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Corsec's Lewd Patches Clusterfuck Madness

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To clarify, the LUX patches I have just uploaded today are ONLY for using if you don't also have Non-Devious Devices, they are not compatible.


In a few days I will upload the Non-DD version, it will be more of an 'expansion' for Non-Devious Devices and will be included in the downloads for it.


I hope the instuctions on the modpage have made that sufficiently clear.


I have also removed the patches that manually edit NPC outfits, now only the SPID mods are available to do that. the other ones are now obsolete and will not be supported. The only big patch for manually editing NPCs is the one to remove female weapons, and it's not an important submod.

Edited by Corsec
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2 hours ago, Corsec said:

To clarify, the LUX patches I have just uploaded today are ONLY for using if you don't also have Non-Devious Devices, they are not compatible.


In a few days I will upload the Non-DD version, it will be more of an 'expansion' for Non-Devious Devices and will be included in the downloads for it.


I hope the instuctions on the modpage have made that sufficiently clear.


I have also removed the patches that manually edit NPC outfits, now only the SPID mods are available to do that. the other ones are now obsolete and will not be supported. The only big patch for manually editing NPCs is the one to remove female weapons, and it's not an important submod.

Downloaded the new LUX patch, started a new game and now all females effected by the patch are 100% nude.

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54 minutes ago, Jgoftl said:

Downloaded the new LUX patch, started a new game and now all females effected by the patch are 100% nude.


I tested it all in game and it works as intended.


Just to double check something...did you batch build all the outfits in bodyslide? Are you using the correct version of Lux for your bodytype (3BA or CBBE)?


Disable the other SPID patch for non devious devices. Use only the SPID patch for Lux!


Make sure that you don't also have any non-devious devices content installed. This is the standalone version (for people who don't want bondage) and isn't compatible with non devious devices. The version that will be compatible with non-devious devices will be released later.


Go and reread the modpage description and see if you missed anything.

Edited by Corsec
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I deleted all non-devious device related material before installation. I have all the outfits built in bodyslide. I didn't enable the CBBE plugin as I use 3BA. The only SPID mods I use target specific factions that aren't present during the Helgen Opening scene and all of the regular females (non-stormcloak and non-imperial soldier) and the 2 thalmor guards were completely naked.

Edited by Jgoftl
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13 hours ago, Jgoftl said:

I deleted all non-devious device related material before installation. I have all the outfits built in bodyslide. I didn't enable the CBBE plugin as I use 3BA. The only SPID mods I use target specific factions that aren't present during the Helgen Opening scene and all of the regular females (non-stormcloak and non-imperial soldier) and the 2 thalmor guards were completely naked.


When an NPC is loaded ingame their outfits are saved into the game and won't change until a cell reset 10 days later. Changing mods midgame won't change NPC outfits until the cell reset happens. If you want to test mod changes to outfits then you won't be able to do it with NPCs that have already been loaded into the save. This is why I always start a new game to test mod changes.


If starting a new game or waiting 10 days for a cell reset doesn't work, then you will have to disable one mod at a time until you can identify the cause. Start by disabling SPID mods one at a time.


What are the other SPID mods that you are using? If the Thalmor guards are naked, then something is editing armors. Are you using my SPID bikini armors mod, or SPID Bikinification?

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I have released the Luxury Collection expansion for Non Devious Devices. This is an optional patch for nonDD that adds Lux items to the nonDD outfits. It looks really good ingame when the Zaz Lux and nonDD items are mixed together. I might need to tweak it but future changes will be compatible with savedgames.


It uses the nonD outfits so you can use the SPID ini for nonDD to spread these outfits to vanilla NPCs.


Kaxat should be using these outfits as part of Slaverun Enforcer Standalone at the next release.


To get it to work together you need these patches-

Luxury Collection.esp

Luxury Collection - Masterlist.esp

Non-Devious Devices.esp

Non-Devious Devices - Masterlist.esp

Non-Devious Devices - Luxury Collection Expansion.esp


Here are some screenshots from my test saves.




Edited by Corsec
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Does anyone have any feedback about the Luxury Collection expansion patch for Non Devious Devices? Any missing or mismatched items? Confused about which combinations of plugins to install?


I usually assume that if there is no feedback then it works as intended.

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4 hours ago, Rikdo said:

Having no issues with the Luxury Collection Expansion patch for Non Devious Devices. All characters are recieving the correct items, and the jsons all seem to work as intended.


Thanks for the response. Did you think the outfits are an improvement over the basic nonDD patch?

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  • 2 weeks later...

To preface this, I would like to say that I don't know if the problem stems from your mod. Also, you do amazing work. On to the issue. I recently added Devious Bandit Captives, Damsels in Distress and a few of your patches. Unfortunately, I started to notice that random vanilla npcs would not only be equipped with the chain outfit from DD (which is fine on its own) but they would start to follow me as if enslaved. I have since started to remove the mods that I added to test the issue and it still remains even on a fresh game. I have a feeling that one mod or another highjacked one of my other SPID mods so that it still operates even though removed. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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8 hours ago, nazarethblood said:

To preface this, I would like to say that I don't know if the problem stems from your mod. Also, you do amazing work. On to the issue. I recently added Devious Bandit Captives, Damsels in Distress and a few of your patches. Unfortunately, I started to notice that random vanilla npcs would not only be equipped with the chain outfit from DD (which is fine on its own) but they would start to follow me as if enslaved. I have since started to remove the mods that I added to test the issue and it still remains even on a fresh game. I have a feeling that one mod or another highjacked one of my other SPID mods so that it still operates even though removed. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Strange issue. Not sure what could be causing a change to NPC AI. I don't think I modify anyone's AI. I also don't know how SPID could alter AI like that. Is it only vanilla NPCs or does it affect modded NPCs too? Go into your My Documents folder for Skyrim, look for the SPID log named "po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.log" and look for any odd reports. Are you using any mods that alter AI, like any of the mods to add spectators to sex scenes?


You can install More Informative Console-


Then check the "Current Package" section to see what AI they have. You should be able to identify what mod their AI package is from.


SPID runs on game startup and doesn't run after you reach the loading screen. The changes it makes are saved into your save file, so removing SPID won't immediately change anything. You can wait 10 days ingame somewhere and this will result in a cell reset, NPCs will revert back to their original state. So you can test your modlist by disabling SPID mods, waiting 10 days indoors alone somewhere and then going outside to see what changed. This should help identify the cause.

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1 hour ago, Corsec said:


Strange issue. Not sure what could be causing a change to NPC AI. I don't think I modify anyone's AI. I also don't know how SPID could alter AI like that. Is it only vanilla NPCs or does it affect modded NPCs too? Go into your My Documents folder for Skyrim, look for the SPID log named "po3_SpellPerkItemDistributor.log" and look for any odd reports. Are you using any mods that alter AI, like any of the mods to add spectators to sex scenes?


You can install More Informative Console-


Then check the "Current Package" section to see what AI they have. You should be able to identify what mod their AI package is from.


SPID runs on game startup and doesn't run after you reach the loading screen. The changes it makes are saved into your save file, so removing SPID won't immediately change anything. You can wait 10 days ingame somewhere and this will result in a cell reset, NPCs will revert back to their original state. So you can test your modlist by disabling SPID mods, waiting 10 days indoors alone somewhere and then going outside to see what changed. This should help identify the cause.


As of this morning I was able to correct the issue. It *seems* like I was correct about the highjacking of SPID being the culprit. When I went to remove the SPID files for testing they brought up an error as if the files were missing. I checked and the files were still there so something was janky with one of the mods I recently installed. I reinstalled all of my SPID files and "boom" all fixed. Weird issue. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Went through the Remove Weapons patch and realized a couple things:

1. 000658D2 TembaWideArm: PKID - Package aligned with Skyrim.esm, misaligned with USSEP.esm

2. 0003B0E1 dunAlftandValie: Identical to master USSEP.esm

3. 0004815E dunFrostflowAbyssRamati: Identical to master USSEP.esm

4. 0004815F dunFrostflowAbyssSudi: Identical to master USSEP.esm


Are these intentional? I countered these changes in the attached file, so lmk.


Also, on one playthrough, I noticed that Camilla had a dagger equipped. I used xEdit to check any overwriting records, but nada. I'd passed all of your changes over to my compat esp, so she shouldn't have had a weapon. The only mods I have that equip NPCs with new items are your SPID patches (non-devious devices and bikini armor), but they shouldn't be touching Camilla in respect to weapons. Any idea what might've happened?

Remove Weapons From Weak Female NPC.esp.zip

Edited by Gyra
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1 hour ago, Gyra said:



When I load up the Remove Weapons patch in xEdit Temba's packages are identical to the base game. So I think it's purely because of the mismatch between USSEP versions. I'm using "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" which is the older SSE version of USSEP. I'm guessing that "USSEP.esm" is the newer version for AE? I'm not going to update to AE anytime soon, and I won't keep seperate patches for each version. Just go ahead and make the corrected edits for your own game. Good on your for doing that and uploading it for other users. I have made an update with the ITMs removed.


The 3 ITMs are a mistake, I don't know how they got in there. Since it's so minor, I assume it's harmless?


I'm remembering that I let Camilla keep her dagger for some reason, but I can't fully remember why. Maybe because I imagined that her brother payed for it, and she needed it to fend off her suitors? Plus she's indoors so the Enforcers aren't checking her.


Also note that if you use the AI Overhaul Synthesis compatibility patcher it will revert all the changes from the Remove Weapons patch.


EDIT: I think in the pre-SPID versions I also let Camilla keep her clothes, so it would make more sense that she would also have a dagger. But SPID doesn't make an exception for her. I think I should just remove her dagger for consistency. Will upload a new version.


That6 should leave the Temba packages as the only outstandign issue, but you have already fixed that yourself.

Edited by Corsec
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1 hour ago, Corsec said:


When I load up the Remove Weapons patch in xEdit Temba's packages are identical to the base game. So I think it's purely because of the mismatch between USSEP versions. I'm using "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" which is the older SSE version of USSEP. I'm guessing that "USSEP.esm" is the newer version for AE?


Oops sorry, "USSEP.esm" doesn't exist. I was just shortening it. I meant that I'm using the latest unofficial patch version found on afkmods: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/1888-unofficial-skyrim-special-edition-patch/


And yeah, I'm playing with AE. 

Edited by Gyra
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I am having a problem that might come from this mod.


I have installed:


non-devious masterlist

Hydra Slavegirls patch

Troubles of Heroine patch

Simple Slavery patch

Slaverun patch


Now the problem: a lot of vanilla NPCs that are NOT slaves now have Zaz collars on their neck. And thus speak slave lines. Also a lot of loot has random Zaz crap in it.


Any idea how I fix this?

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1 hour ago, cavaleirojustica said:

...a lot of vanilla NPCs that are NOT slaves now have Zaz collars on their neck. And thus speak slave lines.


Slaverun will make scripted changes to the outfits of female NPCs to make them wear bondage. Are you runnign the Slaverun Enforcer and allowing it to make outfit changes? You can control it in the MCM.


Are you using any of the content to add bondage to vanilla NPCs? There are both plugins and SPID ini files that do this. You haven't mentioned any but if they are currently active then may prefer to disable them.


1 hour ago, cavaleirojustica said:

Also a lot of loot has random Zaz crap in it.


Which loot? If it's corpse loot then that is to be expected, since the NPCs are wearing it. If it's spawning in boss chests then that's unexpected and will need to be debugged.

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1 hour ago, cavaleirojustica said:

I saw it in corpses, but indeed it might be another mod fault. I will investigate further :) Thanks for the reply. I do have Slaverun Enforcer enabled, didn't knew it would change NPCs clothes even before Slaverun started.


Bondage items are supposed to be on corpses if they wore those items while alive.


The Enforcer runs immediately if you use the MCM option in Sexlab Survival to skip the Slaverun introduction quest . Otherwise it will start after the intro quest.


Or maybe it's just the tavern wenches that are having their outfits changed? Some of my patches do that to make them slaves.

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