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zomg Bethesda finally made an efficient engine?


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So yeah my PC isn't the greatest but it's no slouch either, and yet Oblivion has always chugged like a dog, and I mean without any texture packs, mods or obge or anything. Even at medium/low settings.


Skyrim on the other hand? Perfectly smooth at max settings.

I could get used to this.

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Well it's also running smooth on my PC but engine seems to have tons of bugs.


"Ghastly " items shooting from one end of the room to another.

Giants seems to have nuke rocket launcher in their clubs.




And this happends EVERY time :D

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I haven't encountered yet many bugs. What I have seen, is "flying jump" where you don't land but keep flying until you press jump again. Another is not bug in itself, as several spots where you can get stuck to (water current, pits, etc) is about world design, not game engine.

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Started messing with Skyrim this morning. So far animals report you for crimes. A chicken was following me around while I was sneaking. I kept moving around and the damn thing kept staring at me and following me. Well, I was hungry and have the default flame spell soooo. A bounty was posted then removed as the only witness for the crime was killed. The chicken.


Not really a bug, more of an oversight I guess. Did witness some funny interactions between animals and waterfalls. Poor rabit ran from me into the river, and over the waterfall. Ahh well. Then the deer running from me, across the river, then back to the river when a wolf chased it, then both into the river and over the waterfall.


Need to see whats collecting at the bottom of that fall.

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Haven't had too much trouble bug-wise. Mostly pathing trouble, people/enemies getting stuck in terrain but that's pretty much par-for-the-course for Bethesda's Gamebr- err, sorry, CREATION engine. :P


Also had 4 CTDs so far at seemingly completely random times.


Nothing that really grates at me so far.

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I always found the FO3 engine ran much smoother than Oblivion. As rumour has it this is basically the FO3 version of the Gambryo engine with a few more Beth BSxxx nodes, it's not a surprise it is slicker than Oblivion. I bet it'll run with my old Nvidia 6200 (just). I notice than even the 6800 series is on the supported list (just).


Not heard any comments on the bloom yet. Does it have it as an option? Is it better than Oblivion (I can't stand it and have to turn it off) or is it still a coat of plastic.

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Just the "arrows stuck in me forever" Bug so far for me!


The arrow 'thing' wasn't much of a problem...until my character had one sticking out of her...special place. Looked like a thin strap-on fetish with a feather end. For an hour, at least. And have only suffered with one CTD during 6-7 hours of play.


BTW, for all those trying enchanting: Renaming new items (at least while using a Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse combo) will remove the ability to use most of your keyboard, except for the Ctrl-Alt-Del Tasking Mode. Plus your mouse can only be used for clicking items and mouse-look.


Then, you might have books/objects on a surface 'leap up and hover' or stick into walls and floors when you pass by them/jar them. This is due to the PhysX programming, upgraded or installed by the game, that will have some impact on the collision scripts attached to certain objects. This could affect NPCs and creatures as well.


I've also noticed that some enemies will not be able to reach you if an object blocks their path. A small rock, about the size of a head, kept two Druagh stuck behind it while I practiced putting arrows in them. Good way to cheat your archery skill.


Only thing else would be the 'skin ripple' effect that shows in the character creation view. Looks like small worms are crawling under your skin. Lovely. But that effect might only be in Ultra High settings (what my graphics are set at ATM), so I'm not sure if any other settings will do it.


That's about it....for now, at least.






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And it wouldn't be a true Elder Scrolls without an Unofficial Patch ^^


Why is the unofficial patch under moderation? WTF nexus...

Yeah' date=' that's weird...





I'm going to guess it's because somebody said "HEY! That patch contains one pixel I created and they used it without permission!!" and of course the staff will immediately go "unsubstantiated accusations!? TO THE NEXUSMOBILE!"


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I had one freeze during an autosave after fast-traveling. No CTDs yet, and I'm on XP.


I do have pretty serious chop or stutter in some areas--for instance, my system HATED something near the ritual stone east of Whitehall (or whatever), and only PCB could get me moving smoothly again. As a separate problem, I get, every few minutes, a pause of a few seconds which I assume is due to loading textures.


However, some places run incredibly smoothly, which is highly impressive since I built this machine to run Oblivion well and haven't really done much with it since.


I should probably mention that I can't alt-tab at all in this one. The last three games were always very unstable after an alt-tab (usually crashing the next time I changed areas), but I can't even get back into Skyrim after alt-tabbing.

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Animal STILL report you for crimes? Words fail me.


Even worse' date=' guards arrested me for killing chicken in Riverwood ;(



Well, as long as the punishment is for theft, rather than for murder, that's not entirely unreasonably. I mean the chicken probably belonged to someone.


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