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Ideas / Topics for mods brainstorming

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Brainwashing, Mind Control, or Hypnosis. Through drugs, powers, technology, or whatever other means. Preferably I personally would want something that slowly (just not glacier slow) makes the effected NPC into the players slave. You could also make it tie into a defeat mod if you really wanted, where it can also happen to the player (though its not really my thing, some people would be into that I bet.) Super basic non-fleshed out ideas here, I know, but there's a lot of various angles you could go with them. The question of course being how hard it would be to implement any given idea.

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27 minutes ago, Halstrom said:

Most of us modders are still working our first playthrough, we can't start modding a game we barely know :)

What you mean you haven't replaced all of the NPC's with stormtroopers as a general improvement yet? It really improved the mood setting for me.

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After a few corporate espionage missions on the Ryujin Industries questline I got this idea of going Basic Instinct on the whole Settled Systems.


Lewd Persuasion Options

Notice how your persuasion options have chances to fail? Total bullshit, someone should come up with better persuasion mods. That aside, I was thinking of some "on-person" persuasion options that can stick with sex scenes.


You gain access to pink-labeled dialogue options (preferably with lipstick marks) that works 100 percents. But choosing this option always result in sex scenes after a successful persuasion. The more options you choose, the more sex you should make yourself.


Auto-Persuade with Your Body

I don't think the Auto-Persuade option works like crit gauge, so here's a suggestion: You can always auto-persuade someone, but only if you are willing to have sex with them. Or better yet: Give a "skip the persuasion minigame altogether" dialogue option in the first place and fuck them dry already.


Limelights to Competitors

Ryujin Industries questline mentions some good backgrounds on sex-on-the-business fantasies. Upon reaching certain levels of the questline you are recommended as a, er, corporate diplomat that deals with higher-ups against the competitors. Have some steamy sex with them and you can influence them in favor of Ryujin.


Edit: I had this idea that HopeTech could provide some good sex corp scenarios too. They're the receiving end of the Ryujin questline, 'bout time they turn the table. You can sell the starships for them, with the extra package being yourself. Or you can "motivate" those poor workers on the dock. Or you can flop Ryujin schemes against them by being a good whore and negotiate on both sides. The list goes on.


Sex Biz Questline

Hell, Neon's a perfect place for some good sex business questline. Fuck enough people all over the galaxy and gain enough sex fame (or just choose the Pornstar background upon character creation) a company might headhunt you as an aspiring pornstar. Fuck your way up until everyone in the galaxy knows your name (and your body).


Bow Chika Wow Wow IN SPACE

The SSSN radiant quest is bland, why not give yourself a scoop? Report them how you fucked those important people, xenos, and other weirdos out there and they make a broadcast out of them. You might get paid, and everyone will know you (as a slut).

Edited by IncognitoInc
Adding up some details I missed on the initial writing.
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20 hours ago, IncognitoInc said:

Just got this vision of a Terrormorph xeno/bestiality mod (spoiler alert):


  Reveal hidden contents

A spaceship compartment that is innately infested with heatleech/terrormorph hives. The key visual gave examples of surface constructs, so why not spaceship? In this compartment you (or your female companion) can breed and impregnate heatleech, or give birth to them - which will then grow into a terrormorph.


Being pregnant with heatleeches will render any other heatleeches friendly (but not terrormorphs) but penalizes your health and O2 as heatleeches feeds off your vitals. Terrormorphs that you or your companion gave birth will be friendly to you.


If you have the Alien DNA trait, being pregnant with heatleeches will grant you bonus; if you do not already have the Alien DNA trait, there is a small chance that you gain it upon being impregnated.


A trait (placeholder name: Leech Seedbed) that allows you to start with some heatleeches in your womb.


A random encounter where you come across a seemingly abandoned spaceship which, upon docking and boarding, will reveal that it is completely infested with heatleeches. All male crews are killed; surviving female crews are turned into their breeders.



I like the idea of the derelict ship. Even better since the in game lore is says they can mind control people. It would be great if someone can do a mod where the player and there companion are slowly brain washed by one to become breeders to spread the terror morphs to out posts.

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Defeat type mods are a problem because of many environments that will kill without a space suit so moving the loser, whether thats the player or npc, will be the challenge. Where and how does the character get moved? What about companions?

I think something like an increasing chance to wake after being beaten will add some flavor to an escape attempt. Waking early may find travelling with them to their ship where the captured may fight or run. After failing to wake for a while may find the captured on a ship where they can fight or wait and more failures to wake may find them or you at a base or slave market. Companions might escape or get captured with you initially, an escape could lead to a rescue party over time or the companion is stuck until you escape after capture.

This sounds impossibly complicated to me, someone with VERY limited mod making in Skyrim and FO4 but I am dreaming big and variability could add more amazing stories.

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Yea, Defeat style mods are going to be interesting. I have a feeling some authors will just do hand-wavey stuff like a personal atmosphere bubble that makes things safe or equipping invisible spacesuits.


The "realistic" way to do it, I feel, would be to only have them take effect in safe environments. Would mean you're relatively safe popping off pirates on a dead moon, but not so much on a temperate world. Though defeat doesn't always have to be sex. Can always have robbery, left for dead, or other type events happen in unsafe places.


Though, as you say, teleporting is always an option. I remember an old kidnap/abduction mod for Skyrim that would teleport you to a cell specifically for the events to unfold. Wouldn't be a stretch to say your character blacked out and woke up in an abandoned science facility surrounded by dudes, and those facilities tend to be pretty much everywhere.

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I probably repeat what other people wrote already... Just something that I saw in older Bethesda games that would make more sense in the scifi space setting of Starfield:


- Tentacle monsters. There was already this dick like creature in the first base in the main story. It could be infesting low HP females and hang out of their pussies, forcing them to orgasm, produce milk and trip while also getting NPC reactions like ridicule or help attempts. Just an idea.


- I also imagined there could be an emergency on the space ship after take off from a planet that some alien life form snook onto the space ship and in orbit does some tentacle stuff with the crew and the player who can't fly away unless taking care of this (or being taken care of like laying eggs or whatever a rapy alien might want to do).

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12 hours ago, IncognitoInc said:

Lewd Persuasion Options

Notice how your persuasion options have chances to fail? Total bullshit, someone should come up with better persuasion mods. That aside, I was thinking of some "on-person" persuasion options that can stick with sex scenes.


You gain access to pink-labeled dialogue options (preferably with lipstick marks) that works 100 percents. But choosing this option always result in sex scenes after a successful persuasion. The more options you choose, the more sex you should make yourself.


Auto-Persuade with Your Body

I don't think the Auto-Persuade option works like crit gauge, so here's a suggestion: You can always auto-persuade someone, but only if you are willing to have sex with them. Or better yet: Give a "skip the persuasion minigame altogether" dialogue option in the first place and fuck them dry already.


I like the improved persuasion idea a lot but think having sex with whoever I persuade is a bit crazy. I mean in real-life women use teasing as a form of persuasion to get what they want. If they have sex with someone immediately they have nothing left to bargain with. I think sexual persuasion should start with teasing, which either leads to peaceful success, a forced interaction (aka rapy sex) or a fail in which case you could try having sex as a last resort which might also fail and leave you in some bad state.

I like sex in the game but think it should be kind of immersive. Not senseless fucking like it was all over Morrowind.

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9 minutes ago, Travestea said:

Yea, Defeat style mods are going to be interesting. I have a feeling some authors will just do hand-wavey stuff like a personal atmosphere bubble that makes things safe or equipping invisible spacesuits.


The "realistic" way to do it, I feel, would be to only have them take effect in safe environments. Would mean you're relatively safe popping off pirates on a dead moon, but not so much on a temperate world. Though defeat doesn't always have to be sex. Can always have robbery, left for dead, or other type events happen in unsafe places.


Though, as you say, teleporting is always an option. I remember an old kidnap/abduction mod for Skyrim that would teleport you to a cell specifically for the events to unfold. Wouldn't be a stretch to say your character blacked out and woke up in an abandoned science facility surrounded by dudes, and those facilities tend to be pretty much everywhere.


Defeat (provided the mod intends to be lore-firendly) would likely be bound to some sort of light kidnapping mechanic on planets without a breathable atmosphere. I do believe some variant of SexLab Defeat had options for player teleport after you were abused and robbed so it's not an untested or impossible concept. Capture and enslavement mods also utilized this to some extent. Though, now that I consider it, quite a few of the random spawns in Starfield with humans that I've encountered have airlocked rooms somewhere on the compound. Hopefully that would be a feature that a mod could scan for locally and exploit.


OR, for even more flexibility--provided appropriate modding tools exist at some point--a mod could presumably spawn in a custom landed ship nearby:

-Fisticuffs occur, you surrender, bandits call down their buddies from orbit, drag you onboard, have their way. At this point you could go two directions; a brief enslavement to give you a chance to fight your way out and reclaim your gear (and their gear), or they kick you down the ramp as they take off (presumably, they'd have to be nice enough to re-dress you first (hey, they're just here for the ass; not the murder))


Creature defeat is a little trickier...or maybe it's not. Do alien creatures even spawn on planets without a human-breathable atmosphere? I don't recall a planet I've visited where that's the case, but I certainly haven't seen them all and could be dead wrong anyway. I'll have to pay better attention to that as I'm exploring. If they do spawn on 'dead' planets, you might have to suspend disbelief a bit as they drag you off to the enchanted-cave-of-wonders-and-breathable-atmopshere to do their business. Orrr...you just accept a rapey-death in those cases. Orrrrrr....creature defeat gets disabled entirely on those planets. Honestly, I'd prefer the death option. A defeat mod with heavier consequences isn't the worst thing ever. Especially in such a niche scenario.


In cases where the player is the defeator instead of the defeated, I suppose you'd have to escort the victim to safe area. This could be done manually, or, for the sake of tidiness, the mod would likely provide a few options for you in order to 'claim your reward' (teleport to nearest game-spawned safe-area/teleport to a custom Defeat-spawned safe-area/teleport to your ship). Maybe, if you know you're going to be doing a little non-consensual hand-holding on your travels, you'd also remember to bring your handy-dandy Stroud-Eklund portable pop-up habitat for the occasion.


The least seamless case would be airless/derelict ships. A teleport back to YOUR ship, I guess? That would be supremely awkward where the player is the victim. Maybe this is another niche situation where a rapey-death is the best option. The lore-twisting you'd have to engage to get the player back in control of their gear/ship and playing the game is a bridge too far for a simple blowie animation.

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For human enemies, when they defeat the player the defeat script is just going to have to find the closest spot that's suitable to take off the space suit - and have the NPCs escort the player there. While the positioning of most POIs is randomnly generated, the POIs themselves are not - there is only so many "structures" and caves the game spawns, so it could either find the closest interior cell with breathable atmosphere or, if we really had to, we could just go through all the POIs and manually define locations that are considered indoors.


Same for creatures, could either have a fade-to-black creature dragging player to lair, or actually dragging the player via animation or havok. And for creatures, if need be there'd just have to be some generic "lair" interiors made, where the PC gets teleported to alongside the creatures in question. Now, that obviously doesn't solve the actual issue with lack of atmosphere, but it'll be a lot less immersion breaking inside a cave or so rather than in the middle of a frozen hellscape that's quite clearly not suitable.


I'd honestly argue that the thing to keep an eye on and be tense about is whether the asset people are able to figure out the animation system and all that - the script and gameplay side won't be a big deal. The engine clearly has the ability to detect airtight spaces and so forth as indicated by NPCs dynamically taking off and on their space suits when entering airlocks that aren't teleports, so I'd say that we'll be able to make due. Whether there's going to be any assets to make due with, well, that's the real question!

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I'll be starting working on a simple quest mod / framework as soon as the tools are available:


- Big capital ships that are traveling between random planets.

   - The player can be hired as crew in ship services & bars

   - The player can simply book passage (if supported by the ship)

- The bigger mass will reduce the jump distance and therefor there's a lot of time to experience stories while traveling.

- Just needs interior locations (e.g. space station assets) because you can't actually fly such a ship.

- Add interface points where new content can be registered / other mods can extent the whole thingy

   - Register new ships 

   - Register new jobs 

   - Register interactions / encounters / unique stories etc.

   - Register NPCs


So the basic idea is to have some more immersive way of travel and experience lewd stories while doing so. From a technical point of view it should be simple enough so that it can work without many compromises. Or well, at least I would be able to do such a system with normal Skyrim, but of course we can only make assumptions about Starfield.


For the first ship / job I'm thinking about a cruise ship where you can become stewardess:

- Serve routine for passengers

- Occasional VIP passengers that require special attention

- Repeatable interactions with the crew and passengers

- Repeatable interactions with planets (buy supplies at the port and stuff like that)

- Some opportunities to become a naughty stewardess :)


Some ideas for other ships / jobs:

- Big freighters (how else would you encounter some alien creature that lays eggs in your mouth?)

- Deep space exploration

- Getting captured and brought to a pirate ship?

- Mobile mining

- Space yacht where you can meet a rich sugar daddy

- Security

- Entertainer / Prostitute

- Engineer



Edited by DoomSequirrel
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4 hours ago, DoomSequirrel said:

I'll be starting working on a simple quest mod / framework as soon as the tools are available:


- Big capital ships that are traveling between random planets.

   - The player can be hired as crew in ship services & bars

   - The player can simply book passage (if supported by the ship)

- The bigger mass will reduce the jump distance and therefor there's a lot of time to experience stories while traveling.

- Just needs interior locations (e.g. space station assets) because you can't actually fly such a ship.

- Add interface points where new content can be registered / other mods can extent the whole thingy

   - Register new ships 

   - Register new jobs 

   - Register interactions / encounters / unique stories etc.

   - Register NPCs


So the basic idea is to have some more immersive way of travel and experience lewd stories while doing so. From a technical point of view it should be simple enough so that it can work without many compromises. Or well, at least I would be able to do such a system with normal Skyrim, but of course we can only make assumptions about Starfield.


For the first ship / job I'm thinking about a cruise ship where you can become stewardess:

- Serve routine for passengers

- Occasional VIP passengers that require special attention

- Repeatable interactions with the crew and passengers

- Repeatable interactions with planets (buy supplies at the port and stuff like that)

- Some opportunities to become a naughty stewardess :)


Some ideas for other ships / jobs:

- Big freighters (how else would you encounter some alien creature that lays eggs in your mouth?)

- Deep space exploration

- Getting captured and brought to a pirate ship?

- Mobile mining

- Space yacht where you can meet a rich sugar daddy

- Security

- Entertainer / Prostitute

- Engineer




Honestly, this is going to be a vital part of the LL experience, generally just the concept of hiring rather than owning a spaceship. Ways to travel around without actually flying your own ship are going to be key to a lot of other mechanics. Having essentially a carriage system, but then obviously get it fleshed out a lot. It'd be really cool to have starliners service between the major ports as you're describing and then have local pilots service the area, e.g. you take a starliner to New Atlantis, it's a whole journey with the potential for all the stuff you're describing, and in New Atlantis you get off and hire a local pilot to fly you over to Gagarin.


Love the idea, best of luck with it!

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19 hours ago, Loveryuus said:

- Tentacle monsters. There was already this dick like creature in the first base in the main story. It could be infesting low HP females and hang out of their pussies, forcing them to orgasm, produce milk and trip while also getting NPC reactions like ridicule or help attempts. Just an idea.

I mean its almost a given considering: These flaily guys


18 hours ago, SlicedBread said:

OR, for even more flexibility--provided appropriate modding tools exist at some point--a mod could presumably spawn in a custom landed ship nearby:

-Fisticuffs occur, you surrender, bandits call down their buddies from orbit, drag you onboard, have their way. At this point you could go two directions; a brief enslavement to give you a chance to fight your way out and reclaim your gear (and their gear), or they kick you down the ramp as they take off (presumably, they'd have to be nice enough to re-dress you first (hey, they're just here for the ass; not the murder))


And if you mod spacesuits to have more naughty internals then who knows what they added that you literally can't get too without getting that damn suit off! Vibes, clamps, shocking, hell maybe something wriggly thats getting into all the places.




As for a few more ideas:

I like the idea of derelict stations/larger vessels like the colony ship. Who knows what or who are lurking on board.

Hell just picking up random suits/helmets could lead to some fun, who knows what crawled inside. One moment exploring a planet the next something is halfway down the characters throat.


I also like the idea of maybe having Walter send you off to deal with some "Financial issues you will be perfect for."

Then end up in a high rise playing dominant power games with some rich CEO/board members in order to get more funding/loans forgiven. Turns out Walter is flat broke and your the one fixing the issue until the next cycles financial influx - blame Barret for spending a literal fortune for your artifact.

the better you do the more is forgiven and maybe you leave with a fancy bit of 'jewelry' around your throat that will alert you the next time you need to go take some for the team.

Edited by Grimmhelm
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On 9/1/2023 at 5:01 PM, Misa Kitten said:

maybe clubs / brothels you can run and work in, in cities? 

Get hired and fly to your client thing too

I like this idea especially the brothels, possibly have an "escort" agency for the fly to your client.  Also would like to see a mod like JB's Nuka Ride from Fallout 4 only with two different studios to let players have a choice for their particular fetish.  One can be a "vanilla" studio, the other can have the S&M stuff. The only limiting factor I can see is that this idea would be that it would have to center around a female character.

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An invisible energy field replace space suit / helm / backpack . 
Works like a full function space suit , be equipted at the same slot and provid the same protections .

Only diffrence is that it won't prevent from showing what you wear / not-wear underneath .


Most important , the energy field won't deny other organism to pass .
It will even extend it's protection field to other contact organism , for Humanism (and you know what reason) .



Hiding space suit anywhere may have the same visual effect .  I just want to rationalization why poeple can have sex in space.  

Edited by AzureFlare
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On 9/8/2023 at 11:10 AM, lmsha said:

Add an new slave trading organization. The organization:

    -sell all kinds of devices(Devious Device etc.)


Rather than a blanket "Devious Devices", personally, I would prefer a variety of similar systems which were designed to fit into the Starfield universe.  (DD tends to be too strong in some ways without enough game play. So it's usually accompanied by overpowered gear to compensate.)


For example, Ryujin already sells mind influencing devices.


And the stuff they sell on the street are projective devices, to influence other people. This makes total sense from a business perspective: why would someone buy something which compromised their own decisions? However, from a design perspective, influencing at range would tend to be far weaker than influencing using physical contact. Which leaves open a wide variety of story possibilities. (Possibly tying into efforts like corrupting officials to enable some conflicts and piracy?)


And then there's drugs like Paramour (which might also have variants which behave slightly differently, though possibly with side effects not clearly marked on the label (another variation on this theme would be beneficial items which have interactions with other beneficial items with perhaps overly pleasant consequences which send reproductive functions of the body into overdrive... (Like maybe: Talia warns the player to not take Paramour with Boudicca, in some part of her conversation trees))).


Other examples of tie ins might include:


*) an NG+ variant of the Trackers Alliance Agent who got that bounty for the wrong guy but who somehow fell for him rather than killing him.) This could tie in with similar experiences for the player?


*) Roofies on the party ship (but along the lines of porn-like hypno rather than putting you to sleep and making you feel miserable). Perhaps this variant of the ship could be randomized with something initially indistinguishable but completely beneficial, and/or possibly with a tracker and a delayed follow-up encounter for "deviousness"?


*) Rather than random devices which somehow automatically overpower and lock on to you, perhaps entire facilities which are booby trapped in the sense that you can't get out without accepting some compromising gear.  (Perhaps you pick from one of three options with partial information about those options - enough for people to avoid something if they particularly dislike it.)


*) Or perhaps rigged ships which literally fuck and/or slightly modify you. This might be best as an NG+ randomization thing (for example, on the mantis ship). Perhaps with a submission minigame where you have to satisfy the ship before it will let you exit the pilot seat (ideally with minor positive and negative consequences to suggest an addictive but not game-ending situation).






For now it's probably best to take notes on situations and/or gear which seem to offer good tie in possibilities. These would not all have to be implemented, of course. And the easy ones would probably be implemented first (maybe multiple times and then people would pick the mods they preferred).



On 9/11/2023 at 8:32 PM, ag12 said:

The engine clearly has the ability to detect airtight spaces and so forth ...


The engine detects when you make a transition between airtight and not airtight.


I encountered a location where I entered a building and took off my helmet and stopped experiencing environmental radiation and then left the building via a break in the wall and was outside with no ill effects. Entering and leaving a different building brought back the environmental problems.

Edited by sen4mi
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Some ideas.


- Simple mod using elevenlabs that adds more explicit dialog responses by wife or husband than what the base game provides. Sarah: "Look at all the cum that leaking out of me".  

- Brothel outposts or bar outposts with hookers. Or maybe a drug den outposts you can find on planets with willing partners for use. Or even slave outposts. 
- A sexual solutions style mod. Nothing advance like amourus adventures just simple quests alternatives that lead to sex. There is a quest where you blackmail a certain person you can ask for more as payment. 


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More imagination needed here.

Zero G sex animations and cumshots. The sky is the limit in terms of imagination for this one. Facial from across the room? Completely plausible. Fucked upside down on the ceiling? Also plausible. Being picked up an tossed around like nothing because you're literally weightless, also plausible.

Edited by Alexi-1
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On 9/16/2023 at 8:09 AM, sen4mi said:


Rather than a blanket "Devious Devices", personally, I would prefer a variety of similar systems which were designed to fit into the Starfield universe.  (DD tends to be too strong in some ways without enough game play. So it's usually accompanied by overpowered gear to compensate.)

absolutely. DD is typically "fun for a minute - but I have some stuff to deal with - so off it comes" 

II would like to add in to the mix variations by culture/morals. what is shameful kink in one place is not somewhere else. so there is a variety of devices and aesthetics depending on origin. and add in the "reputation" factor. I would love to see some AI involvement influencing how NPCs react to reputation and so forth. There is some pretty good scripted stuff in Skyrim.  (yes I know I am demanding a lot from someone elses work, this is just wishful thinking) i.e. NPC recognizing the moral Freestar Ranger as a prostitute he encountered on Neon. or word getting out amongst spacers about what you did for ship parts in the Proxima system


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3 hours ago, bogonistan said:

II would like to add in to the mix variations by culture/morals. what is shameful kink in one place is not somewhere else. ...



Oh, very much so...


I have toyed with the idea of a "stripping mod" which was only for a short distance (like maybe when passing through a checkpoint, and only for certain characters) with on either side a "required clothing" code. The point being to convey a feeling of self-consciousness. This kind of thing would allow the game to impose itself without becoming unplayable.

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