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Sex Mod Framework - Development Discussion

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Just some things i would consider doing something like this :



- getting away from the "fixed" 4 stages scenes to generating a scene out of a given number of single animations based on animation tags

- some predefined mandatory animation tags for more consistency, besides additional custom made tags

- caching a given number of animations for each mandatory tag to reduce filtering of animations on scene start

- storing the animation registry, race list, actor values / stats and stuff like that in external files instead of papyrus

- some form of furniture recognition

- some form of integration of something like SLAroused

- some form of integration of something like SLSO


Edited by Vader666
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58 minutes ago, nestor28 said:

from the leaks about bethesda their going to remake FO4 and FO3 like skyrim. not sure if be a remake exactly like skyrim or better ,but should be similar.


if thats true, then it would be a race for the two groups thats remaking fo4 and fo3 with skyrims engine

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On 10/8/2023 at 5:44 AM, vallixas said:

This is the longest a beth game has taken to release a male nude lol


Just because I'm a massive pedant... I'm not sure that's accurate?... At this point after the FO4 release wouldn't we be waiting on that era's NifScope update for another few weeks still? I'm not sure how we'd have gotten a penis model without it.

Edited by TheCaptn
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On 10/15/2023 at 4:02 AM, nestor28 said:

from the leaks about bethesda their going to remake FO4 and FO3 like skyrim. not sure if be a remake exactly like skyrim or better ,but should be similar.

That seems silly, I would think they would remake with the latest version of the Engine, Starfield or the next Elder Scrolls.

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Vor 2 Minuten sagte SXertui01:

Ich bin überrascht, dass das Modding für Starfield langsam ist. Wir verfügen jetzt über leistungsstarke Technologien. Vielleicht mangelnde Motivation ?


Who has these technologies at their disposal?


Certainly not the mod authors!


I don't know what kind of stone you have been living under and have just come out of ... but even you from the backwoods of this planet should have noticed by now ... that the "Creation Kit" has NOT yet been published!




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On 10/17/2023 at 10:59 AM, SXertui01 said:

I'm surprised to see slow modding for Starfield. We now have powerful technologies. Maybe lack of motivation ?

There is plenty of motivation, just lacking the basic tools. But its a normal thing because a developer wants a few months of fixing vanilla bugs before dealing with those caused by game mods. There will be major changes by the developer that may break mods too. Also us modders need the time to enjoy the game and explore it so we know what we are modding.

And if it is just a lack of motivation, what is your excuse for not contributing yet? :)

Edited by Halstrom
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5 hours ago, SXertui01 said:

I'm surprised to see slow modding for Starfield. We now have powerful technologies. Maybe lack of motivation ?


There's always a quiet gap between when the game launches and when the Creation Kit launches. For Skyrim that was 3 months, and for Fallout 4 it was 5 months, although some folks were using various SSE tools earlier than that... But this time it seems like the engine changes are too steep to simply hack things in with the old tools, so there's nothing to do but wait.

And even without the tools Starfield racked up 4000 unique mods within a month of release. That's like 6% of Skyrim LE's lifetime total. In just one month. With no tools... Definitely doesn't suggest a lack of motivation to me.

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17 hours ago, Halstrom said:

There is plenty of motivation, just lacking the basic tools. But its a normal thing because a developer wants a few months of fixing vanilla bugs before dealing with those caused by game mods.


Remember the infamous Skyrim 1.5 patch?


I can't recall any scripted mod that survived that patch. Here's hoping Starfield gets spared that sort of mess ??

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3 minutes ago, Trykz said:

Here's hoping Starfield gets spared that sort of mess


I find your excess of faith disturbing...

It's to be expected during the first years that patches will break a lot of stuff, thats part of the reason why i haven't got the game yet.


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Vor 21 Minuten sagte Vader666:


Ich finde Ihr Übermaß an Glauben beunruhigend ...

Es ist in den ersten Jahren damit zu rechnen, dass Patches viele Dinge kaputt machen werden, das ist einer der Gründe, warum ich das Spiel noch nicht habe.



Maybe you should give "buggy-desta" the chance - to fix the worst logical errors in their game ... before you start developing mods yourself

But I'm just a mod user and not an author.

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For Starfield patches, I will be happy if Bethesda does not have weekly Creation Club updates that break all free mods. I am still running a back level Skyrim SE image...

Lot to be said for a frozen Starfield image that we update every six months or so as actual features are released.

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7 hours ago, IntoRubber said:

Has there been any news on how the development for this mod is going?


I doubt there will be for quite a while friend. I think the best case scenario would be that Ashal, CE0, Halstrom and whoever else actually knows their shit are working together in a smaller, private group, away from all of us yapping at them... Just checking back here occasionally to see what's up.

I personally don't expect any kind of meaningful update until after they've had a chance to see what quirks the new CK2 is bringing, what the SFSE team plan to do with it, etc... Everything prior to that is the kind of pre-production work that they really don't need us nitpicking just because we're getting bored and waiting for the mods to start rolling out.

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