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UNPB Vanilla Armor Broken Down with BBP and Working Weight Slider

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@6xxeng - Thank you for posting that.  Yeah I can clearly see the nipple poke through.  Let me load up and take a look at the dragonbone to see what's going on.


So I finally got a reply from Crosscrusade, and he gave me some really interesting ideas.  I doubt I'll be able to do it as perfect as he did, but I will try to come as close as possible.  I'll try to see if I can crank another armor out later on today as well.  Been a little caught up with FFXIV ARR ;p

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@soulbreaka - I'm not even sure what skyreproccer is.  I'm guessing it goes with Skyre?  Which I'm also not familiar with.  I guess the question is can you forge other armor mods in game?  Besides vanilla?  If the answer is yes, I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible.

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i can't remember, it was the only one you linked and u linked it because it fixes up a lot of clipping issues.


EDIT: Since you also broken down the armors into parts, do I need to do anything for SkyReproccer? Or is it even compatible with it?


IF Reproccer patcher shows the esp file in its master dependencies then theres nothing to worry about.


@soulbreaka - I'm not even sure what skyreproccer is.  I'm guessing it goes with Skyre?  Which I'm also not familiar with.  I guess the question is can you forge other armor mods in game?  Besides vanilla?  If the answer is yes, I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible.

Tendo's Skyrim Redone "aka SkyRe" comes with a Skyproc patcher that patch armors, weapons, bolt, arrows, alchemy to SkyRe values instead of the Vanilla values. Inwhich saves you the troubles of having a ton of compatibility patches for custom armors/weapons and such "Standalone essentially"

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Alright guys I've been studying my butt off at how to get this to be flawless.  As you all know that takes time.  In the time I've taken to do this, other AMAZING modders have appeared.  I would HIGHLY recommend you to check out crosscrusades work here:




Its based on 7b body, but it should work fine with UNPB since its a variant.  Meaning no texture conflicts.  He hasn't finished converting all the vanilla armor from his unp versions yet, but...wow this is the work of a true artist!  His work would be something I would aspire to.  This doesn't mean I've given up my project, but it maybe more sensible for me to stop actually creating new armor variants.  I'm thinking it would be better to focus on breaking all of them down for everyone to use in pieces.


I still plan to do some other custom works, like porting over my ebony mail and dark illusion.  I did get around to doing some of the daedric, but Crosscrusade is actually looking to do one with glow maps!  That's nuts because unlike any other glowing armor, the pieces are separate.  I converted CT77's and it doesn't have a glow unfortunately, nor does asianboy's variation.


I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope to get an update out soon!

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I'm not a huge fan of 7Base, but crosscrusade's work is simply amazing. However, the fact that you're breaking the armor set into pieces is...... damn, there are no words to describe how much I love the idea. Armor mashups are quite cool. Thanks again for your work.


Now, about that Ancient Nord armor ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@GodkingLaw - Well I kind of halted it because more talented modders appeared to be doing conversions.  I did alot of comparing of crosscrusades 7B conversions to the unpb body, and there's not much difference in regards to the shape besides maybe the legs.  If people wanted to I could break down his armor no problem.  


I was actually waiting till he finished converting all of his work to 7B, before doing it.  

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@Evilsage4 - Yeah there's been some work out there, like Killer Keos.  There's even Exeter who's done every single vanilla armor, dawnguard, and dragonborn to unpb...though non skimpy.


 I'm a huge fan of the Mak style armor, I just love how its skimpy but its still intact.  It looks like your typical fantasy cheese cake armor.  I guess it just felt like the most professional version of skimpy armor...until Crosscrusade came around.  I could do similar work to what he did, but no where on the same level of quality.  Plus I'm taking two condensed college courses over the summer here...lol so time is limited.


The most time consuming part of making armor is bbp.  I used to think it was weight sliders...but I stand mistaken ;p

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@Evilsage4 - Yeah there's been some work out there, like Killer Keos.  There's even Exeter who's done every single vanilla armor, dawnguard, and dragonborn to unpb...though non skimpy.


 I'm a huge fan of the Mak style armor, I just love how its skimpy but its still intact.  It looks like your typical fantasy cheese cake armor.  I guess it just felt like the most professional version of skimpy armor...until Crosscrusade came around.  I could do similar work to what he did, but no where on the same level of quality.  Plus I'm taking two condensed college courses over the summer here...lol so time is limited.


The most time consuming part of making armor is bbp.  I used to think it was weight sliders...but I stand mistaken ;p


Oh I use your parts armor as well. I was just talking about replacers.

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