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[MONSTER-GIRL] coc 1.4 (PLAGUE.Patch 27.11.2013)

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Alright, after a lot of investigation i have found what mesh was missing.


I have uploaded the all in a small archive if maybe people was in the same case than me (violet, blue effect near dead body).


Advice for all player, you must have the data from previous monster girl because, there is missing texture or mesh in coc 1.4 who can be solved with this previous monster girl (Amazone, angelic, demon five, necromancer).


If you have already installed coc 1.4, copy files from previous monster girl but DON'T overwhrite files. With that, only the messing mesh or texture will be copy on the folder.


Hope that my advice can help people too.


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I have lots of missing meshes. I checked my install 3 times and still no results. I used the single download link and then aplied all the patches necessary, what might have gone wrong and where do i get the missing files? (Its mostly clothes meshes or sometimes the "horse part" of the centaur-like creatures)

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I have lots of missing meshes. I checked my install 3 times and still no results. I used the single download link and then aplied all the patches necessary, what might have gone wrong and where do i get the missing files? (Its mostly clothes meshes or sometimes the "horse part" of the centaur-like creatures)


I discovered the same issue and then did a search of my archives of all prior Monstergirl MODs. I managed to find some missing meshes/textures but not all. You'll need to do the same.


This has been a reoccurring issue with Monstergirl MODs; stuff missing from other MODs that comprised her MODs, wrong file path names. This was the primary reason I disabled and uninstalled her MODs. That and the level of spawn as noted above by another and no way to control it, leads to a negative FPS impact, and potentially CTDs.


EDIT: I just completed going back through the first 30 pages of this thread and DLed most linked files for review. I suspect some of these may not have made it into the upgrades or patches. As time allows I may look deeper into it, but only for myself. Others will need to do the same if they really want to make use of this MOD. I have no intentions of posting fixes to what is essentially a near-dead MOD.


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Some members that have been previously active in this thread may know where to find it. Only other thing to do is like I am; review each post before page 30 and DL every linked file. 


As I come across stuff missing I find it much easier to just freakin replace it with something else, something I'm doing with some stuff anyways as I don't like what was used. 

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And before that can happen, all remaining issues would IMO need to be addressed first, which itself is a major undertaking.


And just a note for those trying to get it ALL to work, not all needed resources are in the OP. They are still strewn about within the first 30 pages or so, before the discussion begins about her banning.


I'm still not 100% sure on which ESP to use, that's where I left off yesterday on my last review.

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So I'm kinda new here ot sure how this works but Ill ask anyway. IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE THIS FOR SKYRIM PLEASE !!!!!!????


IMO you should be posting this request somewhere in the Skyrim forums and not here. Posting a request here essentially accomplishes,nothing.


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Updated my post 848 with resources I've had to use.


Using the lastest ESP file I could find, which is in MONSTERGIRL 27.11.2013 PATCH FAIRY IMP Extra.rar, dated 11-30-2013.


Now back to testing...


EDIT: Seems the Minotaur camp is not exactly compatible with DLCBattlehornCastle.esp and/or DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp. If I place MONSTERGIRL-CoC.esp above them in my LO, I certain resources floating above the ground; not placed at ground level.


If I place MONSTERGIRL-CoC.esp below them in my LO, there are huge gaps/tears in the landscaping around Battlehorn Castle near the minotuar camp, plus some objects floating above where they really should be; rocks, muchrooms, etc.


EDIT: May require CSE edits to the ESP.  Reviewed in CSE and IMO too much work to fix, maybe one of the other ESPs has it fixed? 


Continue testing...

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well i don't use dlc because seems a lot of mod don't need it and it can put some conflict i think with some.


The missing mesh for now, it's the famous hairstyle that i have a little topic earlier.


No new messing mesh from last time in my case.

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well i don't use dlc because seems a lot of mod don't need it and it can put some conflict i think with some.


The missing mesh for now, it's the famous hairstyle that i have a little topic earlier.


No new messing mesh from last time in my case.


I have had very few issues with DLC Battlehorn Castle. And I see it the other way around; other MODs conflict with the DLC MODs as they were not built with users in mind that use them.


As far as the Hespiredes Nymph I reviewed in CSE and for my Oblivion build it uses the Imperial race and hair available to them. As I'm using a handful of Colourwheels' MODs, mine is altered a bit but I see no hair related issues.








Other: I tested today using the ESP from monstergirl1.4 satyr.rar and it did not fix or improve the placement issues in the Minotaur camp, so I went back the previous ESP. (Much like Tritiana's prior individual MODs, some stuff never got fixed.)


I'm now just using the COC command and teleporting to those game areas that were altered, denoted in CSE with a *. I'm seeing what appears to be animation issues with some NPCs introduced by this MOD, just like I did with Tritiana's individual MODs. Other issues are major impacts to FPS, which is more than likely stuff not optimized or again animation issues.


I doubt I will leave this active much longer. Just way too many unresolved issues, and conflicts with MODs I normally run.

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Some more final test notes, before I disable this MOD:


MONSTERGIRL 27.11.2013 PATCH FAIRY IMP Extra.rar, dated 11-30-2013

This ESP has land tear issues, double/triple bottom planes for some water areas. I felt like I was swimming through the Twilight Zone! (One earlier ESP I tested was even worse, which I immediately disabled and scrubbed from my hard drive.)


MONSTERGIRL-CoC.esp   1.19MB (Bottom of post #610)

This one seems to be that last update, not entirely or 100% sure.

Also has land tear issues; Bravil for one. (I hate these types of errors!!!)


The script for prisoners/captives seems incomplete or incorrectly written, maybe both. I'm no script expert, but variables are in my experience only declared at the very top, and not a second time later on in the script. There also seems to be some issues with the towel.nif that this script calls and enables. I also change the global this script calls to stop the prisoner/captive from stopping and talking with every joe blow in the game. AI for this could IMO use more work, but then I have no idea what the MOD author was trying to accomplish here.


Conclusion: It may be that some of the MOD issues was in how the MOD author approached creating this MOD and their personality disorder. The concept is great, but the implementation of it, with all of the game world fracturing, folder structure and mass duplication of files that in many cases could have been made better, and bugs left from using other MOD authors stuff, leaves a lot to be desired. It so reminded me of the few attempts at producing a Lovers AIO, and we all know how that went.

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How anybody else had the problem with some Minotaur Females having a double breast effect? Every time I do into the Minotaur Village (Near the Battlehorn Castle if you have the DLC) the white and black minotaur girl (Holstaurus Heifer) has two sets of breasts.


I looked into the mesh, its in the folder "stage8", under "monstergirl-minotaurs/setbody/Bombshell". Its the only setbody nif file that has this effect, but its beyond my ability to fix it. Playing around with it, I've noticed that if you set the clothing file in the Construction Set (000SETBODYStage8) biped object to include hands, it solves the double breast effect, but now she has no hands.


Does anybody know were the original nif file comes from? I'm assuming that this one got corrupted somewhere down the line. I've looked into several Set Body mods, but none of them seem to have it. If anybody as an idea what mod this mesh came from, or better yet, a link I'd really appreciate it. Or if somebody with greater skill than I could maybe fix the mesh and upload on it here.


Implying a double breasted minotaur is a bad thing.


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How anybody else had the problem with some Minotaur Females having a double breast effect? Every time I do into the Minotaur Village (Near the Battlehorn Castle if you have the DLC) the white and black minotaur girl (Holstaurus Heifer) has two sets of breasts.


I looked into the mesh, its in the folder "stage8", under "monstergirl-minotaurs/setbody/Bombshell". Its the only setbody nif file that has this effect, but its beyond my ability to fix it. Playing around with it, I've noticed that if you set the clothing file in the Construction Set (000SETBODYStage8) biped object to include hands, it solves the double breast effect, but now she has no hands.


Does anybody know were the original nif file comes from? I'm assuming that this one got corrupted somewhere down the line. I've looked into several Set Body mods, but none of them seem to have it. If anybody as an idea what mod this mesh came from, or better yet, a link I'd really appreciate it. Or if somebody with greater skill than I could maybe fix the mesh and upload on it here.


Implying a double breasted minotaur is a bad thing.



It is when the "double breast" is just two whole upperbody meshes cliping through each other


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How anybody else had the problem with some Minotaur Females having a double breast effect? Every time I do into the Minotaur Village (Near the Battlehorn Castle if you have the DLC) the white and black minotaur girl (Holstaurus Heifer) has two sets of breasts.


I looked into the mesh, its in the folder "stage8", under "monstergirl-minotaurs/setbody/Bombshell". Its the only setbody nif file that has this effect, but its beyond my ability to fix it. Playing around with it, I've noticed that if you set the clothing file in the Construction Set (000SETBODYStage8) biped object to include hands, it solves the double breast effect, but now she has no hands.


Does anybody know were the original nif file comes from? I'm assuming that this one got corrupted somewhere down the line. I've looked into several Set Body mods, but none of them seem to have it. If anybody as an idea what mod this mesh came from, or better yet, a link I'd really appreciate it. Or if somebody with greater skill than I could maybe fix the mesh and upload on it here.


Implying a double breasted minotaur is a bad thing.



It is when the "double breast" is just two whole upperbody meshes cliping through each other




True but I was just trying to be funny


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The full mega link looks good to me there is also the 4share links as well if you are having trouble with mega.


Searching for mods and what not I have found some mods that some of the outfits/monsters have come from. Some armor pieces are from apachii store the drago nero is from one of baronbee's outfits some things are from Edhildils Underdark and The Tritons Of Cyrodiil. I threw the textures from some of those into my game folder and now they render in game.

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Has anyone figured out the broken door fix for the below bloodworks dungeon? I've tried now twice and cannot seem to figure out why it's not working. The teleport from ICArenaBloodworks to 0cocMonstergirlpen is the one not working. Teleport from 0cocMonstergirlpen to ICArenaBloodworks does work, if you coc into 0cocMonstergirlpen and then use the door. Weird. ( I'm now wondering if Tritiana just copied the door from an existing one, instead if making a new door?)


Also finding that many of the skeletons and animations the NPCs use in 0cocMonstergirlpen are NOT LAPF compatible and potentially some other issues with either the whip animations or the skeletons being used or both. If I can at least get the door working I may try to work on either making the skeletons LAPF or replace them with ones that are LAPF compatible.


@ myuhinny

I too have been tracking down and finding the originating armor, clothing, etc. MODs these came from and replacing some as I do find them, with BBB/BB versions I already have collected. Those that I don't have in a B4 version I may eventually run through gerra6's tools to make them B4 enabled. Some meshes being used also seem to have issues, so those too either need to be replaced or run through NifSkope, cleaned up and optimized.


I'm also simplifying the original MOD's structure a bit so instead of clothing/armor/male & female lower bodies items being part of leveled lists, which is then added to NPC inventories, just add the clothing/armor item directly to NPC inventories. Yeah, I know it removes some of the variability but I'll take less variety over having as many B4 enabled, LAPF compatible items than not. (Not really into extremely large exaggerated breast & butt sizes either.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it is called ConstructionSet.

You can delete the hanging corpses and coccon women  or replace them with Oblivion hanging corpses.

And the bloody/sperm textures you can replace with texture you like in the textures Folder.


Or without using the Construction Set you can replace the hanging corpses and coccon women Meshes in the Meshes Folder with invisible meshes without collision.( e.g. a x-marker.nif)

Of course you must use the CS to find the right Folders of the objects ( hanging corpses and coccon ) and races or clothes textures of the NPCs. ( Or you must check all Folders of the Monster Girl Mod till you find the right Meshes and textures )



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