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Devious Followers Framework Development

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54 minutes ago, Darkwing241 said:

I'm glad to hear you got in touch with lupine00 they disappeared pretty suddenly with seemingly big plans on the way.  It pretty normal for big mod makers to quit, but usually they still visit and just stop modding, or have some big dramatic fight and storm off or something.  Makes me nervous when someone just disappears.


To clarify I did not get in touch with Lupine. I sent them a couple messages earlier this year to ask permission but they never responded and it seems they haven't been on since February 2022. Since I can't get direct permission from them, the next best thing (I think) is getting it from the original developer, Lozeak, and the SE maintainer, nomkaz. That's why I mentioned taking it down if they return and want that.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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Majority of the rewrite is done - bug fixes, updated conflict resolution, and LDC now uses DD 5.2 and runs a lot faster thanks to some new native functions. I'm working on that Fitness deal idea from a while ago to pair with the new release.


The big question mark remaining for me is DFC's enslavement system. There are some leftover quirks from the original + new issues due to the rewrite. My short term plan is to encourage users to rely on the SLTR handoff option and bypass DFC's built in system entirely. But that does bring up the larger question of whether that should actually be the longer term strategy - eliminate DFC's enslavement system entirely in favor of third party integration. I mentioned a revamp of DFC's system (as part of a relationship level system) a few times but I'm increasingly concerned about stepping on SLTR's toes especially given the two addons that came out since that original post.


TLDR; do you think DFC fulfills or can fulfill a niche that existing player slavery mods do not?

Edited by ponzipyramid
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1 hour ago, ponzipyramid said:

Majority of the rewrite is done - bug fixes, updated conflict resolution, and LDC now uses DD 5.2 and runs a lot faster thanks to some new native functions. I'm working on that Fitness deal idea from a while ago to pair with the new release.


The big question mark remaining for me is DFC's enslavement system. There are some leftover quirks from the original + new issues due to the rewrite. My short term plan is to encourage users to rely on the SLTR handoff option and bypass DFC's built in system entirely. But that does bring up the larger question of whether that should actually be the longer term strategy - eliminate DFC's enslavement system entirely in favor of third party integration. I mentioned a revamp of DFC's system (as part of a relationship level system) a few times but I'm increasingly concerned about stepping on SLTR's toes especially given the two addons that came out since that original post.


TLDR; do you think DFC fulfills or can fulfill a niche that existing player slavery mods do not?

IMO DF was never about slavery, it's about the journey to slavery.  So in that sense the DF slavery is always going to be an afterthought.  The problem is that most other slavery mods are a bit of a different tone than DF.  I'm not super familiar with Submissive Lola but my understanding is that is entirely consensual, other stuff  like slaverun and monoman's stuff lean into the hyper-mysogony-world total non-consent.  Neither of those really match the story DF is trying to tell. 


There isn't a point for the slow paced tricks in DF if all it's going to take is a whipping because every woman is Skyrim defaults to being a sex slave, and the humiliation isn't very humiliating if that's the normal state of the world. 


All the slow paced tricks and mind games in DF don't really work with a safe/sane/consensual mod either, If the PC want's to be a slave all the money games and stuff become pretty stupid.


The closest match I've seen to the 'doesn't want it, but will maybe make a compromise if bullied into' dub-con tone of DF is actually Captured Dreams.  The lady master in CD was constantly promising to help and offering "beneficial" quests to the PC and basically all of them ended with the PC locked up.  I'm definitely not saying go with CD though.


So that leaves you in a tough spot.  Either you build your own slavery mod or hook into one that's not a perfect fit.  There is an obvious expectation of slavery being at the end of a mod that is effectively "a path to slavery", but to be perfectly honest, I think I played the DF slavery maybe once? and the hook in's never.  The stories I play usually end when I get to slavery and then I move on to another one (or hop on the internet to find a video that suits the mood).


I'd vote go with one or more hook in and don't invest in working on slavery.  Or perhaps look into a sort of never asymptotic never ending mode, where the additional punishments and incentives the DF actually taper off in impact rather than ramping up in severity.


TLDR: don't invest time in slavery 



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My experience with DFC slavery is that the moment of triggering it is pretty fun - the shock of finding your PC in the crawling devices and rendered basically useless is kind of hot. The problem I found was that the gameplay afterwards isn't that awesome or engaging. All there really is to do is to whore out the PC to make money to buy out of slavery which gets a bit dull after the first time or two.


Personally I enjoy SubLola and think it distinguishes between consensual vs non-consensual starts (IIRC it recognizes if the PC enters slavery via the SS++ auction), so handing the PC over to SubLola slavery is fine in my eyes.


In the current iteration of DFC I usually set the slavery outcome to trigger SS++.


THAT said, I think it'd be nice if there was some sort of culminating "the PC lost" event when debt / deals get out of control - that could be DFC slavery or something else. Not sure what the something else would be, though.

Edited by Anunya
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A thought... one option for the culminating event / DFC Slavery equivalent could be making the PC a pet using the Pet Collar mod. I don't know how practical it is to interface with that mod, but I could see some sort of "you're my pet until you've paid me what you owe... and if you're not done it's off to the auction with you."

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I'm going to proceed with dissuading users from relying on the built in enslavement system for now. There's still a bunch of work to be done at the system level before getting to enslavement so I won't have to make a decision any time soon.


I tend to agree that DFC is about the journey not the destination especially since (as Anunya mentioned) there isn't much to actually do once you do reach that destination. SLTR (as well made as it is) doesn't really solve this problem since the player still charts the path. That might be the toughest problem of all to solve.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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I'm more or less in agreement with what's been said, although I don't actually mind the current implementation of DF's inbuilt slavery too much. It's a bit barebones and doesn't offer much unique gameplay, but it's tonally consistent in a way that relying on an external system will never achieve. As much as I love SLTR, it is fundamentally different in its goals and how it approaches them.


Which isn't to say that I think a lot of time and effort should be spent on improving the inbuilt slavery. A little tweaking here and there might be enough to make it sufficiently appealing, especially if future addons are able to expand on it if they wish



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Just tested DFC slavery and it seems to be fine, although I didn't go too far on that game. Last thing I'm wrapping up is follower whitelisting and personality-driven deal selection.


For whitelisting, this allows you to maintain a list of devious followers in an external file so that they can persist across different playthroughs and to prevent random creatures from becoming your DF. For a start, this will only be vanilla followers (housecarls, hirelings, etc). I'm also adding a field to let you dictate which followers can purchase you through SS+. The MCM option will still work but will write to the config file.


For personality-driven selection, it's a simple weighting system where certain deals/rules have a higher chance of being picked depending on who your follower is. These are also defined in that followers file. Here are the personalities I believe Lupine was thinking about:

  • Default (Sexy)
  • Sadist
  • Slaver
  • Profiteer
  • Moral
  • Nightmare

To be honest, I don't see this system being particularly impressive due to the current lack of variety in deal themes. Most of them seem aligned with that default type and you'd have to really stretch the intent behind the deals/rules to fit the others. You'd have to greatly expand the number and variety of available content before this makes a difference. Happy to read any thoughts on this.



Edited by ponzipyramid
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7 hours ago, ponzipyramid said:

To be honest, I don't see this system being particularly impressive due to the current lack of variety in deal themes. Most of them seem aligned with that default type and you'd have to really stretch the intent behind the deals/rules to fit the others. You'd have to greatly expand the number and variety of available content before this makes a difference. Happy to read any thoughts on this.

My only advice here is that many deals can be rethemed with simple dialogue changes.  A chastity belt can be for ownership  just as easily as religious chastity.


"I own that pussy! It serves only me!"


"I serve the God x, in lieu of gold you too can better serve x by doing y"


"I'm a respectable person in this hold, I can't have you making a fool of me by slutting around"


 Other subtle variation would work too, you could link specific variants of bondage items, the crude metal ones for a sadist, highly decorative for a religious type, shock plugs for a sadist, or pleasurable ones to test the PCs virtue.


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15 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

My only advice here is that many deals can be rethemed with simple dialogue changes.  A chastity belt can be for ownership  just as easily as religious chastity.


"I own that pussy! It serves only me!"


"I serve the God x, in lieu of gold you too can better serve x by doing y"


"I'm a respectable person in this hold, I can't have you making a fool of me by slutting around"


 Other subtle variation would work too, you could link specific variants of bondage items, the crude metal ones for a sadist, highly decorative for a religious type, shock plugs for a sadist, or pleasurable ones to test the PCs virtue.



That makes sense although I am not the best writer. If you or @Anunya (or anyone else) have any more ideas for personality-specific lines (or anything else), LMK and I can add them. I'll probably add these ones while I'm in there.

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If you've got a spreadsheet with the current lines, I could blow up some variations.


Though, I'm uncertain what a nightmare is. Or the difference between Slaver (presumably doing it for money) and Profiteer. I guess the Slaver is working you towards becoming a slave, while the Profiteer just sees this is a financial relationship.

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2 hours ago, bathoz said:

If you've got a spreadsheet with the current lines, I could blow up some variations.


That's a good idea - I'll start extracting the dialogue.


2 hours ago, bathoz said:

Though, I'm uncertain what a nightmare is. Or the difference between Slaver (presumably doing it for money) and Profiteer. I guess the Slaver is working you towards becoming a slave, while the Profiteer just sees this is a financial relationship.


Fair, I'm thinking about contracting the list to just 4 for now and seeing where that gets us: sexy (I'd prefer a better term here tbh), sadist, profiteer, moral.

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3 hours ago, ponzipyramid said:

Fair, I'm thinking about contracting the list to just 4 for now and seeing where that gets us: sexy (I'd prefer a better term here tbh), sadist, profiteer, moral.

By sexy I'm assuming is just a DF that is interested in using their leverage to personally have sex with the PC? In that case you could go with lover, lothario or predator.  It depends what you want the DF to look like.  IRL celebrity worshipers/stalkers jump to mind for kind of creepy followers that just want to have sex with the PC and would do shady stuff to achieve it. 


Maybe stalker?  An obsessed stalker DF chasing after the PC is a narrative that I would play.  Starting off as an eager employee just excited to be around the dragonborn, and then slowly securing their position fits the mechanics of DF well.

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22 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

By sexy I'm assuming is just a DF that is interested in using their leverage to personally have sex with the PC? In that case you could go with lover, lothario or predator.  It depends what you want the DF to look like.  IRL celebrity worshipers/stalkers jump to mind for kind of creepy followers that just want to have sex with the PC and would do shady stuff to achieve it. 


It's just the default follower archetype which reads to me as controlling, manipulative, condescending, etc. I quite like most of Lupine's dialogue for this "character" but I'm not sure what a good term is apart from default. Maybe we just call this Devious?


22 hours ago, Darkwing241 said:

Maybe stalker?  An obsessed stalker DF chasing after the PC is a narrative that I would play.  Starting off as an eager employee just excited to be around the dragonborn, and then slowly securing their position fits the mechanics of DF well.


I like this idea - almost like a twisted version of the Adoring Fan? Writing something like this would sort of depend on a formalized relationship progression system since we need to track familiarity to alter dialogue over time. What vanilla/modded followers do you think would fit this archetype?


Also, I ended up completely rebuilding deal selection. Specifically, I've removed the classic vs modular deals system in favor of unified rules and rule paths.


The problem with classic deals is that they create all or nothing exclusions. If you have a deal with a single rule that conflicts with another, the entire deal must be excluded. For example, the fitness deal I just wrapped up includes a gag rule in stage 3 which conflicts with the bondage deal. This means that if bondage is active, fitness is completely excluded or vice versa. This is undesirable since there's far more rules in each deal that would be compatible. Modular deals solve this problem but do so at the cost of narrative. I think Lupine realized this pretty early on but it unfortunately took me until just recently. Especially unfortunate since I spent last week refining the old system only to throw everything away yesterday :(.


In contrast, the new rule paths system encourages the selection of rules within a cogent path (just like classic deals) but do not require it allowing far more flexibility in rule selection. Selection is still largely nondeterministic to keep things varied but this lays the groundwork for personality-driven selection, relationship stage/familiarity filtering, and other intelligent selection logic. Combined with the dialogue this should make your follower's intentions properly immersive but subtle. Dialogue options can dynamically take into account other active rules during offers which gives the impression of consistency. For example, if the (planned) makeup rule is active when the sex rule is being offered your follower could say something like, "Now that you look like a slut, it's time for you to act like one". Ad infinitum.


It also makes new rule implementation easier since you can create the rule once and reuse it in multiple paths. As mentioned the gag rule is used in both the fitness and bondage deals. In the original, this would have to be reimplemented 3 times, once in the bondage deal, once as a modular rule, and once in the fitness deal. Now I can just reuse the same rule logic in all three locations.


Finally, paths are defined using config files so creating your own doesn't take any scripting or CK work.


I'm in the process of porting all the existing rules/deals to this new system and once that's done another round of playtesting.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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3 hours ago, ponzipyramid said:

I like this idea - almost like a twisted version of the Adoring Fan? Writing something like this would sort of depend on a formalized relationship progression system since we need to track familiarity to alter dialogue over time. What vanilla/modded followers do you think would fit this archetype?


I have in my head something like a IRL popstar's manager.  Celebrity culture is a pretty good analogue for devious followers.  Managers that support a singer and their art, and then when the going gets tough they switch to sex sells, encouraging them to present themselves in a certain way as a means to an end, and then pressuring them with fear to put that above all else.


There was a recent viral Taylor Swift video of a guy that is literally a devious follower.  Taylor saying she want's to deliver some political message and this guy badgers her to tears saying how she will lose fans at her shows and stuff.  She doesn't end up going along with it, which I'm definitely happy about IRL but maybe the dragonborn has less willpower?

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Regarding the slavery: make it less of a "state change" and more of an event that occurs, with some form of discrete goals or tasks that must be completed to exit. Like a quest. Plenty of humiliation, forced stuff (like the pet suit etc.), but with less of a "you're now a slave for the foreseeable future, go about your normal business to remove". With specific things to do, or forced events to go through, it'll be titillating and fun, but won't feel like a huge detractor to gameplay for an extended period of time.

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I had a thought or two about the slavery issue. There are 2 punishment options, chance can vary based on weight slider.

-- 1) keep the SS++ option and let people install whatever slavery outcomes they want. The DF is done with you and your deals are gone but you have another set of problems.

-- 2) Instead of the current DF slavery as an option, you are faced with Prison. That's right, pay everything you owe including deal buyouts or your DF will file a complaint with the authorities and a huge bounty will be put on your head. The guards can hound you, DF is done, done, done.

      -- DF can give the DB another way to avoid the bounty and prison. That could be something like @MysticDaedra mentioned above. At any step along the way if a job/quest isn't completed then BOUNTY TIME. If somebody involved in the quest complains about the DB's attitude then, you guessed it, BOUNTY TIME.


No need for a special prison mod. You're just using the vanilla bounty system. Now, if a user has a prison mod, then their stay behind bars could be more interesting.


If there's a way to keep track of when you've had a particular before and had either of the 2 outcomes I mentioned, then maybe they could demand a 3000 septim down payment up front as a kind of credit or insurance of good behavior before they'll go with you again.

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Getting reasonably close to finishing porting all the deals/rules to the new system. Spent a tedious but admittedly self-inflicted 3 hours just changing dialogue conditionals and I've probably got several more to go :(. And then all the maid and fitness stuff after that but I'll probably put a dev build for just the revamped base before that.


I'm still working on extracting all the dialogue (probably after I finish porting). This will be a regular old spreadsheet so no one has to sign into any accounts. I'll merge everyone's work with a script at the end. Duplicate lines for the same conditionals will all be added and randomized.


Regarding everyone's slavery feedback, I think the best thing is to simply recontextualize DF's existing mechanics and stratify its content by follower relationship stage. Let's say there are 4 stages: player as leader, player and follower as equals, follower as leader, and finally follower as master. We use some longer term stat (like SLTR's submission) to track the relationship status. 0-24 is stage 1, 25 - 49 is stage 2, 50 - 74 is stage 3, 75 - 100 is stage 4. We can probably use a daily update based on willpower to generate this value. Spend more time at higher willpower and this stat will decrease. Spend more time at lower willpower and this stat will increase. This allows you to potentially recover from a worse relationship stage but to keep things challenging, you'll have to complete special tasks (as @MysticDaedra suggested) to go backwards in the progression. You'll need to reach higher level goals like making enough gold for your follower to purchase a home, horse, etc, complete a certain number of jobs, wait for the contract period to end and so on. The demands get harder the further in the progression you are but they are doable. You can of course limit the number of stages so if you don't want DF slavery (like @Darkwing241) you can disable it.


For stratification, DF content can be boiled down into four categories: rules (deals), games (events), punishments (gold control, forced deals all the way to whipping at later stages), and jobs (quests your follower offers and later punishes you for failing or turning down). Content in each of these categories is assigned a severity score from 1 to 4. If you're at stage 2 in your relationship, content from every category is limited to severity 2 and below unless nothing is available. In addition to this filtering, the frequency of each content type will differ across each stage.


At stage 1, the content offered is relatively tame but are an inconvenience that increases your dependence on your follower (think amulet, ring, serving food). Events are spare even at low willpower but do inconvenience the player and erode resistance if and when they occur. You have to specifically ask your follower to borrow money or if they know of any work before they'll offer jobs and punishments can only include debt. There is no real consequence for failing or turning down offered jobs.


At stage 2, content gets slightly nastier but still socially acceptable (cuffs, collars, and corsets). Events are triggered at lower willpower and have a serious impact on your resistance. Jobs are offered through forcegreets in addition to manual requests and your follower may add debt if you turn them down. Punishments can include harsher debt, gold control mode, and forced rules.


At stage 3, content becomes properly intrusive (gags, skooma, outfit control, sex, etc.). Events are almost guaranteed to trigger but will still scale according to willpower. Jobs are more often given to the player and turning them down results in further debt. Gold control mode is automatically started if it hasn't been already.


At stage 4, the full range of content in all categories is fair game. Events can trigger regardless of willpower. Jobs are now forced onto the player and turning them down results in punishments. Certain rules may be automatically imposed on the player including restraints. Compliance is enforced using shock collar mechanics (or potentially the Pet Collar as @Anunya suggested) and so on. Trying to run away can result in (as @Seeker999 suggested) hold bounties, (time willing) bounty hunters chasing you around Skyrim, and rougher punishments if caught and returned. And of course, you can be sent to SS++ or sold to a different follower directly.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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This all sounds great, I'm really looking forward to the jobs portion. That will be a really big impact addition.


I was thinking about deal idea's (even though it's probably wildly the wrong timing to be pitching deal ideas)


-Name/title change,  Slaverun had a scene where the enslaved pc gets her name changed (yps has a similar feature built into its generswap story, I haven't played it yet though) both renames have the similar problem with immersion though.  Any list of names inebitably doesn't match some section of the player base.  For example some players might name characters sara/suzy/annie other might use feja/brita/svana to try to match "nordic name styles" the wrong style replacement break immersion though.  Instead you could use a prefix and/or suffix model and tack on a sort of 'title' to the players prechosen name.  Suzy could become 'Suzy the brave' or 'Suzy the fair'. Svana could be come 'Svana the chaste', 'Svana highpeaks' or 'Svana the Swallow(er).'  Titles could be sorted for different DF personalities to be religious themed ect. and also scored from totally reasonable to subtly sexual to pornstar.  The whole thing could interact with willpower too "PC you really could increase your influence with the jarls of Skyrim by adopting a impressive title what do you think of {these three options}?" or "PC you really seem to be better good at influencing the jarls with your body, I'll make sure your are introduced as {this one option} from now on."

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Very cool, thanks for keeping us updated on progress! Since you've credited me with the "slavery tasks" suggestion... I really hope it works and everyone finds it less tedious than the old method lol. Balancing a mod like this is so very difficult, because the entire premise of a bondage mod is that there will be interruptions to gameplay. Finding that tiny sweet spot between irritation and excitement is challenging. Thanks for your work, looking forward to testing out the final product :)

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Porting is finally complete, just putting the finishing touches on the new rule selection logic (pathing, severity filtering) and wrapping up testing. One more thing requiring feedback is the starting severity of the existing rules. Here's a complete list:

  1. Amulet
  2. Anal Plug
  3. Blindfold
  4. Boots
  5. Bound in Town
  6. Chastity Belt
  7. Chastity Game
  8. Circlet
  9. Collar
  10. Corset
  11. Crawl in Town
  12. Cuffs
  13. Cum Covering
  14. Dialogue Strip (rule equivalent of the final stage of piercings)
  15. Expensive
  16. Gag
  17. Gloves
  18. Inn Keeper
  19. Jacket
  20. Key
  21. Lactacid
  22. Merchant
  23. Milking
  24. Naked
  25. Nipple Piercing
  26. Petsuit in Town
  27. Ring
  28. Sex
  29. Skooma
  30. Tape Gag
  31. Vaginal Piercing
  32. Whore Armor
  33. Whore Sign

and the new Dealer's Choice rules:

  1. Maid Outfit
  2. Food Service
  3. Diet
  4. Workout
  5. "Protein" Diet

and while I'm at it some of the proposed/planned rules:

  1. Soul Gem Oven
  2. Tattoos
  3. Name Change
  4. Cleanliness
  5. Armor Modification
  6. Pet Collar
  7. Maintenace
  8. Makeup
  9. Hairstyling
  10. Buffing
  11. Outfit Control

This is the toughest thing to figure out from a balancing perspective so suggestions are very welcome. Severity is on a scale from 1-4.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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I'm putting my thoughts behind a spoiler 'cuz it might get lengthy ?.


Amount of debt, willpower, offering to make a deal, number of current deals, and how many times punished (if you keep track) would all factor into the severity of a deal. Severity isn't just the deal itself (which has its own starting severity level if I'm understanding you correctly) but higher buyout cost and longer duration.


My general thoughts are if the dovah has low debt (maybe 2 days worth, tops), high willpower, and offers to make a deal then level 1.


If the DF forces deals on the dovah for lack of payment and dovah has high willpower, then 3-4 deals and at least one of them should be a level 2 deal. Low willpower combined with the number of existing deals and punishments could mean 4 deals and all severity level 4.


If your dovah is always offering to make a deal, the option to accept or decline should go down with willpower, just as currently done. Severity can gradually go up with the number of deals, influenced by dovah's willpower at the time of the deal. Example A: dovah has high willpower, 4 deals, low debt, and only received 3 punishments (sometimes punishments are unavoidable due to circumstances, other mods, etc.) the deal might be severity level 1 or 2. Example B: dovah has low willpower, 7+ deals, received 10+ punishments then the deal would be severity level 3.

Now, as you run out of severity level x deals then you go to the next level up or down, depending on willpower. Or use the ubiquitous massive debt in the future should not have a severity level. It can be used whenever you have no options suitable for the desired severity.


These are the severity level I think each deal should/could start at. Some might be in more than one category, depending ...


Level 1

  • Amulet
  • Anal Plug - available at lower willpower
  • Circlet
  • Ring
  • Makeup - maybe
  • Hairstyling - maybe
  • Maid Outfit - available at lower willpower - btw, maybe change the parameters so that you have to be in line of sight or reach the coc for: jarl's place, blacksmith, shop, barracks, or stable. It's supposed to be in a city, but Whiterun might be visible in the distance and I get punished before even getting a chance to put on my maid armor.
  • Food Service - I don't think this needs to have the maid outfit. However, Food Service and Gag should be mutually exclusive. If I have a gag, then I probably don't have access to food items. Also, slaughterfish scales should not count as food, even if my DF is a werewolf. Mead and meat should be actual food + actual drink. Just saying.
  • Nipple Piercing - available at lower willpower
  • Cuffs - available at lower willpower
  • Skooma - available at lower willpower

  • Whore Armor - available at lower willpower


Level 2

  • Anal Plug - medium to high willpower
  • Makeup - maybe
  • Hairstyling - maybe
  • Maid Outfit - medium to high willpower
  • Food Service
  • Diet - maybe
  • Tattoos - if low willpower, but only 1 tattoo
  • Nipple Piercing
  • Vaginal Piercing
  • Cuffs
  • Collar
  • Boots

  • Gloves

  • Skooma

  • Whore Armor

  • Sex - if low willpower


Level 3

  • Chastity Belt
  • Workout - maybe
  • Soul Gem Oven - best guess
  • Tattoos - 3 tattoos
  • Name Change - low willpower
  • Gag or Tape Gag
  • Dialogue Strip (rule equivalent of the final stage of piercings) - should have 2 of the following (need something to show off): Vaginal Piercing, Tattoos, Chastity Belt, Nipple Piercing, maybe Anal Plug
  • Petsuit in Town - or 4
  • Inn Keeper
  • Merchant
  • Blindfold
  • Crawl in Town
  • Corset - because it interfere's w/ shouts, leaves you vulnerable to your enemies
  • Bound in Town
  • Key - because at this point it probably means something
  • Whore Sign - should have 2 of the following: Anal Plug, Whore Armor, Inn Keeper, Merchant, Petsuit in Town, Naked, Collar
  • Naked
  • Sex

Level 4

  • Chastity Game
  • "Protein" Diet - maybe, based on my guess of what it means
  • Name Change
  • Petsuit in Town
  • Cum Covering - although I always disabled this rule.
  • Jacket


  • Expensive
  • Duration

Don't know enough about to judge

  • Armor Modification
  • Outfit Control - how is it different from Maid or Whore armors?
  • Pet Collar - is this just a cosmetic thing? If so, same as collar. Or does it have other consequences? In that case, one severity level up from collar and can replace the regular collar
  • Maintenance

  • Buffing

  • Cleanliness - as in lick the DF clean? IMO that could be a level 4. Bathing the DF, on the other hand, could be a level 2.

  • Lactacid and Milking - don't use those mods so don't know enough about them. I'm going to guess 3 or 4.


I don't know how much of this is practical or fits in with what you were thinking, it might be wildly off the mark, but this is what I'm thinking.

I am guessing you plan to have the modular deals rather than any classic deals. Maybe up to 8 modular groups?

I hope you continue to have the option to disable specific deals.


Told you it might get long!

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