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AAF Family Planning Enhanced Redux

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13 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

so quick question for everyone,

(I was reminded of the power of the scripts in FPE. (the parts I didn't work on))


Do you want already pregnant women in the game? (if you don't want WDF) *Not fake pregnancies

so this new addition will be broad reaching (could affect each and every female NPC given the chances)



so I already made something similar but this will be slightly different

(The impregnation series of addons had a number of options to control the amount of pregnancies in each faction(or it was an attempt to do so))

while this one doesn't have that

I would like feature. Maybe have an option for a female PC to be pregnant when the game starts, possibly with a slider or RNG for how many months along. Then have an option for NPCs that gives a % chance to be pregnant and same for how many months.

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8 hours ago, ebbluminous said:

I would like feature. Maybe have an option for a female PC to be pregnant when the game starts, possibly with a slider or RNG for how many months along. Then have an option for NPCs that gives a % chance to be pregnant and same for how many months.

I already worked on this concept before, all of the latest work is on a new delivery system.


however I am reworking the difference slider which gives a number(between 0 and 3) to a random number generator to get a random belly size.

month 5 is standard

difference is 0

(5-0, 5+0) = 5


difference is 1

(5-1, 5+1) = 4,5,6


difference is 2

(5-2, 5+2) = 3,4,5,6,7


difference is 3

(5-3, 5+3) = 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

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so it is nearly finished, I need to do three things (apart from testing)


1. Tweaking some of FPE scripts to avoid issues (minor issues) *I think I fixed this one (I forgot to post)


2. Fix the pregnancy issue (the fake ones) *I really really need to find a name for this

*I will looking for a new name for this now

so any suggestions?


3. add the Eyes and Hair to the overlay mod (allows the changing of hair cuts for NPC's) *there is a bug with haircuts but this mod will only do it once so it should be fine (the bug is when you repeat the haircuts and with certain hair mods (such as Commonwealth Cuts because it adds hats, goggles, etc and that bugs it)

*This should be fixed


4. Added Companion options for the new content

(Because I had completely forgotten about companions so I check out Piper (with her new Tattoo's and a new hair cut))


one more thing, with overlays, there is going to be some weird overlay combos.

Edited by Invictusblade
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so the mod is on the verge of being uploaded with a couple more things to do


btw I completely removed the impregnation system from WDF(the random pregnancies you find around the commonwealth) and moved it to FPE

but I have a question for anyone


I am looking for a name for an already existing pregnancies

so any suggestions?


I am thinking of something like...

"Pregnant World"

"Living Commonwealth"

but this is a hard concept to label.


Darkanna17 has suggested "Wasteland Knockups"


also this

3. add the Eyes and Hair to the overlay mod (allows the changing of hair cuts for NPC's) *there is a bug with haircuts but this mod will only do it once so it should be fine (the bug is when you repeat the haircuts and with certain hair mods (such as Commonwealth Cuts because it adds hats, goggles, etc and that bugs it)

*This should be fixed


turns out that I completely forgot one critical part of this, Eyes and Hair Cuts require the NPC to be Unique (or at least no traits) so no Raiders or gunners.


for example, I have been testing with enslavements Nisha which doesn't work

while the real Nisha would work



One more question, do you want an option to have women(who have been impregnated by this) have their pregnancy frozen? so it stay around until you choose to unfreeze it.


New Update->

I decided on the name "Existence" because believe it or not, people have lives before a certain someone popped out of a vault

also this does more than just impregnate NPCs.


so unless someone has a better idea

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v4 beta (because I am not sure if I pack up everything)

*There is quite a few changes so I will miss a couple of things

Counters (Sex/Births/Safe Sex) Provides Perks for having sex with x number of NPCs, or number of unique NPCs

Lactation - redesigned Lactation so it remove itself if you don't use it

Fertility - redesigned Fertility into Fertility Perks which allows you to see it, as well infertility perks. a different features

Frogless Fertility Test Kits - Check your fertility or your pregnancy

Viability - if a pregnant mother dies then there is a chance to recover the baby


More Messages for Sex, Births, Marriages.

new Drugs(with labels) to produce Lactation and fertility perks

IVF Chance Option

Sex diary

Advanced Needs 76 (AN76) Addon

Mothers can now use racial DNA Perks and produce offspring of that type

Redesign of MCM

There is more but I cannot remember at the moment or simply minor changes


and the biggest change, a system to allow FPE to control the distribution of Pregnancies, Overlays, STDs, Breeder Virus and the Autonomy Perks to ALL human/ghoul NPCs in the game

(I have no idea if this will cause performance issues)


I will be updating the download tomorrow or the next day

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4 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

v4 beta (because I am not sure if I pack up everything)

*There is quite a few changes so I will miss a couple of things

Counters (Sex/Births/Safe Sex) Provides Perks for having sex with x number of NPCs, or number of unique NPCs

Lactation - redesigned Lactation so it remove itself if you don't use it

Fertility - redesigned Fertility into Fertility Perks which allows you to see it, as well infertility perks. a different features

Frogless Fertility Test Kits - Check your fertility or your pregnancy

Viability - if a pregnant mother dies then there is a chance to recover the baby


More Messages for Sex, Births, Marriages.

new Drugs(with labels) to produce Lactation and fertility perks

IVF Chance Option

Sex diary

Advanced Needs 76 (AN76) Addon

Mothers can now use racial DNA Perks and produce offspring of that type

Redesign of MCM

There is more but I cannot remember at the moment or simply minor changes


and the biggest change, a system to allow FPE to control the distribution of Pregnancies, Overlays, STDs, Breeder Virus and the Autonomy Perks to ALL human/ghoul NPCs in the game

(I have no idea if this will cause performance issues)


I will be updating the download tomorrow or the next day

Nice update, I'm curious of a couple things. First, does this update address the issue that involved "cumflation" no longer working since the last update? Second, is this update safe to install by overwriting the previous update?

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5 hours ago, Church the Cat said:

Nice update, I'm curious of a couple things. First, does this update address the issue that involved "cumflation" no longer working since the last update? Second, is this update safe to install by overwriting the previous update?

so it "should" be fine to update however...

the counter will start at zero

all of the "known" NPCs won't have "existence" on them (There is a MCM command and hotkey to do this)


but it can get weird so be careful with it (also it does depend on how many game you are playing)

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so after posting the beta last night, I realise that I still had a couple things to do.

I will posting a new update today sometime


1. Fix MCM (I forgot to fix the Factionial bah so use round numbers at the moment 0 for OFF, 1 for ON)

2. I might add birth outcomes to "Existence" because it might be a mess dealing with numerous babies and Children.

*it will be a given perk that will remove the baby when it is born

I will also add frozen pregnancies as well.



3. I thought I had a couple more issues but I cannot remember them at the moment. *this was bedtime thinking

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3 minutes ago, Cyroteus said:

Sorry to bother again but that is the third time in a row that i gave birth but got no baby so that might not be just a bug



3 minutes ago, Cyroteus said:

or maybe i did something wrong

ok, human babies, right?

and labour quest, right?


just so I know what to check

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18 minutes ago, Cyroteus said:

one from a raider, one from myself and one from dogmet.

and i don't know what you mean by labour quest but when i give birth the labour quest ends but there is no baby added to my inventory


so labour quest is when a quest pops up saying you should go find a doctor


could you check your junk inventory for Dying or Deceased Baby (because I still haven't made a message for that)

because one of the features, I made recently (patch or two before last nights one) called Viability (which has a chance for a baby to die because of bah)


also are you using Wasteland Dairy Framework?

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40 minutes ago, Cyroteus said:

it's nearly impossible that all 3 (6) baby's died while i put the viability on 98% .

and yes i do.


(Edit: Yeah i check, there is nothing in my inventory anywhere)


that is bad, (I was going over the possible options)

I will have a look then

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2 hours ago, Cyroteus said:

it's nearly impossible that all 3 (6) baby's died while i put the viability on 98% .

and yes i do.


(Edit: Yeah i check, there is nothing in my inventory anywhere)


so I tested my version and it works (at the moment but that doesn't mean much)


so a few more questions

1. what "exactly" are you looking(I should say "Reading") for?

[Baby] White Baby or Bob

[Baby] Female Asian Baby or Kimiko

or is it completely nothing


2. do you have the limiter enabled?


3. do you have surrogate active?



otherwise do number 3 of my signature

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so I am going to post an update in the next few hours


Fixed MCM (I forgot to fix the Factionial bah so use round numbers at the moment 0 for OFF, 1 for ON)


added birth outcomes to "Existence" because it might be a mess dealing with numerous babies and Children.

the options are the following


Normal = Normal Chances of Birth

Frozen Pregnancy = The Pregnancy won't update at all (or maybe once)

Don't Ask Don't Tell(Default) = Gives Nothing (no Baby at all)

Poor Lifestyle = NPC has 50/50 chance of an alive baby or a dead baby

Stillborn = NPC has a history of Stillbirths (100% chance of dead baby)

Surrogate = Gives away the baby for money/Resources

Random = one of the above


and all of these are faction based so Settlers could have Poor Lifestyle


All perks (except Surrogate and Frozen Pregnancy) gets removed at birth

also I will make a prenatal kit to remove perks as well



I will try to remember the other issues, I thought of, last night

Should clean up MCM again (because of the new changes)


update-> I remember one thing, that I was thinking of making.

so in the recent 4.00 version, there is a sex diary which counts all of the sex that a NPC(or player) has had.


I was thinking of adding to Existence, some fake numbers to each and every NPC.

for example,

every STD is worth 10 to 20 Sex Scenes

No STD is worth 5 to 10 Safe Sex scenes

every pregnancy is worth 5 to 10 Sex Scenes

if the NPC has a baby(one of the options in Pregnancy) is worth 1 Births


and I will do the same for the Player

Female player will a birth from the start


so this won't do actually much but it is cool detail for the sex diary

Edited by Invictusblade
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so one "bug" I found and it is the "Show NPC Pregnancy Info"

actually it is running perfectly but because I am made a glitch to get middle pregnancies working but there is slight side effect.

for Existence pregnancy, even if the NPC has a huge belly(month 7), the message box rightfully displays that she is less than a month pregnant.


so I added content to the message box to include the following...

Name of NPC (Tonnie the Raider instead of raider) *spawned Raider from INVB_Enslavement

Month of Pregnancy (it reads the Monthly Perks)

Status of Birth Outcome (look up one post)


btw I will be renaming HumanRace_MiddleRandom to Human.





New version->



Edited by Invictusblade
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1 hour ago, Invictusblade said:

so one "bug" I found and it is the "Show NPC Pregnancy Info"

actually it is running perfectly but because I am made a glitch to get middle pregnancies working but there is slight side effect.

for Existence pregnancy, even if the NPC has a huge belly(month 7), the message box rightfully displays that she is less than a month pregnant.


so I added content to the message box to include the following...

Name of NPC (Tonnie the Raider instead of raider) *spawned Raider from INVB_Enslavement

Month of Pregnancy (it reads the Monthly Perks)

Status of Birth Outcome (look up one post)


btw I will be renaming HumanRace_MiddleRandom to Human.





New version->



Looks great. Once the "player not getting pregnant" problem appears to be solved, I'll be happy to test and report back.
Hopefully upgrading from older versions won't run into problems with old saves.
Btw, if someone could message me explaining how to "build in bodyslide" for outfits (I'm assuming that's been done with the outfits displayed above), I'd appreciate that. I don't really get what people mean when they say it.

Speaking of, how did you get your raiders looking like that?

Edited by Darkanna17
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22 minutes ago, Darkanna17 said:

Looks great. Once the "player not getting pregnant" problem appears to be solved, I'll be happy to test and report back.
Hopefully upgrading from older versions won't run into problems with old saves.
Btw, if someone could message me explaining how to "build in bodyslide" for outfits (I'm assuming that's been done with the outfits displayed above), I'd appreciate that. I don't really get what people mean when they say it.

Speaking of, how did you get your raiders looking like that?

I will have another look at that issue


so in bodyslide, if you click the following..


this will produce two files per outfit,

*.nif = contains the mesh

*.tri = contains morphing data


this allows outfits to morph


so which part of the raiders?

1. Face = Most likely is from Lots More Settlers and Enemies from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17343

2. Clothing = one of the classy outfit packs from GrafPanzer https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/977500?tab=user+files

3. Pregnancy = from here

4. tattoos = INVB_overlay_Framework + Assorted Overlays


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6 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

so I tested my version and it works (at the moment but that doesn't mean much)


so a few more questions

1. what "exactly" are you looking(I should say "Reading") for?

[Baby] White Baby or Bob

[Baby] Female Asian Baby or Kimiko

or is it completely nothing


2. do you have the limiter enabled?


3. do you have surrogate active?



otherwise do number 3 of my signature

completely nothing


yes but i don't think that's the problem because i didn't get any money or any resources

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