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i started my residence in tamrial with morrowind.


i first saw it at a friend's house, after he showed me planetside. the first one.

i was immediately enamoured with the character building. i didnt need to hear any more. i can make my own cat person, with expertise in alchemy and archery? sign me up! i bought it the next day.


i played morrowind for as long as i could. i was the neravarene; hortator; i was merely a dunmer from the mainland - still s'witt, still outlander -  but i was exactly who i wanted to be. i played morrowind until a new computer couldnt run it without the game crashing. i would later learn this was a load distance problem, but at the time, there was another solution.


eventually, it was impossible to not move on to oblivion.

in this case, it was the opening cinematic that got me. i found it beautiful, inspiring, tragic. i had liberated morrowind from imperial occupation, ended the scourge of red mountain, and now . . . i was just another prisoner. i was new-born. the neravarine was elsewhere, doing other great things; there were new quests here. I was free from the burden of prophecy. let martin septim carry that; i would fight demons in the very edges of reality, and bring back talismans of power from their fiery worlds. I was an altmer, then; wise and strong, and able to save an empire, despite being a peripheral member of it.


i played oblivion for as long as i could. eventually, it was impossible to not move on to skyrim.

i saw the trailers. 11/11/11. he is called dovakhiin - dragonborn! I am a breton now. a battlemage who resents her destiny. i have walked the thousand steps, and answered 'no' when i got there. i have broken the chains of destiny, allowing a world to die as it should have done millennia ago.


i play the game still. i have logged thousands of hours. many of us have. some of use wait for the next adventure in tamriel. many of us fear a looming inevitable disappointment. regardless, we wouldnt be here if we didnt love the game . . . erotically.

my question is: what keeps you here? why, after all these years, all these disappointments, do you still play the elder scrolls?

do you sometimes still watch trailers for morrowind, and feel a twinge in your belly that says "this might be the best game i ever play"?


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I expect the next Elder Scrolls game to be a huge disappointment, but I still hope it exceeds my expectations. I'm currently waiting for Skwind and Skyblivion to be complete for my next adventures in Tamriel. Much as I love the originals, I also wish to see them polished up. Currently I have way too many unplayed, unfinished, or even uninstalled games in my Steam library, I've devoted way too much time to these sandboxes doing the same thing I've done 100 times over to touch them again right now. I love these games (admittedly I only ever use Skyrim to watch characters fuck anymore) but I won't allow myself to sink anymore time into them at the moment.

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5 hours ago, Elizinator said:


 Disappointment was had at the next setting for the Elder-scrolls 6 reasons being to top Skyrim Hammerfell is not going to do it. I wanted to see Akavir be the next one seems only logical after being the Dragon-Born and the whole dragon apocalypses to see a land that is called Dragonland. Being anything less than the Dragon-born at this point is kinda underwhelming. So in Elder 6 you'll go back to being normal? yea kinda underwhelming :( 

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I started my journey with Skyrim so I had no disappointments so far^^


I just really hope that TES 6 will not turn out like Fallout 4 or ever worse Fallout 76.

I'm not afrait of a game with bugs or bad quests, since you can remedy a lot with mods. But imagine the game only being moddable through the creation club with micro transactions? Or a limited creation kit that doesn't allow for complext things like sex mods ?

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Why Skyrim? Well this is a boring answer, but a truthful one. The modding community. There are few games, if any, whose modding scene spreads as far and as wide as Skyrim's.


Skyrim is by no means a perfect game, and even at its finalized stage it is still riddled with bugs. But what Skyrim did provide is the foundation in which the community builds upon. Looking at my game I can't help but wonder how many percent left in my game is vanilla. Meshes, textures, AI behaviors, animations, perk trees, spells, everything has been changed to fit the player's whims (that, as well as machine capabilities but that sounds way less cool).


In conjunction with console command usage, mods make the player a god in his or her pocket dimension named Skyrim. Don't like that rock? Change the texture and model. Still don't like it? Delete it. NPC being nice to you? Shape them in your image of beauty, make them immortal so that even with bare hands they can take down a dragon. (well, it may take hours, but still). NPCs being rude to you? Make his enemy take a crap in his mouth. Not enough? Well there's always enslavement, addictions and more options. 




NPC       : Haha I am Essential! You can't kill me!
Console : 




Even if the player do not want all the glory and be the hero, there are plenty of ways to make the dragonborn suffer. If you are reading this, you need no introduction to LL mods.


However, what made Skyrim truly great is that it isn't a sex game with action-rpg elements. Instead, it as an action-rpg that was given extensive sex features. This makes Skyrim's narrative vastly different from your typical adult game, where the story seemed to be an afterthought that exists solely to tie in the sex scenarios created. The end result is a sandbox game that offers a degree of freedom much more than most, ready to be molded into whatever the player desires.


TL;DR: I can do whatever I want with the game, including farting a shout.


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6 hours ago, Vylvie said:



  Reveal hidden contents


NPC       : Haha I am Essential! You can't kill me!
Console : 





However, what made Skyrim truly great is that it isn't a sex game with action-rpg elements. Instead, it as an action-rpg that was given extensive sex features. ut.


i have had ALL the secs with farkas. all of it.

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I just really hope that TES 6 will not turn out l


Hahahahahah xD Lol TES 6... :D


Video they uploaded is not even from Game xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

its rendered shit xDDD


TES 6 Production process is on stage: "We already have name for our next game"

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My answer would also be mods.

No matter how enjoyable the game, if there is no user generated content nor any ability to customize a game's content reliably to make for a different experience every time, I put it aside after awhile, revisiting it only after it is no longer fresh in memory (usually muscle memory since my recall tends to be too persistent for the over-all experience to ever fade).


With mods, things never remain static, allowing me to discover fresh bugs and fatal errors to break my installation after things were stable for far too long.

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I don't play Skyrim much anymore but I have been making a mod that is essentially an enormous esp that I have been building that sorta overhauls items races and shit. Speaking of which I have been neglecting to edit my mod here put on Loverslab what was it called again? Yeah that is how bad I have been neglecting this.


Edit: I updated my mod now with .001% less swearing FUCK YEAH!


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On 6/3/2020 at 9:33 AM, Elizinator said:

my question is: what keeps you here? why, after all these years, all these disappointments, do you still play the elder scrolls?

Well, my story is entirely different. I was never into role playing games. I never played any Elder Scrolls game before Skyrim. In fact, I never even played Skyrim before October last year.


I kept seeing Youtube videos about it, and they weren't old, they were from like two weeks ago. I though there had to be something to this game, so I bought the base version for as cheap as I could to see if I liked it. I clocked some 80 hours on it and decided I did, so then I got Special Edition. Then I played it for about 1200 hours during the last six months, streamed it, did a couple slow "speedruns" of the main quest, and so on. And now a couple of weeks ago I turned to modding and finally bought Legendary Edition as well.


Disappointment? Not for me, no sir. Sure it's glitchy and crashy and has its idiosyncrasies but I love it too much to care. The video game of my life, so far.

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I'm not expecting to be blown away nor disappointed. I've played all TES (except Blades) and FO games, and they have ALL been different. With all the experiences, it would be silly to expect the next experience would be same. Some people hate change. Some people love it. Some people play the same game 100 times, some people play 100 different games meanwhile. Good games come and go. I liked FO4, not in the same way I liked FO3, and thats ok.


As a Trekkie, we know fully well theres been great seasons, bad seasons, mindblowing episodes, snooze episodes... Yet we keep watching because we enjoy the world and lore and characters, more than we hate couple mishaps. This is how I enjoy my TES as well.


23 hours ago, Guffel said:

I just really hope that TES 6 will not turn out like Fallout 4 or ever worse Fallout 76.

76 is not made by the same studio that made FO4 and Skyrim, so no fear there. I'm amazed this is still not common knowledge.

(BTW, wastelanders made it quite good)

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On 6/2/2020 at 11:33 PM, Elizinator said:

my question is: what keeps you here?

Armor Conversions



why, after all these years, all these disappointments, do you still play the elder scrolls?

Because it's fun (with mods).



do you sometimes still watch trailers for morrowind, and feel a twinge in your belly that says "this might be the best game i ever play"?

No, because it's not the best game I've ever played.  The only outstanding feature of TES III is its worldbuilding.  Everything else is either mediocre or poorly-aged.


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I sometimes play older TES games because they're still fun. I gave up on Skyrim because it's boring. It's too dumbed down to save it, I had to put it down. I turned this game into a fucked up monstrosity with mods, but it still wouldn't work. It was a mercy uninstall.

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The main reason is my own bodyslide.

Any other game where I play with a female hero, it is always a androgynous woman, which wont attract me. One case in point is Rise of the Tomb Raider, a game I like, but dont feel any sexual connection with the character.

The bodyslide made Skyrim stand apart from any other game, as now I can have a kind of sexual eye candy which is not possible with other games.


The second reason is the combat. Ultimate combat, vigor and the TK mods gave another dimension to it.

Play any other melee game, and you will have console-style movement, which I dont like. See for example the case of Witcher 3, where the combat consists mostly of rolling left and right. Also Skyrim allows for directional blows, something which only Mount and Blade have.


The third reason is the follower framework. In every other game I feel lonely, but in Skyrim, my followers are friends to the player character, and I also play with some of them, adding some depth, which would not be possible with vanilla followers. They also have specific perks, which gives them some personality.


With all that said, I'm disappointed with the Skyrim modding community. All the toxic bickering over copyright, permissions and paid mods destroyed the possibility of expansion to the other provinces. I'm doing my own version of it, but I doubt it will be appreciated as it deserves, and that it will be expanded as well. People should get over their egos and start looking at modding objectively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bethesdas games are kinda crap as games, honestly.

I've been disappointed with all of them since Oblivion, and even Morrowind wasn't particular my cup of tea (I wanted to love it, I saw the potential.. I just couldn't care about the story which made it hard to keep playing). - Though, in the interest of fairness, my original run of Skyrim I actually got pretty in to it with a nearly vanilla game, I just kinda got sidetracked doing something silly and never went back to the "real game" (After joining the companions I decided to max out werewolf perks, without turning evil. I tore all over Skyrim, finding bandit and foresworn camps and slaughtering and devouring everyone. Once I was done, I sorta... forgot what I was doing in the real game, and didn't care enough to go back to it)

Bethesda builds amazing modding platforms though! I can't wait until TES6 comes out, gets expansions, and I eventually buy the Collectors Edition for like $20, after the modding community has been playing with it for probably like 5 years at that point, then I'll find the mods to make it in to a game I actually enjoy.

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