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Quick question, and I'm sorry if it doesn't belong here:


I am thinking of switching from HGEC to DMRA body. I distinctly remember one of these mods saying you have to do something special if using the DMRA body, but I don't know which. Can you point me toward that mod?


Only mod I can remember that requires something "special" for use with DMRA is Estrus.

If you are using it, the settings scroll should be in the misc tab of your inventory where all the books are.

Go to bust size config and change it to DMRA.


It'll still work with HGEC settings, just the hands will clip through the breasts (and if you're using the BBB-enabled animations, they'll clip anyway - just more so with HGEC settings).

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is beautiful.  I quit playing Oblivion before this came out but it sounds amazing.


I'd love to be able to animate the male penis in Skyrim like this.  Schlongs of Skyrim only allows modular genital animation separate from the actor animation,...which makes it virtually impossible to animate the penis for a specific sex animation like this mod.


I hope to see a framework like this for Skyrim someday.  Great work on this,...I may reinstall oblivion to check this out!

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Somethin that is kinda bugging me is the whole naked lower body thing during sex. Can you guys make it possible as an option to not remove lower body clothes during sex and just show the junk/strapon hanging out instead? kinda like the bandit just unzipped/untied his pants and whipped it out to rape the victim that kind of look ya know? females wearing latex suits/one piece contraptions wouldn't have to take all that stuff off to rape either.

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You must replace the lowerbody with a penis or strapon Version. ( but the "victim" can stay dressed...very unrealistic)

If you want armor/clothes and penis/strapon you must only create 10000 lowerbodies for all vanilla and Mod armor/clothes and change the Lovers script.

And only add a penis that stick through the clothes looks like shit ( then we need open Pants meshes)

And a strapon equipped with clothes or armor clip like hell, and with some armors you will see no belts ( all in the armor mesh)

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Somethin that is kinda bugging me is the whole naked lower body thing during sex. Can you guys make it possible as an option to not remove lower body clothes during sex and just show the junk/strapon hanging out instead? kinda like the bandit just unzipped/untied his pants and whipped it out to rape the victim that kind of look ya know? females wearing latex suits/one piece contraptions wouldn't have to take all that stuff off to rape either.




The penis\futa\stapon is part of the lower body mesh.  You can't separate them. Stop and think about what you are asking for.  You would need to make a custom mesh for hundreds upon hundreds of outfits.  


Now YOU can create your desired lower body mesh and put it in one of the alternate body folders and use the lovers options to select it.

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FWIW, in the LAPF download package, the 'menus' folder should be inside the 'textures' folder.

I should have explained this. There are two Menus folders in Oblivion. The one inside the Data folder (where the LAPF installation package has it) is just for the menu xml files. The Menus folder with the icons (which LAPF needs to install) is located inside the Textures folder. The current installation package is placing those icons in the XML folder.

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But in the wrong placed menus Folder is only a Icon for the LAPF lower Body and you never see it in your inventory ( unplayable clothes)

menus\Icons\armor is empty

menus\Icons\Lovers\asbonericon.dds  = the lowerbody Icon

So it does not matter if the Folder is wrong.

Why have the lowerbodies a Icon ?

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But in the wrong placed menus Folder is only a Icon for the LAPF lower Body and you never see it in your inventory ( unplayable clothes)

menus\Icons\armor is empty

menus\Icons\Lovers\asbonericon.dds  = the lowerbody Icon

So it does not matter if the Folder is wrong.

Why have the lowerbodies a Icon ?

Yea, it's probably safe to get rid of unless someone knows of a reason for it.

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Ah I forgot that the victim is using the same thing as the attacker for lowerbody:-( Maybe if some script could show the junk/strapon on top of the attackers clothes according to an option chosen in the menu? The scripting would only affect the attacker in sex animations. I know stuff clips a lot but there is no need to make alternate clothes meshes just let the attackers junk/strapon clip, it would still look like they had just whipped it out instead of instantly teleported out of their clothes. The default greaves for many of the armors would possibly hide the balls a bit or somewhat but the majority of it would stick out. This would be an option setting not a default unchangeable thing.

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after 2 months approx. of trying to get lapf animations to run I'm ready to just quit. Followed every installation instruction to the letter and the player character and npc involved just both stand in the same place and do nothing nothing nothing. Enough to drive a person to drink taking all this time up and no results. Kinda makes the position selection rather pointless and totally useless if all the characters do is stand there and look stupid. ah well I'll check back every now and then to see if any advice or reply to this is made, but I'm way past hoping to get the blasted animations to actually work. I think that would take a small miracle for that to ever happen. irks me to realize years of Oblivion playing and when I finally find a (good) adult mod for it it turns out to be no good for me, just my usual luck. :-(          unhappy camper -----> boserman

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after 2 months approx. of trying to get lapf animations to run I'm ready to just quit. Followed every installation instruction to the letter and the player character and npc involved just both stand in the same place and do nothing nothing nothing. Enough to drive a person to drink taking all this time up and no results. Kinda makes the position selection rather pointless and totally useless if all the characters do is stand there and look stupid. ah well I'll check back every now and then to see if any advice or reply to this is made, but I'm way past hoping to get the blasted animations to actually work. I think that would take a small miracle for that to ever happen. irks me to realize years of Oblivion playing and when I finally find a (good) adult mod for it it turns out to be no good for me, just my usual luck. :-( unhappy camper -----> boserman

Hey. Just about every time they think they did everything to the last letter while they didn't. I know you didn't, because if you did, it'd be working by now. From your statements it's likely idleanim priority plugin issue. Either your anim priority plugins are out of place or those files got fucked up for some reason. So if you still have any hope of getting it working, post your load order.

And I'm also embarrassed that you haven't even tried getting any help during two months of trial... unless you're talking about sexlab now. We're talking about lapf are we? I recommend asking around in the forum before sanity fades.

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Your advice and response is truly appreciated, it was LAPF 60 days almost of trial and error, but great news they are now working, finally got to the 2 other mods   had in a list of almost 136 that were the incompatible culprits. They were overriding the animations. The animations are indeed great! Well done and kudos to the makers!! a now  Happy Camper --------> boserman  :-)

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Install Oblivion , Tools, nude Body , BBB Animation, all you must do before you install LAPF : see my yellow Link below

After you have installed LAPF sort your Lovers Mods : see my yellow Link below.


And if you still have Problem post your load order.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have version 1.5 of LAPF,  the Supplemental Plugin Pack 1,  and LoversMB2, and I want to upgrade to Version 1.6a1 of LAPF.  Do I need to uninstall all 3 of  these  before I install the new one, and then reinstall the supplemental pack?  Or can I just uninstall 1.5 and install the new one.  Also, is the new LoversMB2 included in the 1.6a1 package the same as the stand alone version I downloaded, or should I uninstall that one as well?  Btw, the version I have now is great, and I can't wait to see the new updated version.  Keep up the fantastic work!!!

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As a rule of thumb, unless you see special "upgrade instructions" for an Oblivion mod it should be safe to simply install the new version on top of your current install.


However, one thing you can (and might want to) do is use Wrye Bash to deactivate the Lovers esm files from your save, deactivate all Lovers mods, load up your game and save.

This is what's called a "clean" save, and will now allow the game to properly generate all data from scratch when you re-activate your mods.

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Hi... I have some animations issues with the last LoversPK :s


Yep, it's with LoversMagic and BloodlineGalgatt... If I tried to start an animation with an prostitue - LoversMagic 0.66 - like Blowjob for X money or Fuck for X money, I have some chances to have an error message to tells me there is a problem with a missing animation.

I don't have any problem when I try with spells, as much Lovers as Rapers, but I try by dialogue options on special NPC, like those ones in LMagic or in BloodlineGalgatt (with Kerna Venladius, one of the first missions), it fails with this king of message.


[Kerna Venladius]



xLoversPkrGetMotionParamBySPosIndex not found SPos=18


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kepler78   in the LAPF download is a "Animations in LAPF.jpg"

Watch it and you see all animations in LAPF (146) and all open/free numbers.


Your example : xLoversPkrGetMotionParamBySPosIndex not found SPos=18  

Ani number 18 is not in LAPF


If a Mod use fixed ani number  ( not a random Animation)   and the Animation does not  exists you get the error message.

You can fill all missing animations with copies of other LAPF Animation, or Daedra Sutra anis or old Lovers anis


The Daedra Sutra



Old animations here at the end of post 4 http://www.loverslab.com/topic/11501-lovers-animations-workshop-old-one/?do=findComment&comment=255685

Revised BBB 11-200 Animations Pack 12-12-12.7z


! ! ! don't overwrite LAPF Animations ! ! ! fill only the missing numbers.

Rename animations ( the ini and the 8 kf files) if you want to use a animation number which exist in LAPF:

example: you want to use the LAPF number 6 bowjob Animation for the free number 18.  Create copies of the No 6 ini and all 8 No 6 kf files and rename all to No 18.


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Galgats plugins are based on the old Lovers with PK system.  


When I and others created the LAPF, I overhauled the animations as part of the project, I made a decision to renumber the animations and that broke compatibility.  It was unavoidable and many animations were scrapped and new stuff was being added.


That is the back ground of why you are getting the errors.  To fix it, do just as Fejeena recommends above and fill in the blank spots with animations from the Daedra Sutra and you will be good to go.

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You mean, by downloading this :

Daedra Sutra Standard Animations:

Updated June 23, 2014


It will fix my problems ? Cool :D


Just the first one, standard animations, or did I need to get all packs ?

I need to install every one, manually ?


EDIT : I've extracted each archive in a single folder in order to rezip and combine it with the new LAPF and Creatures 2.0... In order, I've put the Daedra Creatures animations first in a folder, then, I copied Standard, then Animated... And I finished with Creatures 2.0 and lask LAPF.. I hope it will works fine ^^


(And add some new anims' for creatures and slave traders ^^)



Do you want me top upload the "ready to copy" file on the subject ? I can post it on Rapidshare or something like in order you can include it in a plugin, for noobies like me who are not able to... "bistouflailler" the ressources ! lol


(But I think you have already do something like this for the future AiO file ^^)


EDIT^2: I copied every ressources in that order, and it looks fine, except one animation by behind at testing, not tryed creatures yet.


So, first, I've copied Daedra Sutra Creatures, then the Animated one, and finish with the most recent, the standard. Then, for security, I copied in order, the last Lovers Creatures and the LAPF 1.6 ^^


EDIT^3 : I think i should put the Standard pack before the animated one, cause some animations looks odd. ^^

I should upload my file to the forum, isn't it ? i've passed 2h to extract everthing and to catch how it works XD

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You LOOK at the spreadsheet of animation gaps in the jpeg file that is in the LAPF.   You ONLY add animations in the OPEN SLOTS.


You DO NOT need to add for creatures.


And NO, do NOT upload any AIO.  We are in the process of slowly adding new animations to the LAPF and are working on overhauling Lovers Creatures.

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