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[SSE] Torn between functional ZAZ or Character Behaviors Improved/Combat Behavior Improved/The Ultimate Dodge Mod


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Nemesis let's you use cool Character Behaviors Improved allowing underwater combat and magick casting on horseback and attacks in mid air. 

However Nemesis does not support object anims yet and creatures. Creatures animations/behaviors can be gotten by running FNIS first and then Nemesis but there is no way to make ZAZ work right now.

And Combat Behavior Improved is so much cool by making enemies more intelligent by changing their behaviors. Dunno what to choose. Advise me guys. I wanna role play Nord fighter-thief.


I have handful of mods which rely on ZAZ. Amputator and Arachnophobia work with Nemesis. 

zaz mods.jpg



Fuck yeah just use one of them. In fact Character Behaviors Enhanced is really useful only in firstperson - underwater/in mid air combat. 3rd person Mid air attacks also get bugged sometime. Will shtick to FNIS.






MAX COMPATIBILITY - 1st Person All features - 3rd Person Mounted Casting Only


 MAX COMPATIBILITY - No Dual Wield Blocking



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