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"Action" Area for Objects like Containers

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I need help about the bounding area that surrounds an activalble object like a container, Chest, Barrel or similar.


I made a custom mesh of the standard barrel but with a size reduced to 0.42 of the original one. But the "E" key, action key, to open the new small barrel is still the size of the original one. Too big for my purposes.

Someone could point me on the right direction? How can I reduce this "action area" to the same 0.42 value I choose?


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't have the Creation Kit and I will never have (too much problems for me). I have some knowledge about TESVEdit and NikSkope.

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1 hour ago, NicoleDragoness said:

I don't have the Creation Kit

? That's making it tricky.

Anyway. I would have guessed that the mesh is not enough. In the CK, I would scale that object and it would fit both: the visible object and it's bounding box.


If you have the original unmodified barrel, I would go into TES5Edit, find that object ID, make a clone and try to find and edit it's "scale" attriibute. That should be enough. ... I guess ?

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It's the original vanilla empty barrel:  ID  0008771D.

The mesh is in the Skyrim_Meshes.bsa with its path:  Data\Meshes\Clutter\barrell01.nif


I extracted the mesh from the bsa, then I modified it using NifSkope, scaling the NiTriShape to 0.42.


My final target is to have some "clones" of this small barrel into a new esp, naming them as "Vegetable - Potato, Vegetables - Tomatoes and so on" and filling them with some of the relative foods.

After that I can use Cell Builder (and Jaxon Postioner) to have a new "library" of furniture to furnish my homes, as I already have for a long list of furniture, decorations and various static clutters.


If I can do the entire thing by myself using only TESVEdit, I will be able to have a large list of interesting food and ingredientes disposals for all my vanilla homes that I wish to decorate and furnish by my own tastes.

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19 hours ago, NicoleDragoness said:

It's the original vanilla empty barrel:  ID  0008771D.

OK, let me mention again, that the CK would make things easier :classic_wink:

But back into TES5Edit:


I found 8771D . And my take on it is that you would have to look into the OBND-Objectbounds group of attributes

I see

  • -27, -27,0, 27, 27, 80

I suggest you shrink those numbers according to your 42% of your mesh and everything should match again ?


Just be aware that you fiddle with a vanilla asset here :exclamation::scream:

Personally, I always make clones of them and smash those clones to my liking. So the vanilla assets stay unharmed. ?

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Thank you. It was something I thought about too.


Anyhow, I created a copy of the original mesh and I modified that copy not the original.

In the same manner, I created some copies (clones) of the original barrel using a new esp. I linked these copies that have new and different IDs to the modified mesh and changed their attributes and contained stuffs.

Never touched the original assets. I'm aware of this.


I'll report here the results.

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It seems that everything I did is not enough. Even the small barrell  maintains its original "bounds" no matter what I scale or edit. "Jumping" on it my char remains as if she is suspended in the air or she is on the original dimansion of the barrel.




Interesting  but ... how, exactly?

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