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I though there would be a thread on these but there isn't one so here goes .



To be honest I just want to hear you opinions since mine is biased , and I am not sure of what to make of all this .



So what do you guys think ?



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I'd like to give Steam OS a shot once it comes out. Being free really helps a lot there, and I can imagine this being a great gateway to Linux for those that don't have much experience with it. Linux could always use some more exposure.


As for the Steam Machines, well...I don't have a TV and I already have my computer.

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It looks interesting, but the problem for me (and many other pc gamers) is that this OS focuses a lot on the living room, and not on the computer. Sure, it has cool (but subjective) features like streaming, the fact that it's Linux, and such, but how will it perform as an OS when it comes to other things that OS's do? Why should someone switch from Windows/OS X to this as their main operating system? Sure, you can use both, but that doesn't sound really appealing to many, including me. I've been perfectly happy with just Windows 7 for the past several years and with nothing more (in terms of OS's). I don't know, so far I'm not really covinced, but since it's Linux (and therefore most likely free) I will probably try it out, even though streaming to the Steam box or TV isn't too relevant for me. Still, It's cool that Linux is getting more gaming support and this OS might win me over.

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To me it seems like Valve is getting a bit greedy , trying to get into the console market , as the are the number one pc digital distributor they make a shitload of money and there is not need for them not enter a market that is already out of balance .



As for Steam OS I kind of like the idea of a operating system designed for gaming but I have quite a lot of reservations because I use many other distributors (GoG , Amazon , Humble Store , etc ) and I don't know whether the rest of my games will be able to run on Linux ,as for having both windows and linux , to me it sounds like a bad idea .











The new controller looks ugly and uncomfortable ,


  and yes the buttons are in the middle ....

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I'd like to give Steam OS a shot once it comes out. Being free really helps a lot there, and I can imagine this being a great gateway to Linux for those that don't have much experience with it. Linux could always use some more exposure.


As for the Steam Machines, well...I don't have a TV and I already have my computer.


I have a TV AND a computer, but the TV mainly serves as a second monitor for when I wanna do stuff from my bed >.>  42" screen and all.  


If it's reasonably priced, I might give it a shot, but that controller, omg.  I already refuse to use a controller for most games due to the clunky imprecision, and that one looks like it makes a 360 controller feel like a pro gaming mouse.

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Don't really see the point in it tbh. Why would I want to use the TV to play games? I have a perfectly reasonable 30" monitor with awesome speakers. Also, why would I want to use a controller? I find them highly irritating. Joystick? Sure. One of those "gaming" pads (like the n52te)? Sure. Controller? I like my mouse & keyboard.


So yeh, from my perspective, I don't see the point. So long as Valve doesn't forget who made them who they are today, then they can go play in console-land. Just remember to be back in time for supper.

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I have a TV AND a computer, but the TV mainly serves as a second monitor for when I wanna do stuff from my bed >.> 42" screen and all.


If it's reasonably priced, I might give it a shot, but that controller, omg. I already refuse to use a controller for most games due to the clunky imprecision, and that one looks like it makes a 360 controller feel like a pro gaming mouse.

I am merely stating that I am not the target audience here. I wouldn't be able to make much use of the device.


Also, the 360 controller is really good aside from some issues with the d-pad that can be easily fixed yourself with some very fine sandpaper and a vacuum cleaner.


I'd prefer to reserve my judgement on the Steam controller until actually trying it out for myself; though I do think that while it would be fine for first-person shooters and such, it doesn't really look like it would be good for the kinds of games that I typically would use a controller or arcade stick for. But, I'm still open to at least try it before outright condemning it.


To me it seems like Valve is getting a bit greedy , trying to get into the console market , as the are the number one pc digital distributor they make a shitload of money and there is not need for them not enter a market that is already out of balance .


Today I learned that expanding your business when you're doing well is 'greedy'. I should probably start getting pissed off that Amazon.com sells things other than books now, shouldn't I?

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Today I learned that expanding your business when you're doing well is 'greedy'. I should probably start getting pissed off that Amazon.com sells things other than books now, shouldn't I?



I am glad to have helped you learn something  also in the future try to keep your sarcasm to yourself , no one really needs it .

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My main problem with it is that no one that games in our house likes to play in the living room.   To much other stuff going on in there, too many non gaming people walking back and forth, and it breaks any type of immersion or concentration.


Also, I don't like controllers at all. 


I'm with the crowd that says just give me my pc and my mouse/keyboard combo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me it seems like Valve is getting a bit greedy , trying to get into the console market , as the are the number one pc digital distributor they make a shitload of money and there is not need for them not enter a market that is already out of balance .



As for Steam OS I kind of like the idea of a operating system designed for gaming but I have quite a lot of reservations because I use many other distributors (GoG , Amazon , Humble Store , etc ) and I don't know whether the rest of my games will be able to run on Linux ,as for having both windows and linux , to me it sounds like a bad idea .











The new controller looks ugly and uncomfortable ,


  and yes the buttons are in the middle ....


I wasn't really interested in it, to say more I was expecting it to fail but...





It is working well, I'm sold.


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The player looked like he was struggling a bit during the Counter-Strike part, but he was still able to hit things without the need for aim assistance. It could be a matter of adjusting the sensitivity and getting used to it. I really do like the sound of the pads being fully customizable; it'll be cool to see what people do specifically for the controller.

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The player looked like he was struggling a bit during the Counter-Strike part, but he was still able to hit things without the need for aim assistance. It could be a matter of adjusting the sensitivity and getting used to it. I really do like the sound of the pads being fully customizable; it'll be cool to see what people do specifically for the controller.


I want to see better action shots of different angles of the controller.  I'm not too thrilled with controllers to begin with, and this one just looks like a more complicated mess to me.

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Im PC gamer don't have any consoles and im not gonne change that.


But if it helps linux and more developers gonne make games for linux i'll abandon MS in a heart beat, i only have MS becouse its for PC main gaming platform but MS sucks major.


Steam is ok but its like but its like MS andsony with there consoles and google apple they wanne control you gaming enviroment how to use and play.


If in future we have choose between xbox-ps4-Sbox or apple/google our freendom what and how to handle our gaming and internet experience im affraid modding specially sexmodding is GONE.


I hope most die hard pc gamers/users keep refusing a box controlled by those or your FREEDOM is gone.


XBOX/ps4 and the all watching eye yeh right i let them watch with camera into my house and reconnize me lol not in a million years.


And i don't wanne sit in front of TV with controller or wave my hands playing games thats for sure. They should start invent better ways with keyboard + mouse to handle like a super flat keyboard touchscreens and mouse where you position your hand around same spots you do now when use as know now for decades instead of clumpsy gamepads.


PC even with MS as OS is still total freedom those boxes are not steam included.

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I think people are being too presumptuous and insistent that Valve are entering the console market. To me this looks like a backdoor route to getting out of Windows dominance in the event that MS continues this Apple fixation they currently are in and make the windows more and more closed market. Until win9 comes out we wont know for certain how MS sees the windows future. If it goes back to win7 levels of awesome then fine- no harm, no foul; Valve continue what they've been doing but at the same time keep building Steam OS cause no point chucking something you've been working on for so long and it might still come in handy in the future.


Or when win9 becomes xbone junior and MS starts asking for a bigger cut of the pie from pubs to put their games on the windows market, Valve can come in and give them an alternate(and most likely better) solution provided they foot the bill for linux conversion. Idk how much it costs to port games to linux but it could be better for all 3 parties(Pubs/Valve/Gamers) in the long run. I see this as Valve looking at the climate starting to change and taking action now rather then getting caught with their pants down. This is most likely is a 3-7 year action plan with ever changing goals as time goes on.




As for Steambox, Valve were smart in going after the 3(Intel/AMD/NVD) most likely to lose out, besides them, if PC gaming dies and getting them involved in Steambox. AMD cant survive for long if all they have to go on is lowballing others in trying to secure console GPU contracts and Nvidia probably dosent see their future in making mobile solutions for Neckbeard Fedora guy with his HipsterPhone7. They will most likely be wiling to help in trying to help keep PC gaming alive. Idk Intel's situation but I can guess they too wont soon likely give up on a fairly lucrative cash cow either..


All Valve has to do is convince them to take care of the hardware side and then inject their own Trojan horse, SteamOS and build their Steam Storefront from there. Genius! Dont even have to do any heavy lifting and just sit back and enjoy the benefits. Valve dont care about any hardware profits, they're happy to give that up to the Hardware guys 100%. All they want is to get you on to their SteamStore, get you hooked on your first Steamsale and get you spending on Steam. Very much the same way Windows works(or used to work).


The only spanner here is publishers - if they cant convince them on their idea then it could be very hard to get gamers in with just Dota and indie games. Publishers are by far the biggest loose cannon in all this. But they did it once.....nothing to say they cant do it again.




Regarding Steam controller; again it seems more short sighted, close minded presumptions. Every time I hear people talk about Steam Controller its "I can play xyz game" on it. This argument seems so dumb to me. You dont play Mahvel vs StreetFightmans on your kb/m! You use a gamepad or stick. So why then does the Steam controller get thrown with such an unfair criticism? And Newsflash: Your gamepad also doesnt play every god damn game on the planet, does that make it worthless too? No. You use a input device more suited for that game. To me the Steam controller is trying to bridge that gap between gamepad and kb/m and I trust Valve to close that gap more and more as they work on the controller. I just think "cant play xyz game" arguments(which no one can say for certainty till they actually try it) dont make any sense to me cause it never was or will be what the controller is about; a universal all-in-one gamepad.


Personally I reserve judgement till I get a hands on but the most interesting thing about it is that Valve said they can be completely hackable, this could be huge. It could change the way we think of its uses as a controller like the way Cfw was to the PSP(although most people just used it for piracy -_-). Im excited for that. 

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Regarding Steam controller; again it seems more short sighted, close minded presumptions. Every time I hear people talk about Steam Controller its "I can play xyz game" on it. This argument seems so dumb to me. You dont play Mahvel vs StreetFightmans on your kb/m! You use a gamepad or stick. So why then does the Steam controller get thrown with such an unfair criticism? And Newsflash: Your gamepad also doesnt play every god damn game on the planet, does that make it worthless too? No. You use a input device more suited for that game. To me the Steam controller is trying to bridge that gap between gamepad and kb/m and I trust Valve to close that gap more and more as they work on the controller. I just think "cant play xyz game" arguments(which no one can say for certainty till they actually try it) dont make any sense to me cause it never was or will be what the controller is about; a universal all-in-one gamepad.



Actually, I DO play fighting games on keyboard and mouse.

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The player looked like he was struggling a bit during the Counter-Strike part, but he was still able to hit things without the need for aim assistance. It could be a matter of adjusting the sensitivity and getting used to it. I really do like the sound of the pads being fully customizable; it'll be cool to see what people do specifically for the controller.


I want to see better action shots of different angles of the controller.  I'm not too thrilled with controllers to begin with, and this one just looks like a more complicated mess to me.




Touchpad in it makes all difference, I'm quiet sure that it is a WAY more comfortable than damn sticks.

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Touchpad in it makes all difference, I'm quiet sure that it is a WAY more comfortable than damn sticks.


Actually if you pay close attention to his hand movements when he plays Portal he swipes his finger twice in the right to change the camera in that direction much like a mouse with low sensitivity .

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I'm quite sure that it is a WAY more comfortable than damn sticks.


When it comes to first-person shooters or on-screen cursors, there is no doubt in my mind of that. It's a real pain in the keister to get very precise controls out of an analog stick, especially one that is small enough to fit on a gamepad.

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