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Sex Animation Hotkey?

Jayce Dimmer

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Howdy y'all. Re-emerging from my lurking, so I'll try and keep it concise.



Is there a mod for Sexout that allows you to switch the animations being played, a la SexLab for Skyrim? Some of the animations are rather wooden, so having the ability to switch between the various animations would be fab'.

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Да, было бы отлично. Единственная причина по которой Сексоулт вчистую сливает Ловерсам. И раньше, кстати, была такая функция. Почему бы сейчас ее не сделать? Позицианирование то уже добавили.

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Nope, there isn't one


Most tragic.


Да, было бы отлично. Единственная причина по которой Сексоулт вчистую сливает Ловерсам. И раньше, кстати, была такая функция. Почему бы сейчас ее не сделать? Позицианирование то уже добавили.


I fired up what you said in Google Translate, and correct me if I'm wrong, but your post went along the lines of:


"It's possible. -something about sexout merging with loverslab- There used to be this function in Sexout, so why is it not made? The positioning is already there, so why not make it?"


Assuming my interpretation of ze Google Translate is correct...


So the ability to switch between positions used to be available and is no longer? Funky. Heck, I'd go and make the mod myself but I'm very unfamiliar with Fallout scripting (I'm a TESV scripter). Mayhaps someone could give a bit o' info on how to go about doing this?

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Да, такая функция уже была, в ранних версиях Sexout. Но потом ее почему то убрали. Если ты знаком со скриптами Обливиона, то мог бы попробовать покопаться в старой версии Sexout, где эта функция есть. Может удастся объединить их. А то, из создателей мода, этим заниматься ни кто не хочет.


Sexout.esm -это старый фаил, в нем есть эта функция. Только учти, что новые моды с ним не работают.



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Да, такая функция уже была, в ранних версиях Sexout. Но потом ее почему то убрали. Если ты знаком со скриптами Обливиона, то мог бы попробовать покопаться в старой версии Sexout, где эта функция есть. Может удастся объединить их. А то, из создателей мода, этим заниматься ни кто не хочет.


attachicon.gifSexout.esm -это старый фаил, в нем есть эта функция. Только учти, что новые моды с ним не работают.


My Google Translate interpretation:


"This function was in earlier versions. Don't know why it was removed.

Are you familiar with Oblivion scripting? it's very similar.

I'll try and find the version of Sexout that has the animation switching feature; it might be possible to take the scripting for the animation switching, and put it in the current version of Sexout.

The creators of Sexout don't seem to have plans to re-implement the feature because nobody else wants it."


This feature used to be in Sexout, yet it was removed? Ye gods! What savagery would drive the developers of Sexout to do such a deviant act!?


No, I'm not familiar with Oblivion scripting. Only Bethesda game I've managed to make scripts for is Skyrim, due to there being actual documentation. I'll have a stab at franken-scripting the Sexout version you attached.


I'm sure that people want it, just they are not bothered enough to actually post about it. FOR SHAME!


Edit: Having looked through the scripts, I've not got a clue as to what I'm looking at. I can't find anything referencing the switching of animations on a keypress.

There is a script that uses a list of the animations however. "SexoutNGRNDEffectBaseScript"

Don't know what to do with it though; I've no idea what the animation numbers stand for nor do I know how to make the player and NPC switch to a different pair of animations.

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animation switching was never in sexout. but in an other mod. I think the name was wsex sexual inuendo. but was gonna be implemented in sexout only never have been due to other bugs who needed priority fixing.


And even if it was, from what was told already was due to many bugs with NVSE who also was lacking allot of option what OBSE had was holding back this mod for more advanced stuff.



btw where did you read that this option was never gonna be implemented ?? Prideslayer made a post what future updates will get and animation switching was one of them. He just never got to make these more advanced stuff yet. so it is still in the work.

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Keep your panties on everyone, that is Sexout v1.2. It is very old and hasn't anything to with what we have now, which is "SexoutNG" (2.6). It's like bringing back Doom 1 elements into Battlefield 3, or whatever you kids play these days. ;)


Like bringing back Doom 1.. ? Hell bringing back that version is more like comparing Atari 2600's  pong to Metro 2032. :P






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