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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay, I had been working on Autonomy quite a bit over the last few weeks and then I decided on a break from Fallout 4,

I have been playing Stardew Valley and Stranded Alien Dawn (and a bit of Anno 2205)


but today I decided to start work on ROF, mainly minor changes



I might have fixed some of the persistant overlay issues (but I am not sure, I will have a test tonight)

Added Garden of Eden as a requirement (Lighthouse(Old-Gen) or Garden of Eden(old and New Gen)) *so hopefully the mod is next gen supported (I haven't updated Fallout 4 yet)

Added PorcTattoo's (and its option in MCM) *I might be changing this


On 5/11/2024 at 3:35 AM, georgechalkias said:

Do I download those .esp or subbing to those Nexus is good enough?

so again sorry for the delay, you need to do both

you need to download the assets from Nexus

and you 'could' use my ESP's (there is a few different reasons why) *but you don't need to (but the Nexus or LL asset downloads is a hard requirement


On 5/13/2024 at 7:41 PM, bahnur said:

Hi @Invictusblade is it possible to see all the cbbe preset you used for bodygen, i use TWB and maybe i will do my own template and morph for your mod but if you have the list it will be great

it has been a while (I will have a look for them)


On 5/22/2024 at 11:45 PM, Jeffey67 said:

The last version works great! Using SPiD

thank you


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Tangentially related, but I've noticed male NPCs getting very brightly colored (basically glowing chromatic colors) arm band overlays. Like, a lot. At first I thought I had missing textures for some overlay pack, but eventually I tracked them down to entries in INVB_OverlayFramework_Tattoo_Invictusblade v2.esp.7z.


Are those a mistake, or should just uninstall that overlay pack to get rid of them? They really look more like rendering glitches than tattoos (no offense), which is why I was initially confused thinking I had broken something.

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