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TLDR what does the FNIS esp even do?

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As the title suggests I am a bit stumped.  While trying to chase down the source of a pesky string of CTDs on a new build, I've been systematically disabling mods and then loading a test save and running some tests to try to provoke a ctd. Anyhow, I get to FNIS, which I figure will break all my animations at least if I disable it, if not flat out T posing me or ctd on load or something.  Well, contrary to my expectations, everything seems to be running smoothly without FNIS.esp active, no crashes on my test save yet, and even more bizarre all my animations seem to be functioning properly. Hence my confusion.


For interested parties, I ran the generator exe for FNIS as usual when I began the set up process for this new build, before I began my testing. A thought I had was that maybe anims from a SLAL pack don't need the FNIS esp once they have been registered? I have a single (large) SLAL pack that I registered the anims for.


I guess this is part of the larger question of "is the FNIS.esp causing my ctds and why is it doing so?", but for starters, I pose the original question; what does the FNIS.esp even do, as anims that have been added with the FNIS generator seem to run just fine without the .esp active.


If you read the Fores New Idles download page on the Nexus -



Or uh, just CTRL+F (searched for) ".esp", you'll find this tasty tidbit -


Starting with FNIS 6.0 there is an FNIS.esp. Do I really need this? And if so, where do I put it in the load order.
FNIS.esp is needed when you have at least one mod using the FNIS Alternate Animation (AA) functionality, like in XPMSE, PCEA2, or Sexy Move. But even if you don't use one of these, I don't recommend deactivating FNIS.esp. Because if you do, and if you THEN add such mods, you will certainly not know why all of the sudden things don't work. And you can put FNIS.esp first in your list. Though it doesn't really matter. It doesn't conflict with anything, and is only needed once after game load.


Now I don't know why FNIS is giving you trouble, but I might look at the troubleshooting on the install page some. When you run FNIS, do you receive any warnings? If so, that would probably be the first step to solving the CTDs.


When are the CTDs happening?

Too many animations gives CTDs on game load, i.e. the game will not load.

CTDs during gameplay are unlikely to have anything to do with animations and FNIS.

CTDs in different places are genrally memory related, i.e. your game is incorrectly set up and configured.

CTDs in the same place is generally a bad mesh.


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