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AP Skyrim / SexLab guesswork to cause CTD's


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...I have to say my opinion about this modder who wrote this AP-Dev-Shit: it is not a well done documentation if users have to play his crappy guessing game. That is not respectable. :@


I have found out that AP Skyrim causes several crashes in short time. Is there any fix for it? :-/


And another question: SexLab how do I use it? I assume that SexLab is also responsible for CTD's but I cannot verify it. Got anyone problems with these mods too that is going in direction CTD? Now my advice to the modder(s) who wrote SexLab - every mod needs a good documentation and this is not done by writing a mod description. The complete description of the mod, changelog, contact details (ask for permissions) and support (if offered) belongs to the readme-file.

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Sexlab does nothing  Skyrim SexLab, is intended to serve as a unifying resource for modders to pull animations from to aid them in development of adult themed mods, without having to going through the complex scripting work it takes by themselves. A modder is provided with a wealth of tools and functions they can call that will aid them in creating their own mod. As it is intended as a resource mod that other mods can pull from to use for adult animations. This mod does NOTHING by itself, and requires a separate mod to make use of the resources provided.



As for Animated Prostitution - Skyrim - WIP by JoshNZ it is as it says a WIP meaning there are going to be bugs in it as it is a work in progress mod until they get ironed out. There is a patch out there Animated Prostitution _ NCG Patch - WIP - debugging by robotofdafuture but it will also probably have bugs in it as it is a WIP as well. 

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Let me say this as politely as I can (ATM). Your comments above would have you banned in a flash on Nexus which is where you should be going with questions about that mod. Note that I said questions, criticisms like yours are not going to be welcomed and are likely to get you into trouble. There's only peer support for AP here and frankly now not a lot of interest in it since we have almost all of the bases it covers handled by other mods here.


RE: SexLab -- If you had bothered to read the post for it you would have see a FAQ as the very first link in the post and the answer to your question about how to use Sexlab is the third item in the FAQ. Don't be here whining about a lack of documentation when it's obvious you didn't bother yourself to read whats already provided. However you also think it's the source of your CTDs but you don't know how to use it? Frankly if you don't have any other mods calling it, Sexlab is going to be a very unlikely source of CTDs.


You also want to see sorts of things that are in the original post in the README instead?


Let me quote some of the README for SexLab:


-- Description --------------------------------------------------------------

    Skyrim SexLab, is intended to serve as a unifying resource for
    modders to pull animations from to aid them in development of adult
    themed mods, without having to going through the complex scripting
    work it takes by themselves. A modder is provided with a wealth of tools
    and functions they can call that will aid them in creating their own mod.

    As it is intended as a resource mod that other mods can pull from to use
    for adult animations. This mod does NOTHING by itself, and requires a
    separate mod to make use of the resources provided.
Well looky there, we have it again. A note that the mod does nothing by itself and requires other mods to turn it's resources into the magic of the game.


Frankly most people never look at the readme so having all of that information in the original post for the thread is more important and is the place it should be found because that is where most people are going to be looking for it.


Anyway, welcome to Sexlab even if your first post wasn't a well thought out masterpiece. We are a more understanding and forgiving bunch here I think but criticizing the owner of the board (Ashal the author of Sexlab) and another modder (JoshNZ who has no presence here that I know of) is not a good way to introduce yourself because modders are a major force behind why this board exists in the first place.

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