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[mod] [starbound] Stalliarus' sexbound furniture addon (DEPRECIATED)


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[starbound] Stalliarus' sexbound furniture addon (DEPRECIATED)

This Mod aims to add way more compatible vanilla furniture items for the sexbound API. 
This mod requires the sexbound API. download it here~: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4337-starbound-sexbound-api/


Urgent!!: If your game crashes after you download, please provide me the most recent log from the game. It can help me locate the cause of the crash. If you don’t know how to locate the logs, look elsewhere for directions.


All Content:     ( Name Item ID Sexbound Item ID Lounge-able addon compatibility )


  • Cafeteria Table (prisontable) (sexboundloungeableaddon) (Deactivated temporarily)
  • Station Table (stationtable) (sexboundloungeableaddon) (Deactivated temporarily)
  • Station Bench (sexbound_stationbench)
  • Gothic Couch (sexbound_gothiccouch) 
  • Guillotine (sexbound_guillotine)
  • Torture Bed (sexbound_torturebed)
  • Glow Bed (glowbed) (sexbound_glowbed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Rainbow Bed (rainbowbed) (sexbound_rainbowbed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Prism Bed (sexbound_prismbed)
  • Rusty Bed (rustbed) (sexbound_rustbed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Stylish Bed (scorchedcitybed) (sexbound_scorchedcitybed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Tar Bed (tarbed) (sexbound_tarbed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Industrial Bed (industrialbed) (sexbound_industrialbed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)
  • Wave Bed (wavebed) (sexbound_wavebed) (sexboundloungeableaddon)


Feel free to give me any suggestions!~ It better not be anything FU related.

UPDATE!: I will be reorganizing this and fixing some values on the items, the mod will remain downloadable however.



If i may ask, does this disable the ability to place things on counter tops, of enabled tables?


I may be of some help with these, if you are interested.


On 7/30/2019 at 8:08 PM, red3dred said:

If i may ask, does this disable the ability to place things on counter tops, of enabled tables?


I may be of some help with these, if you are interested.


Very much so. That’s a big issue and I also want help fixing the Cafeteria table. Sure it can be placed but for some odd reason, you can only use the loungeable addon on what I believe is the left orientation of the table. 

16 minutes ago, Stalliarus said:

Very much so. That’s a big issue and I also want help fixing the Cafeteria table. Sure it can be placed but for some odd reason, you can only use the loungeable addon on what I believe is the left orientation of the table. 

That was something i've aimed to fix right away when i first started working on a Sexbound addon mod for enabling tables. I had to add a meta-material in and place it on every tile of the table-top, for the edited tables.

On those cases, where one orientation works and not the other, is because some props have orientations/0 and orientations/1, needing double the patches.

You haven't tried working with uneven props yet, those are... my favorite...

3 minutes ago, red3dred said:

That was something i've aimed to fix right away when i first started working on a Sexbound addon mod for enabling tables. I had to add a meta-material in and place it on every tile of the table-top, for the edited tables.

On those cases, where one orientation works and not the other, is because some props have orientations/0 and orientations/1, needing double the patches.

You haven't tried working with uneven props yet, those are... my favorite...

I did try to do the apex cool desk but after a lot of issues (mainly with the storage system breaking despite me using a storage item from sexbound as a base.. as well as it’s unevenness) I kinda gave up on that one. ...oh yea, and it also removed that item from existence for me until I removed the attempt.

1 hour ago, Areyon3339 said:

Thank you for doing this

You're welcome!~ Of course, i will still be adding on to this soon~



Nothing screams sexy as you see your partners head go flying during a missionary or doggy style and the vibration engages the guillotine! XD


*Punny sarcasm intensifies!

On 8/1/2019 at 8:56 AM, Stalliarus said:

Very much so. That’s a big issue and I also want help fixing the Cafeteria table. Sure it can be placed but for some odd reason, you can only use the loungeable addon on what I believe is the left orientation of the table. 

Yep, it's the Loungeable Addon material spot that prevents object from being placed upon the table above it. I'm not sure how to overcome that constraint.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/28/2019 at 9:54 AM, alex7887 said:

К сожалению, данный мод вызывает вылет из игры, у меня много модов установлено.

Я использую неточный переводчик, так что прости меня за неправильную грамматику или орфографию. Игра отлично работает с моей стороны. Вы можете отправить мне журнал аварий? Только так я смогу помочь найти причину.

On 10/7/2019 at 3:06 AM, Stalliarus said:

Я использую неточный переводчик, так что прости меня за неправильную грамматику или орфографию. Игра отлично работает с моей стороны. Вы можете отправить мне журнал аварий? Только так я смогу помочь найти причину.

Конфликт мода был вызван похожим модом меняющим мебель, "KawaiiStuff" вроде этим.

17 hours ago, alex7887 said:

Конфликт мода был вызван похожим модом меняющим мебель, "KawaiiStuff" вроде этим.


Ах, этот мод. У меня его нет, но я не знаю, как мой мод конфликтует. Если мне предоставили журнал, я мог видеть, что я могу изменить, чтобы исправить это.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/13/2019 at 12:14 PM, Pakari-RBX said:

This mod needs to be updated for the 3.1.0 update of the API.


6 hours ago, C'tans and big magnets said:

will this be updated for 3.4.0?


I'm sorry that I just noticed! I'll work on it!


  • 4 months later...

I notice that the screenshot includes a cutebound glitch as a sex actor, is their an addon for that that I don't know of?

  • 1 month later...
On 5/23/2020 at 10:39 PM, M33P said:

I notice that the screenshot includes a cutebound glitch as a sex actor, is their an addon for that that I don't know of?

I'm sorry i didn't notice this sooner. No, it wasn't an addon, it was the editing of the files itself. Admittedly i've been taking a break from the game so i am unsure if the method still works as of now.

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2021 at 1:44 AM, jpatn90 said:

i have a question, if i download it, where should i put at? And why it doesn't replace vanilla bed (even though i downloaded api)

its not that the beds are replaced. Im not the one to ask for this though.


On 1/31/2021 at 1:50 AM, jpatn90 said:

and also, the api is updated to 4.5.0, you need to update it

I am aware of the update, and have already planned to update it, but my schedule atm is tight. Please be patient!

  • 4 months later...

Just got the mod and noticed the Guillotine animations are facing the wrong way. 


Tried to switch the positioning of the Guillotine but it still happens.

Am I doing somethin wrong or is the Sexbound update messing with the furniture.



8 hours ago, optimus217 said:

Just got the mod and noticed the Guillotine animations are facing the wrong way. 


Tried to switch the positioning of the Guillotine but it still happens.

Am I doing somethin wrong or is the Sexbound update messing with the furniture.


From my experience, past a certain update, a lot of the positions got "reversed" and it's kind of a pain in the ass to align them all over again. Probably why the title says "Depreciated".

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