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On 4/11/2024 at 6:05 AM, devilishmind said:

I am having a problem with the new hoe quest at the kind farm, before I can even finish talking to the guy in front he turns hostile, making it impossible to properly play the quest. Anybody know possible solutions for this? I already tried to use "setav aggression 0", "resetai" and "stopcombat", but he still turns hostile every few seconds.


Edit: while further inspecting I noticed that the farm overlaps with a camp from more bandit camps, which might be the reason why the TOH NPCs get aggro, though I still don't know why they are attacking me.

I use this mod More Bandit Camps - EtR Patch - Downloads - Skyrim Non Adult Mods - LoversLab


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20 hours ago, GiantTiger said:

Hi. Sorry if has been asked before, but how do I complete the Spouse's old friend? or it's mean to be infinity?

Hi. This is early content, so maybe I forgot to complete the quest.

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Posted (edited)

Hi, i have a question about version 2.8.2. The Serana and the Valerica Cattle now have brown faces after i updatet the mod. Because their names are now altered cattle, my question is, do i need another mod for their appearence? Bevor the update their heads look normal. Sorry for my bad english.


Edit: solved that problem by myself.

Edited by Schalli1980
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1 hour ago, DSHV said:

Hi. This is early content, so maybe I forgot to complete the quest.


Thanks. The quest just sit there and I can't do anything about it bugged me a lot, lol. Btw, really love your mod 👍

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Am I missing something for the main quest? I have breezehome fully upgraded tundra homestead and the house in Falkreath fully built. Talked to Pirve all he does is cry that his parents are dead, then the next dialogue is just my character going "Hey!" then it repeats the same dialogue questions over and over. Ive already killed a dragon and came back from the greybeards what am I missing?

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I don't think this is quite how things were supposed to go.



Second visit, there were three werewolves and one orc, and none wearing the flowery wreath of gangbang initiation. Only the guy himself fucked me. The other four just stood there.



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On 5/11/2024 at 3:14 PM, d34dc4t said:

Am I missing something for the main quest?

I changed this quest in the latest update. Disable all patches for the mod to progress, for example Good English. And also use bat TOHUpdate.

On 5/13/2024 at 5:28 AM, Glass Swan said:

I don't think this is quite how things were supposed to go.

On the second visit, all orcs should be disabled. And the progress of werewolves (and next creatures) continues through conversations with the host.

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The latest version has bunch of errors with quest alias not set.


I cannot even load into game, stuck on main screen. But that could be due to patches.


This is SAE version btw.

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1 hour ago, PNclarity001 said:

Anyone know when the esp was renamed from TroublesofheroineSE to Troublesofheroine? Elevenlabs Voice patch calls on the former as a dependency.  

It's been without SE for a long time now, at least since I started playing. I made a custom patch for bunch of things pretty early on.


But you can use wyre bash or xedit to change ESP requirement. I forget how or which prgm but I did it a while back for a different mod.

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3 hours ago, ssskn said:

It's been without SE for a long time now, at least since I started playing. I made a custom patch for bunch of things pretty early on.


But you can use wyre bash or xedit to change ESP requirement. I forget how or which prgm but I did it a while back for a different mod.


decided on a new game so I started running around updating all my mods.

last version of ToH I ran was 2.7.3 which was a DLC merged with audio and the main plugin. Wish I didnt delete before I realized this lol

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On 5/15/2024 at 11:23 AM, DSHV said:

On the second visit, all orcs should be disabled. And the progress of werewolves (and next creatures) continues through conversations with the host.

Well, that's not what happened.

One orc remained. Three werewolves spawned and just stood there, like they were pretending to be clothes shop mannequins.

The guy himself fucked me, once, and that was it, done. Not seen him since.


Just got kidnapped, and man, that got weird. Woke up in the inn in Rorikstead with "childhood friend" and a bunch of kidnappers and a girl I'd already rescued and some Argonian called Always-Stands-Back-Up attacked the kidnappers, so I was stuck on the floor in "traumatised" pose until one of them came close enough for me to proposition him for sex, then I had to tie that Argonian up and go around inviting the scum to fuck me, one by one, to advance the conversations. Then I just walked out the door, and nobody said a thing about it. The Argonian somehow teleported out with me, and after I untied him he thanked me for saving him, then asked me to suck his cock and fucked me instead of getting me to suck his cock. I am somewhat confused about everything that just happened and about which of the people in that inn I should kill and which I should save. Is "childhood friend" one of the kidnappers I have to kill or a new follower I can take with me or both?

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Posted (edited)

Did you do something to stop courier spwaning in dragonborn patch?

Since I saw courier last time, I only add 3 DLC patchs of this mod



By the way, can you remove things in qasmoke? or they are indispensable?

Edited by duf201
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I've been replaying Skyrim and had another idea for a quest. You're in the Soul Cairn in Dawnguard DLC, and come across a soul who was trapped there after you used their soul to recharge your weapon. You can choose to apologise, gifting them soul gems and sex. After a quest chain where you go finding other souls you trapped there and apologising to them in a similar manner, the final quest culminates in them wanting to leave. And since you stole their soul, they'll have your body. Sort of a bad end state where you become a 'ghost', and they walk off in your body with your gear.

There can be a quest to get a corporeal form so you can leave too, and maybe hunt them down to get your gear back. Or you become their bitch in Tamriel too

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On 5/16/2024 at 4:18 AM, ssskn said:

The latest version has bunch of errors with quest alias not set.

It should be installed on the version without patches. Did you use bat TOHUpdate?

On 5/16/2024 at 5:35 PM, Glass Swan said:

Just got kidnapped, and man, that got weird.

This is weird. The Argonian should be in the cave. And in the tavern there should only be the "childhood friend".

On 5/17/2024 at 3:15 AM, duf201 said:

Did you do something to stop courier spwaning in dragonborn patch?

No. He delivers the letter in the main mod.

NPCs and items in the test sell are needed to the quests. I did this at the beginning of creating the mod.

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Slave fight arena under Markarth seems broken. Tried to start first fight and the audience not only panicked and ran about but also started shooting at both of us. Wasn't able to lose to Hammer, possibly because he kept trying to fight the audience.

Every time I fail the blackjack thing in the Dark Arena some fool initiates sex with me while the boss is sending me to the slave market, resulting in me sliding sideways through grey space from market back to arena and not getting sold (and not being able to save just before blackjack made confirming that it happens every time a pain in the arse).

Serpent told me to take a letter to the Imper-{interrupted by sex scene} well, so somewhere anyway.

"Woman torment for women torment." Uh ... yeah? Cool, I guess? I mean I've seen the building and wondered about it, but what is it? Where does that start? Am I meant to just talk to every NPC within a few kilometres in the hope one of them has a quest that'll put me there eventually?

Garthmok the Bruiser, or whatever he's called, in the Sleeping Giant Inn. He told me to meet him at Nightgate Inn, got up, walked out the door and vanished. Is there some way to force him to appear at Nightgate, teleport him to my location or whatever? I've seen a command to do it but I need his unique NPC ID to do that and I can't find him anywhere to get that from him.


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Found the fort in question for the "punish this Stormcloak slut" letter to the Imperials. It's the one up the steps at the northwest corner inside Solitude.


Unfortunately it keep putting me in the courtyard, listening to "Female Instructor," hands behind my back and feet together, and I have to fast-travel to the Blue Palace and invite "My Fan" to fuck me to break that pose-lock so I can continue playing.

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Dibellan priestess's daughter, all the way to Solitude. Got to enter the Thalmor tower.

"She's a virgin but you can use me" puts us downstairs and they tall us we're trespassing while they're fucking me.

Get upstairs and while we're searching the two Thalmor, Arkamo and Arkama, are right there.

Arkama says she's glad I've come to her. Zap, ouch, ugh, whatever. Quest just says "Arkamo." They just tell me I shouldn't be there.

Reload. Tell them we're freshly bathed. Go upstairs. Can't find amulet of poem.

Go downstairs. Arkamo and Arkama show up. Talk to him, not her. Refuse to serve, twice. He attacks me. Thalmor soldiers kill him.

I loot him. Arkama does and says nothing.

Still can't find the amulet or poem.

Now I'm up to Anga's Mill in "Pursuit of a Shadow." It wants me to tell Kodrir that I am Lothinfingrar's thrall.

Yeah? Cool. Sure. No problem. I can do that. WHO THE FUCK IS KODRIR? Where am I supposed to find him? Some benighted sewer under Riften? He ain't at Anga's Mill.

Meanwhile, because I can't complete that Dibellan thing she's following me around. I wear something, she rips it off, because "You were ordered to walk naked, scum!" Two seconds later: "I'm not sure you should be walking arounnnnaked."

Still can't find that fucking Bruiser orc at Nightgate Inn.


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Also, this: 

Apologised to everyone in the Nightgate Inn, then innkeeper told everyone to grab me and I had to swim back from the middle of the river.

That's me swimming up the steps to the front door of the inn.


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Hi Guys i've tried to start the main quest after completing the way of the voice, however the dialogue with pirve is stuck in an endless loop,

does any1 can point me to a fix?

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