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Sex Mod Framework - Development Discussion

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I haven't done any research on modder discords or anywhere else really so take this as my opinion without resaerch attached to it but the biggest issue to overcome before all these suggestions is kinda the game itself and every non modder who is here waiting cock or dildo in hand and ready to go is at the mercy of the modders. In my humble opinion the game is just sadly pretty boring and it needs to be seen if the motivation is even consistently there to mod this game in the long run. Every part of this game kinda needs refinement or overhaul. Even tho settings wise NSFW content would fit in easily with the world I hope for everyone awaiting a mod framework or mods in general that modders keep interest and motivation to even develop this game further. 

I am waiting what can even be achieved by the interested mod authors who remain after modding tools get released or "discovered" and I love nothing more then to be proven wrong.

Now excuse me I have to visit the next barren rock wasteland that I swear I seen 100 times already

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On 9/14/2023 at 9:14 PM, Beef Cheeks said:

Adding support for buttplug.io would be absolutely stellar~


The API is openly documented and the developers at their Discord are more than welcome to answer any questions and provide assistance.


Toys ended up implementing support for it by triggering controller vibration events. There's a tool called Intiface Game Haptics Router that can detect controller vibration through XInput and forward it through to buttplug.io framework.


This is a very rudimentary implementation though... Ideally it would be neat for the animations to somehow link penetration or maybe even caressing with buttplug.io intensity.


I see this being practical in mainly two ways, though there may be more:


1. The easy-to-implement way, but more work on the animation authors (maybe, depending on if animation design philosophy doesn't allow this already). Have optional (preferably included) intensity percentages along with the animation frames.... allowing animations to have defined penetration or touch points. So, say someone is caressing your breasts, you could send a intensity of say 15% while it is ongoing, or for the more astute, they could wave it up and down every 15 frames or so...


To add onto that, there could be a separate json file for listing these buttplug.io intensities, so that authors that do not wish to invest the time can allow others of the community to add the buttplug.io json files without having to modify the animation lists.


Ideally, it would be nice if this was directly integrated into Nemesis or FNIS itself, but I doubt we'll see that happening.


2. The hard-to-implement, or maybe impossible method, but lax on the mod authors. Find a way to link physics with buttplug.io. This could lead to very unexpected results. But essentially there could be a way to make it so that when specific bones touch other bones (hand touch labia, etc), then a buttplug.io intensity is fired dynamically depending on the intensity of the physics. Obviously this is asking a lot, and the 1st method will always produce better results... but it also takes more manual effort.


Either way, ideally it would be nice if these intensities were separated by body slot or specific bones... This is because a number of people run multiple toys with buttplug.io and the API supports connecting to more than one. Yes... even breast toys exist that work with it


I know this is a hard ask but it adds so much more enjoyment to the game... especially when you start getting into mods that have various in-game toys and bondage of their own~


F*ck yes. buttplug/GHR support. I sort of assume that will happen, given that it's an AAA title and modding tools do not seem needed for buttplug integration (based on the working games list). 


As far as linking penetration/contact to device activation, I think you can sort of do this already. Device activation amount can be set in the CK (since it is based on the controller vibration). AFAIK, it has to be linked to a sound, but maybe it would be possible to create some kind of bogus sound event that triggers a scalable amount of controller vibration?


For FO4, the timing on sounds is set during the animation, so you could (and I do) have it trigger device vibration at appropriate moments. Assuming modders can make custom animations for Starfield at some point, this seems plausible. 


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11 hours ago, Gray User said:


F*ck yes. buttplug/GHR support. I sort of assume that will happen, given that it's an AAA title and modding tools do not seem needed for buttplug integration (based on the working games list). 


As far as linking penetration/contact to device activation, I think you can sort of do this already. Device activation amount can be set in the CK (since it is based on the controller vibration). AFAIK, it has to be linked to a sound, but maybe it would be possible to create some kind of bogus sound event that triggers a scalable amount of controller vibration?


For FO4, the timing on sounds is set during the animation, so you could (and I do) have it trigger device vibration at appropriate moments. Assuming modders can make custom animations for Starfield at some point, this seems plausible. 


Controller vibration really is not ideal to be honest, though. GHR has a lot of limitations:


1. Only one toy at a time is capable. Using the API would allow multiple toys to be separately controlled.

2. The vibrations from GHR are a little delayed. This is due to how XInput is handled. Using the API would be much more responsive.

3. Stability. Hooking into XInput can be problematic sometimes. GHR occasionally has trouble on some systems, needing specific XInput drivers on Windows 7 and the like. Using the API with the Intiface Central app removes these issues, as it includes everything it needs.

4. Versatility. GHR only connects using local bluetooth connection on the computer. Intiface Central, which uses the API, gives you the option to use the Lovense app on your mobile phone to connect to toys. This is handy for those that don't have a bluetooth adapter on their computer or don't have a compatible Bluetooth adapter.

5. It detects all controller vibrations. This means if you fall on the ground from a distance, or get hit by a sword, it will go off. For some this is fine, but for others it's pretty immersion breaking. Getting stabbed in the arm by an arrow doesn't constitute a toy vibrating imo.


Using the Intiface Game Haptics software's controller vibration hook is easy to implement, since the game natively supports controller vibration events. But ultimately it has a lot of downsides. Using Intiface Central, or the buttplug.io library in general, would be much better.


The API is very easy to use, and Intiface software handles all the technical stuff like connecting to the hardware and the like. You mainly, as a developer, just have to tell it to search for a toy, wait for a list to report back, and then individually change the intensity with a value. That's all. And the software makes sure to keep the API the same, so nothing should just randomly break, and if it does... it's something Intiface can fix without you having to change anything.


I really hope this time around that integration can be done on the SexLab side. That or the Animation side... Once implemented, the code shouldn't have to be maintained anymore by Ashal or anyone that adds it.


Then this can better influence animators to be willing to "animate" the toys if they wish to... That or, if my alternative method is integrated, the config files for the toy animations could be separate from the animation files themselves, so other people could create the patterns on their own. :) Funscripts are the universal file format for toy scripting, which is openly documented and is popularly used or this sort of thing.


While I'm on this subject... perhaps PiShock integration could be made for whoever makes a Devious Devices or Toys mod for the game. :3

Edited by Beef Cheeks
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On 9/21/2023 at 12:38 PM, Beef Cheeks said:

It detects all controller vibrations. This means if you fall on the ground from a distance, or get hit by a sword, it will go off. For some this is fine, but for others it's pretty immersion breaking. Getting stabbed in the arm by an arrow doesn't constitute a toy vibrating imo.

While this is completely understandable, mostly it needs a story about how this would be happening (like: you have been outfitted with healing gear which leverages your body's high growth systems and which triggers on injury).


Still... this kind of story also could use a phase where you do not have this kind of gear (or body mod or perk or whatever else the story would have to say) equipped.


And, of course, there's the issue where different people have very different ideas about things they like, even for things that mostly do not change with the day of the month or time of the day. (Sexuality tends to be highly specific like that - things one person likes almost always are things which some other person dislikes. And even within small communities there's divergence.) So I am not trying to disagree with any of your points here - but I did want to take the opportunity to point out that story can be used to help where technology is difficult.

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18 minutes ago, sen4mi said:

While this is completely understandable, mostly it needs a story about how this would be happening (like: you have been outfitted with healing gear which leverages your body's high growth systems and which triggers on injury).


Still... this kind of story also could use a phase where you do not have this kind of gear (or body mod or perk or whatever else the story would have to say) equipped.


And, of course, there's the issue where different people have very different ideas about things they like, even for things that mostly do not change with the day of the month or time of the day. (Sexuality tends to be highly specific like that - things one person likes almost always are things which some other person dislikes. And even within small communities there's divergence.) So I am not trying to disagree with any of your points here - but I did want to take the opportunity to point out that story can be used to help where technology is difficult.

I agree that it can, but to add to your point. Wouldn't it be better to allow the mod to choose if it wants it to vibrate or not? If using GHR, it doesn't matter what the mod does, the native game will trigger it regardless. That's my point. You have no choice if using GHR. It's all or nothing.

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I've seen xtoys.app offering scripts for several games on phone and PC, including 2077 and elden ring(for battle), and many other adult games too.

I believe some were made possible by pointer path and webhook.


from the wide range of functionalities and tool/toy support Xtoy has to offer, this opens many new doors on emersion, basically breaking the wall between game and reality:

- actual pain from E-stim shock when getting damaged/punishment and/or death event

- vibration level synced based on devious devices worn in game. (imagine a tentacle filled spacesuit...)

- vibration, with patterns/pulses, in sync with ingame sex actions, or simply arousal level

- Imagine vibration + e-stim together to simulate rape/ forced sex

- with certain devices (plugs with pressure sensor), you could sort of feed organism meter back to game, by detecting player's actual moment being near or on climax.

- with heart rate sensor and pressure sensor combined, maybe we can feed arousal level back to game too

- for more advanced animation /interaction, feed acceleration /position data to sync player action.

- the imagination goes on...



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I now want to give my thoughts to this, too.


First, I'm really glad to hear that a "Sexfield" (or whatever it will be called) will come. TBH, I never really liked OSA and its branches and Flowergirls or Toys&Love never got big enough to really have this amount of support and addons.


Now, my ideas are all tied towards the fact that it is announced as a "sex framework", not only an "animation framework". So some options might be too much if it only will be for animations in the end.



  • More collaboration. I get it, back when Sexlab started there weren't that many modders, but that changed. So an open-source development would be awesome.
  • More native coding for speed and options. Scrab with their SL p+ project has great ambitions and seems to reach those. If this would be the starting point for a Starfield framework ...
  • Tied to the above: branched animation scenes. Maybe the best of both worlds, with a toggle (both user and API side): either UI controlled as in OSA or "story driven"/cinema mode
  • Cleaner API, but not less capable. I love how detailed one can set up a scene for Sexlab, but it grew more and more and became an entangled monster. An "easy to learn, hard to master" but clean API would be great, so it still can be a one-liner to start an animation, or you can set up everything as author before you kick off the scene, if you want to. Just make it clearer, where to get/set such information
  • Think of additions that now are mandatory. I speak of additions for (better/proper) furniture support or arousal management. If those things can be handled in one place by the framework itself, that would be great. Less forgettable things to install or patches to search (looking at SLSO). If there will be more native code, things like SLANG and SLSO merged together into the framework API would be a modder's dream (I believe)


  • A framework enforcing streamlined animation themes. (Another reason why I dislike the OSA suite)
  • Over-complicated or too ambitious goals. I think getting sex into Starfield together with a proper API to start it already is sufficiently ambitious ^^ Everything else will just make the process longer, I don't want to wait that long ^^
  • Seems contrary to a wish list point above but: add as much as needed but as few as possible. Don't overload the framework again ^^ Maybe ask the community what they mostly want to see as part of the framework and what's less needed. A personal example: I never ever changed anything in the facial expression settings of Sexlab.


I know, based on what will be the final goal some of those things might be over-kill for a first approach or even in general. But maybe some of those points will help at least a bit :D 

Edited by Mister X
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A lot of work needs to be done before making the Framework, namely:


> Body mesh mod and Bodyslide

> Skeleton mod to support schlongs and said schlongs

> Physics (which hopefully should be easier than in Skyrim)

> Some NPC's faces really need an uplift

> New Animation support

Wait for Creation Kit to see if there are new features included that might make the above easier to do

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On 9/13/2023 at 8:45 PM, RohZima said:

I have been watching this thread since it was posted but didn't know really what to say, so I'll just make some general points.


It's a framework for content mods to hook into, so it should be as light as possible. It seems to me that games, software and mods are defeated by bloat & feature mess more than anything - too much choice splitting communities. And the criticism of Sexlab was almost totally to do with what it did that people wanted to remove, rather than what it didn't do that people wanted to add.




Ability to quickly add/remove animations with small learning curve (for animators - no phd required).


Tracking stats for mods to be able to hook into but ability to hide that (sex diary - pain for ocd peole).


I can already see people wanting to force their play style and use on everyone (smh). LOTS of people never wanted to use Arounsed or DD, and dialogue lines poorly written or even well written will quickly become tedious so none of that PERSONAL stuff should be forced on everyone.


It should just be a framework that allows you to toggle features on or off as a rule, and I would hesitate to add anything subjective unless it can definitely be toggled off or hidden.


Hard filters on types of content that will play (same sex for instance).


Stability, performance, smooth transitions, etc. But obviously you are a developer, I'm just an animator so I have no idea what makes it run smooth or not.


Good luck to you!


I still love Sexlab to this day and I also love AAF. As an animator, if I do make anims for Starfield, I would definitely support both types of framework if they exist.

Agreed with everything said. It should be a skeleton to layer upon, not a all in one mod.

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  Whoever makes the working genitals/bodies/skeletons/animations, etc., please consider that by 2330 CE, which is the game's setting, there will still be trans/nonbinary people and create your mods to support that without the need for additional mods that never really work correctly

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:30 PM, Epic Futa said:

  Whoever makes the working genitals/bodies/skeletons/animations, etc., please consider that by 2330 CE, which is the game's setting, there will still be trans/nonbinary people and create your mods to support that without the need for additional mods that never really work correctly

Wow!  I have never met someone who went to or was from the future! ? 


I do find Starfield repetitive and boring.  I find myself playing only about an hour a day before I shut it down and go back to Fallout 4.  I can't wait for all the mods we will find here at LL for Starfield.  Helps break up the boredom.

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On 8/26/2023 at 2:24 AM, Ashal said:

To make it clear ahead of time for the people that have been asking. Though I've been fairly inactive with SexLab's development the past few years, I plan to develop a new sex animation framework for Starfield soon as it is possible.  


Though it's too early for me to say what to expect from it, expect it to be pretty similar in terms of capability to SexLab. I plan to take all the lessons I learned developing SexLab over the past decade and carry them forward into a new framework here. That means more of the stuff that ended up being sort of bolted onto SexLab in its later life will be better integrated into the core framework from the start, such as dynamic animation pack loading and more performative native functions.


As it's still early, it's impossible to say how long this will take. Much of its development is likely to be stalled until certain other mod developments are released, such as an equivalent of SKSE and FNIS/Nemesis.


I will likely at some point, need to enlist the help of an animator to provide assistance with fleshing out how the animation packs will be best setup and to provide a set of initial animations to use for development. If any such experienced animators are willing to lend me their assistance with helping lay the groundwork for the framework, please do message me and let me know.


I'll keep this post updated as developments are made. After the game is out and I have time to dig into it's modding capabilities, I will put together a list of planned functionality and API.


In the meantime, I welcome anybody who wants to provide their ideas for the framework here, as long as they are shared in a constructive manner, and remain within the scope of the framework. 

Please make it controller friendly if at all possible .

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:30 PM, Epic Futa said:

  Whoever makes the working genitals/bodies/skeletons/animations, etc., please consider that by 2330 CE, which is the game's setting, there will still be trans/nonbinary people and create your mods to support that without the need for additional mods that never really work correctly

As an addition to that: Also support intersex please. Too many frameworks have a simple "is male"/"is female" check, when you should have "has boobs"/"has penis"/"has vagina" checks instead, so you could have any combination of those.

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On 10/1/2023 at 9:58 AM, ansfrr932 said:

As an addition to that: Also support intersex please. Too many frameworks have a simple "is male"/"is female" check, when you should have "has boobs"/"has penis"/"has vagina" checks instead, so you could have any combination of those.

Those checks are usually just forwarding information that the game gives you, it has nothing to do with what the dev wants, but what the game tells you it can apply; with genitals, it depends on how whatever ends up being the main body replacer system functions. 

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On 9/28/2023 at 9:30 PM, Epic Futa said:

  Whoever makes the working genitals/bodies/skeletons/animations, etc., please consider that by 2330 CE, which is the game's setting, there will still be trans/nonbinary people and create your mods to support that without the need for additional mods that never really work correctly


Nothing in game supports that, there again nothing in game says they do not either, so it will basically end up dependent on the person developing it, if they are not interested in such things they will not be available, if they are they will.  Just because they exist in out world and time line does not mean that in the Starfield world they exist at all, hell for all we know anybody outing themselves as trans or non-binary could end up with a bullet through their skull, and it may well not be mentioned due to being one of these everybody knows kind of things, and therefore not worth being mentioning in the Starfield world.

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Vor 55 Minuten sagte Varithina:


Nichts im Spiel unterstützt dies, und auch nichts im Spiel besagt, dass dies nicht der Fall ist. Es hängt also im Wesentlichen von der Person ab, die es entwickelt. Wenn sie an solchen Dingen nicht interessiert ist, werden sie nicht verfügbar sein, wenn sie es sind, werden sie es tun. Nur weil sie in unserer Welt und Zeitlinie existieren, heißt das nicht, dass sie in der Starfield-Welt überhaupt existieren. Soweit wir wissen, könnte jeder, der sich als trans oder nicht-binär ausgibt, eine Kugel durch den Schädel bekommen, und das kann auch passieren Ich werde es nicht erwähnen, da es sich um eines dieser Dinge handelt, die jeder kennt, und daher in der Starfield-Welt nicht erwähnenswert ist.


Those transsexual people I know - ALL want the medical assimilation to the "desired" gender ... as far as the state of medicine allows.

So that means ... as a "trans" woman I no longer have a penis but a vagina and for this future world conceivably also a uterus and ovaries ... in other words, as a woman I am fully capable of reproducing aka giving birth!

So please do not MISUSE "transsexual" people for your own sex fantasies ... one should then please clearly say what he wants -> a woman with a bosom and fully erectile penis aka "futa".

Yes - of course there can be one ... if the corresponding mod authors - for example those on "loverlab" - have the motivation to create something like that for this game.

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1 hour ago, Varithina said:

Nothing in game supports that, there again nothing in game says they do not either, so it will basically end up dependent on the person developing it, if they are not interested in such things they will not be available, if they are they will.  Just because they exist in out world and time line does not mean that in the Starfield world they exist at all, hell for all we know anybody outing themselves as trans or non-binary could end up with a bullet through their skull, and it may well not be mentioned due to being one of these everybody knows kind of things, and therefore not worth being mentioning in the Starfield world.


Lol what?

They said that Starfield is supposed to take place in the same timeline as our real future so the idea that queer people won't exist in the future is bizarre to say the least. The only way to believe what you're suggesting is to presume that queerness is a fad that will fade away with time which wouldn't make any sense considering we have records of queer people's existence since the dawn of written history.


But even aside that, in the actual game world there is a company called "Enhance!" and they can easily make people look like anything they want. When you walk around New Atlantis you hear someone talk to their friend that they changed into a man to prank her husband and plan on switching back afterwards which shows that physical alteration is extremely easy in Starfield's universe, so the idea that being non-binary could get people shot there is simply not true lmao.

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Vor 22 Minuten sagte Herr Otaku:


Lol was?

Sie sagten, dass „Starfield“ in der gleichen Zeitlinie stattfinden soll wie unsere wirkliche Zukunft, daher ist die Vorstellung, dass es in Zukunft keine queeren Menschen mehr geben wird, gelinde gesagt bizarr. Die einzige Möglichkeit, das zu glauben, was Sie vorschlagen, besteht darin, anzunehmen, dass Queerness eine Modeerscheinung ist, die mit der Zeit verblassen wird, was keinen Sinn ergeben würde, wenn man bedenkt, dass wir Aufzeichnungen über die Existenz queerer Menschen seit Beginn der geschriebenen Geschichte haben.


Aber auch daneben gibt es in der eigentlichen Spielwelt eine Firma namens „Enhance!“ und sie können Menschen leicht so aussehen lassen, wie sie wollen. Wenn man durch Neu-Atlantis spaziert, hört man, wie jemand mit seiner Freundin darüber spricht, dass er sich in einen Mann verwandelt hat, um ihrem Mann einen Streich zu spielen, und plant, danach wieder zurück zu wechseln. Das zeigt, dass physische Veränderungen im Starfield-Universum extrem einfach sind, so dass die Idee, nicht-binär zu sein, dies könnte Leute dort erschießen zu lassen, ist einfach nicht wahr, Lmao.


I found this company on "Neon" - in fact it is represented in all major cities - certainly also on Akila

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On 9/12/2023 at 9:01 PM, hompie said:

Thank you Ashal, for being here to get this all started.

This phase of building the framework is SUPER important, because this is what all the animators are going to base their animations of, and this is what enforces the limits of what additional modules can do.

So first of all, I want to make clear that I DO NOT want to return to a Skyrim Sexlab experience of a glorified animation gallery with a Skyrim background. This is a RPG, context, dialogue and branching choices are tantamount to player agency and thus the experience. I realize a lot of you think this is what side mods are for, but those only solve this problem AROUND the sex, not DURING the sex, which is equally as important.

Does Sexlab provide the experience of having sex with someone that might not want to go to the next step, of say, condomless sex? Nope, there is no barrier to this aside from animation tags, which are a very roundabout and underutilised way of sorting things. And the cycling through animations to go through one someone would absolutely not be okay with? Horrible.


Osex does allow for some agency within sex, though it does so without words or context. It solves many things, but not all: it plays out the same anywhere so it doesn't feel like it mattered, there's no indication of whether the npc liked something or not, no score to reflect that, nor any barriers to overcome (consent). Nor is there any communication with the npc, be it verbal or nonverbal.


A game like Koikatsu/HS2 does account for this, the characters even mention if a position is new or weird to them or not. 

We need to look at other games as well other than just the skyrim experience and try to emulate what works. Koikatsu/HS2 have functioning creampies for example. They also have a pre-penetration state and a pullout/afterglow state, which is more than just phase 1 and phase 5 of an animation sequence; it adds a lot of context and are mechanically different from the sex animation.

A game like Lilith's throne accounts for each participant's kinks and has npcs undress themselves or choose when to penetrate or what position if they are the dominant one.



So let's get to the meat of my proposals:

A list of things that I think should be in the framework and not in additional modules

- Ability to choose and progress sex through dialogue, with branching options and outcomes, including coming in or outside (or asking for either)

- Discernment of who is the main "performer" (for example, penetrative male during missionary, riding female during cowgirl)

- Logging of what happened, what kind of dialogue was selected, and which animations/sexual actions played during that scene (yes, this is why it is important that we don't just 'cycle through animations'), and who fucked who (esp during three+somes or npc sex). This data could then be used to create or enrich profiles of each npc and yourself.

- Interaction buttons to “pull hair”, spank, pull out etc, if animators provided the animation.
Or to signal you’re enjoying the current moment, which increases an enjoyment score, triggering effects like extra moaning, breathing, blushing or expressions like eye-rolling or ahegao or whatever, and can then result in an earlier orgasm.
Or to say some preset dirty talk lines. Or to undress. Etc etc.

- Time hooks for animators to use so they can signal when particular effects would be happening, such as ejaculations, whether outside or inside. If inside this could then prompt a visual effect for creampies (nonexistent in skyrim) (through another mod of course)

- Consent and skill checks. Some actions (during sex!) and positions would require explicit consent and/or skill checks to do. Choosing a position should therefore be done through dialogue or a special menu that reflects these contextual barriers.




Things to inspire others to make additional modules for with above things in mind

- Player and npcs having their own preferences during sex (some of which they might not know of at the start). For example, someone might consider their hair being pulled a turn on, and this would reflect in modules like Aroused, or in a hypothetical one where you get a Performance Score based on the things they liked. You could then also Score npcs based on how much you liked that particular encounter. And npcs could score you.
This ultimately leads to a personal page of favourite positions, favourite people to have sex with, favourite kinks and other juicy stats.

- Tag certain sex actions or positions as submissive, dominant, sadist, masochist or whatever kind of kink it implies. This data could be used for all kinds of BDSM mods.

- Npc Agency. If the 'Performer' is a npc, they can lead according to their own preferences. Choose particular positions and actions. If you haven’t given consent for a particular action they might try to convince you to, etc.

- Interesting character mods with each their own sexual preferences :). Hopefully those could be reflected by the suggested game mechanics rather than just headcanon.
- What I might try to work on myself: above mechanics integrated into the game's perk system. Fuck x amount of pussy to unlock certain types of positions, or to get proficient in a certain position in such a way that having sex in that position buffs you and/or the npc in particular ways. Give x amount of blowjobs to be able to heal from it, or vice versa. Have sex dominantly to unlock a power to dominate minds, and pass intimidation checks.  Have sex submissively to calm enemies, buff allies and receive discounts. Etc etc, lots of gameplay potential here :)


Thank you for reading, I planned to post this a week ago, but life >.> hope this doesn’t get buried.


These are some great ideas, and I appreciate the thought that went into them. IMO, though, non-consensual sex MUST be possible both ways, done to and done by the player.


I propose three lists, a basic, intermediate, and comprehensive list allowing the player to specify what they like. This list would be available to all sex mods. The basic one would be like, "I want to penetrate/be penetrated/both", "I'm Dom/sub/switch/vanilla", "Put my female character in male positions (i.e. using a strap on) yes/no" and things like this. Stuff needed to set up any sex scene. The intermediate list would add preferences like how often the player wants sex to happen and in what circumstances, how dirty dirty talk should get, which types of NPCs to get busy in front of, and the like. The comprehensive list would include as many preference settings as possible.


It could be ignored of course but would serve as a valuable resource and possibly prevent a lot of double work in setting up player preferences.

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