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[Realim] Ohh hi :o...

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Egh... ok first...

I'm not returning to Skyrim... tbh i never(*almost) played Skyrim =___= i was just working in CK...


Ok whateeveee :o



If You have any Ideas how to make Skyrim more realistic

You can share your idea here and ill try to make it in Skyrim ^_^...


Realim will be uploaded

- Shitxus ( Nexus ) but only Version 5 times older than new Version

- LoversLab but only Version 4 times older than new Version

- on my Discord ( new ) but only version 3 times older than new Version


i want to Create Patreon or something like that ^_^ #Money lol !...

but if sm1 want most New version it will be only on Patreon :oooo lol


Nexus users will have to wait 3/5 weeks more xDDD

tbh im not even sure im gonna upload this mod for Shitxus, i already deleted TOR and i dont want to get another ACC banned xD

lol... im not using Shitxus but i want to have acces to this trash website :D so maybe it will be only on LoversLab Patreon and Discord... 


im not sure :x...

#MxR im w8ing 4 another video xD Your videos are much better than GTX Videos :c...




Anywaaaa what Realim is: is here :D lol





+ Cut Trees


I created Pose2Pose Scripted Animation in CK

And im gonna use Growing trees from Braverock ( with little Update ) 


You can cut almost EVERY SINGLE Tree in Tamriel ( Skyrim )


Preview of Pose2Pose BETA TEST Video:




Very old Braverock 3 Grow Trees Video: ( * IM GONNA UPDATE IT TO MAKE IT BETTER !!! )




+ Mine Rocks


You can mine Rocks with Tools and Magic !...


+ You can find special Ores to craft even more powerful weapons :)...

Also Mining rocks gives your Wild ( Marksman ) Xp Points


You can:

- Mine Rocks ( Get ores / rocks / gems / loot ) and Xp

- Heal Rocks ( regrow to mine more )

- Enchant Rocks ( to make it stronger for better chance for loot )


Here is preview of OLD SCRIPT




I'm gonna rewrite whole script, if your are interested, here is actual state of this Script:


Scriptname QLG_Script_Gathering_Rock extends ObjectReference  
{ Gathering Skill Script, it support all Vanilla Rocks Mining }
Import Sound
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2020-05-17
 ;Update: 2020-05-17
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<2>
;===- Var. setup -==================================================;
	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref }
	;===- Tool Zone -===;
	KeyWord Property isTool Auto
	{ Tool can mine only with this TAG }
		KeyWord Property isBad Auto	; NO MAGIC ALLOWED / Bad Quality Tools
		KeyWord Property isGood Auto	; Magic designed for Mining / High quality Tools
		KeyWord Property isHeal Auto ; ONLY MAGIC !... HEALING STONE
	;===- Loot Zone -===;
	MiscObject Property Ore Auto		; Lucky Ore ( item Player get on Lucky hits )
	MiscObject Property Rock Auto		; Regular Ore ( item Player get on each hit )
	;===- Sounds Zone -===;
	FormList Property Sounds Auto
	{ List of possible sounds to play on Tool Hit }
		Int Size
	; Rock Structure ;
	Int Rocks		 ; How many rocks Player can mine Here
;===- Main Script -=============================;
; Setup / Load ;
Event OnInit()
	Size 	= Sounds.GetSize()
	Rocks 	= Utility.RandomInt( 12 , 36 )
Event OnUpdateGameTime()
	Rocks 	= Utility.RandomInt( 9 , 24 )
	self.enable( true )
Event OnHit( ObjectReference QSrc, Form Tool, Projectile A, bool B, bool C, bool D, bool E)
	If( Rocks <= 0 )
		Debug.Notification("You can't Mine here anything more")
		Return	; Player Mine too fast, no rocks left, returning
	If( QSrc == QPlayer )
		If( Tool.HasKeyWord( isTool ) )
			If( Tool as Spell )
				ItsSpell( Tool )	; Spell
			Else			; Not Spell, normal procedure
				If( Tool.HasKeyWord( isGood ) )
					Mine( 4 , Tool )
				ElseIf( Tool.HasKeyWord( isBad ) )
					Mine( 2 , Tool )
					Mine( 1 , Tool )
		Else	; Player can't Mine Ore with this tool
			Debug.Notification("You can't Mine with this Tool...")
;===- Spell Script -============================;
Function ItsSpell( Form Tool )
	If( Tool.HasKeyWord( IsHeal ) )
		Return	; Not my job... its Healing :o... jumping to HealMe Function
	If( Tool.HasKeyWord( isGood ) )
		Int Power = Utility.RandomInt( 2 , 5 )
		If( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 2 ) == 1 )
			Debug.Notification("Strong hit, you got " + Power + " Ores")
			QPlayer.AddItem( Ore , Power , true )
			Game.AdvanceSkill( "Destruction" , 4.3 )
			Debug.Notification("It was good hit, but you found only rocks")
			QPlayer.AddItem( Rock , Power , true )
			Game.AdvanceSkill( "Destruction" , 3.8 )
	;===- Magic is not designed for Mining -===;
		Int Power = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 3 )
		If( Power == 0 )
			Debug.Notification("You hit it, but no effect")
			Game.AdvanceSkill( "Destruction" , 0.4 )
			If( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 4 ) == 1 )
				Debug.Notification("Strong HIT !... you got " + Power + " Ores")
				QPlayer.AddItem( Ore , Power , true )
				Game.AdvanceSkill( "Destruction" , 2.1 )
				Debug.Notification("You scrap some rocks")
				QPlayer.AddItem( rock , Power , true )
				Game.AdvanceSkill( "Destruction" , 1.5 )
	Debug.Notification("You got some Destruction Xp by Mining")
	If( Rocks <= 0 )
		self.disable( true )
		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( Utility.RandomInt( 12 , 36 ) )
		Debug.Notification("No rocks left here !...")
;===- Heal Script -=============================;
Function HealMe()
	If( Rocks >= 40 )
		Debug.Notification("It's a Strong and Big rocks, you can't grow it!...")
		Rocks += Utility.RandomInt( 1 , 3 )
		Game.AdvanceSkill( "Restoration" , 5.5 )
		Debug.Notification("You got some Life Xp by Healing stone")
;===- Tool Script -=============================;
Function Mine( Int Power, Form Tool )
	Int SoundIns = ( Sounds.GetAt( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , Size ) ) as Sound ).Play( self )
	Int FinalPower = 0
	;===- Give Ore / Rocks to player, remove Rocks from Rock -===;
	If( Tool.HasKeyWord( isGood ) )
		; Tool is Good Quality, High Luck, High ore
		FinalPower = ( Power + Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 2 ) )
		Rocks -= FinalPower
			If( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 1 ) == 1 )
				QPlayer.AddItem( Ore , FinalPower , true )
				Debug.Notification("Good, Strong Hit, You got " + FinalPower + " Ore")
				Game.AdvanceSkill( "Marksman" , 8.5 )
				QPlayer.AddItem( Rock , FinalPower , true )
				Debug.Notification("Strong hit but no ore, you got " + FinalPower + " Rocks")
				Game.AdvanceSkill( "Marksman" , 6.0 )
	;===- Bad Tools -=====================================;
		ElseIf( Tool.HasKeyWord( isBad ) )
		; Tool is bad Quality, low Luck, Low Ore
		FinalPower = ( Power + Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 1 ) )
		Rocks -= FinalPower
			If( Utility.RandomInt( 0 , 6 ) == 1 )
			QPlayer.AddItem( Ore , FinalPower , true )
			Debug.Notification("Good Hit, you got " + FinalPower + " Ore")
			Game.AdvanceSkill( "Marksman" , 4.0 )
			QPlayer.AddItem( Rock , FinalPower , true )
			Debug.Notification("Weak Hit, you got " + FinalPower + " Rock")
			Game.AdvanceSkill( "Marksman" , 2.0 )
	;===- No Tools -======================================;
		; Unknown Tool Quality - no Luck allowed, no Ore Allowed
		FinalPower = Power
		Rocks -= FinalPower
		Debug.Notification("You have Mined 1 Rock")
		QPlayer.AddItem( Rock , 1 , true )
		Game.AdvanceSkill( "Marksman" , 0.5 )
	;===- Xp Notification -===;
	Debug.Notification("You got some Wild Xp by Mining")
	If( Rocks <= 0 )
		self.disable( true )
		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( Utility.RandomInt( 12 , 36 ) )
		Debug.Notification("No rocks left here !...")
	Utility.Wait( 0.4 )
	StopInstance( SoundIns )
; The End



Soon im gonna upload Video from Making this Script and testing game :)...

+ Food, Drink, Sleep



If you are Hungry etc. your character will say it or You will see it by screen


Something similar to my HitMe Mod that apply shot long effect on your screen when sm1 hit u

Here is beta preview:




+ Body Status


its gonna be update of my HitMe Mod

If You got hitted by big Warhammer it may break your bones and leave long time wounds


You can also get sick in many more ways

What you eat is also important, food can be rotten or poisoned


+ More perks like

>> Strong Stomach ( Gives you 25% immunity to Poison + You can eat rotten food )

>> Strong Bones ( 20% chance to reduce pain after breaking bone )

>> Ne need to pee ( Your Pee Storage is 2x big as before, you can hold pee for 2x longer )


+ many many more ^_^ 

+ Build


Well... simple idea... i was already testing it...

but no BETA tests yet, i was testing building and Snapping to Grid but its just growing idea...


i want Build system like in RUST or ARK

+ Craft


More crafting tables, you can use Water or lake to get Lake / Sea / River water

( Sea water is salt ) ( River / Lake water you can drink )


or for example u can craft new items and  tools in new special crafting tables ^_^


im gonna use old Ironwork Mod Scripts

+ Perk


I just want to add at least 500 more Peks ^_^

so dont use Ordinator etc. my Perks will rly change Gameplay :3...




if u dont understand this Topic, Thats how Tobi write xD



If You have any Ideas how to make Skyrim Realistic ( SCRIPTS ONLY ) write Answer here plz :)...

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Maybe add:

  • Pee
    • or not to Pee!
  • Poop
    • need to chop trees to create toilet paper
    • need to fight treehuggers before shopping wood
    • brawl for the last roll of toilet paper at Lucan's shop in Riverwood (only during early morning hours)
  • wash yourself:
    • blood!
    • dirt
    • cleanse yourself of remorse (might take a bit longer)

    • various leftovers if LL mods are installed

  • The menstrual cycle

  • Give a tip to that immersive bar wench

  • Wave to ppl you like

  • Stick out the tongue if you don't like someone

  • Fame! (any kind lol)

  • get ill, a lot!

  • Catch a splinter while crafting

  • Get drunk =D

  • have a bad mood from time to time (Skooma can save the day... but not the next one)

  • Food spoils in bad weather (really fast, tried it myself, often)

  • have to wait in a line before speaking to the jarl o.o

  • NPC that try to scam you (or the other way around)

  • wash your clothes!

  • everything needs tools! no better way to annoy players, especially if those tools break regularly

  • followers might leave because they have something better to do!

  • limited parking places for horses and speed limits near cities (also, every NPC gets a horse!)

  • you can bribe everyone!

  • shops only have open randomly at 4 days a week and you can only shop there if you are in the right guild

  • limitless credit card from the Dark Brotherhood (for free! You don't get one if you are member of that guild)

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Toilet Paper hmm, good idea :D

Washing Blood, dirt etc. i can make Script but i can't make Animations, i will leave it for later ( or never xD ) ^_^



wash your clothes! - ohh tbh... i never saw mod that add it :o...

and its pretty easy to make, simple KeyWord system + little XMarker Script Holder and GG :o

im gonna add it 4 sure :o...


Food spoils in bad weather (really fast, tried it myself, often)

i already said i will add that ^_^, hmm about weather... im not sure but there is one function that return u weather type so its possible to make

but i think weather spoils will work only for Vanilla Weathers... 


everything needs tools! no better way to annoy players, especially if those tools break regularly

I was think about Ore and Rocks droping on ground When u mine it, but after 1 fully mined rock i get fking mad of pickuping all those fking tiny rocks

and i change script to move it move it directly to Player Inventory...


My Mining and Tree Choping Script supports all kind of tools

    KeyWord Property isTool Auto
    { Tool can mine only with this TAG }
        KeyWord Property isBad Auto    ; NO MAGIC ALLOWED / Bad Quality Tools
        KeyWord Property isGood Auto    ; Magic designed for Mining / High quality Tools
        KeyWord Property isHeal Auto ; ONLY MAGIC !... HEALING STONE


Breaking Tools is easy idea to make ( You can just use KeyWords ) but i think ppl will get Mad because they hit rock and thier Daedric Battleaxe broke xDDD

but i will think about this idea :D




Some of Your ideas are Joke right Mr.Pickles ? :P


1. Washing Clothes

2. Breaking Tools ( and Weapons )

3. Food Spoils in bad weather 


i like those 3 Ideas ^_^



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On 5/17/2020 at 6:08 PM, donttouchmethere said:

Catch a splinter while crafting

? -> pain -> debuff on all manual things -> wound infection -> necrosis -> death ... ?

Maybe it's also a thing for FEMA to think along those lines ? @Bane Master

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On 5/17/2020 at 12:08 PM, donttouchmethere said:


  • need to chop trees to create toilet paper
  • need to fight treehuggers before shopping wood
  • brawl for the last roll of toilet paper at Lucan's shop in Riverwood (only during early morning hours)


Oh gods, I can imagine a bunch of crazy woodelves protecting the trees.  They have a weird culture where no plant may be damaged.  They've waged war over it.


Guess that also means woodelves are nasty little devils that don't wipe themselves -_-  but for a species that chugs rotten pig milk it's not surprising.

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