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Oblivion Comix and Pix

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Everything seen in the comics and pictures is a wild combination of pose mods, console commands and Photoshop image manipulation.

Though not that much of the latter as one might think, most of the depicted stuff is really in-game. The right application of the game's internal mechanics and mods make almost anything possible. But one traditional Photoshop edit I always do is getting rid of clipping and distortion of elements, and editing out texture effects like the stupid neck and wrist seams.


I'm actually not even using the 'Lovers' system anymore, deactivating those mods took a lot of strain from my install I noticed.

All depicted scenes (sexual and non-sexual) are poses and single frames from animation sequences, especially dancing animations.


Your best bet to get 'Lovers With PK' up and running, Neko, is to browse the forum section dedicated to 'Lovers' for all the needed download links and installation instructions. I was using an outdated version anyway, never really felt the need to update it. I think it was rev93.


While I'm at it, I now post some of the new pictures I mentioned.

First off, a few pics of evil robot genius 'Kobbla'. She has created a lot of new mechanical menaces in the meantime:













And other more heroic people are busy destroying Dwemer creations in bulk wherever they encounter them:




'Nora the Necromancer' is really fond of everything creepy and gloomy, friends with all dwellers of the twilight void:







You notice these aren't your average zombies, right? Exposed spine, flesh less rotten... This pic would be another Nesux insta-ban, I suppose.


Her boss 'Reega Mortisse', 'the Queen of Worms', prefers more powerful liches instead.




But Nora also knows how to summon liches!




Some more strange freaks here, among them a most likeable Daedric wacko:





'Nataly the Nutcase' and two 'Red Deaths'.




I call this type of enemy 'Mr. Lava Lover'... Hot like hell!




Mmmh, the 'Deranged Daedroth'! He digs the heroines' partner look courtesy of Hentai.




'Tarah the Miqote' (my current avatar girl) and a 'Ringleader'.


A group shot in a very pretty SI mansion, an assortment of various characters from all the corners of Tamriel:





And then there's this here. One would think such holy knight guys are most competent and capable warriors. But somehow...





Another real in-game effect/glitch thanks to console commands instead of Photoshop trickery on my part.


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Guest Kate the Bionic Uterus

I think it was Ark of Truth who came up with this idea but I'm adopting it.

After gawking at these mind boggling pictures I only have one last thing to say... "I've been Poontanked!" hehehe :)(:

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Guest Kate the Bionic Uterus

What idea? :s

well I went back 10 pages and if you say it wasn't you then I am certain someone in this thread created the term but until someone tells me otherwise I will then accept it as my own creation.

Thank you - thank you.:rolleyes:

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Guest Kate the Bionic Uterus

I just wanted to say goodbye to what I believe is the best thread in any TES community today. It is unfortunate that I discovered your fabulous work so late and I will miss the hidden jokes, sexiness and quality of the layout, colours and concepts.


Poons; you are an original and wish you much happiness and success.


:heart: a fan

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Welcome back!

After these recent events it took me a while to get back on track and finish this new page here.

I do miss Kate very much and thank her for the time she invested checking out my stuff in this thread. I wish her all the best for the future.


Nevertheless, I still have a comic to post! Quite late an update, but here it finally is. The next step - cowgirled by an harassing assassin lass! The Dunmer man at Linna's mercy seems to develop some kind of Stockholm syndrome, enthusiasticly participating in the action now while he was so reluctant before. With nowhere else to go, he might as well enjoy the show... Which is adult erotic entertainment.


Uncensored scenes of sexual acts below! Visible genitals, naked characters and rough language! Male victim raped by a female antiheroine!



th_881416320_TTTWhitesplash24_123_558lo.jpg <- Fast-travel to ImageVenue with a single click and read the full-sized page!


I might not have used that many different poses in this one, but repeating similar shots from the same angle is yet another legit sequential technique. The page layout and the story told are more important than showcasing all the pose mods I have installed.

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I just fall in love with Nora xD


Keep your paws off she's mine I tell you....mine....all mine! :D


Ahem....sorry, got a bit carried away there. I'm sure that Nora belongs to nobody but Nora - though she herself probably has quite a collection of lovers (...or bits of them anyway :) )


And I wouldn't want Linna to get jealous.....


Been out of range for a month or so and catching up is FUN.


Where'd'ya get those hot liches?

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The featured six pages of the Evy sisters story are actually only the first chapter (of three). I have already the material for about a third of the second chapter. As soon as I get around to finish these pages, I'll post them here in a new 'Evy Extravaganza'.


Great to see you back, Labrat! Very soon I'll make a fitting introductory story for Nora. It will be the first story using an interesting expansion to the 'Tamriel Teens' concept, a very cool twist to the premise of a Fantasy world full of hawt gals. Also scheduled for shooting ASAP:

A Lizzie & Kitty story, a Fatimah oriental fairytale, a Tarah & Gazonga story and some porn with new characters in uncommon locations.


But the next page of the current Linna story has top priority right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, people!

I apologize for being away for such a long time. A sudden illness left me unable to participate in the community as well as prevented me from producing anything worthwile to post. I've finally recovered and managed to get back on track again, not such an easy thing as I found out... To make up for the two-week hiatus, I'll post a lot of stuff.


First of all the long-overdue next page of the Linna story. The one with the sex and the knife. It was rather hard to get this page done.

I had it prepared back then - upon returning to it, I saw a need to make some new pictures to exchange the ones I didn't like anymore.


Uncensored sexual activities below! Hardcore scenes, nudity and exposed genitals! Strictly for adults. Viewer discretion is advised.



th_564968690_TTTWhitesplash25_123_535lo.jpg <- One click will take you to the full-sized uncensored action!


Sorry I completely forgot about the female liches! I know I got them from the Nesux, but I couldn't find the file anymore. If you want this mod, Labrat, I can send you the files. The original archive and my tweaked files, since I have made some improvements to the characters and also their gear. It is a modder's resource, I put these two into my creature collection to summon them with player.placeactme console commands.


A new Nora picture for your pleasure. She has just mastered a flashy fire spell. Nice background.





Now here is something rather interesting - I want to show off a few WIP pictures of the modifications I'm doing to the 'Xelus House'.



First off some aerial shots of the place and the entrance area in particular:








Mr. Dunce is watching over the entrance gate:




Manic and demented halves of the entryway:








Entrance door to the house. I've added many trees to the surroundings:




For the house, I used a SI wall texture and recoloured the roof to match the house's looks:






Necro-corner behind the house:




The original fast-travel exit location is now inhabited by a majestic tree. I've moved the fast-travel target spot in front of the shrine.




The bone claw tree. A totem of good luck?




Touching it can cause random Oblivion storms to break loose (not really, I used a weather code):




The pond. Another manic-demented fusion area with the 'screenshooting paradise' concept in mind:




Chilling in the demented half:




"In the Mania half you can drink the water! It does taste funny..."




Apparent effects of euphoria caused by the funny-tasting water in the pond:




A food and alchemy garden around the corner:




The stables became a 'paradise garden' house:






Some of the pictures that I exchanged with ones of my own making:








Time to get rid of the the narcotic pond water for good, in the recoloured bathroom:




"Look, they are showing porn movies on TV!"




It's still not finished, I'm working on expanding several other corners not shown yet, many more things to tweak.

Once I'm done, I'll put this modified version up for download (if Xelus grants his permission, of course).


Chivaleroncross, I don't know the character this oriental-looking outfit is ripped off of. Its name is 'Talim Cosplay' outfit, dunno.

Got it from a link in BaronB/BayouBilly's thread. Password: baronbee


Being forced to stay out of the picture for these past two weeks was very uncomfortable but also a test of my determination and motivation. Right now I'm picking back up all the projects I had been working on, regularly posting pictures of them again from now on.

I'm celebrating both Katie's and my own return.

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PT is over whatever dreaded lurgy it was that laid him low and has posted more of his wonderful work. Whitespalsh is drawing to what appears will be a very satisfactory conclusion, with what I hope will be a meeting/confontation between Kitty and Linna.

Oh happy day!


Kate is back and didn't stay away too long.


All is right with the world...

Love you all...

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Indeed welcome back old friend, glad your illness didnt keep you away for longer. I must say...pretty in pink is all wrapped up and no one to blow :(


Great work on the house too, I love the idea of it being in the Isles. I never saw the original mod, so its new to me.

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