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On 1/24/2023 at 1:19 PM, Murphiee said:

I think you can just have a fake esp file called UIExtensions.esp, i seem to remember this being discussed somewhere before. but i can't promise anything, if you try this out, do report the result. if it works i can easily add a toggle in the mod.


Nope, I couldn't make it work. The whole SG4 MCM isn't showing up, I might have something else missing. Regardless it will pretty complicated to make it work without the wheel.

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8 hours ago, dragondoom42 said:

Random sugestion, when being filled by beasts, could there be a 'bonus' where it adds more gems to the pool?

Next update has a potency system, so should be fairly easy to make certain npc races have more "potency", il add it to the list.

3 hours ago, Kalysto said:


Nope, I couldn't make it work. The whole SG4 MCM isn't showing up, I might have something else missing. Regardless it will pretty complicated to make it work without the wheel.

well, no idea then, i don't have a vr headset so its not really something i can test.

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Now requires: PO3 Papyrusextender.

Reimplementation of normal map switching, now less buggy. (no longer breaks vagina or hand normals.
Added more ways to level gems/milk, all configurable and toggleable.
Fixed scaling not being instant upon calculation.
Removed randomization of color.
Added selection of colours through Mcm And Spell. (player.additem spelltomesoultint 1) (requires manual input of decimal colors, Google is your friend.)
Added Milk to Hearthfire Jug o milk conversion. 3-1
Debug config to set stats.
Sliders now have interval of 0.01
Made ActorCalcLevel functions, look at these incase you want to add support for the fork in another mod.
Removed Base insemination chance. Replaced with semen potency.
Semen leveling. Higher level, bigger balls and higher semen potency.
Diminishing returns now additive instead of multiplicative.
Option to disable moan sounds.
CONFIGS REDONE, you should probably delete your old ones, or import options into new format.


Check main page, report bugs.


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Pregnancy Sliders may need some tweaking. Filling up a girl to max gems and around the same amount of milk led to this. I had to put almost all the sliders down to 0.05 to get the results i previously had which were maybe half of original default. The funny part is None of what you see is boob they were almost normal. The many milks I think are an issue related to Seperate Orgasm which I'm fiddling with as her orgasms in SGO4 Actor settings are almost 10 times as mine.





update: welp, soon as i altered a breast slider they went nuts too


update 2: This is a bit too early to tell but these issue of mine could all be related to Seperate Orgasm. I need to screw around with it some more

update 3: Yeah it was mostly SLSO messing with female orgasms thus messing with sliders. I was able to improve my sliders by almost triple after. Odd how i was able to get away without the extra decimal prior to all this, thanks for adding it.

Edited by McLovin3
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19 hours ago, bubba999 said:

The problem I was having with the previous version is that my girl never got knocked up. She had tons of sex and .... nothing. Take out the fork and she's very fertile.

Sounds like you have some incompatibility or missing some requirements,

Have you tried using a minimal load order and using the debug menu in a new game? 


12 hours ago, McLovin3 said:


This update adds a few more sources of gem/milk levels, so you will need to re-tweak settings to your liking.


5 hours ago, Martin1313 said:


i have sent them a pm about new implementation method, its up to them if they want to implement or not.

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SLIF Patch for version 1.7.3 (hotfix1 & hotfix2)

Jump to other versions


Integrates SoulGem Oven 4: Integration Fork 1.7.3, 1.7.3 hotfix1 and hotfix2 with SexLab Inflation Framework. I recommend using this alongside Pregnancy Normalmap Swapper, which will not only work for SGO4, but all mods inflating the belly.





  1. SGO4 is overridden by
  2. SGO4 Integration Fork is overridden by
  3. (SGO4 Integration Fork 1.7.3 hotfix1 is overridden by)
  4. (SGO4 Integration Fork 1.7.3 hotfix2 is overridden by)
  5. This patch


SGO4 Integration Fork SLIF Patch 1.7.3 hotfix1.zip

Edited by eldr3d
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How is the new diminishing returns expected to be set up? Updating on my current save gave me an overflow (negative milk level and around 10k gem level) so I reset my character's stats. Playing around with the diminishing settings just confused me further.


An update to the MCM descriptions for clarity, having proper default values set in the MCM, or having a settings guide on this page would be nice.


I've attached what I assume would equate to me gaining 1 level for each contributing stat up to gem level 100 and get less level for each contributing stat after level 100 but instead resulting in 0. The stats are modified but the gem related stuff is fairly similar to before I reset my stats.


(Also I think the default of diminishing multiplier is 100, which is why I had broken levels before)





Thank you for your hard work.

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1 hour ago, Asshole691 said:


Math makes brain hurt, its supposed to be like this:

Threshold is at what milk level the multiplier is supposed to set in. Multiplier is (very badly explained) actually a additive penalty that multiplies subsequent levels.

for example:


you have 400 milk levels, your threshold is at 100, and multiplier (penalty) is at 100, All milk levels after 100 get a 100% penalty, meaning they give 0 additional levels. this means you can never go above 100 levels, (when i am spelling this out is very confusing)

if you instead have multiplier set to 50, after threshold, all levels will have a 50% penalty, meaning you will need to get up to 300 source levels, for actual 200 gem levels, once above.

The penalty is additive, so once you have passed the threshold TWICE, the penalty becomes 100%, resulting in a cap of 200 gem levels while at 300 source levels.


I have added checks to make sure this doesn't roll into the negative, but i might have missed some, or you could have an active script from a previous version of the mod if you didn't clean your save properly.


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11 hours ago, eldr3d said:

SLIF Patch for version 1.7.3 (hotfix1)

Jump to other versions


Integrates SoulGem Oven 4: Integration Fork 1.7.3 and 1.7.3 hotfix1 with SexLab Inflation Framework. I recommend using this alongside Pregnancy Normalmap Swapper, which will not only work for SGO4, but all mods inflating the belly.





  1. SGO4 is overridden by
  2. SGO4 Integration Fork is overridden by
  3. (SGO4 Integration Fork 1.7.3 hotfix1 is overridden by)
  4. This patch

SGO4 Integration Fork SLIF Patch 1.7.3hotfix1.zip 6.72 kB · 14 downloads

In the zip file there is only a source (psc) file, do I need to run papyrus compiler myself? If so can't you just add the pex file to the zip file too?

Edited by Langmans
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Also very confused about the threshold and multiplier setup. Seems to not be working as I would expect considering the descriptions.


I understand that for a gem to reach the set cap it has to gain the set amount of levels. So insanely simply put, if the threshold for cap 5 (black soul gems) is 6 levels, it should make a fully grown gem (as in full 6 of growth as seen in debug menu) be ready "when the bar is full" in the scanner. A 5.5 growth gem would technically still be level 5, right? 


Gem Leveling Cap

"Cap for gem levels, setting this to 5 and threshold to 25 will result in black soul gems being birthed after 25 incubation stages."

As in the topmenu Gem Lvling Diminishing Threshold or Gem Leveling Threshold on the left next to it?


Gem Leveling Threshold

"How many gem levels are required to birth next stage of gems."

Sounds like it has nothing to do with the level vs. cap setup since it seems to point to autobirth.


I would logically assume that Diminishing Threshold is the sum of all levels gained by the gems for the Diminishing percent to trigger.


I'm literally asking this stupid of a question since Gem Lvling Diminishing Threshold has this desc. - "At what semen level to apply multiplier to semen leveling gain (not semen gain) this only calculates for leveling purposes."


The diminishing multiplier never triggered for me.

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3 hours ago, Public_Swan said:


A lot of these options don't make sense to new users, the fork has gone through many iterations with some leftover names and options still being in there.



Internal gem stage counting starts from 0 caps out at 6, rounds down when birthing.


Gem Leveling Cap merely changes what the maximum of birthable gems is, this is counted from 1 to 6, from petty to black. if you set this to 5, you can at maximum birth grand gems, at 1 only petty and so on.


Gem Leveling Threshold is how many levels you need to birth the next "stage" of gems, How many gem levels you need to go from for example grand to black soul gems.


While calculating levels, all the different sources are tallied up with their respective source multipliers.

said combined levels is then gradually transferred over to a finallevel, and every time the finallevel exceeds the threshold, a separate penalty is added.

this is however the part that is broken and il probably have to simplify it a lot.




Try this, made level calcs multiplicative again, should fix negative levels and more.


SGO4 Integration Fork 1.7.3 Hotfix2.rar

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8 hours ago, Langmans said:

In the zip file there is only a source (psc) file, do I need to run papyrus compiler myself? If so can't you just add the pex file to the zip file too?

Fixed. Had my project file setup incorrectly, thanks for the heads-up.


This actually already was the case for 1.7 hotfix1 as well, so everyone who is still using that version please re-download.


@Murphiee the ESP you've provided with version 1.7.3 has 2 ITM records and needs cleaning. I also think it can be safely flagged as ESL.

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Thank you so much for the explanation!


Lets say the amount of levels needed to unlock the next max stage would be 50, the character has 110 levels.

This would make the stage petty->lesser->(common) as the max. So a gem carried to full term would be of common quality and a gem birthed right after being conceived would turn out as nothing, just as it does with the basic system.


Yup, slightly borked at the moment, but oh boy, is that all I wished for!

Edited by Public_Swan
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No matter what, I can't get scaling to work. Its not working with the orinal mod too. So its probably something on my side. Anyways, I can use some help.


For starters I use BHUNP. I installed everything listed as requirement (except pragnancy normal maps,)



I use Baka Fill Her Up, its belly scaling works just fine. I can change belly in RaceMenu, no problems. I mean belly scaling work with other mods that use it... So whats the problem with this one? I don't get it... Help please. Any suggestions?


Edit: Maybe I am doing something wrong while testing. After installing, I go to MCM Debug settings and click ''max level gems'' Womb Tattoo appears, on the top left side, it says something like ''Gems are full or something'' BUT no belly scaling. Belly just stays as it was. I tried skiping time forward, equip/unequip armor. Nope nothing.

Edited by WhiteShadow4
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