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[MONSTER-GIRL] coc 1.4 (PLAGUE.Patch 27.11.2013)

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Hello there, i have a problem with main files archive after downloading. I can't open a merged archive. Winrar always shows me "critical error" (broken archive or something like that).


Btw, can someone add mirror for "all in one" link?


Thx and Long Life Monster girls :D

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Ok, i have another question. i recently download all files from top page (all in one and every file 1.4 patch) in these files are all files, patches and missing meshes mentioned in this whole topic or i must download something else from topic? If yes, which files i must download to make this mod perfect? i ask this because i met missing meshes in anvil chapel (hole in the floor, missing door in the undercroft, captives without body etc.)


btw, can anyone gives some basic hints about this mod? i mean for example which mods i must download to ability of "engage" with monster girls or example places for any form of this mod (tentacle caves too)


Once again thx for this mod :D

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I have another problem with mod. I've got a lots of crashes and i have no idea what's a source. It appears when i travel for example to vilverin (ruins near game start after severs) when i finish severs i meet undine (a lot), when i travel to city and want to return then, crash. I dunno, bugs with undine or did i miss some files during download?


btw, i went to monster pen (creepy place for me) or something like that (in the bloodworks) and one npc was surrounded by yellow field with ! Missing meshes or something?

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Monstergirl can be crashy for a number of reasons. 1) It will conflict with any mods that add enemies and NPC's to your game as it does the same thing it will also conflict with any mod that modifies any towns as monstergirl adds merchants and merchant stands to the towns and it adds monsters/NPC's to caves and dungeons. 


2) I believe the mod has many dirty edits and should be cleaned with tes4edit http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11536/? there are many tutorials on youtube showing how to clean mods and there should also be ones on cleaning the DLC's all DLC's except for the shivering isle are also very dirty and also needs to be cleaned. Mods with dirty edits can and will cause problems with your game. Use boss from the nexus it will show all mods that you have installed that have dirty edits and it will also tell you which ones have have dirty edits but will also have a warning to not clean them as the dirty edits are done on purpose as they are needed for the mod to work cleaning those will break those mods.


3) There maybe missing meshes/textures purple is missing textures/wrong texture path invisible is missing meshes I believe the ! with yellow warning means missing meshes as well but it might be more to it. There are many files that are strewn about in different folders.

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That sounds very helpful, especially 2)


But i observed one thing, you're right, i've got Francesco's monster/items mod and Curse of hircine mod but crashes begins when i installed files from 1.4 patch. When i installed files only from merged all in one i've got no problems (except mentioned above anvil chapel minor bugs)


But i must try cleaning mods, i've never tried before.

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I've been trying to download the Mega mirror version and it's been stuck on 0% for about 30min now ad I have a 100/100 line so shouldn't be that sow.

The lose patches were fetched in mean time but couldn't get anny fromt he first file, could you reupload it to the mirror or someplace else since Mega Mirror wont work for me? :s



The files






Was able to fetch, is the file split into manny archives or am I able to go with just one of the files?



I rechecked the files and found that all but the final one was avilable for download. Is somebody reuploading them, cause last I checked I couldn't get the .001 file so in that case: Thanks!




Odd, Now I can use the Mega Mirror too, in a laggy way.... I have to puse, then press play, then when it stops loading, pouse it a few seconds, then pres play and repeat XD

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What would be absolutely wonderful, and a big help to all who download this mod, would be if someone were to gather together all the patch links, put them in one post, and any time someone has missing this or that issues, we just link them to that post. If nobody else does it, I may do it myself next time I get the time to filter through all 42 pages of this topic.

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Would it be cool if I uploaded a .7zip file with, incompetence notwithstanding, everything intact? It's sitting nice and comfy in it's Mediafire box, but I'm not entirely sure on how legit it'll be to just upload things like this. Been on many different forums, seen many different rules; better to be safe than sorry.

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How anybody else had the problem with some Minotaur Females having a double breast effect? Every time I do into the Minotaur Village (Near the Battlehorn Castle if you have the DLC) the white and black minotaur girl (Holstaurus Heifer) has two sets of breasts.


I looked into the mesh, its in the folder "stage8", under "monstergirl-minotaurs/setbody/Bombshell". Its the only setbody nif file that has this effect, but its beyond my ability to fix it. Playing around with it, I've noticed that if you set the clothing file in the Construction Set (000SETBODYStage8) biped object to include hands, it solves the double breast effect, but now she has no hands.


Does anybody know were the original nif file comes from? I'm assuming that this one got corrupted somewhere down the line. I've looked into several Set Body mods, but none of them seem to have it. If anybody as an idea what mod this mesh came from, or better yet, a link I'd really appreciate it. Or if somebody with greater skill than I could maybe fix the mesh and upload on it here.

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How anybody else had the problem with some Minotaur Females having a double breast effect? Every time I do into the Minotaur Village (Near the Battlehorn Castle if you have the DLC) the white and black minotaur girl (Holstaurus Heifer) has two sets of breasts.


I looked into the mesh, its in the folder "stage8", under "monstergirl-minotaurs/setbody/Bombshell". Its the only setbody nif file that has this effect, but its beyond my ability to fix it. Playing around with it, I've noticed that if you set the clothing file in the Construction Set (000SETBODYStage8) biped object to include hands, it solves the double breast effect, but now she has no hands.


Does anybody know were the original nif file comes from? I'm assuming that this one got corrupted somewhere down the line. I've looked into several Set Body mods, but none of them seem to have it. If anybody as an idea what mod this mesh came from, or better yet, a link I'd really appreciate it. Or if somebody with greater skill than I could maybe fix the mesh and upload on it here.

I think the double breasts are intentional.

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I thought so too at first. But there is an awful lot of clipping if so, and NONE of the other "set body" breasts in the same folders do that. Plus none of the other minotaur females types have "quad-breasts" so the more I thought about it the more unlikely it seemed.


Granted that cow udders do have four teats, so it does make sense, but then why don't the other minotaur "cows" have quad-breasts then? So I thought I'd ask.

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Hello, i have a problem with this mod. All begin with a fail load save. After searching, seems was this mod who fail to load my save.
I have sometimes a "blue" effect. I have read on the web that's mean, missing texture or mesh.
Seems that here, it's the bandit corpse?
Thank your for your help. (sorry for my english).
I can't copy my loard order, i have always this error from the forum.

Oops! Something went wrong!

Sorry Salaméor, you are not allowed to post links.

Need Help?

(in fact i can't post any link seems) (picture or others)
So to resolve this problem i have put in attachement.


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Purple/pink means missing textures/wrong texture path invisible means missing meshes or meshes in the wrong place.


From the picture that stretching is caused by incorrect skeleton. If you are using lapf you need to re install it as it comes with it's own skeleton and when it gets overwritten it causes stretching like that.

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Hello, thank you for your help.


With the skeleton of monster or lapf, it's always the same thing. I have these kinds of things.


I have uploaded a new screenshot.


Maybe the problem come with the order of my installation mod? (i have begin with monster girl, underground and other before installer mbp, robert, HGEC and at last lafp with pluging).

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Based on a quick review of what is included in monstergirl-coc 1.3b FULL 28.7.2013.7z, the OP, and your LO I'd say start with disabling any other Monstergirl MOD ESPs you have installed.





This was intended as a replacement for the previous separate Monstergirl MODs.


I'd also check the thread and look for where you should be placing this MOD's ESP. I feel it is too high up in your LO.



I DLed and reviewed these:


Mirror/Combined download

Data Files 1.0b (monstergirl-coc 0.3.7z)
v1.2 patch (TOJAY-CoC 1.2.7z)
Upgrade Patch 28.07.13


2. monster girl coc 1.3b [13.8.2013].rar (PATCH)


3. patch 1.4.1[bdsm].rar


4. EDIT 1: The file posted by Fomebs, page 36 post 711 also had some stuff not in the above resources. 


5. EDIT 2: I also had to DL mrSiikas_minotaur_resources_1_0-33670.7z from Nexus. This had some additional textures that were missing. Another note, some of the structures are too high or not at ground level. May require CS edits to fix.


6. EDIT 3: Also had to use resources in monstergirl1.4 satyr.rar in order to complete the Minotaur camp. (This is located within the first 30 pages of this thread, found when I DLed everything.)


Based on what that states for the Single DL, it includes a patch up to 1.2. You would then need to apply the two additional patches, items 2 and 3 to fully patch it and use the ESP from patch 1.4.1.


Even after doing all of that and reviewing individual folders, meshes and texture locations I found missing textures. (It may be assumed that these were installed from the separate MODs, not sure since I don't have them installed any more in my current build.)


Folder and texture for this does not exist. It can be edited to point to the correct location.

H:\Oblivion\Oblivion MODs\4Shared\monstergirl-coc 1.3b FULL 28.7.2013\1. MONSTERGIRL-CoC 0.3\meshes\MONSTERGIRL-AMAZON\greaves\skimpyamelionGreaves.nif








I also question the bones/skeleton being applied to these armors/clothes as they may cause or bring about additional in-game issues. EDIT: These may be intended for creatures instead of humanoid NPCs.


Other Notes:

The MOD contains a number of skeletons in sub folders that should NOT conflict with any default LAPF skeletons, AND reviewing some they do seem to be a version of an LAPF as they include penis bones. 


I'm now DLing the individual 7z part files for version 1.0b and will review that, when I have a chance.

EDIT: The very last part file is coming up as invalid on 4Shared: The file link that you requested is not valid.


End review: Best of luck to all on using this MOD.




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Hello, thank your for your answers.


Well, i have desactivate annuad et move monster esp, but no change and indeed, there is a lot of missing files (from the previous monster girl).

The "star" missing mesh has been resolve but always this "violet" things.


Maybe a new installation must be done with previous files of the old monster girl and after copy with from this topic.

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