mothers?

Edited by Hranolky1
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4 hours ago, Hranolky1 said:

As i was playing i managed to get my Blood Legacy to Architected Ancestry, which gives a choice of a physical congenital trait to be more common in the bloodline. I was thinking could it be possible that Futanari (which is physical congenital trait) be added to the selection ?. So it would be possible to have more Futas being born, even from non futa mothers?


Bit of a shameless plug but thanks to your suggestion I made a mod that supported Carnalitas body traits in Architectured Ancestry perk. I think this should do what you are looking for.

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9 hours ago, Hranolky1 said:

As i was playing i managed to get my Blood Legacy to Architected Ancestry, which gives a choice of a physical congenital trait to be more common in the bloodline. I was thinking could it be possible that Futanari (which is physical congenital trait) be added to the selection ?. So it would be possible to have more Futas being born, even from non futa mothers?


4 hours ago, Kieva said:


Bit of a shameless plug but thanks to your suggestion I made a mod that supported Carnalitas body traits in Architectured Ancestry perk. I think this should do what you are looking for.

Looks like this has already been done then!

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46 minutes ago, Dark_Crow said:

Author, this is the Chinese localization of Futa4.1.0 translated by Gun and Flower. Due to his network issues, I helped him hand over the localization to you

localization.zip 63.74 kB · 0 downloads


35 minutes ago, Gun and Flowers said:

Well,you should have seen my Chinese localization,that will be fine.


Thank you for your brilliant work still.  Looking forward to your next update.

Thanks for the help both of you

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Minor Update

I have seen the AI actually have Futanari impregnate women now which is nice, but due to limitations the Futa is the only listed parent. To help immersion and to improve your awarness of such pairings, I have added a new trait to children "Fathered" by a Futa. I assume it works, but I cannot know for usre because lately my PC has been crashing on CK3 even with the bare minimum amount of mods. Lets hope it worked!

If you like what I do and want to see me contue I could use all the help I can get over on my Ko-fi:  https://ko-fi.com/phazestar  It is very apparent I am going to need new equipment.

Edited by Phaze Star
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So question regarding how this mod works. If you are a Futa in game, how does having kids work in terms of offspring and succession? Do the Futa-fathered kids become eligible as heirs? And do the AI just have situations of 'no heirs' floating around cause of this?

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52 minutes ago, Ambershire said:

So question regarding how this mod works. If you are a Futa in game, how does having kids work in terms of offspring and succession? Do the Futa-fathered kids become eligible as heirs? And do the AI just have situations of 'no heirs' floating around cause of this?

Men still exists, so all the normal succession and children rules have not gone anywhere. A Futanari can still have a child with a man as well. This Mod just includes some ways for a Futa and Female pairing to have children. These children have no special priprity to being an hier (At least not yet). They follow the same gender laws as normal children, and yes they are all valid hier's for the Futanari member, not the Mother. (Purely due to engine limitations)

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just trying to clear up why its happening.

i seam to have just some kind of "plate" in place of the genitals on adult chars in the chareditor before starting a new game that i can alter in width via the chareditor and if i make the char underage the whole genutal and hiparea just turns black or very dark grey.

is it maybee possible that there is a prob with using it together with cbo?

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11 minutes ago, xarvenius said:

just trying to clear up why its happening.

i seem to have just some kind of "plate" in place of the genitals on adult chars in the chareditor before starting a new game that i can alter in width via the chareditor and if i make the char underage the whole genital and hip area just turns black or very dark grey.

is it maybee possible that there is a prob with using it together with cbo?

That's only in the char editor that it shows up. Ingame it's just fine; I tested it myself.

On another note, since it says that there is an event in which a futa can impregnate someone, may I know which event is that? And is it necessary to have a spouse/concubine(s) for that to occur?

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1 hour ago, xarvenius said:

just trying to clear up why its happening.

i seam to have just some kind of "plate" in place of the genitals on adult chars in the chareditor before starting a new game that i can alter in width via the chareditor and if i make the char underage the whole genutal and hiparea just turns black or very dark grey.

is it maybee possible that there is a prob with using it together with cbo?

I tested with CBO and had zero issues aside from crashes due to hardware. If you are using animations+ that is your problem.


1 hour ago, Kionatria said:

That's only in the char editor that it shows up. Ingame it's just fine; I tested it myself.

On another note, since it says that there is an event in which a futa can impregnate someone, may I know which event is that? And is it necessary to have a spouse/concubine(s) for that to occur?

There are a few versions, but the most common one requires that you have a female lover. She can be or Futa or not, it works either way. It is chance based to occur.

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1 hour ago, Phaze Star said:

the most common one requires that you have a female lover. She can be or Futa or not, it works either way.

In case that the lover is also a futa, can it be that your char(a futa as well) can be impregnated as well in that event?

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30 minutes ago, Kionatria said:

In case that the lover is also a futa, can it be that your char(a futa as well) can be impregnated as well in that event?

Yes if you are a Futa you can still get impregnated by your Futa Lover so long as she rolls the event on her side. (If she has other lovers, the chance of it being you decreases proprtionatly).

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It's nice to see that someone has started developing a full-fledged futa mod, despite all the restrictions that Paradox has created. I'd like to wish good luck on this difficult path.


Thinking in my spare time about how these restrictions could be circumvented, I came to the same decision as the author: make changes to the UI of the character window and family tree by creating “cells” that would allow displaying women/men/futas without restrictions. I hope someday the mod author will implement this, at least as a sub-mod.

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1 hour ago, Hideroz said:

It's nice to see that someone has started developing a full-fledged futa mod, despite all the restrictions that Paradox has created. I'd like to wish good luck on this difficult path.


Thinking in my spare time about how these restrictions could be circumvented, I came to the same decision as the author: make changes to the UI of the character window and family tree by creating “cells” that would allow displaying women/men/futas without restrictions. I hope someday the mod author will implement this, at least as a sub-mod.

It might happen but I am still reluctant due to all the compatability issues and frequent patches that would be required.

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fix for futa pregnancy :

insteast of make_pregnant = {

       father = urs_futa_character


which does not make make female/futa pregnant


make_pregnant_futa = {

      father = urs_futa_character



with following scripted_effect 


make_pregnant_futa = {
    create_character = {
        gender = male
        culture = $FATHER$.culture
        faith = $FATHER$.faith
        age = $FATHER$.age
        random_traits = no
        after_creation = {
            copy_inheritable_appearance_from = $FATHER$
        save_temporary_scope_as = temp_futa_father
    make_pregnant = {
        father = scope:temp_futa_father
    scope:temp_futa_father = {silent_disappearance_effect = yes}


only regret is don't know how to copy traits too 

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