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Trails into Reverie (NIS America, English Language release)

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7 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

Oops. You said CS3. The same files will probably work in CS3.


Unfortunately, doing the same process didn't end up working in CS3 or CS4. It did work perfectly on my Hajimari copy though. I'll have to read up more on 3dmigoto and hopefully find a way to recreate what you did using the backported swimsuit in CS3, since it's probably because Hajimari costume structure is different I think. Thanks for the help though.

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On 8/24/2023 at 10:42 AM, amorrow28 said:

oh yes, I think I remember now. It’s in the 3dmigoto version for sure, but I think I had some trouble finding the pkg. I discovered much later that hajimari changed the numbering scheme, usually _C65 is swimsuit but Elie’s _C65 is a decoy.



Transferring hair is the same as any other asset because it is part of the costume, so you will be creating a new model. (It might be easier with 3dmigoto if the skeleton of the hair is identical.) The steps are here.


Backporting an outfit from to an older game (Reverie to CS4 to CS3) is its own nightmare. If there’s interest I can write a tutorial, but even with a tutorial expect to spend a lot of time pulling your hair out. EDIT: I wrote a tutorial, and compiled a database of shader hashes to greatly simplify the process.


Oh wow, thanks for making such a detailed guide!  This'll be a ton of help!

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5 hours ago, Johesy said:


Unfortunately, doing the same process didn't end up working in CS3 or CS4. It did work perfectly on my Hajimari copy though. I'll have to read up more on 3dmigoto and hopefully find a way to recreate what you did using the backported swimsuit in CS3, since it's probably because Hajimari costume structure is different I think. Thanks for the help though.

What was the result? The problem should be easy to solve. Do you see any messages printed on the screen when you hit F1 or F10?


If you only tried CS3, it likely did not work because CS3 has a different folder structure (which I forgot to mention):

  • Folder structure for CS3: {game}/bin/x64/
  • CS4/Reverie/Hajimari:     {game}/bin/Win64/

You can try my 3dmigoto environments for CS3 and CS4 (no mods included):

The process is the same as for Reverie/Hajimari:

  1. Place those files in the corresponding folder
  2. Add the hair mod files into the Mods folder

Some keyboard shortcuts that can help troubleshoot (this version of) 3dmigoto:

  • F2: enable/disable mods
  • F10: reload mods (to show changes to files)
  • F12: hash hunting mode


Edited by NotAZebra
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7 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

What was the result? The problem should be easy to solve. Do you see any messages printed on the screen when you hit F1 or F10?


If you only tried CS3, it likely did not work because CS3 has a different folder structure (which I forgot to mention):

  • Folder structure for CS3: {game}/bin/x64/
  • CS4/Reverie/Hajimari:     {game}/bin/Win64/

You can try my 3dmigoto environments for CS3 and CS4 (no mods included):

The process is the same as for Reverie/Hajimari:

  1. Place those files in the corresponding folder
  2. Add the hair mod files into the Mods folder

Some keyboard shortcuts that can help troubleshoot (this version of) 3dmigoto:

  • F2: enable/disable mods
  • F10: reload mods (to show changes to files)
  • F12: hash hunting mode



Hm...I gave both environments a shot for CS3 and CS4. It didn't seem to work, however, for either of them. F2 successfully toggles ponytail and hair down in Hajimari, but does not do anything in CS3. There's a few pictures below on what each keyboard shortcut shows. I wasn't able to get anything printed when hitting F1 (thought it might be my keyboard that's causing this).


I also tried it without the CS3 Restoration mod to see if there was some kind of conflict, but that didn't really help.


And I don't think this is related to the issue, but I'll point out that it still says "3Dmigoto for Hajimari no Kiskei" at launch on both CS3 and CS4 environments just in case.








F2 - CS3/Hajimari:




At Launch (CS3):



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4 hours ago, Johesy said:


Hm...I gave both environments a shot for CS3 and CS4. It didn't seem to work, however, for either of them. F2 successfully toggles ponytail and hair down in Hajimari, but does not do anything in CS3. There's a few pictures below on what each keyboard shortcut shows. I wasn't able to get anything printed when hitting F1 (thought it might be my keyboard that's causing this).


I also tried it without the CS3 Restoration mod to see if there was some kind of conflict, but that didn't really help.


And I don't think this is related to the issue, but I'll point out that it still says "3Dmigoto for Hajimari no Kiskei" at launch on both CS3 and CS4 environments just in case.








F2 - CS3/Hajimari:




At Launch (CS3):



I might be using a modded pkg file that changed the hair mesh (although I don’t know why that would be). I will check. Meanwhile, this can be solved thus:

  1. Open Juna_Hair_UpToDown.ini in your favorite text editor, and find the “hash = ...” line (under [TextureOverride_...])
  2. Play the game
  3. Press F12
  4. Hit 8 on the number pad until the hair disappears
  5. If you go over, press 7 to go back
  6. When you have the hair not showing, press 9 to copy the index buffer has (the number displayed in the top left)
  7. Go back the to .ini file and replace the hash with the copied value.
  8. Save the file
  9. Go to the game and hit F10 to reload 3dmigoto
Edited by NotAZebra
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5 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

I might be using a modded pkg file that changed the hair mesh (although I don’t know why that would be). I will check. Meanwhile, this can be solved thus:

  1. Open Juna_Hair_UpToDown.ini in your favorite text editor, and find the “hash = ...” line (under [TextureOverride_...])
  2. Play the game
  3. Press F12
  4. Hit 8 on the number pad until the hair disappears
  5. If you go over, press 7 to go back
  6. When you have the hair not showing, press 9 to copy the index buffer has (the number displayed in the top left)
  7. Go back the to .ini file and replace the hash with the copied value.
  8. Save the file
  9. Go to the game and hit F10 to reload 3dmigoto


Sadly, it just resulted in the same value that was already in the Juna_Hair_UpToDown.ini. I also tried out what Takuteka mentioned and the hair does in fact work in CS4, but not in CS3 like they said. And thanks for going out of your way to help by the way, I really appreciate it.



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1 hour ago, Johesy said:


Sadly, it just resulted in the same value that was already in the Juna_Hair_UpToDown.ini. I also tried out what Takuteka mentioned and the hair does in fact work in CS4, but not in CS3 like they said. And thanks for going out of your way to help by the way, I really appreciate it.




Numpad 7/8 cycles through index buffer hashes, which are unlikely to change between games.  You need to find the pixel shader that is drawing the hair, that will change between games.  Numpad 1/2 cycles through pixel shader hashes, and Numpad 3 copies it to the clipboard.  The PS hash will be 16 digits instead of 8, and it goes into the Shader_Override section instead of Texture_Override.  If you don't see one in @NotAZebra's .ini file, then look in common_shaders.ini.

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14 hours ago, takuteka said:

HairDownMODS works in CS4 with lakovic's CS4_nude&sexy_MOD.

I can't use HairDownMODS in CS3.

Lakovic dosen't release CS3_nude&sexy_MOD(3dmigoto).

I don't know why.



12 hours ago, Johesy said:


Sadly, it just resulted in the same value that was already in the Juna_Hair_UpToDown.ini. I also tried out what Takuteka mentioned and the hair does in fact work in CS4, but not in CS3 like they said. And thanks for going out of your way to help by the way, I really appreciate it.




You are right. I was looking at the wrong game when I thought I was testing in CS3, and then I included the wrong common_shaders.ini for CS4. Thanks for your patience with troubleshooting. @amorrow28 is right that the shader hash was not updated properly for CS3. It was right in CS4, but I gave you the wrong file.


Updated files for CS3 are in the CS3 thread

Updated files for CS4 are in the CS4 thread


In both cases, the shader hash is now in the common_shaders.ini file rather than in the ini file for the hair mod. You could use lakovic’s mod as the base instead of the 3dmigoto environment I shared if you want. They are almost identical. I also updated the popup text to not say “Hajimari” (which has no effect on mods).


Aside: you can port lakovic’s mods to CS3 pretty easily by updating the shader hashes in the ini files. As amorrow mentioned, you use 1, 2, and 3 (rather than 7, 8, and 9) to find the shader hashes.

Edited by NotAZebra
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16 minutes ago, NotAZebra said:



You are right. I was looking at the wrong game when I thought I was testing in CS3, and then I included the wrong common_shaders.ini for CS4. Thanks for your patience with troubleshooting. @amorrow28 is right that the shader hash was not updated properly for CS3. It was right in CS4, but I gave you the wrong file.


Updated files for CS3 are in the CS3 thread

Updated files for CS4 are in the CS4 thread


In both cases, the shader hash is now in the common_shaders.ini file rather than in the ini file for the hair mod. You could use lakovic’s mod as the base instead of the 3dmigoto environment I shared if you want. They are almost identical. I also updated the popup text to not say “Hajimari” (which has no effect on mods).


Aside: you can port lakovic’s mods to CS3 pretty easily by updating the shader hashes in the ini files. As amorrow mentioned, you use 1, 2, and 3 (rather than 7, 8, and 9) to find the shader hashes.


Thank you so much, I've wanted this mod for such a long time now! I was actually just about to post my reply when you posted this. I also came to the conclusion that the problem was with the common_shaders.ini after updating the PS hash didn't work, while Lakovic's common_shaders.ini was all that was necessary for CS4. I got stuck trying to figure out what to change in common_shader.ini but you came just in time. Thank you to everyone who helped out!

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3dmigoto files to give Fran’s hair to Noel: Reverie_3dm_Noel_FranHair.7z


To use, you need to have 3dmigoto installed. The version I use is here (which also includes mods for Juna’s hair). Then the mod files go in the Mods folder. Your setup of 3dmigoto may require uncommenting some lines in the ini file by removing ; .


Double Fran:




Edited by NotAZebra
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1 hour ago, NotAZebra said:



You are right. I was looking at the wrong game when I thought I was testing in CS3, and then I included the wrong common_shaders.ini for CS4. Thanks for your patience with troubleshooting. @amorrow28 is right that the shader hash was not updated properly for CS3. It was right in CS4, but I gave you the wrong file.


Updated files for CS3 are in the CS3 thread

Updated files for CS4 are in the CS4 thread


In both cases, the shader hash is now in the common_shaders.ini file rather than in the ini file for the hair mod. You could use lakovic’s mod as the base instead of the 3dmigoto environment I shared if you want. They are almost identical. I also updated the popup text to not say “Hajimari” (which has no effect on mods).


Aside: you can port lakovic’s mods to CS3 pretty easily by updating the shader hashes in the ini files. As amorrow mentioned, you use 1, 2, and 3 (rather than 7, 8, and 9) to find the shader hashes.


Would you happen to know a way to remove Juna's ponytail remnants/shadow in the common_shaders.ini? It pops up often in certain low angles and is pretty distracting. It's also visible when de-loading Juna's main hair during F12. I noticed this in the Hajimari version and it was actually not present when using Lakovic's common_shaders.ini while testing in CS4 as per Takuteka suggestion.


I believe the PS hash was <bc698f2688ba22e4>. I'm still not sure which text corresponds to what in common_shaders.ini, so I'm unsure how to find it.


Without the ponytail remnants (the goal):



With (the problem):


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On 8/28/2023 at 9:39 PM, Johesy said:


Would you happen to know a way to remove Juna's ponytail remnants/shadow in the common_shaders.ini? It pops up often in certain low angles and is pretty distracting. It's also visible when de-loading Juna's main hair during F12. I noticed this in the Hajimari version and it was actually not present when using Lakovic's common_shaders.ini while testing in CS4 as per Takuteka suggestion.


I believe the PS hash was <bc698f2688ba22e4>. I'm still not sure which text corresponds to what in common_shaders.ini, so I'm unsure how to find it.


Without the ponytail remnants (the goal):



With (the problem):


Can you clarify when you see that and when you don’t? Specifically, which games?

Edited by NotAZebra
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10 hours ago, Johesy said:


Would you happen to know a way to remove Juna's ponytail remnants/shadow in the common_shaders.ini? It pops up often in certain low angles and is pretty distracting. It's also visible when de-loading Juna's main hair during F12. I noticed this in the Hajimari version and it was actually not present when using Lakovic's common_shaders.ini while testing in CS4 as per Takuteka suggestion.


I believe the PS hash was <bc698f2688ba22e4>. I'm still not sure which text corresponds to what in common_shaders.ini, so I'm unsure how to find it.


Without the ponytail remnants (the goal):



With (the problem):


Please post your reports in the correct game thread. It’s very confusing to us when you don’t… and don’t worry about folks missing your post. All the modders are subscribed to the major threads, it does not make it more likely for posts to be missed to post in the correct thread.

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52 minutes ago, amorrow28 said:

Please post your reports in the correct game thread. It’s very confusing to us when you don’t… and don’t worry about folks missing your post. All the modders are subscribed to the major threads, it does not make it more likely for posts to be missed to post in the correct thread.


Whoops, yep sorry my bad.

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On 8/22/2023 at 9:03 PM, lakovic said:

Here is Laura's swimsuit model, you can see that her panties are incomplete, it will take a long time to restore her original shorts, I think it is not worth it



Understood, and appreciate the insight.  Had to ask.  ?

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On 7/22/2023 at 12:20 PM, yayoiimas said:

Update hash edit for lakovic Nude&Sexy mod.

Not all of sexy costume are working.

This mod include unskirt for some character.




Juna Musse Emma - Magical costume has change to other costume, so if you don't like you can delete Magical Folder.


Alisa&Rixia has many costume and this is a key for change.

Alisa Default and Magical costume - F4+4

Rixia Mood Wedding Dress - F4+9




Nude mod are already test for most character except Noel and some character from gold gacha.


TrailsReverie_NyaaNudeMod.rar 194.51 MB · 772 downloads

This may be a dumb question, but ever since I downloaded this mod, I can't take any screenshots through Steam. I even changed the default F12 key to another one and it doesn't do anything. Is this intentional?

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It seems there is a dlc conflict issue. @amorrow28's sky swimsuits and @NotAZebra's Azure inspired looks. The problem is with Estelle. I installed Azure looks and Estelle's swimsuit dlc turned grey. I clicked on it and it says Azure Inspried Looks already used. Note this is only with Estelle , Tita and Reene swimsuits work fine.

Are estelle outfits on the same dlc slot as Azure looks or something?

Edited by tigers
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On 7/14/2023 at 1:47 AM, amorrow28 said:



Is there a costume you want, but you can't find it in the game?  Here is a cheat for Trails into Reverie that lets you override purchases - buy anything you want for the price of a tear balm!


NOTE: New upload as of 7/22/23, updated for Reverie v1.0.5 (upload fixed).


Reverie Purchase Override.CT 85.88 kB · 130 downloads


NOTE: Turn off the cheat after purchasing. The game engine (probably) uses the same instruction to buy items and unequip items! (Actually you can use this cheat to get items by unequipping if you are not near a store but of course you will lose what you unequip - at least this worked in Hajimari, but the code is very different in Reverie so I would appreciate if someone would test this.)


This has been tested on Trails into Reverie NISA v1.0.5.


For detailed instructions, see my post on the Hajimari thread.

I am trying to use this , but step 5 doesnt work, I cant click on the override purchase item checkbox in the CT. Game version 1.0.7

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:45 AM, Aura2696 said:

This may be a dumb question, but ever since I downloaded this mod, I can't take any screenshots through Steam. I even changed the default F12 key to another one and it doesn't do anything. Is this intentional?

This happens to me too. FOr some reason 3dmigoto fucks up the steam overlay and prevents taking screenshots. I have to use Fraps which is an 3rd party  screenshot taker

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On 9/1/2023 at 10:37 PM, tigers said:

It seems there is a dlc conflict issue. @amorrow28's sky swimsuits and @NotAZebra's Azure inspired looks. The problem is with Estelle. I installed Azure looks and Estelle's swimsuit dlc turned grey. I clicked on it and it says Azure Inspried Looks already used. Note this is only with Estelle , Tita and Reene swimsuits work fine.

Are estelle outfits on the same dlc slot as Azure looks or something?


Unfortunately it sounds like the two DLC conflict.  There are two steps to resolve this, because there are two possible types of conflicts.


Resolving item number conflicts - Always do this first!



Download my DLC conflict resolver.  (Latest version always at github.)


UPLOAD REPLACED 9/9/23 - Now can repair corrupt tables!




Put it in your {CS3/CS4/Reverie} folder, the one with the bin and data folders.  Double click it.






Here you can see that two of my items are using the same item ID.  Pick one of the items to have its item reassigned.  Pick the one you have not obtained yet, to make things easier.


It will keep searching through tables until all the item number conflicts are resolved.



Resolving DLC number conflicts (different folder numbers)



The script will now search for DLC ID conflicts.  The repair process is the same.






Note that the DLC ID cannot be changed if it is the folder number.  (For example, if DLC ID 190 is in folder 0190, then it cannot be changed.  You will have to pick the other option.)


You might find yourself in a situation where you have fixed the DLC IDs, but the DLC you want to activate is greyed out (because it has been activated in the past, when it was a different DLC).  Disable the used DLC check, then you can activate the DLC even though it is greyed out.


Resolving DLC number conflicts (same folder numbers)




If you have two mods that both use folder 0188, for example, then even unpacking one will erase the other.  We will need to be a little creative to solve this.


(Note that DLC ID numbers must be between 1 and 199.  We will take advantage of this.)


In my example, I will use two mods that are both 0188.


  • Install the first mod.  You now have a folder {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/0188.
  • Rename it to {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/1188.
  • Install the second mod.  You now have both {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/0188 and {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/1188.
  • Run the DLC conflict tool.  It will have you change the number of one of the mods. 





  • Here you can see it has changed the DLC ID to 83.  Rename {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/1188 to {CS3/CS4/Reverie}/data/dlc/text/0083.  You should now have two working mods!


Edited by amorrow28
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On 8/22/2023 at 2:14 AM, NotAZebra said:

Hot Shot X and friends


A nice player turned some of my mods into DLCs:

  • Hot Shot X (sexy stuff but no nudes):
    • Version 004: Reverie - HOT SHOT X v004.7z
      • Adds costumes for Nadia
    • Version 003
      • Adds costumes for Musse
    • Version 002
      • Bug fix for Juna’s Shorts A
      • Makes Rixia’s Casuals A like B but with larger bust (rather than Zero/Azure costume, which you can get from the package below)
    • Version 001



My mods that aren‘t here can still be found as replacement pkg files here.


Paste the data folder into the game folder (which should already have a data folder).

You will want to use the information here to disable the check for having DLC characters in the party.


Wow! I really wish all your outfits from Sexy Reverie could be turned into dlcs. There are so many good ones there and such a shame that you have to overwrite one or the other. DLCs allow all of them in a single file which is just fantastic.

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2 hours ago, tigers said:

Wow! I really wish all your outfits from Sexy Reverie could be turned into dlcs. There are so many good ones there and such a shame that you have to overwrite one or the other. DLCs allow all of them in a single file which is just fantastic.

They could be. I hope someone does that. Someone not me.

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