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Creatures Overhaul - Workshop - On indefinite hold

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Starting a new job, even if it involves jumping straight into firefighting mode due to the previous folks screwing things up is pretty much par for the course for me.  I have made a career out of it so that part is meh....no big deal.


The problem is uprooting with 4 days notice and traveling 400 some miles to a different city.  Then finding a place to live and figuring out how I can arrange to go back and get my crap, move it to my new home (once i find that sucker) and do all of this while being swamped 14+ hours a day, 6 days a week.  :P


Guess I am just a glutton for punishment. :lol: :lol:

Once I nail down the dwelling side of the equation then the rest is doable.  I spent all day yesterday and a good chunck of today looking for a place to live.  I "think" I might have found something but probably won't know for sure until Monday. 


Modding from a laptop in a hotel room, with internet just bearly faster than dial-up is not all that practical. :blink:

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Guest ThatOne

Modding from a laptop in a hotel room, with internet just bearly faster than dial-up is not all that practical. :blink:


That's actually how I make all my animations... :s Except instead of a hotel room, make it a stock-standard one-room apartment for students.

No, that's not a joke.

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you can sign me in in this one    working on a laptop   and for internet connection i am often sitting in a 'macdonald' with a coffee trying to hide from people eyes the 17 inch pages (i am wandering if one day they will give me the keys to shot the store up :cool: )

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Guest ThatOne

The zombie animation is now complete (both third and fourth stages). The human animation is finished as well.


I'll skip releasing a preview for these because, for the human animation it's very similar to the third stage, and for the zombie animation I'd rather wait a while longer to see if I get any better ideas. The current one is acceptable, but not the most innovative I've ever had.


I will now take a break from animating, which will likely last until the trolls' AP model & rig are finalized and released.

There's been so little comments and feedback (not to mention literally one like on my posts, which in combination with the lack of comments can only mean people don't care or don't like my work) that I can't imagine anyone here could possibly be bothered by that. Don't know why I even mention it.

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ThatOne  people are just waiting for a release to play with   they will give commentarys after        it is hard to say a direction to take when you do not know the difficulty of that matter   i never say anything about animations or any work because  first i have no good idees to lay on  and second i am happy when i can download and play.     and generaly when there is no comment it generaly a good direction.    And i understand your point  as the flameatronach   i do not know if someone like it (i am just waiting for a comment) ? 


any way i have started again the sprigan and changing it to DRMA     and the question is an AP Troll  ?   what do you mean  ?


i can add very easily the penisroot  bones and put any dick on it  just need to know with what meshes to do it.



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Guest ThatOne

My animations will not be released before Gregathit returns to active modding, mostly due to my inexperience with butt animations (thus they were not included in the preview videos).


For your flame atronach, I'm probably not the one you'd want commenting because I'm not into actors having their way with creatures, but it looks pretty good to me.


AP Troll means both rig and model being finalized; I can make the edits to the rig and copy the model over same as you, but Gregathit mentioned there is a possibility that a new model will be made for them, so I'm waiting for that.

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between zoophilia or necrophilia  i choose oblivion video game   and having fun with it  and i was asking for the ap troll  just to advance the staff like this gregathit might have less things to do in his shedul and less things on his shoulder.


anyway i have already other things to do.



And yet an other question        spiderdaedra male !     spriggan male !       flameatronach male !    would it be interresting ? 

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Here is the troll that I would LOVE for someone to add penis bones and weight paint:  Troll.7z


I would prefer that the skeleton be a vanilla one with only the 5 dick bones and the penis root being added (see the LAPF skeleton as you "should" be able to just copy branch and then paste branch and that be that).


The troll absolutely MUST have an animated dick as many of the animations I intend to create for him will be at various and odd angles.  A fixed dick just won't work right for him.


KingKong,  if you are willing to take this on then I would be very appreciative. 


As to male versions of the female creatures......I don't mind making animations for them but it would be something that I would put off until all other creatures are done.  The reason being that no current support or plugins exist to use them so they would be pretty low priority.


One thing I wanted to spring on WappyOne and perhaps even JSmith20142 is figuring out how we can make creatures rape other creatures (in addition to NPC's).  Now THAT would be freaking hilarious!!!  True, I would need to create an animation for it but still...... :P  


What could be funnier than a Spriggan being raped by the bear she summoned. :lol: :lol:

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ok  no fantasy from my side              no triple dick !!! :P    


for male version i was just proposing you more work :cool:


i can imagine the spiderdaedra raped by the little one she sommones :shy:


i see you like to hit yourself with more work!      even if it is funny .


you should have the possibility to sommened  WappyOne and JSmith20142  at will post-35101-0-81755700-1382400484.gif

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Guest ThatOne

Well, that is an... Interesting thought. I actually prefer the first picture. Might even do it myself now, to give one of my characters an "interesting" time.

No guarantees, though.


Perhaps it could be included as an optional package, if it ever gets created.

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as you ask       did not touch       only some vertices subdivised on the dick


copy on the lapr exemple on the troll dick and copy and past the lapr bones on the troll skeleton


tell me if i went wrong somewhere.


         --+attachicon.giftroll ap 0.1.7z


Looks good to me in nifskope anyway.  I'll mess around with it Saturday afternoon and pull it into blender to make sure it is doing what I need it to do.



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just typing words 


there is a mod 'sexualised creatures'  may be the scripts in there might be usefull      (i do not know anything about it just looked on the meshes)


thinking about 'tamago' mod  it gives a womb randomly to creatures might be usefull to add a creature female body with the womb value        but i do not know the difficulty it might be .

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There's a few I have perm bookmarked from working with Poser that are real good. MongoBongo is another I like, and Zomp3d but that name and location has changed. The one titled Maya's Desire from Zomp3d is one of my favorites.





Out of MongoBongo's work, which is really good, I Iike Sylrahtae WoodElf & Orc and Bretonnia Knight Horse the best.


This is MongoBongo's Sylrahtae:





and with their help this is my recreation of it:




Too bad it's way too many polygons for Oblivion.



Yeah they're damn good as well. :) My favorite used to be Vaesark but since he pretty much stopped putting monsters and animals in his work I kinda lost interest... So Knight77 (TKSB) is probably my current favorite :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ThatOne

I'm back from my vacation in Turkey.


But that's not what interests you in my posts, so here's a preview of a new imp animation I'm considering to make ("Considering to make" means it depends on my mood and on community reaction, so if you want to see it happen you'll have to let me know).




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I'm back from my vacation in Turkey.


But that's not what interests you in my posts, so here's a preview of a new imp animation I'm considering to make ("Considering to make" means it depends on my mood and on community reaction, so if you want to see it happen you'll have to let me know).



Looks good :),


Keep it up.



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Guest ThatOne

Three things left to do before it's ready...

-Fish up a texture for the restraints. I haven't had the time to do that yet, and the current texture on them doesn't fit at all with the Ayleid throne.

-Edit the restraints model to create an open version. I believe people here would appreciate the open restraints staying on the throne for a little bit of immersion\atmosphere.

-Ask someone to check the butt bounce animation. I've never done butt animation before since I don't use BB-enabled models, so I'm not sure how good it is.


Would've probably finished with it by now, but I'm stubbornly trying to learn how to edit face textures to do a simple edit. Spent three hours, and doesn't look like I'm getting anywhere. Maybe because I'm trying to do this at 3fps (three cheers for my ancient laptop!).


-Edit- because I forgot to mention: If anyone wants to help, it'll be greatly appreciated. All I'm trying to do is lower the eyebrows a bit - and that's all. It's really hard to do when the mouse jumps all over the place, though. :(

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Guest ThatOne

The body is called NMRA, which stands for New Manga Round Ass. It features open pussy, but no butt bones (which is why I've never animated BB before).


Multiple attackers are possible, but there are two problems.

Firstly, the amount of work. One does not usually think "Man, I wonder how many hours did this animation take" unless he or she creates animations. Synchronizing multiple characters is a headache, and can take a ridiculous amount of time.

Secondly, there's the fact that we do not currently have a code to detect how many creatures of a certain type are near the player character at the time Lovers fires up, store their variables somewhere, disable one, pick the correct animation on the other and re-enable the other with all the correct variables re-set.


The first problem, I have no desire to tackle. Yes, I've made several animations for more than two actors at a time, but they take way too long and after one stage I usually don't want to continue because it's not fun.

The second problem, I have no reason to tackle unless the first one is removed. To put simply, I *can* write the code, but unless there's a significant amount of animations that would use said code, I frankly don't see the reason to create it.


... And, to put the cherry on top, most scripts that check each reference near the player character usually cause slows\stutters when the player character is near a significant amount of actors\creatures (try the Lovers Stripper next to 30+ actors, for example).


If you want to be lazy, it's much easier though; make the additional creatures appear out of thin air for the act, and disappear after it. Zero coding required. But most people here don't want that.


Off topic: I wish I taught myself some photoshop at some period of time. I thought I'd be done by now... :(

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I "might" be willing to make a few animations for a select creature or two for threesomes.  Creatures that make sense for this would be:

Goblins, zombies, imps and dogs.


These are all "pack" type creatures that by lore would be traveling in pairs or more in caves or the wild.  The animations would most likely be just one pose with "faster" or "slower" stages as it would just take too long otherwise.  


My vote is to have the "extra" actor appear out of thin air rather than attempt the coding nightmare of keeping track of multiple creatures.  I'm pretty sure folks could head cannon that the "extra creature" wandered off after having fucked the PC or NPC.  


The coding for this is beyond what I want to tackle (too much on my plate as it is), so if someone is willing to do that side then I'll make at least one animation for each of the four creatures.  It won't happen fast but I'll eventually get to it.

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If you want to be "Lore friendly" (lol) with multiple-creature sex, you could consier the creatures that have summon spells.


I think Liches summon any undead, Spriggans summon Bears, Skeleton Champions have Skeletons, Xivilai have Clannfear, Goblin Shaman have Headless Zombies, and Spider Daedra have Spiderlings.

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You missed the point of ThatOne's post.  We are talking about using the create a copy type deal.  In other words if the attacker is a Goblin then a second Goblin would appear to "join in" to make a threesome.  Spawning different types of creature or NPC's is opening a whole other can of worms.

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