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Populated Skyrim (By Erkeil) Redone for Devious Devices and Bikini Armors

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ok re downloaded the mod.


can spawn all the npcs listed elsewhere fine.

can spawn all the npcs in Ivarstead fine if spawn point removed.

CTD if spawn point left activated.

further diggin reveals i have a bugfix mod partially due to "Miraii - the girl with the dragon heart" mod being in my load order a while back

the Miraii mod does change some of the paths and stuff in Ivarstead (the stuff you dont see except in CK).

the bugfix mod i have fixed these issues.  i cannot deactivate that mod without losing a bunch of other bugfixes due to it being

a combined mod (and i NEED some of the other fixes - such as greenwater fix).

just means i will use TES5Edit to remove that one entry and mod works fine.   i had forgot about the spawn point issue and the fix for it

until you mentioned it as that was a fix made about 2-3 years ago.


bright side at least the problem has been found, and its not on your end.



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41 minutes ago, valcon767 said:

ok re downloaded the mod.


can spawn all the npcs listed elsewhere fine.

can spawn all the npcs in Ivarstead fine if spawn point removed.

CTD if spawn point left activated.

further diggin reveals i have a bugfix mod partially due to "Miraii - the girl with the dragon heart" mod being in my load order a while back

the Miraii mod does change some of the paths and stuff in Ivarstead (the stuff you dont see except in CK).

the bugfix mod i have fixed these issues.  i cannot deactivate that mod without losing a bunch of other bugfixes due to it being

a combined mod (and i NEED some of the other fixes - such as greenwater fix).

just means i will use TES5Edit to remove that one entry and mod works fine.   i had forgot about the spawn point issue and the fix for it

until you mentioned it as that was a fix made about 2-3 years ago.


bright side at least the problem has been found, and its not on your end.




OK, that's a relief. Thanks for working through this and identifying the cause, that's more than I could have hoped for. Enjoy the mod!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hi.  Been using the latest AIO + No Bikinis for a few days now and I have to say this works really well.  Makes the place much more interesting, with a matching 'alive' themed look


Couple of observations, if I may, both of which might be HDT related


1 - I sometimes see NPCs appear and then fade into invisibility  When I can find them again, LOL, a click on them seems to make them appear once more.  Is that a real issue, or just something that some of us might have to live with, given our base game settings?  It's no big deal, so I wouldn't knock your self out on it if it's not a mod issue  ?


2 - HDT Pony tails have the well known HDT quirk of creating light brown 'telephone wires' in the sky, sort of like clothes lines dancing in the wind, as they stretch off to that great 0,0,0 point in the sky.  As you can imagine, it's a particular problem in Whiterun given its proximity to 0,0,0.  Is there any chance that on your next update you can give us the option to just NOT have ponytails on NPCs, please?  Or if maybe simpler, and it probably would be, a patch that would just remove them?  Again, they don't break the game, but it is weird seeing what looks like whipcord flying past your head at times ?


Whatever, hope these comments are of help   


And thanks again for taking the trouble to create what is a super mod

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1 hour ago, donkeywho said:



Hi.  Been using the latest AIO + No Bikinis for a few days now and I have to say this works really well.  Makes the place much more interesting, with a matching 'alive' themed look


Couple of observations, if I may, both of which might be HDT related


1 - I sometimes see NPCs appear and then fade into invisibility  When I can find them again, LOL, a click on them seems to make them appear once more.  Is that a real issue, or just something that some of us might have to live with, given our base game settings?  It's no big deal, so I wouldn't knock your self out on it if it's not a mod issue  ?


2 - HDT Pony tails have the well known HDT quirk of creating light brown 'telephone wires' in the sky, sort of like clothes lines dancing in the wind, as they stretch off to that great 0,0,0 point in the sky.  As you can imagine, it's a particular problem in Whiterun given its proximity to 0,0,0.  Is there any chance that on your next update you can give us the option to just NOT have ponytails on NPCs, please?  Or if maybe simpler, and it probably would be, a patch that would just remove them?  Again, they don't break the game, but it is weird seeing what looks like whipcord flying past your head at times ?


Whatever, hope these comments are of help   


And thanks again for taking the trouble to create what is a super mod


Glad you like it.


Invisibility seems to be a common problem and if there's a fix I don't know of it. It seems to happen when the game just decides it can't do all the HDT stuff it's supposed to at that moment so it just doesn't render NPCs for a while. Cell changes seem to fix it quickly, they become visible again eventually. You might notice that sometimes NPCs enter/exit cells while streching to infinity. Seems like an underlying engine issue with HDT rather than due to a particular mod.


I know streching to infinity happens with HDT skeletons, and I've seen restraints jump around like crazy. I've never heard of a pony tail HDT problem, first time I've heard it. I don't even have HDT hair, I didn't even know it was a thing. The mod files are as updated as I was planning to make them, except for bugfixes.


It's kind of a pain in the ass for me to go through over 2000 NPCs and manually replace ponytails, then run the CK again to make new facegen. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother doing that for my own game. My best recommendation is to reconsider your HDT hair stuff, either by changing your settings or to disable whatever feature is causing your streched-ponytail problem.

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3 hours ago, Corsec said:


Glad you like it.


Invisibility seems to be a common problem and if there's a fix I don't know of it. It seems to happen when the game just decides it can't do all the HDT stuff it's supposed to at that moment so it just doesn't render NPCs for a while. Cell changes seem to fix it quickly, they become visible again eventually. You might notice that sometimes NPCs enter/exit cells while streching to infinity. Seems like an underlying engine issue with HDT rather than due to a particular mod.


I know streching to infinity happens with HDT skeletons, and I've seen restraints jump around like crazy. I've never heard of a pony tail HDT problem, first time I've heard it. I don't even have HDT hair, I didn't even know it was a thing. The mod files are as updated as I was planning to make them, except for bugfixes.


It's kind of a pain in the ass for me to go through over 2000 NPCs and manually replace ponytails, then run the CK again to make new facegen. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother doing that for my own game. My best recommendation is to reconsider your HDT hair stuff, either by changing your settings or to disable whatever feature is causing your streched-ponytail problem.



Thanks for the prompt reply.  I'm not a 'purist' so I can live with the odd weirdness  ?  After all, this is Skyrim, and EVERYTHING that's been done to it here is weird .... ?




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3 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:


If it goes on like that there will be not much left of vanilla Skyrim.

Okay, I guess the bugs stay ?


Let's be honest, we're not here to play Skyrim. Vanilla Skyrim is a terrible game! I wouldn't waste time on it.


We're playing a fantasy BDSM simulator, Skyrim is just the engine to put perverted mods on.


3 hours ago, donkeywho said:



Thanks for the prompt reply.  I'm not a 'purist' so I can live with the odd weirdness  ?  After all, this is Skyrim, and EVERYTHING that's been done to it here is weird .... ?


donkeywho, DTMT has an HDT Invisiblity Fix mod that might help you. I'm waiting for him to share it. One of us will upload it here.

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There is a problem with too many NPCs being equipped with DDs resulting in script overload and possibly causing bugs in your game. I recommend using the AIO with the provided Non-DD patch. This will distribute only unscripted versions of DDs and will avoid the script overload problems.

I will make non-DD patches for the other mods in this selection if requested.

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I have a weird issue, maybe. I'll try to explain, so including pic.

I use the patches you have made for Immersive Wenches and Hydra Slave Girls, but not your Populated patches.

I don't use Populated Skyrim by Erkeil. I use the Populated Skyrim Hell Edition by tonycubed2 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73315 

I've only seen it on the male labourers from Hell Edition. I usually kill them and take the devices.

I saved the game and disabled the IW and HSG patches. Loaded the save and it was the same, but figured the devices were already spawned.

Anyway I just thought it was kind of weird, Sofia thought so too.

I'm going to try you AIO patch to see what happens.

By the way, thank you for your work and the other patches.

Leon - Sleeping Giant Inn 2020-07-05 14.51.24.jpg

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7 minutes ago, thesteve812 said:

I have a weird issue, maybe. I'll try to explain, so including pic.

I use the patches you have made for Immersive Wenches and Hydra Slave Girls, but not your Populated patches.

I don't use Populated Skyrim by Erkeil. I use the Populated Skyrim Hell Edition by tonycubed2 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73315 

I've only seen it on the male labourers from Hell Edition. I usually kill them and take the devices.

I saved the game and disabled the IW and HSG patches. Loaded the save and it was the same, but figured the devices were already spawned.

Anyway I just thought it was kind of weird, Sofia thought so too.

I'm going to try you AIO patch to see what happens.

By the way, thank you for your work and the other patches.

Leon - Sleeping Giant Inn 2020-07-05 14.51.24.jpg


Oh, I know the problem. The Immersive Wenches and Hydra Slave Girls patches change the default tavern outfit to use DD devices. This usually isn't a problem since almost no other mod makes males wear tavern clothes. Except this one. When males wear DD items, there are no meshes for them so they go invisible below the neck.


It never occured to me that someone would use those patches with Populated Hell Edition. My mistake lol.


I've already had to fix this issue for my own version of Populated. It's a simple fix. Either change the labourer clothes or remove the edit to tavern clothes.


it's not safe for you to switch versions of the Populated mod midgame, and my AIO patch won't work on Hell Edition. Don't try using the AIO patch with Hell Edition! I assume you want to keep the tavern clothes edit so that wenches will continue to wear DD items. That's all fine, i can work with that. So we need to edit labouers in the Hell Edition instead.


So the simplest way to fix this is as follows. In your next post here, upload the plugin you are using for Populated Hell Edition. I can manually make the edit to swicth labourers to use farm clothes rather than tavern clothes. Then I will upload the patched file, and you can use it to overwrite the original plugin. I won't download the plugin is I can avoid it, it's a multi gigabyte download so it's faster if you just upload your file to me.


Also, it's cool that you are using Sofia. I remember her well. Do me a favour, next time she gets drunk, give her a few hits with a cane and then lock her in some DDs for me, will ya lol. She totally deserves it. That's what I love about Sofia, she's got a big mouth so she always deserves it lol.

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I've only seen 2 in Sleeping Giant and 2 in Ivarstead so far, so no biggie. I just changed their names to Ed Wood and everything is fine. :)

I'm using Sexlab Drunk and Wintersun Faiths of Skyrim. I'm worshipping Sanguine, which wants me to drink a lot, so Sofia fits right in.

Sofia said hi, she remembers you.

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7 minutes ago, thesteve812 said:

I've only seen 2 in Sleeping Giant and 2 in Ivarstead so far, so no biggie. I just changed their names to Ed Wood and everything is fine. :)

I'm using Sexlab Drunk and Wintersun Faiths of Skyrim. I'm worshipping Sanguine, which wants me to drink a lot, so Sofia fits right in.

Sofia said hi, she remembers you.


Well OK, but if you want it fixed then let me know. there will be at least one in each major city.

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42 minutes ago, Corsec said:

it's not safe for you to switch versions of the Populated mod midgame, and my AIO patch won't work on Hell Edition. Don't try using the AIO patch with Hell Edition! I assume you want to keep the tavern clothes edit so that wenches will continue to wear DD items. That's all fine, i can work with that. So we need to edit labouers in the Hell Edition instead.

Switching from hell edition to your AIO version mid game didn't give my game any trouble, so I'd say it is perfectly doable


On 7/1/2020 at 9:38 PM, Corsec said:

There is a problem with too many NPCs being equipped with DDs resulting in script overload and possibly causing bugs in your game. I recommend using the AIO with the provided Non-DD patch. This will distribute only unscripted versions of DDs and will avoid the script overload problems.

I will make non-DD patches for the other mods in this selection if requested.



I also have this on my game, which helps with any odd behavior NPCs with devices may displa


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11 minutes ago, ttpt said:

Switching from hell edition to your AIO version mid game didn't give my game any trouble, so I'd say it is perfectly doable




I also have this on my game, which helps with any odd behavior NPCs with devices may displa




Populated Skyrim Hell Edition has scripts to run the MCM stuff, and removing scripts midgame has the potential to create problems. if you insist on doing it, then make sure to use a savegame cleaner after you remove Hell Edition but before you install the AIO. I think fallrimtools might be able to clean your save, if not then you can probably find a tool to do it for you on google search.


Better NPC Support for Devious Devices had some issues recently but the author claims they are mostly fixed now. I don't know if that's true so I'm not sure if I can recommend it yet. But if the author has fixed the past problems, then yes this is a really good mod to use if you are putting DDs on NPCs.

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13 hours ago, Corsec said:

Better NPC Support for Devious Devices had some issues recently but the author claims they are mostly fixed now. I don't know if that's true so I'm not sure if I can recommend it yet. But if the author has fixed the past problems, then yes this is a really good mod to use if you are putting DDs on NPCs.

The problem was that having many NPCs equipped with devious devices can put quite a large script load on the engine, and my mod was making the issue much worse by restarting missing effects and animations. I have tried to solve that by making my mod slow down if there are a lot of NPCs, especially if the inventory of these NPCs is still changing.

This does solve the problem for me and for @donttouchmethere who took the new version for a test run. I cannot claim that it solves the problem for everybody. I hope it does but much more testing is required by people with other (older) computers than mine and using different (more?) mods.


Bottom line: "I'm not sure if I can recommend it yet." I agree with @Corsec here, I am of course hoping that people test my mod but maybe do not add it to your long running game that you are deeply invested into, at least not before testing if it behaves well in your game.

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On 7/6/2020 at 12:55 AM, Corsec said:

It never occured to me that someone would use those patches with Populated Hell Edition. My mistake lol.


I'm using Hell Edition, too, as it's not a must for it to be hell-ish :D

So maybe there is a chance you could put up a patch for the Hell edition, too? Pretty please? ?

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10 minutes ago, Mister X said:


I'm using Hell Edition, too, as it's not a must for it to be hell-ish :D

So maybe there is a chance you could put up a patch for the Hell edition, too? Pretty please? ?


Ok, it's a hell-ishly large download so I'll do it as some point over the next few days.

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On 7/2/2020 at 2:38 AM, Corsec said:

There is a problem with too many NPCs being equipped with DDs resulting in script overload and possibly causing bugs in your game. I recommend using the AIO with the provided Non-DD patch. This will distribute only unscripted versions of DDs and will avoid the script overload problems.

I will make non-DD patches for the other mods in this selection if requested.

I'm using the AIO - No Bikini Version, which is basically fine, even with a highly modded, very scripted, game. 


If I want to try out that with this patch, do I need to install BOTH esps in the Patch download?  And if so, OOIC, why?


I only have the one spare ESP slot left ?


TIA, for any help, from anyone

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34 minutes ago, donkeywho said:

I'm using the AIO - No Bikini Version, which is basically fine, even with a highly modded, very scripted, game. 


If I want to try out that with this patch, do I need to install BOTH esps in the Patch download?  And if so, OOIC, why?


I only have the one spare ESP slot left ?


TIA, for any help, from anyone


Yes, it requires both plugins. The masterlist is just a copy of the same file that is available in the other DD/non-DD patches page.


I switched to the masterlist system because in the near future I'm going to be trying to convert DDs into scriptless non-DDs. Adding them manually into over a dozen slightly different patches would be intensely tedious. It's simpler/faster for me to put all the resources and levelled lists into a central plugin and then just have seperate patches to call on those resources/LLs. However there are fucking hundreds of DD items that need converting to non-DDs and I might take a long time to do it, or only convert some items or just get frustrated and avoid doing it...


Yes, I know it's an inconvenience to add an extra plugin to requirements, but it's a necessity to reduce my workload and prevent myself from burning out. I do all this by hand, no automation.


The original DD version of the AIO and my other DD patches may or not be safe on your game, and if there are problems they might only be minor. But I can't promise major CTD and savegame breaking won't happen. Since I can't guarantee appropriate safety for the base mod then I feel like I should offer a patch to guarantee that the script overload problem won't happen.


You are welcome to stay with DDs if you choose. If you want to still use the DDs rather than non-DDs, then go ahead, just be reponsible for your own game and understand the possibility that you might get scripting problems resulting in long-term problems creeping into your game. Other scripts won't get a chance to run properly when the scripting engine is overloaded with DD scripts. Use a savegame cleaner to check the health of your savegame and clean it where necessary. You can use fallrimtools, check the number of active scripts and suspended stacks. Then use the options in the cleaning menu.


When/if I complete the DD item conversions to non-DD then I'll probably make altered versions of these populated mods to integrate non-DDs so that a patch won't be necessary anymore.


You can safely merge the non-DD patches together as long as you keep the masterlists unmerged.

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On 7/7/2020 at 8:52 AM, Mister X said:


I'm using Hell Edition, too, as it's not a must for it to be hell-ish :D

So maybe there is a chance you could put up a patch for the Hell edition, too? Pretty please? ?


Ok, here you go. It just replaces the tavern clothes for labourers with miners clothes. You don't need to delete the original plugin. Just load this afterwards and let it overwrite, it's a plugin replacer.


Outfits won't change automatically, they require a cell reset before they update. This takes 10 days by default. Go somewhere indoors where no labourer NPCs will wander in, then wait for 11+ days.

Populated Skyrim HELL EDITION - No Tavern Clothes - Plugin Replacer - 08_07_2020.7z

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5 hours ago, Corsec said:


Yes, it requires both plugins. The masterlist is just a copy of the same file that is available in the other DD/non-DD patches page.


I switched to the masterlist system because in the near future I'm going to be trying to convert DDs into scriptless non-DDs. Adding them manually into over a dozen slightly different patches would be intensely tedious. It's simpler/faster for me to put all the resources and levelled lists into a central plugin and then just have seperate patches to call on those resources/LLs. However there are fucking hundreds of DD items that need converting to non-DDs and I might take a long time to do it, or only convert some items or just get frustrated and avoid doing it...


Yes, I know it's an inconvenience to add an extra plugin to requirements, but it's a necessity to reduce my workload and prevent myself from burning out. I do all this by hand, no automation.


The original DD version of the AIO and my other DD patches may or not be safe on your game, and if there are problems they might only be minor. But I can't promise major CTD and savegame breaking won't happen. Since I can't guarantee appropriate safety for the base mod then I feel like I should offer a patch to guarantee that the script overload problem won't happen.


You are welcome to stay with DDs if you choose. If you want to still use the DDs rather than non-DDs, then go ahead, just be reponsible for your own game and understand the possibility that you might get scripting problems resulting in long-term problems creeping into your game. Other scripts won't get a chance to run properly when the scripting engine is overloaded with DD scripts. Use a savegame cleaner to check the health of your savegame and clean it where necessary. You can use fallrimtools, check the number of active scripts and suspended stacks. Then use the options in the cleaning menu.


When/if I complete the DD item conversions to non-DD then I'll probably make altered versions of these populated mods to integrate non-DDs so that a patch won't be necessary anymore.


You can safely merge the non-DD patches together as long as you keep the masterlists unmerged.

Thank you very much for such a clear and comprehensive reply


At the moment all seems sort of OK, so I'll probably stick with what I've got meantime rather than dabble at the fringes.  I do check the saves periodically but I haven't found anything that would make me rush for the antacids ?


I really appreciate all the effort you're putting into what must be a gruellingly major task, so, again, a very big 'thank you' from here 

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