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@slizer40000 sorry to bug you again, but does that 32k dar work for the current ae version? i placed it under the regular dar in my loadout and the (you've surpassed the animation limit message) went away, but I'm t posing when trying to attack and other animations don't seem to be working ? any thoughts or advice on this would be appreciated ?

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16 hours ago, harryscrowtem said:

@slizer40000 sorry to bug you again, but does that 32k dar work for the current ae version? i placed it under the regular dar in my loadout and the (you've surpassed the animation limit message) went away, but I'm t posing when trying to attack and other animations don't seem to be working ? any thoughts or advice on this would be appreciated ?

@slizer40000 nvm, I just figured out I can edit the ini of dar to increase it... ? but one other question i have for you is that after installing, the idles are playing on my pc but not npc's, do you know how i could reverse that so Live Action only effects npc's? 

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On 5/20/2023 at 1:50 AM, harryscrowtem said:

@slizer40000 nvm, I just figured out I can edit the ini of dar to increase it... ? but one other question i have for you is that after installing, the idles are playing on my pc but not npc's, do you know how i could reverse that so Live Action only effects npc's? 


Seems like DAR has been updated. The .dll might be redundant then.

To disable only the player, press B or the key you have designated in the MCM. Then navigate to the actor settings menu. Activate the "Block ..." toggles that you want.

I can only guess why npcs are not affected for you. Do normal animations such as movement work or do neither normal nor aroused work for them? Does the log file in the folder SKSE/Live Action contain references to any NPC names at all?



On 5/20/2023 at 7:53 PM, Greeneyedwolf said:

i downloaded 3.8b and for some reason normal and aroused set timers are off and not initialized , any ideas how to force them to turn on?



Activate the button for "Seed random" on the first page. It will then slowly assign each encountered npc their own timers. If you are satisfied with seeing the same animation on multiple people at once then you can keep using only global settings.


Those timers are only active in the MCM if they have been manually assigned or the "Seed ..." option is active.


23 hours ago, harryscrowtem said:

can someone please explain, what exactly is lollygagging??? ?


Fooling around, wasting time, goofing off, procrastinating and so on.

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First of all, what did you mean by conditions and connection to other mods? Can we have at least one example from this list of mods?

Second. I recently pondered about what would add animation invitations for the player from the NPC. For example NPC initiates a dialogue from the mod "Lovers Comfort", which asks for sex. This dialogue will be accompanied by special animation. Do you know if it is possible to add animations for specific dialogues?

Third. I created a set of animations for myself based on arousal. There are about 10 stages in this set and each stage has its own idle animations, stealth animations and sneak movement animations. If I specify these sets have a lower priority than your animation sets, what conflict can I experience?

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Is there a way to replace the female idle animations? Some aroused animation are like aroused level 25 and PC is already acting like a sex addicted. Or maybe charge the arousal threshold via MCM?


Edit: I'm trying to add normal idle female animations (all female folders under 348021-348036 right?) But I have currently about 30 idle animations. Is it OK to just add more folders after 348036? I realize the conditions have one variable that is changing between all these folders from 0008C0 to 0008CF, yet these value is not present in the esp file. Should I just continuely increase this variable in conditions for all folder added?

Edited by 3MAWDDDOnly1
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On 5/29/2023 at 12:52 PM, Soldream said:

First of all, what did you mean by conditions and connection to other mods? Can we have at least one example from this list of mods?

Second. I recently pondered about what would add animation invitations for the player from the NPC. For example NPC initiates a dialogue from the mod "Lovers Comfort", which asks for sex. This dialogue will be accompanied by special animation. Do you know if it is possible to add animations for specific dialogues?

Third. I created a set of animations for myself based on arousal. There are about 10 stages in this set and each stage has its own idle animations, stealth animations and sneak movement animations. If I specify these sets have a lower priority than your animation sets, what conflict can I experience?


First: The conditions linked to other mods is quite limited aside from arousal. They are listed in the spreadsheet though. As more of a test, I set 346704, 346705, which is the victoria's high heels walk to trigger if a female is either over 50 arousal or an exhibitionist or a MiasLair Sex Slave, or a Milk Mod Economy Milk Maid, or a PAHE Slave Trainer, or in the SanguinesDebauchery faction. The other set is that the actor usually covers up while nude but stops doing so if too aroused or is in any of the aforementioned factions (349900-349903).


Second: Lover's comfort and Further Lover's Comfort do not add new animations AFAIK. If there is a special animation, then you can overwrite it via DAR. Otherwise, there is no way to detect dialogue via DAR. The feature has been requested for OAR, there is hope yet.


Third: Idle animations will likely be overwritten by Live Action if the arousal level is 25+. You can adjust the probability of those animations in the MCM. If you set the probability low enough (10-20%), your animations will occur with 80-90% probability. I will release a fixed probability calculation script soon™. Stealth/sneak animations will conflict if you have installed animations listed under the movement category in the spreadsheet starting with 346100. You can always toggle off the categories that conflict in the MCM to completely avoid conflicts.



On 5/29/2023 at 5:10 PM, 3MAWDDDOnly1 said:

Is there a way to replace the female idle animations? Some aroused animation are like aroused level 25 and PC is already acting like a sex addicted. Or maybe charge the arousal threshold via MCM?


Edit: I'm trying to add normal idle female animations (all female folders under 348021-348036 right?) But I have currently about 30 idle animations. Is it OK to just add more folders after 348036? I realize the conditions have one variable that is changing between all these folders from 0008C0 to 0008CF, yet these value is not present in the esp file. Should I just continuely increase this variable in conditions for all folder added?


The brute force method to replace idles is to overwrite the hkx in the folder. You can easily raise the arousal limit in Notepad++ or similar by opening all of the respective conditions files and mass replacing the arousal faction rank e.g. 25 with 50.

Changing the arousal threshold via MCM would require assigning the arousal threshold as a global variable that must be compared with a faction rank. Maybe the new OAR Math plugin can help me do this with less fuss. I do not see a good way to do it without editing the conditions files directly.


One tedious way is to assign each NPC a faction rank based on that specific global variable and their arousal faction rank and repeating the process for each threshold, then replacing the arousal faction in the conditions file with the appropriate faction.


Another way would be to assign a keyword or perk to a character that has exceeded a certain adjustable arousal level. DAR can evaluate if a keyword or perk is present. Perks are somewhat fickle from what I read and can cause problems if they are rapidly added and removed.


The 0008C0 to 0008CF values should correspond to global variables, but now that I checked, I misnamed them all with a D instead of C in the .esp so none of them work as intended ... ?

You can use a priority number that goes even beyond 399999 as long as the conditions in the file constrain it so that it does not override something else with a lower priority number.


The global variables 8C0-8CF represent adjustable probability. 8C0 should be used for the lowest priority with the maximum % chance up to a current maximum of 16 equally probable animations.

I made the probability adjustable via script. The fixed script is not yet publicly released because I wanted to address the global vs actor specific animation group conflict and real life duties, etc. Now there is OAR so a much bigger rework is needed for 0.4.0.


For example 8 folders/priorities that should have an equal adjustable probability P:


8C0 - folder priority 123001, probability P/1 = P

8C1 - folder priority 123002, probability P/2

8C1 - folder priority 123003, probability P/3

8C1 - folder priority 123004, probability P/4

8C1 - folder priority 123005, probability P/5

8C1 - folder priority 123006, probability P/6

8C1 - folder priority 123007, probability P/7

8C1 - folder priority 123008, probability P/8


If P is 1, 100% of the time one of these is valid. If P is 0.2 (20% in MCM), 20% of the time this group is active, 80% of the time something with a lower priority is triggered.


The list goes to P/16 at 8CF because I did not foresee the need to randomize between more than 16 animations at a time. I implemented the four random swap groups to ensure that the same sets of up to 16 animations do not appear all the time, because it is less work to operate with 1 + 16 global variables than having to create and assign 65 global variables.


I can easily increase the available groups in multiples of 16 by modifying the script to juggle between 1-x instead of 1,2,3,4. The animation limit in OAR is 64k animations vs 32k in DAR, but OAR is limited to SSE.


3 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

might not need to do the esp and  scripts anymore now. it has its own  polling to make sure everything works @slizer40000



Excellent news. Makes life easier for me (eventually) and any users who want to customize.

The only downside is that it is limited to SE/AE. Seeing the potential of OAR, I have decided that the next release will be the last to support DAR and LE.


By adapting OAR I will be able to deprecate the cooldown scripts. The MCM and adjustable probability will remain together with the actor specific settings.


I have to learn how OAR works and then adjust accordingly.


The MCM allows to toggle animations per character via factions or globally via global variables. OAR and DAR evaluate them.

The global variable toggles can now be removed if users are willing to toggle animation groups from the OAR in-game menu.


The movement subsection is dated, as is unarmed combat. I will retain only the aroused parts because there are more sophisticated movement conditions and frameworks available.

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delete your computer is how to fix.
im not really joking. if you manualy installed it to your game folder not using a mod manager then you arleady messed up and you need to full reinstall the game as  this mods files is least of your worries.

you proaly have installed mutiple dar mods and someof them conflict overwriting condtons file.

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10 hours ago, ViewMods said:

how do I remove all male animations from this collection? 

when installing, I indicated that the animation should only apply to women, but in fact this is not the case...


Without more information provided I can tell you that there are a few conditions sets that are installed for both because I did not want to duplicate too many animations. You can either manually add the IsFemale() condition to those specific sets, which takes only a few minutes at most, or if you installed the MCM version (0.3.5) you can just toggle those categories off for males in-game.


General information: The new OAR system is quite fun to work with. I do have to transfer the sets one by one using the in-game editor which may take a few evenings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to installing your mod and testing it. And this is what I found. 


First: all surrounding NPCs start playing different animations. That was the idea? I just imagined it a little different, for example, what would NPC every once in a while would run one random animation. And after the NPC did his next action, (for example made a step to the side) then the animation is changed to the standard or another animation on the terms of DAR. Roughly speaking, all NPC began to spam animations.


Second: concerning one of the posts above about playing animations by men. I also set FOMOD only for women, as well as in the MCM settings have removed all actions from men and checked the "disable all". But I still see some of the female animations on men. For example the animation of a man warming his hands by the fire or the animation of looking at something (for example food on the bench in Waitran). The animation of sitting on a bar stool. And some animations of dancing or drinking from a standing mug. 


Third: there was a moment when one of my companions leaned against a wall and ran one of the LiveAction animations, after which he abruptly stopped that animation and began to play that animation in an idle state. The Npc stands up in place, turns around, and rolls against an invisible wall. But the strangest thing is that this animation for some reason spread to all NPCs around. Fortunately, after a minute, this bug disappeared.


Fifth, I am amused by your avatar for the umpteenth time. It's subtle humor, if you know what it's about)

(p.s. If my text sounds like nonsense, I'm sorry, I checked now with several translators and since I often use translations, I noticed that just today, for whatever reason, translators can translate extremely disgustingly.)

Edited by Soldream
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2023 at 6:34 PM, Soldream said:

I finally got around to installing your mod and testing it. And this is what I found. 


First: all surrounding NPCs start playing different animations. That was the idea? I just imagined it a little different, for example, what would NPC every once in a while would run one random animation. And after the NPC did his next action, (for example made a step to the side) then the animation is changed to the standard or another animation on the terms of DAR. Roughly speaking, all NPC began to spam animations.


Second: concerning one of the posts above about playing animations by men. I also set FOMOD only for women, as well as in the MCM settings have removed all actions from men and checked the "disable all". But I still see some of the female animations on men. For example the animation of a man warming his hands by the fire or the animation of looking at something (for example food on the bench in Waitran). The animation of sitting on a bar stool. And some animations of dancing or drinking from a standing mug. 


Third: there was a moment when one of my companions leaned against a wall and ran one of the LiveAction animations, after which he abruptly stopped that animation and began to play that animation in an idle state. The Npc stands up in place, turns around, and rolls against an invisible wall. But the strangest thing is that this animation for some reason spread to all NPCs around. Fortunately, after a minute, this bug disappeared.


Fifth, I am amused by your avatar for the umpteenth time. It's subtle humor, if you know what it's about)

(p.s. If my text sounds like nonsense, I'm sorry, I checked now with several translators and since I often use translations, I noticed that just today, for whatever reason, translators can translate extremely disgustingly.)

I was again busy for a few weeks hence the late reply.


1)  I am currently debugging the part of the mod where the animation probability and swapping is calculated that is related to playing the individual animations. Papyrus for some reason does not calculate separate random values in the same while loop using the random() function but generates only a handful of distinct values. Expect a more robust fix in the upcoming release.


2) The issue is that I simplified the conditions for the affected normal animations sets so that they play when either female OR male categories are enabled to avoid duplicating animations for DAR. It is now possible to avoid this issue with OAR.


3) Strange bug. Never seen that happen. It must be specific to your install.


4) There are four lights!


5) You're the first to comment on it. :wink:

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On 6/27/2023 at 3:40 AM, TheRightDoorIsNotTheLeft said:

Don't change a thing. The sexy self animations trigger at exactly the wrong time. I love it! (really. no sarcasm here.)


I could add a toggle option to choose between the new and the old probability calculation.





Also, I got the script to work as intended. I can solve the male/female shared folder issue with OAR quite easily. Duplicate folders needed for DAR though.

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49 minutes ago, slizer40000 said:


I could add a toggle option to choose between the new and the old probability calculation.


  Reveal hidden contents



Also, I got the script to work as intended. I can solve the male/female shared folder issue with OAR quite easily. Duplicate folders needed for DAR though.


I'm using oar myself, and I'm always up for trying improvements. 

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I was thinking that I haven't seen a single mod that replaces so many animations at once. How about making a simple version? Something like replacing all the animations on the unusual animations (like for example the same inspection of the fire or the choice of products on the counter) with more sexual ones? With the only condition is the arousal threshold. 


It would be a pretty simple way to get rid of some bugs and implement animation functionality at the same time. I really haven't seen another mod that would create the same huge animation package.

Edited by Soldream
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On 7/1/2023 at 7:19 AM, sowins said:

does this work with Open Animation Replacer ?... bcs when i tried it, all the people of skyrim would swim through the air....


The mod does work with OAR in legacy mode although animations swap after each loop by default. Try disabling the lollygag category to get rid of the swimming in air.


On 7/1/2023 at 9:25 AM, Soldream said:

I was thinking that I haven't seen a single mod that replaces so many animations at once. How about making a simple version? Something like replacing all the animations on the unusual animations (like for example the same inspection of the fire or the choice of products on the counter) with more sexual ones? With the only condition is the arousal threshold. 


It would be a pretty simple way to get rid of some bugs and implement animation functionality at the same time. I really haven't seen another mod that would create the same huge animation package.


I have been planning on making a version for OAR, a final DAR release, and a script-free version for both based on the new sets. I might work on smaller OAR based packages from now on at a slower pace because I cannot dedicate as much time to this mod as before. I am moving to OAR as it has implemented relationship ranks and other QoL conditions while DAR is no longer being developed.

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On 7/9/2023 at 8:21 PM, MortiferusX said:




Have a little Problem with the MCM. 


You are missing the Interface\English.txt file provided in the FOMOD.


On 7/10/2023 at 7:23 AM, Lem1697 said:

I don't even know if I'm installing this right, but nothing happens. Can I use this with OAR instead of DAR?


You can use it with OAR. Optionally you can set it to not swap during the animation loop in the OAR menu if you choose to export as json and import into the OAR directory. Otherwise it works immediately with OAR anyway.

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