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22 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

The JSON file is read at capture, so do a blank run before to create it.


Ultimate subjugation won't increase sex stats.


PAH can't get rid of the last slave. If you only have 1 slave in PAH and transfer it to DoM it will crash.

Thank you for the prompt reply.


I obviously did not frame my question well: must I move all ((bar the last one) to DOM from PAHE and thus cannot move just ONE slave?

So, if I transfer say all of my vampire slaves to HSH, the rest of those in PAHE can be moved as a group to DOM (bar the last one)


When you say that the JSON is "read at capture" that implies that the capture/enslavement must be via DOM and not PAHE. Is that correct?

TBH I had no idea it was even possible and while I have waded through page one several times I drown in it usually.


Last moronic question: what is a blank run?


Apologies for my poor comprehension here this week. There are reasons but I won't bore you with them


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6 minutes ago, Clea Strange said:


I mean I don't even know what to put in the json file. So that it would do what I want it to do.

That's why you use DoM's MCM to create it and just edit the values. Do not touch anything else.

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Ok, I'm going to try to explain in the simplest way possible how you can work with JSON files.
I recommend using Notepad++ because it's easy to use and free!

Downloads | Notepad++ (notepad-plus-plus.org)
The first thing you are going to do is create the json file of your new slave, this is not necessary since you can create it before once you understand this tutorial. My sweet assistant Arneth will help me with this process. Arneth Follower - SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)



Then open the DoM MCM and write the new slave JSON file. Once the json file is created we will exit the game to work on it. I use Mod Organizer2, so I'll assume everyone does too because of course they do.





So look for the json file inside the overwrite folder, I usually create a new mod from here, name it something like "DoM custom json traits" or whatever you want. And now start editing, be very, very VERY careful not to modify anything other than the values that interest us or you will screw things up. If you want a horny submissive change the values to something like this, it is an approximate so you can use cap values for more effect, add some kinks too that will be useful to generate a submissive sex slave.




*oh the sixth kink should not be added or the json file won't work, my fault



And this will be the result once we have saved the changes and returned to the game



Now, you can leave it here and enjoy the adventure or you can be a party pooper and make things extremely easy and boring, which I don't recommend but I'm still going to show it so that you take it into account. I think DoM is about the journey and not the goal, DoM is not about getting the best slave, it's about TRAINING the best slave! so I don't recommend using this build unless you're desperate for the perfect slave with maxed stats. 







Here I leave the json file with the modified values to achieve the configuration of arneth as I have shown in the video. You can use this file as a reference for your own slaves




And sorry for the shitty quality of the videos but I'm trying to keep LL from collapsing and crashing when uploading HD videos




And thank you very much @TrollAutokill for providing us with the tools to create our own slave settings

Edited by サマエル
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30 minutes ago, maegliin said:

Fun fact did you know you can enslave Nocturnal when she appear during  the sepulcher quest. 



Hold up, so I can enslave a Daedric prince and beat the shit out of IT?





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Yup, and it’s her only appearance afaik, so may not even break the game 


I’m gonna take her for a test drive.  DOM spells are useless though


nab her as soon as she appears, the leave her to finish her speech, though it slows her down.  At the end she still poofs, use DOM to summon and fix her.


whip or such does nothing, but the spank/slap options work

Edited by maegliin
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21 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

If you cast the spell more than once it will increase all training stats up to 100%.



No, in my current game, it has NO effect upon subjugation, even with multiple attempts and certainly NO effect upon any other parameter especially respect 


I tried both new (<<100 sub) and old slaves(100 sub) and the new slave subjugation never changed.


Addendum: This was ONLY tested on PAHE slaves as i have none in DOM.

So, it may well be that it will only work on DOM slaves.  Sounds rather obvious if you think about it but it should be stated that it is thus limited to the JSON slave machinery of DOM.

Edited by Will55
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On 3/9/2024 at 2:34 AM, oys051 said:

My slave twitches every second when she sneak.

PAH slaves are fine, but DOM slaves are like that. When I go forward to sneak, she suddenly gets up and runs. :(

I also checked OAR, but it didn't work, what kind of problem is this?


Rather late to this BUT IF your char wears high heels this can happen, It is not always constant but it can cause problems (in selecting which line of action).

If this has been solved then my apologies.

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13 hours ago, maegliin said:

Yup, and it’s her only appearance afaik, so may not even break the game 


I’m gonna take her for a test drive.  DOM spells are useless though


nab her as soon as she appears, the leave her to finish her speech, though it slows her down.  At the end she still poofs, use DOM to summon and fix her.


whip or such does nothing, but the spank/slap options work

Namira's voice is also easily found(in a sealed room to the LHS facing the altar ~50-100ms TCL) and 'approached' I guess, she could be enslaved but why?

Personally I am not in favour of the whole Nocturnal afterlife agreement in the slightest and feel really annoyed with her. It makes her no different to most evil daedra princes.

There is a Nexus mod that enables an alternative, but it misses the whole point of a true alternative as it deprives you of almost everything worthwhile.

If anyone knows a way to dodge the "fine print" and still obtain the "goodies" I would like to know about it.

Edited by Will55
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3 hours ago, Will55 said:

Namira's voice is also easily found(in a sealed room to the LHS facing the altar ~50-100ms TCL) and 'approached' I guess, she could be enslaved but why?

Personally I am not in favour of the whole Nocturnal afterlife agreement in the slightest and feel really annoyed with her. It makes her no different to most evil daedra princes.

There is a Nexus mod that enables an alternative, but it misses the whole point of a true alternative as it deprives you of almost everything worthwhile.

If anyone knows a way to dodge the "fine print" and still obtain the "goodies" I would like to know about it.

I just found it funny.

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1 hour ago, kraker95 said:

Hey is it possible to add an option for slaves to follow at a distance?

I have slaves be my pack mules but when there is combat i end up hitting them because they get too close.

Use the group commands to make them stay in position while you fight.

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On 3/20/2024 at 1:35 PM, TrollAutokill said:

Are you sure you installed DoM Aygas patch AFTER aygas?


You want to be sure so call the cavalry and the reinforcements: install dom, then atgas with patches then dom with patches again.

That fixed the issue. Thanks.

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I have a problem with scripts
For some reason I can't compile a script to make DOM works with Ostim because I don't have something related to PAHE MCM and DOM MCM, but I can't get what exactly I'm missing because it report to ton of stuff for some reason



Edited by supersobaka
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41 minutes ago, supersobaka said:

I have a problem with scripts
For some reason I can't compile a script to make DOM works with Ostim because I don't have something related to PAHE MCM and DOM MCM, but I can't get what exactly I'm missing because it report to ton of stuff for some reason



My first guess is: you're missing skyui.

Don't worry, you'll be missing something else after that one.

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Yeah, when I installed SkyUI SDK there are only 3 strings pop up then I try to compile now

I guess, it cound be because I didn't cut Sexlab support in other "main" scripts this script is reffers to so they don't understand what shit is going on here :D
But I mostly worried about IsMale missing in pahepunishmentrapescript here I have no idea why this variable is unindefied anywhere




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41 minutes ago, supersobaka said:

Yeah, when I installed SkyUI SDK there are only 3 strings pop up then I try to compile now

I guess, it cound be because I didn't cut Sexlab support in other "main" scripts this script is reffers to so they don't understand what shit is going on here :D
But I mostly worried about IsMale missing in pahepunishmentrapescript here I have no idea why this variable is unindefied anywhere




It's hard to tell from your picture. I would need the whole Papyrus compiler error.

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15 minutes ago, supersobaka said:

I left with only this one related to pahpunishmentrapescript.psc

IsMale is not property on script pahcore or one of its parents
Line 153

Аnd what it looks like in actual pahpunishmentrapescript.psc  file
Picture of pahpunushmentrapescript

Just edit it, if you're not recompiling pahpunishmentrapescript you don't care. Replace pah.ismale with true and you're good to go.

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Here's another script thing. Not sure if bug but just had my first savegame corruption on this playthrough:

Just did a dungeon, "recruited" a bunch of slaves, nothing special. Went home to unload, noticed severe script lag, DOM lag, and even game hangs for a full couple seconds. At this point the script VM was so severely overloaded that upon saving the SKSE co-save wasn't even created anymore (and loading a save without this is insta-kaboom). And yes i have Papyrus Tweaks NG installed with iMaxOpsPerFrame = 10000 so it shouldn't be perf-bottlenecking.


Turns out the culprit were DOM scripts, caused so much stack dumping that the game hung for seconds just filling up the script log.

Here's the snippet that repeated all over:


Dumping stack 15477724:
      Frame count: 4 (Page count: 4)
      State: Waiting on other stack for return (Freeze state: Freezing)
      Type: Normal
      Return register: False
      Has stack callback: No
      Stack trace:
              [ (00018E3D)].Location.HasKeyword() - "<native>" Line ?
                      IP: 0
                      [param1]: [Keyword <LocTypeJail (0001CD59)>]
              [DOM01 (63000D61)].dom_core.IsInDungeon() - "DOM_Core.psc" Line 1657
                      IP: 231 Instruction: 9  Line: 1657
                      [Loc]: [Location < (00018E3D)>]
                      [::temp173]: None
                      [::temp174]: False
                      [::temp175]: False
              [alias slave023 on quest DOM02Topic (630ED87C)].dom_actor.UpdateLocation() - "DOM_Actor.psc" Line 1176
                      IP: 18  Instruction: 1  Line: 1176
                      [akNewLoc]: [Location < (00018E3D)>]
                      [::temp177]: False
                      [::temp178]: False
              [alias slave023 on quest DOM02Topic (630ED87C)].dom_actor.OnLocationChange() - "DOM_Actor.psc" Line 1190
                      IP: 0   Instruction: 0  Line: 1190
                      [akOldLoc]: None
                      [akNewLoc]: [Location < (00018E3D)>]
                      [::NoneVar]: None
                      [::temp181]: False
                      [::temp182]: False
                      [::temp184]: False
                      [::temp183]: 0.000000


I have no idea what happened there, but to me it looks like Location.HasKeyword() has massive lock contention.

5 slaves repeated all over (out of the ~25 total registered in DOM), that were around for the dungeon crawl, but for some reason they were still in the dungeon and didn't follow home properly when fast-travelling.

Maybe those repeated location changes were caused by them trying to run home?


Is it just me/bad luck/skyrim being skyrim?


Maybe limit the script calls so that no more than xx location updates can happen at the same time, to avoid this kind of call bloating?


EDIT: Ended up teleporting them home, now letting papyrus cool down, it's been in "overstressed" state (according to SSE display tweaks) for the past 15 minutes on the pause screen... lol...


Edited by the0fromnexus
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