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Madgod's Blessings!


I can't believe I actually fell asleep during the final edits to this new page here!

It could have been finished sooner, but my fatigue bar was depleted it seems. Now even my Magicka has returned, all five points of it!


This is a grand day, as for the first time ever another main character will finally be introduced. You might notice that her speech bubbles have a different colour for effect, to reflect the tone of her voice. I'm looking forward to the next pages where we will see more of her.


'Bandit' #1, in reality 'Camonna Tong Thug' #1, has bought it after a stealthy attack by a shadowy assailant.

His partner in crime is staring at the lifeless body in shock:





One obscure video game reference in there as well as an allusion to Oblivion gameplay mechanics.


New banner below to celebrate Linna's début.

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Thank you for the latest installment. Does this mean that Camonna Tong Thugs are about to become an endangered species?


I can't believe I actually fell asleep during the final edits to this new page here!


Clearly too much blood in your caffeine stream - or something like that.


It could have been finished sooner, but my fatigue bar was depleted it seems. Now even my Magicka has returned, all five points of it!


Nah! The magic you create here week after week suggests you have much higher points than that!


This is a grand day, as for the first time ever another main character will finally be introduced.


She really knows how to make an entrance. Very cute too (weird, it seems that L-E elves are starting to grow on me and you are probably to blame).


I'm looking forward to the next pages where we will see more of her.


So am I. Though patience is a virtue, I can hardly wait.


Love the new banner.

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(weird' date=' it seems that L-E elves are starting to grow on me and you are probably to blame).



That is most certainly the case. 'Poontank Lop-Ears' are supreme.



Also Woohoo for Linna. Design-wise she might actually be my favorite of your characters. Probably should have seen it coming that she would show up though. I mean that bandit is actually dead afterall.

I like how you transitioned between characters, while still keeping the same story going.


Oh and I have to second the comment on the new banner. Looks really great.

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I'm so craving to make the following pages, showing the mortal combat of brute force against elegant agility. A doomed and desperate adult with his superior strength versus a speedy youthful assassin with a bag of dirty tricks and even dirtier things on her mind.


The guy from that picture... I call him 'Rock-Hard Serpent' :). He's some kind of special agent or sumthin'.

Mostly an experiment to recreate a famous guy from a completely different corner of gaming genres with the assets of Oblivion.

Who knows what other characters might be possible in the near future, maybe even as companions?

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Chiming in finally (well, only spend 1.5 hours reading the back log so far now that I have discovered this lol), wouldst perchance that obscure reference, probably in panel three, be from the Thief series? Excellent work and may much more "cum" our way ;)

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Might as well clear it up: You are right about the reference being in the third panel! I can't say anything about the 'Thief' games, I've missed out on them because at that time I was exclusively playing console games. Lots of them. The "My friend... Never liked him much anyway" line I took almost verbatim from goons/grunts in the first 'Perfect Dark' game, one of the most anticipated N64 titles ever. Sure, it had its flaws, but it was a badass game in any case. There were many funny voiceovers like that in there, especially in the last quarter of the game when you were



accompanied by a sneakers-wearing Alien partner named 'Elvis' who spewed lines like "KISS MY ALIEN BUTT!" - Good times...


What I always liked about the games by Rareware was the wonderful music by Graeme Norgate. When a part of Rare's developers split from the company to start their own business under the name 'Free Radical', he made the score for their legendary 'Timesplitters' games.

Visit his web site and listen to these classic video game tunes!

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Lol, there were a few guards in the thief games (Deadly Shadows, tbs) that spouted lines very close to that one. And for a bit of clarification from me :P Thief: Deadly Shadows WAS released as a console game, original Xbox. Though it isn't everyone's cup of tea, I loved that game.

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Hi there!

After some very busy days I'm happy to have a moment to relax and present the new comic page I prepared.


This time the movie reference should be a very easy one. A few Skyrim allusions, rising tension because of imminent mortal combat, a cool muffler-wearing assassin girl... I've changed Linna's balloon colour to a very light purple (last week's page has been updated accordingly).





Will the girl be able to stand up to this grown man or will his tiny travesty of a sword prevail - and gut her like a fish, in the name of revenge?

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I wonder if it really counts as psychological warfare when you're just stating the truth.

I know I keep going on and on about how much I like your designs and especially the face expressions, but that squatting pose and Linna's expression, that's just perfect. And of course the second to last panel. It's basically a simple angle but I always find it it really effective. That panel alone emphasises that Linna is simply vastly superior.


I already said that design-wise she's probably my favorite among your characters and while I don't know the personality of all your characters, I have to say that there's a good chance that she also has my favorite personality. She's better and she knows it and she makes sure that you know it too.

I expect her to play with him a bit to get some amusement out of this before she finishes him off.


'I was right - I am so screwed!' Indeed you are, my good sir. Indeed you are.

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The heat of battle draws near...


Camonna Tong Thug #2, screwed and doomed, is about to make his final stand - but is he ready for the inevitable? Ready or not, here comes the small but deadly assassin girl to show off her nimble moves and the bag of treacherous trickery so typical for servants of Sithis. I imagine it difficult to wield a sword with a trembling hand, and it's certainly no fun moving around in an armor when you're shitting your pants/greaves...


For practically the first time I used an irregular layout with non-rectangular panels to emphasize the chaos of combat. Though still tame on this page, it will become more noticeable on the following ones. There are also references to an old song and to a certain animation replacer mod.





I just realized it should have been 'attributes' instead of 'stats', but this would have killed an amazingly awesome alliteration.


Two bonus pictures featuring a new Elsweyr-based character named 'Fatimah'. I already grew very fond of her. Kitty as well. NUDITY WARNING!





Even forgot to recolour her outfit (at least I deleted the panties)!






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Great update. I really like the different shaped panels. It really adds a certain dynamic to the pictures. It's also interesting to see that Linna is even more powerful than I thought, as she's even capable of breaking the fourth wall.


The pictures of Fatimah look nice as well. And my unskilled self thinks that her outfit looks great even without any recoloring. :D


I have to say though -and don't get me wrong now- the second Fatimah pic makes me think of a lizard. :P

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Thanks, guys! Well, it's no coincidence one of my favourite Marvel characters is Deadpool, his fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans are legendary. There's a fascinating element to characters being aware of their fictional nature. Though I'll try to keep these occasions to a minimum, otherwise it looks like the characters are talking to themselves if the readers aren't directly addressed.


Normally I recolour equipment to make it more unique or if I don't like the colour scheme used. In this case, it's already perfect, that's why the thought of editing the outfit didn't even cross my mind. The only standard edit I apply to any set of clothes is deleting the panties, this 'Talim' outfit especially profits from it because of the transparent pants. So cute to look at Fati's shiny butt thanks to this see-through effect!


No wonder a lizard association sprung up when watching her lick Kitty's lips, Fatimah is Dune's lounge lizard #1, after all. She is a kind of desert counterpart to Kitty... I'm going to include her in the Elsweyr story soon by changing the tale's location from Orcrest to Dune.

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Welcum, people!

Finally I'm able to post the latest comic page, woohoo! Fighting poses for combat action are much more difficult to use than neutral and erotic poses, that's what makes pages like this one such a pain. Time-consuming as well.


Today, it's vanilla combat quips galore! Never did I use so many original quotes from the game before on one single page. It's obvious to use them in the depicted scene - everybody has heard these battle cries and one-liners a million times in the game, they become rather annoying because enemies tend to constantly use the same lines ad infinitum. But in the context of my story, with slight variations where necessary, they are creating effective gag-filled dialogue. There are also a lot of onomatopoeia - visualization of sounds, like 'VA-VOOM' - in there for a change. Don Martin was the master of this technique in my opinion, his silly words for all kinds of sounds imaginable are unmatched.


I also used more of that stylistic device so typical for Linna here, the narrative voiceovers/subjective monologues in boxes. Strongly influenced by 'The Punisher', Linna's sarcastic nature and cynical way of speaking adds another layer to her personality, enlarging this character's depth.





Wha'? Over so soon? This fight seems to have come to an abrupt end already...

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'A crappy landing means no happy ending'

It doesn't matter where the quotes come from or if they're original lines, reading stuff like that always makes me feel like watching a Schwarzenegger/Stallone movie.:D and in a good way. I love cheesy one-liners (and puns for that matter)


I also love that you still keep showing the dead guy in the background. His silly pose still amuses me.


the 'visualization of sounds' Is a really nice addition that I enjoy immensely ever since I first watched the 60s Batman series.


If I may ask, what is it that makes combat scenes more difficult than others?

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Nice work PT (as always). I like the acrobatics. I have no idea how you managed to set up those action shots - you must have been hitting the "PrintScreen" like a paparazzi for those gravity defying poses, or maybe you've hotkeyed some console bat file that freezes the action ? Whatever, it's a skilled job.


You've got a real ear for dialogue that matches your characters and it always raises a smile and often one or two laugh out louds. The downfall of this dim duo of dodgy Dunmer at the hands of the lithe, lissom and lethal one is a treat.


PS the sound FX work very nicely too.

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Hiya, GreyOne! Thank you for commenting. Wall post in 3... 2... 1...


I've grown up with all kinds of 'cheap' stuff - movies, TV shows, comic books, novels... While I rarely had a passion for the more established 'hi-quality/high profile art', 'cheesy' works were always nurturing my undying love for this sort of 'camp' entertainment.


Funny puns and one-liners are one of the most distinguishing trademark features of 'camp'. That's why I prefer Bruce Campbell over, say, Laurence Olivier. Sure, the latter might be such an accomplished actor and all, but 'Ash(ley) J. Williams' and his quips that accompany his chainsaw-arm wielding 'Deadite'-slaughtering is what cracks me up, making for a more satisfying feeling of being entertained ("Ey! I'll swallow your soul!" - "Swallow THIS!!" >BOOM<).


Or the 'Batman' show you mentioned... "KRONK", "KLUMP", enhanced by dissonant accents in the musical score during the legendary opening theme. And Adam West in the purple Bat-Suit! He always looked as if he just had enjoyed an excessive Bat-Breakfast. His (Bat-)pants were so tight you could admire his most impressive Bat-Tering Ram and Bat-Ass.


Well, the main problem I'm having with staging action scenes - I'm just not used to it! Staging porn/sex scenes is what I'm doing in Oblivion for nine months now. You could say I've built up a kind of routine (still improving my techniques though) while I'm still unfamiliar with combat.


It doesn't really help there are just a limited few pose mods out there with useable and less retarded-looking combat poses and weapon stances. Normal/neutral poses can be easily (ab)used for sex scenes, but for impressive battles, I'm still taking my sweet time searching through my pose mods just to find something suitable.


Originally the comics never were intended to depict anything more than funny fapping material, a visualization of my fetishes and sexual fantasies combined with cheesy dialogues, jokes and puns. When the concept expanded before my eyes with the creation of other characters besides Kitty, including different themes and subjects in the stories became a necessity.


Sure, staging combat is fun and also a real challenge to make it look dramatic and powerful. The most positive aspect to it is that I'm learning to apply my techniques to the battle theme, a test of resourcefulness. Some of the featured poses in the last two pages were actually no combat poses at all but snippets from dancing animations and other non-martial stuff.


Hullo Labrat! So glad to hear from you! Nice alliterations in your reply.


There's actually no real secret to capturing action like that. Most of the poses are static ones anyway. But for animations and facial expressions, I simply activate the console and keep on double-tapping the '~' key until I get the frame I'm satisfied with the most. Many additional console commands, most importantly 'TCL' to make my characters weightless and 'TAI' to toggle off their AI routines, help in the staging process.


Sometimes I even use a mix of commands: 'KILL' immediately followed by 'RESURRECT 1' was used to get the pose of the guy's crash landing, thanks to the acrobatic get-up animation replacer ('Kip-Up'/rising handspring) I've got installed.


I've got some nice treats for you in store. I'm still preparing them/editing the pictures. They were intended to bump the thread last weekend already, but my mother's birthday party and other things got in the way. Please keep on checking this thread tomorrow for a plethora of new character pictures and something special related to the current story.


Well, Kimict, the bleeding might eventually start.

But not until the guy has been tortured and humiliated to the maXXX. He also might have valuable information on a topic important to Linna.

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"Well, well, well... Look what I've got here!"


Q: What's the trademark ending sequence for a Jackie Chan movie?



So I had the idea to assemble a page with 'blooper' pictures I shot during the making of the current story.

Unrelated to the tale, these are just weird and funny images of glitches and quirks, they seem like real outtakes of actors goofing off.

Bumping this thread with it until I have finished editing the new character shots (about 30 pics!).





Looks like I found a sure-fire way to destroy a skeleton. Not of the 'bones undead' enemy variety but a character's Skeleton.nif!

A combination of the mentioned console commands is to blame. But it was only temporal, the guy got better.


I love the way his hair, ears, eyes and mouth have been separated from the head. And that zig-zagging arm! Mr. Fantastic anyone?

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lmao at the Red Vs Blue reference. As for the graphical glitches, all I can say is WOW, never seen that happen before hehehe. When the game goes derrrrrrrrrrp all you can do is laugh and shake your head. As for combat poses, not sure if there is something for it or not, but I will poke around and see what putting my nose to the ground will turn up. I think I have an idea of what to look for....

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Sounds very interesting, Mephisto! Pose mods are my favourite kind of mods. New pose collections I didn't know before are always welcome.


The best poses are the ones with head tracking. By moving Kitty (my player character) around and then freezing a posing character with a targeted TAI console command, the NPC is facing the desired direction. Characters who tilt their heads and look at each other bring about more realism and versatility to the pictures. The only bad thing - their heads snap back to default position if I animate the faces.


These are the pose mods I'm using the most for combat poses: 'Chawan', 'Gaff 01', 'LE One' and 'Bkasou'.

That pose of thug #1 falling from his chair is actually a Wrestling pose from 'CTAddPose DSK'...


I have already quite a collection of pictures of characters with extreme skeleton failures. The well-known 'stretching to infinity' glitch because of outdated skeletons is lame and nothing special. But sometimes I get really impressive distortions. Now that I found a technique to make it happen anytime to any character, more wild and weird glitch pictures have become possible. Back when I was an active (non-banned) Nesux member, I posted such pics under the title 'Glitch-O-Rama'.


Edit: Oh my, I'm such a fool! I confused 'LE One' with 'LE Two'! The latter is the one full of combat poses. Most embarrassing.

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