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[WIP] SexLab Lover's Comfort 2013-12-30

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I  think it  is  this mod  but i just updated  it  and  when i have sex i get  a need  sex  debuff which reduces  my gaining skills..  even though i  just had  sex  and now  my arousal  is at 0 so.. just  wondering  why the buff  seems  to think the opposite.


What is the name of the debuff?



The name of the debuff is Need Sex  and  it  gives me a  reduction of  the  ability  to gain all skills  by 20%  for  about  9 or  ten mins  game  time.



Perfect, you had mixed few things. There are two different effects:

Lover's Desire from SexLab Aroused mod - has different effects for different arousal levels, 

Lover's Victim from Lover's Victim mod - has different effects for victim level which grows after rape and goes down each 10 minutes.


So you either have: 0 arousal, but victim level 1 so you have 20% health regenration debuff for 10 mins

Or ~100 arousal, but victim level of 0, so you have your skill gain debuff by 20%.


Try to read carefully statuses and effect descriptions.

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I  think it  is  this mod  but i just updated  it  and  when i have sex i get  a need  sex  debuff which reduces  my gaining skills..  even though i  just had  sex  and now  my arousal  is at 0 so.. just  wondering  why the buff  seems  to think the opposite.


What is the name of the debuff?



The name of the debuff is Need Sex  and  it  gives me a  reduction of  the  ability  to gain all skills  by 20%  for  about  9 or  ten mins  game  time.



Perfect, you had mixed few things. There are two different effects:

Lover's Desire from SexLab Aroused mod - has different effects for different arousal levels, 

Lover's Victim from Lover's Victim mod - has different effects for victim level which grows after rape and goes down each 10 minutes.


So you either have: 0 arousal, but victim level 1 so you have 20% health regenration debuff for 10 mins

Or ~100 arousal, but victim level of 0, so you have your skill gain debuff by 20%.


Try to read carefully statuses and effect descriptions.



Thank you for  sorting that  out  so i took  another  look at my mod  list..  all i have   are  matchmaker..  aroused..  comfort.. and  hormones and of  course  the  framework and  zaz and I  did  have  victim   at  one point  but  not  during  this  current  playthrough. So i dont  know...   But  thank you for  trying to sort it out.post-93919-0-29952100-1390661510_thumb.jpg

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By my point of view (the one that hates the entire vanilla marriage system and doesn't like to be married at all in-game), LC is a great mod but with a lot of useless resources.


Indeed, I noticed that giving the "lover" status to two NPCs (console command, for example:  "1a697".setrelationshiprank "1a693" 4  ---- this command makes Aela and Farks to be lovers, or in love even if not married), the two NPCs will have sex together at night, like the vanilla married couples or in-love couples (Jarl with Housecarl, Brother and sister if incest is enabled, and so on.), when their arousal level is high enough.


WHY NOT make the same system for the player too?


Not talking about console cheating, there is the SexLab Submit features that allows (using speechcraft level mainly) to raise the player's relationshiprank with a lot of NPCs, less or more harder with already vanilla married or vanilla lovers NPCs. So, obtainign the higher "4" rank is not an idiot vanilla task like the marriage system, but it has a good "role playing" effect and a good immersion.


There are too hard ways to have this option into a future release?

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I  think it  is  this mod  but i just updated  it  and  when i have sex i get  a need  sex  debuff which reduces  my gaining skills..  even though i  just had  sex  and now  my arousal  is at 0 so.. just  wondering  why the buff  seems  to think the opposite.


What is the name of the debuff?



The name of the debuff is Need Sex  and  it  gives me a  reduction of  the  ability  to gain all skills  by 20%  for  about  9 or  ten mins  game  time.



Perfect, you had mixed few things. There are two different effects:

Lover's Desire from SexLab Aroused mod - has different effects for different arousal levels, 

Lover's Victim from Lover's Victim mod - has different effects for victim level which grows after rape and goes down each 10 minutes.


So you either have: 0 arousal, but victim level 1 so you have 20% health regenration debuff for 10 mins

Or ~100 arousal, but victim level of 0, so you have your skill gain debuff by 20%.


Try to read carefully statuses and effect descriptions.



Thank you for  sorting that  out  so i took  another  look at my mod  list..  all i have   are  matchmaker..  aroused..  comfort.. and  hormones and of  course  the  framework and  zaz and I  did  have  victim   at  one point  but  not  during  this  current  playthrough. So i dont  know...   But  thank you for  trying to sort it out.attachicon.gif2014-01-25_00001.jpg



The boost in the screenshot is not comming from my mods.

Open console, select player, click tab to see advanced options, now using "shift" explore player spells/effects there you can find source mod of the boost.


By my point of view (the one that hates the entire vanilla marriage system and doesn't like to be married at all in-game), LC is a great mod but with a lot of useless resources.


Indeed, I noticed that giving the "lover" status to two NPCs (console command, for example:  "1a697".setrelationshiprank "1a693" 4  ---- this command makes Aela and Farks to be lovers, or in love even if not married), the two NPCs will have sex together at night, like the vanilla married couples or in-love couples (Jarl with Housecarl, Brother and sister if incest is enabled, and so on.), when their arousal level is high enough.


WHY NOT make the same system for the player too?


Not talking about console cheating, there is the SexLab Submit features that allows (using speechcraft level mainly) to raise the player's relationshiprank with a lot of NPCs, less or more harder with already vanilla married or vanilla lovers NPCs. So, obtainign the higher "4" rank is not an idiot vanilla task like the marriage system, but it has a good "role playing" effect and a good immersion.


There are too hard ways to have this option into a future release?


I do not understand you, lets say relationship rank of some NPC improved towards PC, now what? new dialogues/actions?

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I think what Nicole ultimately wants is a way of achieving relationshiprank 4 between the player character and an NPC (given Nicole's statements in other parts of the forum, multiple NPCs) in-game and not through the use of console commands, without having to resort to the game's limited marriage system.

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Sorry, but english is not my mother language so often I have difficulties to explain myself right.


My wish is to have the same features that simply NPCs lovers have without the need to be married.


If I have a relationshiprank level of 4 (lover) with a NPC, I simply wish that, if we are both in the same cell and we are both sleeping and we are both aroused enough, we will awake and we will ... fuck! The other NPC SHOULD NOT be my hubby at all but MUST have the rank 4, enough arousal level, be in the same cell at night.


Exactly as is ALREADY possible with LC for the NPC to NPC, both vanilla settings about married couples, lovers' couples, sibling couples OR couples of NPCs I gave manually, by console, the needed relationshiprank 4.


@ RDKateran


I don't need a way to raise my relationshiprank with other NPCs because this is already available using the "talk" part of Submit.

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Does this affect the marriage process at all? Because I can't even get the marriage ceremony and I'm trying to figure out what's causing this problem.


No, it does not effect marriage process.


Sorry, but english is not my mother language so often I have difficulties to explain myself right.


My wish is to have the same features that simply NPCs lovers have without the need to be married.


If I have a relationshiprank level of 4 (lover) with a NPC, I simply wish that, if we are both in the same cell and we are both sleeping and we are both aroused enough, we will awake and we will ... fuck! The other NPC SHOULD NOT be my hubby at all but MUST have the rank 4, enough arousal level, be in the same cell at night.


Exactly as is ALREADY possible with LC for the NPC to NPC, both vanilla settings about married couples, lovers' couples, sibling couples OR couples of NPCs I gave manually, by console, the needed relationshiprank 4.


@ RDKateran


I don't need a way to raise my relationshiprank with other NPCs because this is already available using the "talk" part of Submit.


Got it, but I think better way is for NPCs with high relationshiprank is to approach PC and ask for sex.

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Great mod. I'm having lots of fun.


However I find that the answers of spouses/followers when you ask for sex and they accept are not very sexy (they don't seem very happy with that despite being ok). I think the mod uses vanilla answers as they appear in french (I play in french) and not in english like the rest of the mod ... wich is great but the way they answer is not arousing in my opininion.


I dont critize the artistic point of view but ... How could I fix this ?


Thank you very much

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By my (limited) knowledge, beds are handled by the SexLab Framework and not by the mods.


Second thing: I noticed the "sunk into beds" problem ONLY with beds added by custom houses / inns. On all vanilla beds I never experienced this issue so, probably, your problem is due to a bed added by a house mod.

For example, I'm using a modded version of Breezehome that adds a new bed for guests. If NPCs use this bed, sometimes they are sunked into it. This doesn't happen with other vanilla beds in Breezehome (or in other places).

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By my (limited) knowledge, beds are handled by the SexLab Framework and not by the mods.


Second thing: I noticed the "sunk into beds" problem ONLY with beds added by custom houses / inns. On all vanilla beds I never experienced this issue so, probably, your problem is due to a bed added by a house mod.

For example, I'm using a modded version of Breezehome that adds a new bed for guests. If NPCs use this bed, sometimes they are sunked into it. This doesn't happen with other vanilla beds in Breezehome (or in other places).


I only installed the collision-fixed noble bed.. Perhaps this is the culprit?

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I just got an idea from a recent play, in DLC, your spouses can get kidnapped, since the bandits kidnapping your spouses say they enjoy her/him very much, why not just add a sceen which they do enjoy her/his body, and if u don't get your spouse out of trouble quick enough, she/he may become bandits' sex slave

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My vanilla noble beds work right even with the collision-fix.

Only beds I have in some custom houses don't work well and have the sunk problem. Not all of them but some.

I suppose there is a sort of "tag" the authors of the custom houses have forgot to add. Maybe.


Any npc's having sex clip through the beds in my game. Have sexlab set for npc's to use beds, but doesn't seem to work. Note, these are vanilla beds.

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POSSIBLE GAME BREAKING BUG with Spouses Enhance and Serana as wife.  Might want to look into it, I went back to an earlier save,



Using the spell "Lovers Surrender" this allows your spouse to force sex (kinda).  What is suppose to happen is you cast the spell and your spouse will confront you of where you been.  Normally you tell her/him they look stunning, and they are suppose to make you follow them to the bedroom,  Well with Serana when you use this, you have two situations happen.


1) After you tell her she looks stunning the game crashes to desktop with no error.


2)After you cast the spell she will say; Either :"Were you looking for me." or "Where have you been." and that is all she will say every time you click on her.  There is no other options to pick from.  The more you click on her the more she will ONLY say those two lines and nothing else.


Edit; I noticed there was an HDTPhysiscExtension log showing in my save log.  I have a mod to autosave in different profiles, So I am not sure if this bug has to do with the Autosave mod or the HDTPhysicsExtension.  Both mods seem to do what they are suppose to, so I am not sure if there may be a conflict with Autosave mod or HDTPhysicsExtension.

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