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OSA\Osex and SexLab\LoversLab installs

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I use the top slider to pick the color I want. This is a preference call on your part. Before I go any further, if you make a selection you DON'T want, you can undo it. Me, when I screw it up I just start the process all over again with a new start. I don't think you can do that as you are mid-game, Yes? If that is the case then you should be able to use the command prompt (tilde Key), and type in "showracemenu" and hit enter. You already know this I think, just make a clean save before you try it, ok? 

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My Eli's Breezehome mod has one in the basement as well. You got the top 2 bars, now the 3rd down from the top is brightness. When I use the blue on my tats, if the bar is all the way right, the color is too bright for my taste so I move it somewhere in the middle so a darker blue is more visible from a distance. This does require a little experimentation on your part to get the color just right. I have never tried to stop this process in the middle, so if you don't like the results when you finish you reload the save.

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Now, what to do with the color you just saved? From body paint move to hands paint. Mouse over the empty slot, press "e". Now you are in the paint pallet screen, where you select your colors. don't press or click anything except this. Press F9. This transfers the color you just got done saving to the hands slot. Do not press F5 again, that is for saving your color only. Back out of the color pallet, mouse over the slot, press"t" to the pattern menu, make your selection. That puts you back in the slots menu, move to feet. Press "e", press F9, press "e", back out to slots, mouse over slot, "e", select your pattern, back out to slots. Now you should have paint on all body parts. Questions?

Edited by BDNelson
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Just having a bite to eat. Back shortly!

Right, back in action. Yes, Incaendo is in my mod list but not active in game. 

Press F9 while moving around the body parts. Got it. When I did the freckles I was doing each body part individually. Took me forever. It's useful to know I can save it and deploy it.

Cheers for that!

Edited by Bluegunk
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Ok, so... to put into use, lesson 1 for the day. Pick and save a color, use camera adjust, lemme see her back. Apply Incaendo's #14. Take a pic. Back to camera. Close up of face. Apply the saved color to the face with a tat, using F9 to transfer the color. Take a pic. Whether or not you want to keep said paints is up to you. I just want to see the pics so I know you are doing it the right way. I have to go run some errands, I'll be back in a while. Play with it some more after you get the pics I want. Just don't overwrite any saves so you can go back to an unpainted state and start over if you have to.

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OK....I got this.  I didn't do it in the order you wanted because my lass has long hair and it hid the back tattoo!  Lol.


Let me go and sort the snapshots out and give you a gallery to go through.  I saved the colour - that's cool I know how to do that now ?.

And your instructions took me through it really well. I was a bit hesitant to start but I soon got the hang of it.

This work would be impossible using a controller so keyboard it is from now on for it.


I'll get the pics...





Edited by Bluegunk
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Very, very good, you have it. Nice job! 


Moles: All 3 top sliders to left side, make black. All 3 sliders because when I only used the middle slider it left a small gap between the mole and the skin. Barely visible, but I'm a perfectionist whenever possible. Color made, F5 save the black. Mouse over slot, "t", select mole, "e" to apply. Now this is why I expanded the slot count in skee.ini in data\skse\plugins. Moles and freckles. I apply freckles to all body parts, body, hands, feet and face, so 1 extra slot per body part for freckles, one extra to the face for the mole. This way you don't use all of your available slots for that stuff and leave nothing for more paint. I have 9 on body, 4 on hands and feet and 5 on the face.

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Thanks sir!  (runs out into school yard with an apple...)

And also thanks - I find that useful to know for moles. Yes, I managed (in my own clumsy way) to stick freckles all over my young lady (now called Anais - I choose the names to fit the list of names that the follower Lucien can use. In game Lucien calls the Dovakhiin by name which is cool).


How did you get more slots in Skee?

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Freckles: This where you get to experiment a little with your color selection. I have the tanned skin applied with "The Pure", but I use the following way to pick that color. Use the race menu color palette to select a color between 3 and 5 times darker than your current skin tone using the middle slider. I have settled on a medium brown touched up to taste. I had to hop back and forth changing the color slightly to get the right tone. I use freckle set 1 across the board to apply once I get the color just right, starting with the face, but that's just me.

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Right. The way I did it was to load a freckle set, adjusted the colours with the middle sliders like you did, and then used the bottom slider to fade them down to a reasonable level of reality. I'm happy with my result - I don't think they look too bad.

Now I understand how to save the colour means I can apply it across the body, which will make for a much better match.


Oh - I found out how to increase the slots in Skee.ini.  All good there now.  I'm going to have some fun with this!

Edited by Bluegunk
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Extra slots: Go to data\skse\plugins, find skee.ini. Edit with Notepad++. Scroll down to the entries on body, etc. You will see the numbers showing you how many slots you currently have. Should be, Body 6, hands 3, feet 3, face3. That is the default settings. I would advise not giving as many slots as you can get, I don't what the limit is, if any. Open only as many slots as you need to do get the desired effect. And that's about it. If you run into any issues, shout and I will be there to help. I hope I have done this right for you. I think we're good to go!

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Scars and birthmarks: I use the liver spots on my skin to give me an idea of the contrast between the skin color and the color of the scar\birthmark, again just me. It should be a darker contrast than the freckles, in my opinion. Those have a tendancy to be more visible from range than freckles.

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