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Vtaw Workshop - Fallout 4 Clothing Armor Mods

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I see there's a bunch of drama on page 2 about the HHS requirements... I just want to say I came here specifically for the HHS outfits. I'd also like to know... what exactly is anyone's problem with HHS? I get that it doesn't work on consoles, but what I read is that they "won't" not that they "can't" use HHS.


Is there some kind of ethical concern I'm not aware of? Is the code for HHS stolen? Is the author a convicted criminal (not that that would affect the usefulness or utility of HHS)? Is the problem that it causes some kind of weird aiming issues in third person (or at least I think it's HHS causing it for me, but it's a minor annoyance)?

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18 hours ago, Lucy said:

I see there's a bunch of drama on page 2 about the HHS requirements... I just want to say I came here specifically for the HHS outfits. I'd also like to know... what exactly is anyone's problem with HHS? I get that it doesn't work on consoles, but what I read is that they "won't" not that they "can't" use HHS.


Is there some kind of ethical concern I'm not aware of? Is the code for HHS stolen? Is the author a convicted criminal (not that that would affect the usefulness or utility of HHS)? Is the problem that it causes some kind of weird aiming issues in third person (or at least I think it's HHS causing it for me, but it's a minor annoyance)?

Hi, Personally speaking, I don't have much interest in HHS as high heels outfits don't appeal for gameplay, and for screenshots, I can manage fine without HHS too.

While the footwear doesn't interest me however, doesn't mean the rest of the outfit isn't of interest. Hence my original query on if 'building' the outfit with HHS would 'lock out' non-HHS users from that content. Drama then ensued. Oops.

My initial trial confirmed that modular outfits where HHS affects the footwear, don't stop us using the rest of the outfit, and just applying it to a 'normal' CBBE body, and adding whatever footwear we prefer.

Since the posts on page 2, I've also tried HHS footwear without the HHS mod, installed, and the results are interesting (to me anyway)...the outfit works fine, but in normal gameplay the shoes sink into the ground a little (how much would depend on the type of shoe)...but this can be corrected with modpos, and for many poses, seated, lying down etc...doesn't matter at all...so even without HHs installed, you can still make use of outfits, for both gameplay and screenshots, with just a little effort.

The only outfit type I haven't tried yet is a one piece bodysuit....would it work to remove the shoes or not, but no outfit like that has appealed yet, and modders like vtaw are generous enough to build in a modular fashion.

The simplest 'why i don't use HHS'...is that 1) I don't like the resulting height of the character 2) I just prefer 'action/combat' characters to be wearing flats, be that boots or trainers.

So, long story short, in most cases it's a win-win and the "HHS or not HHS" is a non-issue. if you like tall girls in heels, use it, if you don't that works too, and you can still use the outfits.

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20 hours ago, Lonewanderer345 said:


Hey there, if you're looking for a skimpy bodysuit then you could try Snakel101's "Bodysuits&Heels" mod. If you meant a more combat-oriented bodysuit for your aforementioned combat character, perhaps something from the Pampas Set might work, I think they had a few, and modular at that, the boots were separated from everything else.

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1 hour ago, McAztec said:

Hey there, if you're looking for a skimpy bodysuit then you could try Snakel101's "Bodysuits&Heels" mod. If you meant a more combat-oriented bodysuit for your aforementioned combat character, perhaps something from the Pampas Set might work, I think they had a few, and modular at that, the boots were separated from everything else.

Paid mod my dude...

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4 hours ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

I've been tempted to report them to Beth more than once in the last 6 or so months for that shit...




I mean, even when you donate, the motherfucker wont let you access your patreon "rewards" for a month, because people were unsubbing subscriptions after they downloaded what they wanted. Guy rips off mods, and people dont like it.... To each their own I guess...

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17 hours ago, Stormer said:

Paid mod my dude...


15 hours ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

I've been tempted to report them to Beth more than once in the last 6 or so months for that shit...


I know, his older stuff is decent though (the ones that were actually full, not just 1 non-modular outfit and that's it). I dislike paid mods just as much as the next guy, but not much I can do about it except not pitching in, I don't support that business model so I'm not not a patron of his, in case that was what you guys originally thought. I still check his Patreon every once in a while hoping for new outfits that are full like the old ones but it's pretty rare, especially for the really big ones. As for reporting to Bethesda I'm not sure they can really do anything about it, unless he posts to Bethesda.net. Btw, I think he has an account here on LL as well, no? -> @Snakel101

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1 hour ago, McAztec said:

I dislike paid mods just as much as the next guy, but not much I can do about it except not pitching in

 As for reporting to Bethesda I'm not sure they can really do anything about it, unless he posts to Bethesda.net

You can report them directly to Bethesda for it, it's against the ToS/EULA for using the CK, which is pretty much required if they're creating clothing, as they usually are. Can't find the exact lines/EULA for it right now, but this thread covers it.


As for Snake themselves, yes, I've seen they have an account here as well. Rarely posts/comments, last one's from February this year, but last login was last sunday.
They're not the only one I've seen pulling the 'patreon paywall' on their mods or part of their mods, which I've seen at least once.

There's also very likely a lot more of that happening on G.U.N. as well, given the level of gatekeeping involved, as well as plenty of hearsay of ripped-content mods [such as straight out of other games].

Edit: As for action Beth can take, for starters, a Cease and Desist under the DMCA.

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2 hours ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:


Well in light of this new information, I guess you're right, my apologies. It is indeed unlikely that he made the mods entirely without CK, even with FO4Edit being as powerful as it is.


If you intend to report him (and others like him) good luck and please do let us know how it turns out. I'm really hoping this will motivate him and all others to readopt the previous model of having a patreon without substantial content rewards (and I don't mean early acces to stuff here), just for those that wish to support the modder, the very same model that I see Vtaw is practicing, now that I notice! +1 Respect

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On 9/16/2019 at 5:52 PM, Lonewanderer345 said:

Hi, Personally speaking, I don't have much interest in HHS as high heels outfits don't appeal for gameplay, and for screenshots, I can manage fine without HHS too


The simplest 'why i don't use HHS'...is that 1) I don't like the resulting height of the character 2) I just prefer 'action/combat' characters to be wearing flats, be that boots or trainers.

So, long story short, in most cases it's a win-win and the "HHS or not HHS" is a non-issue. if you like tall girls in heels, use it, if you don't that works too, and you can still use the outfits.

You can achieve a much higher armor rating in the vanilla game, so the only point to this mod, really, is the cosmetic appeal. This mod also doesn't really contain any new mechanics or content outside of the cosmetics of it. As such, this mod doesn't add anything to the gameplay.


If you prefer action and combat characters to wear flats, why would you complain about high heeled outfits that require HHS? It's still a high heeled outfit even if it didn't require HHS. I mean, I get what you're saying, but... your complaint wasn't "I want flats" it was "I don't want to use HHS".


As for added height... As a female in the real world, I can say this with pretty good confidence... High heels increase your height. So from an immersion and realism standpoint, it makes no sense for high heeled outfits to NOT increase your height. Without HHS, any high heeled outfits are going to decrease the length of the character's calves. This is why all vanilla heeled footwear doesn't go above 2 inches, because much higher than that and it just draws attention to the mutilated anatomy.


As for HHS making the character taller, my only complaint with HHS is that while it increases your height in 3rd person, your eye level is the same either way in first person... Well, that and the lack of HHS and clothes armors out there that don't look skanky.




So anyway, having used this mod, I have a bit of a complaint... the boots on the out fits make the feet look over-sized. We're talking clown sized footwear here. Part of the sex appeal for high heels is they make your feet appear smaller by giving you a literally smaller footprint. and a smaller profile. I find myself sacrificing the armor weave I can put on the boots for these outfits in favor of a pair of the stand alone heels from Lazman555 which can't have any armor weaves on it, because it's all I have for standalone shoes that don't make my character look like a closet clown.

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On 9/17/2019 at 9:49 PM, Stormer said:

Paid mod my dude...

No. You'll find Bodysuit & heels is free content....18 bodysuits, and I think it was 12 HHS heels. (There are Patreon only outfits...but vast majority of Snakel101's content is free).

The suggested mod provides 'best of both worlds'...the bodysuits work with or without the HHS heels, so can be used with any type of footwear(...or bare feet of course, my preference).

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4 hours ago, Lucy said:

If you prefer action and combat characters to wear flats, why would you complain about high heeled outfits that require HHS? It's still a high heeled outfit even if it didn't require HHS. I mean, I get what you're saying, but... your complaint wasn't "I want flats" it was "I don't want to use HHS".


As for added height... As a female in the real world, I can say this with pretty good confidence... High heels increase your height. So from an immersion and realism standpoint, it makes no sense for high heeled outfits to NOT increase your height. Without HHS, any high heeled outfits are going to decrease the length of the character's calves. This is why all vanilla heeled footwear doesn't go above 2 inches, because much higher than that and it just draws attention to the mutilated anatomy.

"complain about high heeled outfits that require HHS"...I thought I had been clear: Firstly I'm not complaining; Secondly, I've yet to find a single outfit that 'requires HHS'. As I've stated, and demonstrated in several image sets on Nexus now, the outfits can work just perfectly without HHS, so my initial query (not a complaint, not a request for change, just a query for factual data) has been answered....HHS or not HHS...it doesn't matter.

(I mainly use modded outfits to make mash-ups for use instead of vanilla outfits. I like to mix and match rather than use "off the peg").


"added height"...again, it's just a personal preference...and I could make it work if I wanted high heeled outfits. I already modify the heights of NPCs, using a range of 0.93-0.99 for females (with the odd tall exception like Nisha I have at 1.03) and 0.95-1.10 for male NPCs. if I'm playing female PC, I use 0.95, making her 5'8"-ish.

If I'm using high heels outfits...and I do, for screenshots only....I'm fine with the non-HHS look (as you've pointed out, feet are more realistic that way) and I adjust the knee height slider 75-100%.

I don't use high heels on my character, for the same reason I assume you wouldn't want to spend 72 hours at a stretch running and fighting across the commonwealth in high heels, you'd want something comfy and practical, with some warm socks, LOL. I't just a preferred aesthetic in a single player game..I'm not doing anyone any harm by putting boots on a video game character, and nothing stops anyone else using high heels if they prefer...it's not a right or wrong issue. (It's not even an issue).


It really just boils down to what I've said before...I'm not looking to have heeled footwear beyond that already catered for by various 'vanilla CBBE' mods, but, I do appreciate using modded outfits. As HHS is not a real, or 'hard' requirement other than for in game play with high heeled footwear...everything is brilliant and wonderful, and there are no complaints from me.

All the Best Lucy!


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On 9/17/2019 at 7:56 PM, McAztec said:

Hey there, if you're looking for a skimpy bodysuit then you could try Snakel101's "Bodysuits&Heels" mod. If you meant a more combat-oriented bodysuit for your aforementioned combat character, perhaps something from the Pampas Set might work, I think they had a few, and modular at that, the boots were separated from everything else.

Thanks, I've downloaded that bodysuit mod...some fishnets that could work well with other armours and clothes, some that will make nice screenshots. I've got Pampas, more for the knee and elbow pads, I use the same modders Fortaleza a bit, for the wetsuits, but Absolutely  Skimpy Attire is usually my 'go to' to start building outfits. I've linked in a previous post to image set using on of vtaw's mods, but without HHS..I've added a couple of others since then, feel free to check 'em out on the Nexus. All the Best McAztec.

EDIT: You'll find that the full 18 bodysuits and 12 heels are included in the mod, you can get them all using Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. Snakel101 only supplies a basic ESP/ESL to non-patreon's...but the actual outfits are in fact complete. You could create your own ESP/ESL, or do what I do and just access them via Outfit Studio as and when I want them and add to game as replacer for a vanilla outfit.

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16 hours ago, Lonewanderer345 said:


Yeah, I did just that tbh. I mean the nifs are not included for anything but the originall full outfit, but when you build everything in the mod in bodyslide the other nifs show up are created as well, so you can add stuff in the esp easily at that point. I even went as far as to make them ESL-flagged ESPs (might as well, right?). I just omitted all that because I wasn't sure if Snakel101 himself knows, I was intending to subtly tell you in a PM (and provide the full Carlotta ESP to save you some work if you wanted), but I guess the cat's out of the bag now xD

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On 9/18/2019 at 9:07 AM, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

You can report them directly to Bethesda for it, it's against the ToS/EULA for using the CK, which is pretty much required if they're creating clothing, as they usually are. Can't find the exact lines/EULA for it right now, but this thread covers it.


As for Snake themselves, yes, I've seen they have an account here as well. Rarely posts/comments, last one's from February this year, but last login was last sunday.
They're not the only one I've seen pulling the 'patreon paywall' on their mods or part of their mods, which I've seen at least once.

There's also very likely a lot more of that happening on G.U.N. as well, given the level of gatekeeping involved, as well as plenty of hearsay of ripped-content mods [such as straight out of other games].

Edit: As for action Beth can take, for starters, a Cease and Desist under the DMCA.


I took a look at the patreon site last week, and the work is really nice. The paywall I thought was pretty BS, but probably not a lot of people donate to talented modders that should.  I did however find his complaints about people cancelling after they downloaded kinda funny after seeing the Nike Sportswear clothing, I thought "I wonder if he got permission from Nike to charge people for this"

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erm, some spoiler weirdness there


I took a look at the patreon site last week, and the work is really nice. The paywall I thought was pretty BS, but probably not a lot of people donate to talented modders that should.  I did however find his complaints about people cancelling after they downloaded kinda funny after seeing the Nike Sportswear clothing, I thought "I wonder if he got permission from Nike to charge people for this"


In keeping with this threads theme.... I really vtaws work, some of the bodyslides aren't perfect, and I'm terrible with Outfit Studio, but great work anyway!

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On 9/18/2019 at 12:07 PM, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

You can report them directly to Bethesda for it, it's against the ToS/EULA for using the CK, which is pretty much required if they're creating clothing, as they usually are. Can't find the exact lines/EULA for it right now, but this thread covers it.


As for Snake themselves, yes, I've seen they have an account here as well. Rarely posts/comments, last one's from February this year, but last login was last sunday.
They're not the only one I've seen pulling the 'patreon paywall' on their mods or part of their mods, which I've seen at least once.

There's also very likely a lot more of that happening on G.U.N. as well, given the level of gatekeeping involved, as well as plenty of hearsay of ripped-content mods [such as straight out of other games].

Edit: As for action Beth can take, for starters, a Cease and Desist under the DMCA.

1. On CBBE Assets and Patreon Paywalling (spoiler alert - " Outfits making use of the CBBE body are not to be sold anywhere")

2. to people who think they can jump to Fusion Girl and keep paywalling (Spoiler Alert - No )



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