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How many mods?


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How many mods does everyone play with? I mean at the same time. Of those, how many are Esps/Esms?


I am trying to run around 160 ESPs. I usually try to stay below 140 but there are a lot of mods i would like to try, so I'm going to see if my rig can handle it.

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Even though you have the same amount of mods, less in the load order is always better. Try merging the esp's using available tools. One easy method I use to merge esp's(only) is the Merge Plugin Script which utilizes Tes5Edit into merging simple esp's.





the idea is good, but what about the people that do not have knowledge of english? can not use these tools, ever thought of that? if someone would translate these tools into all major languages, more people could use these things!


german \ deutsch !


die idee ist gut , aber was ist mit den menschen die über keine englisch kenntnisse verfügen ? die können diese werkzeuge nicht verwenden , schon mal daran gedacht ? wenn jemand diese werkzeuge in alle gängigen sprachen übersetzen würde , könnten mehrere menschen diese dinge nutzen !

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Why don't you try it? Look at you, able to understand English well and could speak german/dutch...?(sorry if I've mistaken) You're the most suitable candidate at the moment! Try translating the mod author's readme.txt as best as possible and try to fill in the empty holes by checking other stuff in the mod page. The final step is to send the message to the mod author himself so that he would include the translated version of the description.

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I've tried that merging script and it doesn't seem to work very well. I tried merging a couple of armor mods and the process went okay but the armor wasn't in game when I went to find it. I would think simple armor mods would merge okay.

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Only 117 mods but a 34gb folder size and I don't even got much high res stuff aside from the character textures and my PC's armor/weapons because I'm still using a Radeon HD 6850.

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